星期五, 5月 27, 2022


             (Boston Orange 編譯) 昆士市政府今 (27) 日宣佈,濱灣馬頭渡船 (Marina Bay Ferry/Winthrop Valkyrie) 將從531日起恢復運行。

              昆士市長柯奇 (Thomas P. Koch) 今日宣佈昆士市府再度和Winthrop震合作,為來往於昆士市,Winthrop及波士頓市的民眾,提供渡輪服務。

              這一渡輪服務將包括從 Squantum Point Park/Marina BayWinthrop鎮,波士頓海港,以及新英格蘭水族館之間,由Winthrop 可搭載74名乘客的Valkyrie渡船提供水上運輸服務。


              民眾可登入新設計的MBFerry.com 網站,查詢如何購買船票,船運日期及時刻表,還有旅遊景點等資訊。

              麻州參議員 John Keenan表示,昆士市是個有多種交通需求的城市,市府提供多元化的解決方案才合理。麻州眾議員Bruce Ayers鼓勵民眾察看新的MBFerry.com網站,或臉書www.facebook.com/mbferry


MAY 31st QUINCY, MA – May 27, 2022 The Marina Bay Ferry/Winthrop Valkyrie will return to service beginning Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Mayor Thomas P. Koch announced Friday that the City of Quincy will once again partner with the Town of Winthrop to provide ferry service from Quincy to Winthrop and Boston. Ferry service will include water transportation to and from Squantum Point Park/Marina Bay, the Town of Winthrop, Boston Seaport and the New England Aquarium on Winthrop's 74 passenger "Valkyrie" Ferry. “The ferry service offers early morning commuters as well as tourists another form of transportation between Quincy and Boston. The City of Quincy is happy to continue the long-standing partnership with the town of Winthrop to offer this service”, said Mayor Thomas Koch. The newly designed MBFerry.com website provides details on how to buy tickets, schedule times and dates as well as suggested destinations and tourist sights at each destination. Senator Keenan stated, “We are a community of diverse transportation needs, so it only makes sense that we offer diverse solutions. Ferry service further rounds out our local transportation options, expanding choice beyond roadways, bus routes, and rail networks, and I am glad that we are able to continue to offer this valuable resource.” “The Marina Bay Ferry is a tremendous asset to the community. I’m proud that we were able to secure funding in the FY23 state budget to once again help with its operations. Its an easy alternative to driving into the City – its fast, affordable and environmentally friendly. I encourage everyone to check out the new MBFerry.com website.” Shared Representative Bruce Ayers. Visit us at www.mbferry.com and via the ferry’s facebook page, www.facebook.com/mbferry.
