(Boston Orange)塔芙茨醫療中心發出通知,聲稱收到新疫苗,今(22)日下午3點半起,重新開放新冠疫苗的預約接種。有需要者可上網https://www.tuftsmcvaccine.org登記,需要中文翻譯協助者,可撥打617-636-6119。
Dear community members,
Due to new vaccine supply we are able to open back up appointment scheduling for COVID vaccinations beginning this afternoon after 3:30pm. Please go to https://www.tuftsmcvaccine. org/ to set up an appointment for vaccination. Please call 617-636-6119 to get assistance in Chinese.
As a reminder, the Tufts MC vaccination site is located at: 279 Tremont Street, Boston Marriott Hotel.
Please be reminded, you will not have the option to choose the vaccine you receive. It is based on what is available the day you come in for your appointment.
Please see below regarding current eligibility for vaccinations in MA in chart below:
All Phase 1 who have not yet gotten vaccinated, including first responders and healthcare workers, and those in nursing homes and congregate settings.
Phase 2, in categories 1-4, including individuals 60+, with at least 1 co-morbidity, frontline workers (including grocery, food, transit, etc.), educators and school staff, childcare workers, etc.