星期三, 12月 29, 2021

波士頓市議員訂1/3市府大樓就職 "第一夜"先來慶祝

             (Boston Orange 綜合報導) 新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 疫情回升,原定13日在王安劇院 (Wang Theater) 舉行的波士頓市議員宣誓就職典禮,也從隆重打回簡樸,改為該日早上10點在波士頓市政府大樓中庭舉行,並在市府網站上直播。

              波士頓市政府今(29)日發出通知,說明由於新冠病毒變種奧米克戎 (Omicron) 導致染病人數入冬後陡增,原定在室內舉行的這場就職典禮,不得不遷至室外,還僅限就職者的親近家人及朋友參加。原定於晚間舉行的就職慶祝將展延至來春再說。

              波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 表示,在歡迎締造歷史的這新一代領袖加入市政府之際,大家也要安全聚集的優先顧及公共健康及安全。她和市議員及波士頓市公共衛生局主任. Ojikutu博士商量後,決定縮小宣誓就職儀式,在室外慶祝。

              甫獲選為下一任波士頓市議會議長,在吳弭休假時將代理市長職務的波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)表示,新冠病毒確診數持續上升,奧米克戎變種的傳染性又高,他們必須格外小心防範傳染,以保護容易受傷害的鄰居。他們決定把市議員宣誓就職典禮改在室外舉行,是基於科學及公共衛生官員的指導。

              波士頓市公共衛生局主任Bisola Ojikutu感謝吳弭市長以健康及安全為優先考量。由於奧米克戎這病毒變種的傳染性極強,大家必須採取所有可能的預防措施,包括限制大型的室內聚會,以及施打疫苗,注射補充劑,戴口罩,盡量留在家中等等。

          波士頓市訂13日舉行的新屆市議員就職典禮,依照市府憲章,必須在1月的第1個星期一舉行。今年將上任的波士頓市議員,包括4名不分區市議員,其中Michael Flaherty Julia Mejia為連任,Ruthzee Louijeune Erin Murphy為新任。分區市議員部分,第123589區的市議員,或當選連任,或同額當選的有Lydia EdwardsEd FlynnFrank BakerRicardo ArroyoKenzie BokLiz Breadon。新當選市議員的為第4區的Brian Worrell,第6區的Kendra Hicks,以及第7區的Fernandes Anderson

                   雖然市議員宣誓就職典禮將改為先辦縮減版儀式,但再過4年就將慶祝50週年的波士頓市「第一夜 (Firs Night)」今年將恢復舉行,大多數表演將挪到室外舉行,晚上6點起從柯普利廣場遊行到波士頓廣場。




The event will take place at 10 a.m. on January 3 in the City Hall Courtyard, and will also be streamed live on the City’s website. 

Mayor Michelle Wu today announced that the City of Boston will hold an outdoor swearing-in ceremony on January 3rd to formally inaugurate new and returning City Councilors. The event will take place at 10 a.m. on January 3 in the City Hall Courtyard, and will also be streamed live on the City’s website. 

Previously the event was slated to take place indoors, but it has been moved outside in the midst of a winter COVID-19 surge driven by the Omicron variant. Guests will be limited to close family and friends of City Councilors. A previously planned evening inaugural celebration has been postponed until spring.

“As we welcome in a dynamic and history-making new generation of leaders to city government, we’re putting public health at the forefront and coming together safely. In consultation with Dr. Ojikutu and the Boston City Council, we will be hosting the swearing-in ceremony with a scaled back program outdoors to celebrate our new and returning Councilors while protecting our communities,” said Mayor Michelle Wu.

“As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to surge with the highly transmissible Omicron variant, we must take additional precautions to prevent its spread and protect vulnerable neighbors. The decision to hold the City Council swearing-in ceremony outside at City Hall is one that is based on science and guidance from our public health officials, and what they deem to be in the best interest of keeping our communities safe and healthy so that we do not overwhelm our healthcare system during this wave,” said Council President Ed Flynn.

“I’m grateful to Mayor Wu for prioritizing health and safety in her decision to move January’s swearing-in ceremony outdoors. Hospitalizations and COVID-19 positivity are surging and coupled with the omicron variant’s high transmissibility, we must use every precaution–including limiting large indoor gatherings—in addition to vaccines, boosters, masking and staying home when ill,” said Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Executive Director of BPHC

Boston’s swearing-in for newly elected City officials is required by City Charter to take place on the first Monday in January. At-large Councilors are comprised of sitting Councilors Michael Flaherty and Julia Mejia, along with new Councilors Ruthzee Louijeune and Erin Murphy. Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9 will be represented by sitting Councilors Lydia Edwards, Ed Flynn, Frank Baker, Ricardo Arroyo, Kenzie Bok, and Liz Breadon, respectively. Brian Worrell is a new Councilor who will represent District 4, Kendra Hicks is a new Councilor who will represent District 6, and Tania Fernandes Anderson is a new Councilor who will represent District 7. 
