
星期四, 7月 06, 2023

亨廷頓劇院今夏推出3部新劇 多場朗讀活動免費公開


激動人心的 2023 年夏季研討會陣容

今年 7 月,在 Loretta Greco 的領導下,亨廷頓劇院繼續大膽創作新品的承諾,推出三部新劇,並與艾略特·諾頓 (Elliot Norton) 獎得主 Lenelle Moïse 一起舉辦創意研討會

Boston Orange 編譯)——藝術總監 Loretta Greco 和亨廷頓劇院的工作人員很高興地宣佈,2023 年亨廷頓劇作學員(Playwrighting Fellows)夏季研討會(2023 7 15 日至 7 16 日)回來了。

這個為期兩週,首辦於 2019 年夏季的新作靜修活動,將以公開朗讀三部正在創作中的新劇達到高潮。所有朗誦會和活動都將在亨廷頓劇院 (Huntington Theatre) 新裝修的 Maso 工作室(亨廷頓大道264號)舉行。 朗讀內容將包括劇作家瑪莎·奧博倫斯基(Masha Obolensky)、梅琳達·洛佩茲 (Melinda Lopez)和凱瑟琳·愛潑斯坦(Catherine Epstein) 的作品。 2023 年艾略特·諾頓獎傑出新劇本獎得主、劇作家兼詩人萊內爾·莫伊茲 (Lenelle Moïse) 還將為各種經驗水平的成年人主持一小時的社區劇作家研討會。


新作品總監查爾斯·豪格蘭 (Charles Haugland) 說,“十年前,我們與當地作家集思廣益,討論如何滿足我們社區劇作家的特定需求,因此創建了這個項目”,“我很自豪能夠在這裡繼續開發之後可以在附近及遠方繼續製作的戲劇。 瑪莎、梅琳達和凱瑟琳的戲劇充滿了活力、歡樂、歡笑和悲傷,我們迫不及待地想像他們和你,我們的觀眾,一起的情景。 我們還首次和才華橫溢,作品激勵了包括我在內的很多人的 Lenelle Moïse 一起舉辦實地創意研討會。”

新劇包括 Masha Obolensky 的《沒有她姐姐的藝術家內在(Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister)》(Melia Bensussen 導演),將於 7 15 日星期六下午 1:00 播出; 梅琳達·洛佩茲 (Melinda Lopez) 《權貴三人行(Power Trio) 》(埃琳娜·阿勞茲 (Elena Araoz) 導演)於 7 16 (週日)下午 1:00 演出; 以及凱瑟琳·愛潑斯坦 (Catherine Epstein) 的《牛弓 (Oxbow)》(由梅根·桑德伯格-扎基安 (Megan Sandberg-Zakian) 導演)於 7 16 日星期日下午 4:00 進行。研討會期間還將於 7 15 (週六) 下午 4:00 舉辦一場 “排練自由:與 Lenelle MoïseK-I-S-S-I-NG贏得埃利奧特·諾頓獎的劇作家)一起通過聲音打造角色” 活動。所有慶祝活動將在亨廷頓劇院(亨廷頓大道 264 號)的 Maso Studio 舉行。 所有閱讀和相關活動均向公眾開放。 朗讀活動免費,劇作家 Moïse 的一小時研討會收費 15 美元。


亨廷頓藝術總監洛雷塔·格雷科 (Loretta Greco) 表示:“亨廷頓酒店的所有人都很高興看到這受人珍視,我們創意社區的夏季全面回歸了”。“HPF 夏季研討會是我們新劇承諾的基礎,也是嚴格的孵化器,為我們帶來了凱特·斯諾德格拉斯 (Kate Snodgrass) 的《燃燒的藝術 (The Art of Burning) 》,以及今年春季廣受好評的萊內爾·莫伊茲 (Lenelle Moïse) 的《K-I-S-S-I-N-G》。 今年夏天,我們在查爾斯·豪格蘭 (Charles Haugland) 的卓越領導下回歸,我們期待著分享來自今夏激動人心創作團隊的令人興奮的孕育中作品。

關於 HPF 夏季研討會

HPF 夏季研討會始於 2012 年,是亨廷頓戲劇寫作研究員計劃和突破性閱讀系列的延伸。 亨廷頓新作品總監查爾斯·豪格蘭 (Charles Haugland) 在密集的,藝術家驅動的開發過程中支持編劇們。 過去的夏季工作坊劇作已在亨廷頓劇院、劇作家地平線、P73、聯盟劇院、特拉法爾加 (Trafalgar)工作室(倫敦)、吉瓦 (Geva) 劇院中心、獵槍玩家 (Shotgun Players)、地下酒吧舞台 (Speakeasy Stage)、艾默生舞台 (Emerson Stage)和犀牛 (Rhinoceros)劇院等劇院上演。

亨廷頓劇院 2022-2023 季的兩部作品,Lenelle Moïse 的《K-I-S-S-I-N-G》和 Kate Snodgrass 的《燃燒的藝術》,都是在 HPF 夏季工作室中創作出來的。 兩部劇都得到艾略特·諾頓獎的提名榮譽,其中《K-I-S-S-I-N-G》榮獲八項大獎,包括傑出新劇本獎和傑出大劇院戲劇獎。 本土劇作家莫伊茲的新劇被《波士頓環球報》稱讚為“戲劇季的一大亮點!” 並被 WBUR 評為“波士頓多年來最激動人心的比賽!”

亨廷頓劇院熱衷於支持、開發和製作新作品,自 1982 年成立以來,已製作了 100 多部新英格蘭、美國或世界首演的作品。自從 2004 年,波士頓藝術中心設立考爾德伍德館 (Caldewood Pavilion),並以當地劇作家梅琳達·洛佩茲 (Melinda Lopez) 作品全球首演揭幕後,為美國劇院研發具做的努力就大幅擴展了。 全國知名新劇專家 Loretta Greco 作為 2022 年藝術總監,將為劇院帶來的新作品帶來一個新的、新作品豐富的年代。 

所有閱讀和相關活動都向公眾開放。 閱讀是免費的,劇作家 Moïse 主持的一小時研討會收費 15 美元。 如果研討會費用形成任何障礙,請就豁免費用一事聯繫新作品總監 Charles Hauglandchaugland@huntingtontheatre.org


關於 2023 年夏季研討會


瑪莎·奧博連斯基 (Masha Obolensky) 創作

導演:Melia Bensussen(在亨廷頓劇院的《燃燒的藝術》、《共同點重溫》、《耶爾瑪》、《愛爾蘭人的運氣》

7 15 (週六)下午 1 點(Maso Studio, 264 Huntington Ave

該劇簡介:瓦妮莎·斯蒂芬·貝爾(Vanessa Stephen Bell) 創作了感性、色彩繽紛的畫作; 她的妹妹弗吉尼亞·斯蒂芬·伍爾夫 (Virginia Stephen Woolf) 寫下了尖銳、富有洞察力的散文。 在成長過程中,形影不離的兩姊妹互相驅使,尋找真理。 因此,在弗吉尼亞去世後,凡妮莎陷入了過去,努力重新塑造自己——她現在要保護誰呢? 現在什麼可以激勵她? 在恐懼著她以大大小小方式背叛了弗吉尼亞中,她要怎麼生活? 瑪莎·奧博倫斯基(Masha Obolensky)的《沒有姐妹的藝術家的內部》講述了一個關於強烈的相互依存和美麗令人難以忘懷的故事。

訂位: RSVP for the Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister reading


自由排練:通過聲音塑造角色(與 K-I-S-S-I-N-G 的編劇 Lenelle Moïse 合作)

7 15 (週六) 下午 4 點(Maso Studio264 Huntington Ave

關於研討會:在這個充滿活力(有時令人欣喜若狂)的一小時研討會中,劇作家萊內爾·莫伊茲(Lenelle Moïse)通過一系列“聲音即興創作”和戲劇練習,引導參與者探索以聲音作為解放工具。 練習活在當下,堅定信念,學會相信自己的直覺。 請穿著寬鬆、舒適的衣服並準備好加入合唱團。

歡迎所有經驗水平的人。 本課程專為成人參與者(18 歲以上)設計

訂位: RSVP for Rehearse Freedom: Crafting Character Through Sound


如果研討會費用構成任何障礙,請就豁免費用聯繫新作品總監 Charles Hauglandchaugland@huntingtontheatre.org



梅琳達·洛佩茲 (Melinda Lopez)創作

導演:Elena Araoz(《Cherry Lane》原聲作品、伯克希爾戲劇節《安納在熱帶地區 (Anna in the Tropics)》)

7 16 (週日)下午 1 點(Maso Studio264 Huntington Ave

劇情簡介:Vee 在充滿敵意的新大陸被沖上岸,面對伊利里亞 (Illyria) 的移民和歸化部門。 面對命運和三個頭的狗的挑戰,Vee想要的不僅僅是生存——他們能否希望找到一個新的社區、一個新的“家”,甚至是愛情? 在這部莎士比亞《第十二夜》的重新想像中,並融入了音樂,梅琳達·洛佩茲在 Power Trio 中探討一個新世界如何成為你自己的。

朗讀訂位: RSVP for the Power Trio reading



凱瑟琳·愛潑斯坦 (Catherine Epstein)創作

導演:梅根·桑德伯格-扎基安(亨廷頓劇院的骷髏劇組 (Skeleton Crew)”,在紐約戲劇工作室的耶路撒冷的納特·特納 (Nat Turner in Jerusalem)”

7 16 (週日)下午 4 點(Maso Studio264 Huntington Ave

該劇簡介:冬末,傑西、瑪莎 (Jessie, Martha)和蘇珊姐妹逃到緬因州的一間破舊小屋。 當熔爐壞了時,他們儿時的朋友拉吉夫出現了,但沒有人能就解決方案達成一致。 隨著房子的其他部分開始崩潰,即使是共享一片麵包也可能導緻小衝突,姐妹們發現自己既能表現出美麗的親密關係,又能表現出驚人的殘忍。 凱瑟琳·愛潑斯坦(Catherine Epstein)的《牛弓 (Oxbow) 》詢問我們大家,如何應對我們的慾望,要控制不可控的事物的。

朗讀訂位: RSVP for the Oxbow reading



《沒有了她姐妹的藝術家的內在》劇作家瑪莎·奧博連斯基 (Masha Obolensky) 是一位波士頓劇作家,曾入選 2011-12 年度亨廷頓劇作家團隊。 最近,她的劇作《沒有姐妹的藝術家的內在》被尤金·奧尼爾 (Eugene O’Neill)全國 2023 年劇作家大會選為決賽入圍者,她很高興有機會在亨廷頓的 HPF 夏季研討會上創作這部作品。 亨廷頓的其他合作包括廣播劇在《夢想波士頓》中的講起來 (Speaking Up)”,以及 2014 年夏季研討會,她與梅莉亞·本蘇森 (Melia Bensussen) 合寫的戲劇(現名為《Brazen》)(後來在艾默生學院創作並在派拉蒙劇院演出)。 她的戲劇《空氣不夠 (Not Enough Air)》由芝加哥時間線劇院製作,並獲得 5 項約瑟夫·杰斐遜公平獎(Joseph Jefferson Equity Award)提名,包括最佳新劇和最佳製作。 Not Enough Air》也由劍橋諾拉 (Nora) 劇院製作(Melia Bensussen 執導),並被《波士頓環球報》評選為“2010 年十大最佳”。 其他戲劇和表演作品包括:《Marvelous Fruit》、《Brazen》、《The Girl Problem》、《Historic Beauty》以及她的經常有人製作的 10 分鐘女孩的遊戲 (Girl’s Play)”(包括在威廉斯城 (Williamstown)戲劇節和塞繆爾·(Samuel)法國 OOB 戲劇節上)。 她的作品曾入選許多個節慶的決賽,還獲得了馬薩諸塞州文化委員會獎學金和新英格蘭筆會發現獎。 她獲有波士頓大學劇本創作碩士學位。 她目前在波士頓國際學校教授戲劇,並繼續與她那些組成了 MUTT團體的亨廷頓劇作家伙伴團隊會面。

《沒有了她姐妹的藝術家的內在》導演 Melia Bensussen 是康州哈特福德市哈特福德舞台的藝術總監,也是O’Neill劇院中心2023全國劇作家會議該劇的客座藝術總監。 她在全國各地密集的導演過,包括亨廷頓劇院、梅里馬克代表劇院 (Merrimack Rep)、演員莎士比亞項目、拉霍亞劇院 (La Jolla Playhouse)、巴爾的摩中央舞台、哈特福德舞台公司、俄勒岡莎士比亞節、紐約莎士比亞節、曼哈頓名流公司 (Manhattan Class Company)、主要舞台(Primary Stages )、長碼頭劇院、辛辛那提劇院、路易斯維爾演員劇院(Humana Festival)、人民之光及戲劇公司(People's Light and Theatre Company,在那裡她獲得了巴里摩爾最佳導演提名)、灣街 (Bay Street) 和劇作家地平線劇院等。 meliabensussen.com

劇作家、詩人兼排練自由主持人萊內爾·莫伊茲 (Lenelle Moïse) 是第七批亨廷頓劇作家之一。 她在百老匯以外 (Off Broadway)”戲劇中的《旅外人士 (Expatriate)》(文化項目)中擔任編劇、作曲和演員。 她的長篇戲劇包括《K-I-S-S-I-N-G》(榮獲 8 項艾略特諾頓獎)、《Merit》和《Nia 的許多面孔》。 她是獲獎詩集《海地玻璃》(城市之光圖書)的作者。 Moïse 是史密斯學院(MFA 04)、伊薩卡學院和劍橋林奇和拉丁學校的校友。 lenellemoise.com

Power Trio 劇作家:梅琳達·洛佩茲 (Melinda Lopez) 是一位自豪的亨廷頓劇作家,並且很高興能成為 HPF 夏季研討會的駐會劇作家。 Power Trio 也在與 UCSB LaunchPad 項目一起開發。 在梅隆基金會的國家劇作家駐場計劃下,梅琳達在亨廷頓劇院擔任了六年的駐場劇作家,然後又擔任了三年的駐場藝術家,在那裡她幫助開發和製作了《夢想波士頓》,包括創作《波士頓之夢》、粗魯橋(Rude Bridge),導演《歡樂(Joy)》和《仙境 Wonderland)》,也是藝術團隊的核心成員。 梅琳達是一位屢獲殊榮的劇作家,其中包括《黑豆項目》(與喬爾·佩雷斯共同創作)獲得埃利奧特·諾頓獎最佳新劇獎,在亨廷頓劇院首演的《索尼婭·弗盧》,在 ArtsEmerson 首演的《瑪拉》(在 Audible 上有英文及西班牙文版本)。 其他戲劇包括《葉爾瑪 (Yerma)》(改編)、《有色人種的年輕書呆子 (Young Nerd of Color)》、《帕倫特先生 (Mr. Parent)》(與Maurice Emmanuel Parent 合寫)、《成為古巴》、《夜歸來 (Back the Night)》、《蘭花到章魚》等等。 梅琳達還在舞台、廣播和電影中表演,並執導戲劇(即將上映:在 SpeakEasy 舞台上的證明上帝存在的案例)。她曾在梅隆基金會國家劇作家駐地項目、聖丹斯電影節、雲雀劇院 (the Lark) 和紐約劇院擔任駐場藝術家。 戲劇工作坊。 前波士頓市長馬丁華殊 (Marty Walsh) 宣佈 2016 10 29 日為“波士頓市梅琳達·洛佩茲日”。 梅琳達榮獲 2019 年艾略特·諾頓傑出成就獎,表彰她 20 年的職業生涯。 她是東北大學的實踐教授,也是波士頓大學的教員。 梅琳達目前還正應邀為亨廷頓劇院的(莎士比亞的《第十二夜》的當代譯本) Play On!工作,同時在為舊環球劇院製作現場版的《黑豆項目》。

Power Trio 導演 Elena Araoz 是戲劇、歌劇和虛擬表演的舞台導演,在國際、百老匯以外和全國各地工作。 埃琳娜即將執導互動網站體驗劇《狂躁獨白 (Manic Monologues)》(麥卡特 (McCarter) 劇院中心)、尼洛·克魯茲的《安娜在熱帶》(巴林頓舞台)、瑪麗塞拉·特維尼奧·奧爾塔的新音頻劇《夜幕降臨》(有聲)、由梅莉莎。田 (Melisa Tien) 和十位移民作曲家創作的虛擬作品《膨脹 (Swell)》、林賽·喬爾 (Lindsey Joelle) 的《垃圾學家 (Garbologists)(城市劇院公司) 的全球首演,以及歌劇《我是一個不再夢想的夢想家》(在與白蛇項目合作廣受好評的首演後,接下來將與匹茲堡的 Resonance Works 合作演出)。 elenaaraoz.com

Oxbow 劇作家凱瑟琳·愛潑斯坦(Catherine Epstein)是一位作家和教師。 她的戲劇包括喬木 (Arbor)(亨廷頓 2022 年破土動工節)、果園 (Orchard)2022 年夢想波士頓委員會)和 公眾訪問權 (Allemansrätten)(前進劇院 2023 年獨白節)。 她是 2022 Catwalk 藝術駐留項目的駐場人員,並在巴德寫作與思考學院、菲利普斯·埃克塞特作家工作室和 掘街(GrubStreet)用她的劇作來辦了戲劇創作工作坊。 凱瑟琳是 2019-2022 年亨廷頓劇作家,她將在 2023 年塞瓦尼 (Sewanee)作家大會上成為田納西州威廉姆斯學者。

Oxbow 導演梅根·桑德伯格-扎基安 (Megan Sandberg-Zakian) 是一位戲劇藝術家、作家和主持人。 在她工作的各個方面,她專注於為困難的對話留出空間,創造能夠容納多個複雜真相的參與,並讓隱藏的敘述浮現出來。 她目前擔任波士頓劇作家劇院的藝術總監,該劇院是波士頓大學校園內舞台的新作品之家。 她的書《一定有幸福的結局:關於樂觀和誠實的劇院》可從 The 3rd Thing Press 購買。 megansz.com


亨廷頓劇院是波士頓的戲劇廣場和領先的專業劇院公司,慶祝著傑出的41年。 在我們的舞台和整個城市中,我們分享經久不衰且不為人知的故事,這些故事激發了觀眾和藝術家的想像力,並放大了我們社區中廣泛的聲音。 亨廷頓劇院致力於歡迎廣泛和多樣化的觀眾,通過其強大的教育和社區項目為學生提供改變生命的機會,是劇作家和新戲劇發展的全國領導者,也經由我們的亨廷頓卡萊德伍德/BCA(Huntington Calderwood/BCA)營運,是前廊藝術集體(Front Porch Arts Collective)”,位於波士頓的黑人劇院公司,以及幾家地方藝術社區的多年駐場項目的主辦機構。在 Norma Jean Calderwood 藝術總監 Loretta Greco 和董事總經理 Michael Maso 的領導下,亨廷頓劇院在經過轉型翻修後於 2022 年秋季重新開放了歷史悠久的亨廷頓劇院。 這是一個對未來抱有大膽願景的傳奇場館,樓宇的翻修和建設將使我們能夠以創新方式擴展我們為子孫後代的觀眾、藝術家和社區提供的服務。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 Huntingtontheatre.org





 The Huntington’s bold commitment to new work continues under Loretta Greco’s leadership this July with three new plays and a creative workshop with Elliot Norton-winner Lenelle Moïse 

(BOSTON) – Artistic Director Loretta Greco and The Huntington’s staff are thrilled to announce the return of the Huntington Playwrighting Fellows Summer Workshop 2023 (July 15 – July 16, 2023). This two-week new work retreat, culminating in public readings of three new plays in development, is taking place for the first time since summer of 2019. All readings and events will take place in the newly renovated Maso Studio in the Huntington Theatre (264 Huntington Ave). Readings will feature the work of playwrights Masha ObolenskyMelinda Lopez, and Catherine Epstein. The 2023 Elliot Norton Award winner for Outstanding New Script, playwright and poet Lenelle Moïse, will also lead a one-hour community playwrighting workshop for adults of all experience levels. 

“We created this program a decade ago out of a brainstorm with local writers of how to address specific needs of playwrights in our community,” says Director of New Work Charles Haugland. “I’m so proud to continue developing plays here that can then go on to productions near and far. Masha, Melinda, and Catherine’s plays are filled with vitality, joy, laughter, and sorrow, and we can’t wait to imagine them together with you, our audience. For the first time, we are also hosting a hands-on creative workshop with the brilliant Lenelle Moïse, whose work inspires so many people including me.” 

The new plays include Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister by Masha Obolensky (Directed by Melia Bensussen) at 1:00 pm on Saturday, July 15Power Trio by Melinda Lopez (Directed by Elena Araoz) at 1:00 pm on Sunday, July 16; and Oxbow by Catherine Epstein (Directed by Megan Sandberg-Zakian) at 4:00 pm on Sunday, July 16. Also taking place during the workshops is an event Rehearse Freedom: Crafting Character Through Sound with Lenelle Moïse (playwright of the Elliot Norton Award-winning K-I-S-S-I-N-G) at 4:00 pm on Saturday, July 15. All festivities will take place at the Maso Studio in the Huntington Theatre (264 Huntington Ave). All readings and associated events are open to the public, but not open to reviewing members of the press. The readings are free, and the one-hour workshop with playwright Moïse has a fee of $15. 

“All of us at The Huntington are thrilled to see this cherished piece of our creative community’s summer back in full swing,” says Huntington Artistic Director Loretta Greco. “The HPF Summer Workshop is foundational to our new play commitment and has been the rigorous incubator which has brought us the joy of Kate Snodgrass’s The Art of Burning and this spring’s critically acclaimed K-I-S-S-I-N-G by Lenelle Moïse. This summer, we return under the sublime leadership of Charles Haugland, and we look forward to sharing the exciting gestating work from this summer’s thrilling writing cohort.” 



The HPF Summer Workshop began in 2012 and is an extension of the Huntington’s Playwriting Fellows program and Breaking Ground Reading Series. Huntington Director of New Work Charles Haugland supports the writers during the intensive, artist-driven development process. Past summer workshop plays have gone on to productions at The Huntington, Playwrights Horizons, P73, Alliance Theatre, Trafalgar Studios (London), Geva Theatre Center, Shotgun Players, Speakeasy Stage, Emerson Stage, and Theatre Rhinoceros, among others. 

Two productions in The Huntington’s 2022-2023 season, K-I-S-S-I-N-G by Lenelle Moïse and The Art of Burning by Kate Snodgrass, were both developed in the HPF Summer Workshop. Both plays were nominated for Elliot Norton Award honors, with K-I-S-S-I-N-G winning eight awards, including Outstanding New Script and Outstanding Play, Large Theater. The new play by homegrown playwright Moïse was lauded by The Boston Globe as “A highlight of the theatre season!” and by WBUR as “The most exciting play Boston has seen in years!” 

The Huntington is passionately to supporting, developing, and producing new work, and has produced over 100 New England, American, or world premieres since its founding in 1982. Endeavors to develop plays for the American theatre have expanded considerably since 2004 with the creation of the Calderwood Pavilion at the Boston Center for the Arts, which opened with a world premiere by local playwright Melinda Lopez. The arrival of nationally renowned new play expert Loretta Greco as Artistic Director in 2022 promises a new, enriching era of new work at the theatre. 

All readings and associated events are open to the public, but not open to reviewing members of the press. The readings are free and the one-hour workshop with playwright Moïse has a fee of $15. If the workshop fee poses any barrier, please contact Charles Haugland, Director of New Work, regarding a fee waiver at chaugland@huntingtontheatre.org   


Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister

By Masha Obolensky

Directed by Melia Bensussen (The Art of Burning, Common Ground Revisited, Yerma, The Luck of the Irish at The Huntington) 

Saturday, July 15 at 1pm (Maso Studio, 264 Huntington Ave) 

About the play: Vanessa Stephen Bell created sensuous, colorful paintings; her sister Virginia Stephen Woolf wrote piercing, insightful prose. Growing up, the inseparable siblings drove each other in search of truth. So, in the wake of Virginia’s death, Vanessa plunges into the past and strives to create herself anew – who will she protect now? What can inspire her now? How will she live with the fear that she betrayed Virginia in ways big and small? Masha Obolensky’s Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister tells a story of fierce interdependence and haunting beauty.   

RSVP for the Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister reading 

Rehearse Freedom: Crafting Character Through Sound (with Lenelle Moïse, writer of K-I-S-S-I-N-G) 

Saturday, July 15 at 4pm (Maso Studio, 264 Huntington Ave) 

About the workshop: In this energetic (occasionally ecstatic) one-hour workshop, playwright Lenelle Moïse guides participants through a series of "sound jams" and theatre exercises to explore the voice as an instrument for liberation. Practice being present, play with conviction, and learn to trust your instincts. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and come prepared to join the chorus. 

All experience levels welcome. This class is designed for adult participants (age 18+) 

RSVP for Rehearse Freedom: Crafting Character Through Sound 

Workshop fee: $15

If the workshop fee poses any barrier, please contact Charles Haugland, Director of New Work, regarding a fee waiver at chaugland@huntingtontheatre.org   

Power Trio

By Melinda Lopez

Directed by Elena Araoz (Original Sound at Cherry Lane, Anna in the Tropics at Berkshire Theatre Festival) 

Sunday, July 16 at 1pm (Maso Studio, 264 Huntington Ave) 

About the play: Vee washes ashore in a hostile new land, facing the immigration and naturalization service of Illyria. Challenged by the Fates and a three-headed dog, Vee wants more than just to survive — can they hope to find a new community, a new ‘home,’ and even love? In this reimagining of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and infused with music, Melinda Lopez explores how a new world becomes your own in Power Trio. 

RSVP for the Power Trio reading 


By Catherine Epstein

Directed by Megan Sandberg-Zakian (Skeleton Crew at The Huntington, Nat Turner in Jerusalem at New York Theatre Workshop) 

Sunday, July 16 at 4pm (Maso Studio, 264 Huntington Ave) 

About the play: In late winter, sisters Jessie, Martha, and Susan escape to a run-down cabin in Maine. When the furnace breaks, it’s their childhood friend Rajiv who shows up, but no one can agree on a solution. As the rest of the house starts breaking down, even a shared slice of bread can lead to a skirmish, and the sisters find themselves capable of both beautiful intimacy and stunning cruelty. Catherine Epstein’s Oxbow asks how we all deal with our desire to control the uncontrollable.  

RSVP for the Oxbow reading 


Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister playwright Masha Obolensky is a Boston-based playwright and was in the 2011-12 Huntington Playwriting Fellows cohort. Most recently, her play Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister was selected as a Finalist by the Eugene O’Neill National 2023 Playwrights Conference and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to develop this piece in The Huntington’s HPF Summer Workshop. Other Huntington collaborations have included a radio play Speaking Up in “Dream Boston” and a 2014 summer workshop of a play she co-wrote with Melia Bensussen now called Brazen (later developed at Emerson College and performed at the Paramount). Her play Not Enough Air was produced by Chicago’s Timeline Theatre and was nominated for 5 Joseph Jefferson Equity Awards including Best New Play and Best Production. Not Enough Air was also produced by the Nora Theatre in Cambridge (directed by Melia Bensussen) and was listed in the Boston Globe’s “10 Best of 2010”. Other plays and performance pieces include: Marvelous Fruit, Brazen, The Girl Problem, Historic Beauty, and her frequently produced 10-minute Girls’ Play (including at Williamstown Theatre Festival and the Samuel French OOB Theatre Festival) Her plays have been finalists in various festivals and she was a recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council fellowship and the Pen New England Discovery Award. She received an MFA in Playwriting from Boston University. She currently teaches Theatre at The International School of Boston and continues to meet with her Huntington Fellow Playwrights cohort who have formed the group MUTT. 

Interior of the Artist Without Her Sister director Melia Bensussen is the Artistic Director of Hartford Stage in Hartford, Connecticut and Guest Artistic Director for the O’Neill Theatre Center 2023 National Playwrights Conference. She has directed extensively around the country, including productions at The Huntington, Merrimack Rep, Actors’ Shakespeare Project, La Jolla Playhouse, Baltimore Center Stage, Hartford Stage Company, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the New York Shakespeare Festival, Manhattan Class Company, Primary Stages, the Long Wharf Theatre, Cincinnati Playhouse, Actors Theatre of Louisville (Humana Festival), People’s Light and Theatre Company (where she received a Barrymore nomination for Best Direction), Bay Street, and Playwrights Horizons, among others. meliabensussen.com 

Playwright, poet, and Rehearse Freedom host Lenelle Moïse was part of the seventh cohort of Huntington Playwriting Fellows. She wrote, composed, and co-starred in the Off Broadway show Expatriate (Culture Project). Her full-length plays include K-I-S-S-I-N-G (winner of 8 Elliot Norton Awards), Merit, and The Many Faces of Nia. She is the author of Haiti Glass (City Lights Books), an award-winning collection of poems. Moïse is an alum of Smith College (MFA ‘04), Ithaca College, and Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. lenellemoise.com  

Power Trio playwright: Melinda Lopez is a proud Huntington Playwriting Fellow, and is thrilled to be in residence at HPF Summer Workshop. Power Trio is also in development with the UCSB LaunchPad Project. Melinda was the Playwright-in-Residence at the Huntington Theatre for six years, under the Mellon Foundation’s National Playwright Residency Program, and Artist-in-Residence for an additional three years, where she helped develop and produce Dream Boston, including writing By The Rude Bridge, and directing Joy and Wonderland, as well as serving as a core member of the Artistic staff. Melinda is a multiple award winning playwright, including Elliot Norton Awards for Best New Play for Black Beans Project (co-created with Joel Perez) and Sonia Flew which had their world premieres at the Huntington, and Mala which premiered at ArtsEmerson (available on Audible in Spanish and English) Other plays include Yerma (adaptation), Young Nerds of Color, Mr. Parent (co-written with Maurice Emmanuel Parent,) Becoming CubaBack the Night, Orchids to Octopi, and many others. Melinda also performs on stage, radio and in film, and directs plays (Upcoming: A Case for the Existence of God at SpeakEasy Stage.) She has enjoyed residencies with the Mellon Foundation National Playwrights Residency, Sundance, the Lark, and the New York Theatre Workshop. Mayor Marty Walsh declared October 29, 2016 “Melinda Lopez Day in the City of Boston.” Melinda is the recipient of the 2019 Elliot Norton Award for Outstanding Achievement, recognizing her 20-year career. She is a Professor of the Practice at Northeastern University, as well as a faculty at Boston University. Melinda is also currently developing a commission with Play On! for The Huntington (a contemporary translation of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night) and working on a live version of Black Beans Project for the Old Globe Theatre. 

Power Trio director Elena Araoz is a stage director of theater, opera, and virtual performance, working internationally, Off-Broadway, and across the country. Upcoming, Elena will direct the interactive website experience Manic Monologues (McCarter Theatre Center), Nilo Cruz’s Anna in the Tropics (Barrington Stage), Marisela Treviño Orta’s new audio drama Nightfall (Audible), the virtual production of Melisa Tien’s Swell created with ten immigrant composers, the world premiere of Lindsey Joelle’s Garbologists (City Theatre Company), and the opera I Am a Dreamer Who No Longer Dreams (which will next perform with Resonance Works Pittsburgh after its acclaimed premiere with White Snake Projects). elenaaraoz.com 

Oxbow playwright Catherine Epstein is a writer and teacher. Her plays include Arbor (The Huntington’s 2022 Breaking Ground Festival), Orchard (2022 Dream Boston Commission), and Allemansrätten (Forward Theater's 2023 Monologue Festival). She was a 2022 resident at the Catwalk Art Residency and has workshopped her plays at Bard’s Institute for Writing & Thinking, the Phillips Exeter Writers’ Workshop, and GrubStreet. Catherine was a 2019-2022 Huntington Playwriting Fellow, and she will be a Tennessee Williams Scholar at the 2023 Sewanee Writers' Conference. 

Oxbow director Megan Sandberg-Zakian is a theater artist, author, and facilitator. Across all facets of her work, she focuses on holding space for difficult conversations, creating engagements that can accommodate multiple complex truths, and allowing buried narratives to emerge. She currently serves as the Artistic Director of Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, a home for new works for the stage located on the campus of Boston University. Her book, There Must be Happy Endings: On a Theater of Optimism and Honesty, is available from The 3rd Thing Press. megansz.com 


Celebrating 41 years of outstanding theatre, The Huntington is Boston’s theatrical commons and leading professional theatre company. On our stages and throughout our city, we share enduring and untold stories that spark the imagination of audiences and artists and amplify the wide range of voices in our community. Committed to welcoming broad and diverse audiences, The Huntington provides life-changing opportunities for students through its robust education and community programs, is a national leader in the development of playwrights and new plays, acts as the host organization for a multi-year residency of The Front Porch Arts Collective, a Black theatre company based in Boston, and serves the local arts community through our operation of The Huntington Calderwood/BCA. Under the leadership of Norma Jean Calderwood Artistic Director Loretta Greco and Managing Director Michael Maso, The Huntington reopened the historic Huntington Theatre in Fall 2022 after its transformational renovation. A storied venue with a bold vision for the future, the renovation and building project will allow us to innovatively expand our services to audiences, artists, and the community for generations to come. For more information, visit huntingtontheatre.org.
