星期三, 12月 22, 2021

波士頓市長吳弭指派前手下Jessicah Pierre當通訊長

         (Boston Orange綜合編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)(22)日宣佈指派Jessicah Pierre為通訊長,訂13日上任。

               Jessicah Pierre將擔任無政府的通訊主任及顧問,指導通訊團隊和波士頓居民聯繫,建立信任與透明度,和所有的波士頓鄰里互動。





             Jessicah Pierre目前住在多徹斯特,喜歡練瑜珈,輔導年輕人。

            波士頓市長吳弭上任以來,持續致力打造熱情,知識淵博,反映波士頓市多元化的內閣。上星期她只派了Brianna Millor擔任社區餐與長,其他的指派包括Adam Cederbaum擔任市府法律顧問,Jascha Franklin-Hodge擔任街道長,Segun Idowu擔任經濟機會及包容長,Monica Bharel加入資深顧問行列,Sheila Dillion擔任房屋長,Bisola Ojikutu博士擔任波士頓公共衛生局行政主任,都是內閣層級。Alex Lawrence則是代理資訊長。


Pierre will lead the City’s press, speechwriting, digital and photography teams, sharing the Wu Administration’s vision to build an equitable, connected city


BOSTON - Wednesday, December 22, 2021 - Mayor Michelle Wu announced today that she is appointing Jessicah Pierre as Chief Communications Officer, starting January 3. Pierre will serve as lead communications director and advisor for the Wu administration, guiding a communications team that will aim to connect with Boston residents where they are, build trust and transparency, and engage with all of Boston’s neighborhoods.

“I’m thrilled to welcome Jessicah back to City Hall, bringing her passion for building community and love for Boston to strengthen our connection to residents across every neighborhood,” said Mayor Wu. “Jessicah shares our vision of a Boston for everyone, and I’m so excited to see her leadership in helping each of our City departments meet residents where they are with creative, transparent, and proactive communications.”

Jessicah Pierre is a publicist, business strategist, and writer who has used her public relations and entrepreneurial skills to build community and elevate the work of organizations like the Black Economic Council of MA and the Institute for Policy Studies. As a writer, she formerly wrote a weekly column in the Dorchester Reporter, highlighting important events, initiatives, and issues in Boston’s Black communities. Previously, Pierre served on Mayor Wu’s campaign as the press secretary and as communications staff in Wu’s City Council office.

"I am humbled by the opportunity to join Mayor Wu's administration and serve the city that I love,” said Jessicah Pierre. “As a Boston resident, I understand the barriers that many of our neighbors face in getting access to critical information in a culturally competent way. I am looking forward to leading an inclusive communications department that is reflective of our city’s diversity to carry out a vision that brings our communities together, and provides the much needed change that Boston residents deserve.”

Born and raised in Boston, Pierre has a deep understanding of the role that communications and the media has in mobilizing communities and building connections through storytelling. As a curator of safe spaces and an advocate for equity, she is also the founder of Queens Company, a leading organization in Boston dedicated to empowering women of color professionals and entrepreneurs. 

Jessicah Pierre is currently a Dorchester resident who enjoys practicing yoga and mentoring young people. 

This announcement builds on Mayor Wu’s efforts to quickly build a passionate, knowledgeable Cabinet that reflects the diversity of Boston. Last week the Mayor appointed Brianna Millor as Chief of Community Engagement. Other recent appointments include Adam Cederbaum as Corporation Counsel, Jascha Franklin-Hodge as Chief of Streets, and Segun Idowu as Chief of Economic Opportunity & Inclusion. Additionally, Dr. Monica Bharel previously joined the administration as a senior advisor, Sheila Dillion was reappointed as Chief of Housing, and Dr. Bisola Ojikutu’s position as Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), all serving in cabinet-level roles. Alex Lawrence was appointed Interim Chief Information Officer.
