星期四, 3月 18, 2021



民主黨全國委員會主席 Jaime Harrison 、副主席參議員 Tammy Duckworth 和民主黨全國委員會 AAPI 核心小組主席 Bel Leong – Hong 發表了以下聲明:


“在我們等待更多細節的同時,我們知道,這又是一起槍支暴力案件,在全國各地對婦女和有色人種社區造成了傷害。民主黨人知道,我們必須採取行動,防止更多不必要的死亡。我們已經看到了一個前所未有的針對AAPI 社區的暴力案件數目的升高。美國不容忍這種暴力。我們毫不含糊地反對種族主義和仇外心理的所有表現形式。


民主党全国委员会主席 Jaime Harrison 、副主席参议员 Tammy Duckworth 和民主党全国委员会 AAPI 核心小组主席 Bel Leong – Hong 发表了以下声明:


“在我们等待更多细节的同时,我们知道,这又是一起枪支暴力案件,在全国各地对妇女和有色人种社区造成了伤害。民主党人知道,我们必须采取行动,防止更多不必要的死亡。我们已经看到了一个前所未有的针对 AAPI 社区的暴力案件数目的升高。美国不容忍这种暴力。我们毫不含糊地反对种族主义和仇外心理的所有表现形式。”

DNC on the Shootings in the Atlanta Area

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DNC Vice Chair Senator Tammy Duckworth, and DNC AAPI Caucus Chair Bel Leong-Hong released the following statement:

“Our hearts are broken over the senseless shootings in the Atlanta area yesterday. We are holding victims and their families in our thoughts, and we stand in solidarity with the AAPI community today. We commend the quick work from law enforcement and hope a speedy investigation will provide answers and justice for this tragic violence.

“While we await more details, we know this is yet another case of gun violence taking a toll on women and communities of color across the country, and Democrats know we must act to prevent even more needless deaths. We’ve seen an unprecedented rise in violence against AAPI communities that has no place in America, and we unequivocally stand against racism and xenophobia in all its manifestations.”

