星期六, 6月 25, 2022



 (紐英崙中華公所訊) 紐英倫中華公所 (CCBA) 很榮幸的宣布,我們將於 2022 8 14 日星期日上午 10 時至下午 5 時舉行第52 屆華埠中秋節聯歡會。邀請您一同參加這個精彩的全天活動。
每年,紐英倫中華公所都會組織華埠中秋節聯歡會。如今,已是第 52 屆,在這一天的活動中,您可以欣賞眾多文化表演(包括舞獅、中國音樂和歌唱、傳統民間舞蹈和武術)以及中國書法、工藝美術,及各式小食和小商品的展示和購買活動。中秋節活動不僅慶祝了一個重要的中國節日,而且還旨在吸引各種背景的人來到波士頓的唐人街,突出紐英倫中華公所和唐人街為公眾提供的服務和對社區民眾進行的中國文化教育。這活動每年都會吸引來自大波士頓地區及其他地區的數千名觀眾前來參加。
雖然中國有很多關於中秋節的傳說,但這個中國節日實際上是起源於公元前 771 ——它在歷史上代表人們於滿月之夜慶祝稻米和小麥的年度豐收的節日。時至今日,中秋節和美國的感恩節非常相似。中秋節如今是一個朋友和家人歡聚一堂、一同感恩,並對未來進行祈禱的節日。
希望大家能與紐英倫中華公所一同在 2022 8 14 日星期日參加華埠中秋節聯歡會。此活動向公眾開放,無需繳納入場費。如需獲取有關紐英倫中華公所和華埠中秋節聯歡會的最新消息,請訪問ccbaboston.org 或關注我們的Facebook主頁:facebook.com/ccbaboston

The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England (CCBA) is pleased to announce the 52 nd Chinatown August Moon Festival, which will be held on Sunday, August 14, 2022 from 10AM – 5PM. Please join us for this wonderful all-day event.

Each year, the CCBA organizes Chinatown’s August Moon Festival. Now in its 52 nd year, Chinatown’s August Moon Festival is a day-long event filled with cultural performances (including lion dancing, Chinese music and singing, traditional folk dance, and martial arts) as well as Chinese calligraphy, arts and crafts, and various vendors of Chinese food and merchandise. The festival not only celebrates an important Chinese holiday, but also serves to attract people of all backgrounds to Boston’s Chinatown and to highlight what the CCBA and Chinatown have to offer the general public and to educate people on Chinese culture. The event attracts thousands of spectators from the greater Boston area and beyond to Boston’s Chinatown each year.
Although there is much Chinese lore concerning the August Moon Festival, this Chinese holiday, which traces its origins back to 771 BCE, historically celebrated the annual harvest of rice and wheat on a night of the full moon. Today, the August Moon Festival in Chinese culture is very similar to American Thanksgiving. The
fundamental concepts the August Moon Festival celebrates are the gathering of friends and family, thanksgiving, and prayers for the future.

Mooncakes, a round dessert typically filled with lotus paste and an egg yolk (representing the moon), and which are a symbol of family unity, are shared between family and friends as part of the celebration.
Please come join the CCBA in this celebration on Sunday, August 14, 2022. This event is open to the public, no admission fee is required. For information and updates concerning the CCBA and the August Moon Festival, please visit ccbaboston.org or like us on Facebook at facebook.com/ccbaboston.
