星期三, 7月 24, 2019


Massachusetts Democratic Party Demands Records Related to Systemic Failures at Baker Administration’s RMV
Public Records Request filed by MassDems also seeks records associated with Baker Administration’s decision to skip legislative oversight hearing

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Democratic Party has filed a public records request with MassDOT and the Registry of Motor Vehicles in an effort to uncover information on the impact of the RMV failures, and the adequacy and transparency of the Baker administration's response to its own mismanagement of the RMV.

"The chaos at the RMV demands scrutiny and transparency,” said Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman Gus Bickford. “The legislature should be commended for its efforts to provide oversight of the RMV earlier this week, and Charlie Baker should be embarrassed by his administration's stonewalling and refusal to provide answers to the many questions raised in recent since last month's tragedy. Our public records request seeks to shed light on the Baker administration's failures that allowed thousands of people to keep their licenses when they should have been taken off the road."

The request, filed under the authority of the Massachusetts Public Records law, seeks to identify motor vehicle accidents involving individuals whose license should have been suspended by the RMV.  The request also seeks communications among Baker administration officials following the discovery of the catastrophic operational and management failures at the RMV. Finally, the request seeks information on the Baker administration’s decision to stonewall the legislature by refusing to make available top officials with critical information on the issue.

The Public Records Request is available here.
