Ben Downing (左)。(圖片來自推特) |
現年40歲,民主黨籍的Ben Downing曾任麻州參議員,主張普及托兒服務,激進氣候行動,但募款一直不很順利,今(28)日抱著”沉重心情”宣佈停止參選。
Ben Downing 在2006年,僅25歲時,當選為麻州參議員,此後5度連任,代表Pittsfield民眾,也成為參議院內清潔電力方面的主要聲音,後來還出任再生能源公司Nexamp的副總裁。
Allen,以及住在牙買加平原(Jamaica Plain)的麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia
明年的麻州州長職位,到底有哪些人參選,民主黨和共和黨都還未完全定案。查理貝克和白莉朵的已經宣佈不參選,理論上會鼓動更多人的參選意願,不過坊間一直看好,認為最有實力來和查理貝克競爭,手中握有330萬元競選經費,因為控訴前美國總統川普(Donald Trump),以及知名的鴉片生產商Purdue製藥公司等,已享有全美名聲的民主黨籍麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey) 是否參選,她迄今仍未鬆口。
不過他的一名顧問證實,奚莉已聘請著名的民主黨策略家,在2012年為4Elizabeth Warren競選聯邦參議員操盤的Mindy
Allen和Chang-Diaz都為Ben Downing的退選發表了聲明。Allen說她知道Downing會繼續像以前那樣,為麻州的家庭奮鬥,她期待著和Downing合作,一起打造出麻州應有的轉型。Chang-Diaz表示自己很榮幸,曾和Downing在參議會攜手為LGBTQ人士爭取權益,感恩能稱他為朋友。
Danielle Allen Thanks Ben Downing For Progressive Leadership, Commitment To Better Future For Massachusetts
Boston, MA -- Gubernatorial candidate Danielle Allen issued the following statement on State Sen. Ben Downing’s departure from the gubernatorial race:
“Good politics starts from a good heart. Ben Downing has embodied
that truth throughout his campaign and over the course of his career in
Massachusetts politics. I thank Ben for his extraordinary leadership to build
change in our Commonwealth — from carrying the message that the status quo is
not an option, to fighting tirelessly to address the climate crisis, to working
to ensure Western Mass residents have a strong voice in our state government.
While Ben is leaving the governor’s race, I know he will keep fighting on
behalf of Massachusetts families as he always has, and I look forward to
working alongside him to create the transformation our state deserves.”
Sen. Chang-Díaz statement on Ben Downing ending his campaign for governor
BOSTON, MA - Massachusetts State Senator and candidate for Governor Sonia Chang-Díaz released the following statement in response to Ben Downing’s announcement that he is ending his gubernatorial campaign:
“Ben Downing has been a champion for people across Massachusetts throughout his whole career, and he's carried that into this race for Governor every day. It's been my privilege to work alongside Ben over the years, including fighting arm in arm for LGBTQ rights in the State Senate over a decade ago. I’m grateful for his continued bold work and leadership on solar energy and climate change, and most recently for raising up critical issues of justice and equity on the campaign trail. It's been an honor to be in this race with him, and I'm grateful to call him my friend.”
About Sonia Chang-Díaz:
Sonia is the daughter of a social worker and America’s first Latino astronaut, Franklin Chang-Díaz. She was elected the Commonwealth's first Latina State Senator in 2008 and quickly became a driving force behind many of the state’s biggest progressive reforms — including landmark $1.5 billion progressive education funding reforms, criminal justice reform, LGBT equal rights, and police reform and accountability. For more information about Sonia Chang-Díaz and her campaign for Governor, please visit