
星期四, 6月 23, 2022

陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang Diaz) 宣佈退選麻州州長

            (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導) 麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang-Díaz) 在今 (23) 日一早915分,以電郵告訴支持者,她退出麻州州長選舉了。

             現年44歲,已7度連任麻州參議員的陳翟蘇妮是在正好一年前的這時候,宣佈參選麻州州長,向選民展現她是一名激進的改革者,會是邊緣化社區在畢肯丘 (Beacon Hill)上的聲音。

             曾任公校老師,後來擔任麻州參議員Cheryl Jacques的議會助理,以及麻州平等 (MassEquality)的競選經理,2006年挑戰競選連任的麻州參議員Diane Wilkerson,僅以數百票落敗,2008年捲土重來,贏得席位,當上麻州眾議員,並連任迄今。


             維基百科對陳翟蘇妮的描述是她於19783月在麻州波士頓出生,父親是美國國家航空航天局的太空人陳福林 (Franklin Chang-Diaz),但稱她為麻州參議會的第一位拉丁裔女議員。


             在這次的麻州州長選舉中,雖然住在牙買加平原 (Jamaica Plain)的陳翟蘇妮比麻州總檢察長奚莉 (Maura Healey)早了半年宣佈參選,但她做為麻州參議會第二選區參議員,在麻州其他地區知名度不如總檢察長 (AG)的這一事實,加上她對許多議題的觀點,和奚莉無太大差異,讓她無論是在競選或募款上,都一直落後於奚莉,甚至也未能爭取到她自己的議會同僚,以及議會黨團的支持。


             麻州州務卿威廉蓋文 (William F. Galvin)表示,參選人退選的截止日期,早就過了好幾個禮拜了,也是說,在96日的民主黨初選選票上,陳翟蘇妮的名字,還是會印在選票上。




             陳翟蘇妮表示,她打算把自己的競選資源導向其他的激進參選人,包括參選麻州眾議員的   Vivian Birchall Raul Fernandez,以及 Sam Montaño,還有參選地方檢察官的Ricardo Arroyo (薩福克郡)Rahsaan Hall (普利茅斯郡)

             6月初的民主黨黨代表大會中,陳翟蘇妮得到的黨代表支持率不到30%,遠落於奚莉的70%之後。也在那星期,一度剝奪了陳翟蘇妮長期擔任的麻州參議會教育委員會共同主席職務麻州參議會議長Karen E. Spilka,宣佈支持競選財庫多達520餘萬元,已2度贏得全州性選舉的麻州總檢察長奚莉。





             陳翟蘇妮的退選,使得9月初選的激烈競爭戲碼,從民主黨轉移到了共和黨身上。美國前總統川普支持的共和黨參選人,曾任麻州議員的Geoff Diehl,以及第一次參選的Wrentham 商人Chris Doughty將角逐,看誰能名列11月大選選票。


Sonia Chang-Díaz turns focus from Governor’s race to electing “Courage Democrats” down ballot

BOSTON, MA - State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz announced today that she is directing her focus and her movement’s energy to elect down-ballot candidates who share her values and approach to put “courage over politics." While she will remain on the ballot, she is no longer actively campaigning for governor. 

“The reality is, this race has always been about more than just me. It’s been about all of us coming together and building a movement for courage and urgency in this state,” said Chang-Díaz. “A good leader calls the question and focuses resources not just on themselves — but on the best way to build our power and win real change for the long-term.

“I am going to be spending my time campaigning and marshaling my supporters and the movement we’ve built for these Courage Democrats down ballot, candidates who walk the walk when it comes to our values,” she added. “I have no doubt that they will fight to put courage over politics in our state, and I am going to be using my energy to help put them into office.” 

Chang-Díaz announced a slate of Courage Democrats. The slate includes: 

  • Vivian Birchall, Candidate for State Representative, 14th Middlesex District

  • Raul Fernandez, Candidate for State Representative, 15th Norfolk District

  • Sam Montaño, Candidate for State Representative, 15th Suffolk District

  • Ricardo Arroyo, Candidate for Suffolk County District Attorney

  • Rahsaan Hall, Candidate for Plymouth County District Attorney

“Sonia Chang-Díaz has shown enormous courage throughout this primary and her decision today is perhaps her bravest yet,” said Fernandez, one of the endorsed slate. “By being honest about what is most effective, she is keeping the movement front and center. Sonia has had a huge impact through her work in the legislature, has raised standards and driven commitments on big issues by entering the race. Her support is incredibly meaningful for progressive candidates like me. I am proud to have her endorsement.”

Senator Chang-Díaz will be announcing actions in support of Courage Democrats in the weeks to come, along with ways for supporters to get involved in the movement. 

“In addition to helping courageous candidates win down ballot, our campaign will be working to drive up voter registration and turnout in communities that have long been overlooked,” said Chang-Díaz. “This is an important part of how we keep building power for years to come.”


About Sonia Chang-Díaz:

Sonia is the daughter of a social worker and America’s first Latino astronaut, Franklin Chang-Díaz. She was elected Massachusetts' first Latina and first Asian-American State Senator in 2008 and quickly became a driving force behind many of the state’s biggest progressive reforms — including landmark $1.5 billion progressive education funding reforms, criminal justice reform, LGBT equal rights, and police reform and accountability. She made history as the first woman of color to make the ballot for Governor in Massachusetts this year. For more information about Sonia Chang-Díaz, please visit www.soniachangdiaz.com.

One year ago today, I announced my candidacy for governor of Massachusetts.

I decided to run because over my thirteen years in office, I have seen how much our government needs more leaders who will put courage over politics. Beacon Hill is broken, and I got in this race to change that.

But this campaign has never just been about me. It’s been about all of us coming together and building a movement for courage and urgency in this state. And a good leader calls the question and focuses resources not just on themselves — but on the best way to build our power and win real change for the long-term.

I’ve never shied away from being honest — even when it was hard. And that’s why I’m being honest with you today. I have looked at the variables from every direction and, unfortunately, there is no path I can, in good faith, lead my supporters on that results in me becoming governor this year.

That does not mean that there is no path to victory for the movement we’ve built together.

Over my time on Beacon Hill, I have seen too many politicians prioritize building up their own personal image over the good of the movement. I never want to be that person.

I am announcing today that, rather than asking people for their vote for governor, I am asking for your time, energy, and dedication to the project of building courage on Beacon Hill for the long term.

Instead of campaigning to ask people to vote for me, I’m announcing a slate of Courage Democrats that I will be asking you to marshal behind.

I’m going to be spending my time campaigning for candidates down ballot who walk the walk when it comes to their values. I have no doubt that they will fight to put courage over politics on Beacon Hill. I’m going to be using my energy to help put them into office, and I hope you’ll join me.

I’ll be in touch soon so you can learn more about these courageous candidates and how you can join Team Sonia in getting involved in their races.

In the meantime, I want to thank you for your support over this past year. Together, we’ve made history by putting a woman of color on the ballot for governor, won commitments on issues from childcare to housing to climate action, and fought for more courage and urgency in Beacon Hill’s culture — and our work together is far from over.


