星期二, 7月 02, 2019

CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu on Trump Administration Decision to Print the 2020 Census Without a Citizenship Question

CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu on Trump Administration Decision to Print the 2020 Census Without a Citizenship Question

Washington, DC —  Today the Trump Administration announced that it would move forward with printing the 2020 census without a citizenship question. Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chairwoman Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement:  

“This decision to move forward with the census without the problematic citizenship question is a victory for democracy! Despite the false answer Secretary Ross gave me about the origin of this question, we know from court records that the citizenship question was put forward by a Republican strategist looking to help the Republican party. In order to do so, they wanted to use the citizenship question as a way to frighten immigrants away from the census, hiding the true number of people in this country, and jeopardizing federal representation and funding for everything from housing to transportation to education. I’m so relieved the Supreme Court saw through this ‘contrived’ argument, as Chief Justice Roberts put it, and stopped the question from being added. Our task now is to ensure every family is able to fill out a census and that every person is counted. I plan on continuing to work with communities in my district and across the country to make this the most successful census ever.”
