星期四, 7月 11, 2019

摩頓市99超市違反最低時薪法 繳罰款七萬餘元

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州總檢察官奚莉(Maura Healey)日前宣佈,位於摩頓市(Malden)99亞洲超市,以及其董事長夏女士(Xi Ping Xia)因違反麻州勞工時薪法,已付出73,686元的賠償金及罰款。
            麻州總檢察官辦公室在華人前進會舉報有一系列抱怨後,展開調查,並發現99超市有兩本帳,一本記支票付薪,一本記現金付薪,遞交的工資擔不完整,有些員工甚至不保留任何紀 錄。
             余翠鳳表示,相信自己的權益被侵犯了的工友,可上網申訴www.mass.gov/ago/wagetheft,或打電話到公平勞工法熱線(617)727-3465,或訪問總檢查辦公室的工作場所權益網站www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor。查詢詳情可洽華人前進會   617-357-4499。


Malden Supermarket Cited for Wage Violations, Retaliation

BOSTON — A Malden grocery store and its president has paid $73,686 in restitution and penalties for state wage and hour law violations, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.
99 Asian Supermarket Inc. and its president Xi Ping Xia received five citations for failing to make timely payment of wages, failure to issue a suitable paystub, failure to keep true and accurate records, failure to pay the state minimum wage, and retaliation.
The AG’s Office began its investigation after the Chinese Progressive Association referred a series of complaints. The investigation revealed that 99 Supermarket engaged in payroll fraud by maintaining separate payroll records for hours paid by check and by cash, issued incomplete paystubs, and failed to maintain any records for some workers. The investigation also found that some cashiers-in-training were paid only $25 for a full day of work, far below the state minimum wage, and that the employer had not been paying required wages for work on Sundays and holidays. Investigators also determined that a worker who complained about wage violations to the employer was retaliated against.
"We are very happy to hear that there is justice in this case," said Chinese Progressive Association Worker Center Coordinator Fiona Yu. "In order for workers to stand for their rights, there needs to be workers’ right education, community support, and an Attorney General willing to work with the workers and the community to enforce labor laws."
As a result of complaints filed by workers and the AG’s investigation, 99 Supermarket agreed to pay workers restitution for the premium pay and minimum wage violations.
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/wagetheft. For information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to the Attorney General’s Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlaborfor materials in multiple languages.
This matter was handled by Assistant Attorney General Kate Watkins and Investigator Lili Wu, both of the AG’s Fair Labor Division.
