【#StandWithHK Music Flash Mob in Boston 波士頓港人音樂快閃馬拉松】
最近有關香港運動的連儂牆在海外不同大城市出現,波士頓的港人都在哈佛廣場建起屬於我們的一幅連儂牆,惟日前被中國人塗毀,被逼把連儂牆拆下。連儂牆源自於捷克首都布拉格,以John Lennon的名稱命名,激發當時抗共產主義的思潮。時至今日,連儂牆依然是愛與和平的象徵。
2014年雨傘革命,連儂牆第一次出現於香港,開放給市民張貼他們的訴求,及為示威者打氣。後來在今次的反送中運動中再現,在港九新界十八區皆有蹤跡,感動人心的畫卻也惹起一連串的暴力衝突,但示威者心不死,拆咗再掛。同時,名曲Do You Hear The People Sing亦在運動中被香港人用來表達他們對民主自由的追求。
連儂牆被拆後,波士頓港人一同在自製流動連動牆的陪同下,在市中心高唱Do You Hear The People Sing,向外國人宣揚反送中運動,同時為香港的示威者打氣。接下來,我們希望趁著星期日,突襲多個波士頓高人流的地點,馬拉松式地舉行音樂及流動連儂牆的快閃行動。請大家穿著黑衫出席,歡迎帶同標語或物資(例如水、食物)過來給我們的朋友,為他們打氣。
路線:[集合] Faneuil Hall (Quincy Market字樣前) → Downtown Crossing (行人區) → Park Street (近Boston Common的出口) → Harvard Square (Mass Ave出口後的公共空間)
Hong Kong Lennon Wall has been found in overseas cities recently in supporting the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong, including the one in Boston, at Harvard Square. Unfortunately, it was interrupted by mainland Chinese people and was taken down under police order today. Lennon Wall is originated from Prague, Czech Republic. It was named after John Lennon and was used as a platform for anti-communism ideology. Nowadays, Lennon Wall has become an icon of love and peace.
Lennon Wall first appeared in Hong Kong in 2014 during the Umbrella Revolution, promoting freedom of speech and welcoming everyone to express their opinions. Five years later in HK’s anti-extradition movement, Lennon Wall appeared again in all 18 towns in Hong Kong. Despite intentional breaking, protesters protects and restores it over and over. Meanwhile, famous song “Do You Hear The People Sing” is also widely used by Hongkongers in social movements in pursuance of democracy and freedom.
After the Harvard Lennon Wall was taken down, Hongkongers in Boston once again gathered in Downtown Crossing, with DIY Lennon boards, and sang “Do You Hear The People Sing” in the plaza. We hope to promote the movement to foreigners and show our support to protesters in Hong Kong. Following that, we hope to hold a music flash mob again this Sunday in four of the most crowded place in Boston. Please wear black attires as our dress code. And you are welcomed to bring along signs or materials like water and food for our friends as a support.
Date: August 4 (Sunday)
Route: [meeting point] Faneuil Hall (In front of Quincy Market) → Downtown Crossing (Pedestrian zone between Macy & Primark) → Park Street (Exit close to Boston Common) → Harvard Square (Open space behind the Mass Ave exit)
Time: 2pm-3pm
Dress code: Black shirt
Frances Hui 許穎婷
最近有關香港運動的連儂牆在海外不同大城市出現,波士頓的港人都在哈佛廣場建起屬於我們的一幅連儂牆,惟日前被中國人塗毀,被逼把連儂牆拆下。連儂牆源自於捷克首都布拉格,以John Lennon的名稱命名,激發當時抗共產主義的思潮。時至今日,連儂牆依然是愛與和平的象徵。
2014年雨傘革命,連儂牆第一次出現於香港,開放給市民張貼他們的訴求,及為示威者打氣。後來在今次的反送中運動中再現,在港九新界十八區皆有蹤跡,感動人心的畫卻也惹起一連串的暴力衝突,但示威者心不死,拆咗再掛。同時,名曲Do You Hear The People Sing亦在運動中被香港人用來表達他們對民主自由的追求。
連儂牆被拆後,波士頓港人一同在自製流動連動牆的陪同下,在市中心高唱Do You Hear The People Sing,向外國人宣揚反送中運動,同時為香港的示威者打氣。接下來,我們希望趁著星期日,突襲多個波士頓高人流的地點,馬拉松式地舉行音樂及流動連儂牆的快閃行動。請大家穿著黑衫出席,歡迎帶同標語或物資(例如水、食物)過來給我們的朋友,為他們打氣。
路線:[集合] Faneuil Hall (Quincy Market字樣前) → Downtown Crossing (行人區) → Park Street (近Boston Common的出口) → Harvard Square (Mass Ave出口後的公共空間)
Hong Kong Lennon Wall has been found in overseas cities recently in supporting the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong, including the one in Boston, at Harvard Square. Unfortunately, it was interrupted by mainland Chinese people and was taken down under police order today. Lennon Wall is originated from Prague, Czech Republic. It was named after John Lennon and was used as a platform for anti-communism ideology. Nowadays, Lennon Wall has become an icon of love and peace.
Lennon Wall first appeared in Hong Kong in 2014 during the Umbrella Revolution, promoting freedom of speech and welcoming everyone to express their opinions. Five years later in HK’s anti-extradition movement, Lennon Wall appeared again in all 18 towns in Hong Kong. Despite intentional breaking, protesters protects and restores it over and over. Meanwhile, famous song “Do You Hear The People Sing” is also widely used by Hongkongers in social movements in pursuance of democracy and freedom.
After the Harvard Lennon Wall was taken down, Hongkongers in Boston once again gathered in Downtown Crossing, with DIY Lennon boards, and sang “Do You Hear The People Sing” in the plaza. We hope to promote the movement to foreigners and show our support to protesters in Hong Kong. Following that, we hope to hold a music flash mob again this Sunday in four of the most crowded place in Boston. Please wear black attires as our dress code. And you are welcomed to bring along signs or materials like water and food for our friends as a support.
Date: August 4 (Sunday)
Route: [meeting point] Faneuil Hall (In front of Quincy Market) → Downtown Crossing (Pedestrian zone between Macy & Primark) → Park Street (Exit close to Boston Common) → Harvard Square (Open space behind the Mass Ave exit)
Time: 2pm-3pm
Dress code: Black shirt
Frances Hui 許穎婷
【請廣傳】【波士頓連儂牆被中國人塗毀 被迫拆除】
波士頓連儂牆昨天於哈佛建成,我們義工昨今兩日便一直輪流監察,避免有人搗亂。皆因不少旅行團都會經過該路線,先前已經分別有中國旅客拆下牆上字條,及濫用我們的物資在牆上大貼字條。剛才大概下午四時,一位義工在連儂牆旁邊工作,而我同另一位義工則在對面Campus center休息。後來我遠望察覺到下面的那位義工與另外三位男子互相指手畫腳,感覺情況稍有不妥,便下去支援。
波士頓連儂牆昨天於哈佛建成,我們義工昨今兩日便一直輪流監察,避免有人搗亂。皆因不少旅行團都會經過該路線,先前已經分別有中國旅客拆下牆上字條,及濫用我們的物資在牆上大貼字條。剛才大概下午四時,一位義工在連儂牆旁邊工作,而我同另一位義工則在對面Campus center休息。後來我遠望察覺到下面的那位義工與另外三位男子互相指手畫腳,感覺情況稍有不妥,便下去支援。
據我們義工同途人描述,有一位白衫嘅中國年輕人用我們的marker在牆中心的poster上寫下字句,雖然字樣模糊,但相信是寫住 “Hong Kong Fuck You Mother”。後來義工上前阻止時,該白衫男子便已逃離現場,現場餘下三個中國男生。該義工指,因為四人先前有交談過,認為他們四人是朋友,故開始質問那三位男子,但三人一直否認與該行動者有關,雙方其後出現口角。
雖然連儂牆已經拆下,但我們明天的活動將會繼續如期進行,改用流動連儂牆的形式,在Downtown Crossing舉行。我們也希望大家一起出來,繼續支持香港的運動,並將訊息帶給更多的群眾。