(Boston Orange 綜合整理)
1年前的今天,亞特蘭大發生槍殺案,一名槍手衝進3家亞裔經營企業,射傷8人,其中6人為亞裔女性。這可怕的槍擊事件震驚全美。美國白宮今 (16)日 發文悼念事件中的傷亡者,稱這事件彰顯了美國需要更進一步的對抗種族歧視,厭惡女性,以及所有形式的仇恨,還有如流行病般造成這些極端事件的槍枝暴力。
美國總統拜登 (Biden) 說,他和副總統哈里斯 (Harrison)飛到亞特蘭大和亞裔社區領袖晤面,也聽到太多亞裔從新冠病毒大流行發生,反亞裔仇外心理,騷擾,以及暴力事件飆升到驚人程度後,開始感覺到的恐懼與憤怒。
副總統哈里斯也經由總統的副助理兼資深亞太裔及夏威夷土著、太平洋島民資深聯絡員Erika Moritsugu,以及WHIAANHPI執行主任Krystal Ka’ai在今日於喬治亞州亞特蘭大舉行,名稱為「打破沉默:給亞裔婦女的正義 – 全國的 (Break the Silence: Justice for Asian Women – National)的亞裔領袖聯盟活動中朗讀她的聲明。
哈里斯的聲明文內容為: 一年前,我們的國家遭受著令人髮指的暴力行為,一種出於種族歧視,性別歧視以及仇恨的行為。今日,作為一個國家,我們見證了那些讓人無法忍受的現象在我們的社會中仍然存在,而且令人悲傷的已存在很久了。特別是我們見證了過去幾年來反對亞裔婦女的暴力及歧視增加了。我們重新致力竭盡所能地來確保所有亞裔,夏威夷土著,太平洋島民的個人及社區安全,免於暴力,歧視及恐懼。一年之後,這個社區的8個人,其中6人是亞裔女性,生命被奪走得太快。他們是朋友,兄弟姊妹,家長。他們每一個人都被深愛著,他們每一個人也都會被深深懷念。我們的國家悼念他們的殞落。他們的家人和親人在我的思念忠和祈禱中。
Today, the President released a statement on the one year anniversary of the Atlanta shootings honoring the victims.
One year ago today, eight people, six of them women of Asian descent, were tragically killed by a gunman who attacked three Asian-run businesses. These horrific murders shook communities across America and underscored how far we have to go in this country to fight racism, misogyny, and all forms of hate—and the epidemic of gun violence that enables these extremists.
In the aftermath of these senseless deaths, the Vice President and I traveled to Atlanta to meet with leaders of the Asian American community. We heard about the terror and anguish that too many Asian Americans have felt since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, when anti-Asian xenophobia, harassment, and violence skyrocketed to alarming levels. Grandparents afraid to leave their homes. Small business owners targeted and gunned down. Families living in fear for their lives just walking down the street in America. It was a stark reminder that anti-Asian violence and discrimination have deep roots in our nation, with Asian American women experiencing the compounded harms of being targeted on account of their race as well as their gender.
Today, we honor the victims, their families, and the Atlanta community that has shown extraordinary resilience in the face of tragedy. While nothing we do can bring the victims back, their loss has compelled us to reckon with our nation’s long legacy of anti-Asian sentiment and gender-based violence, and recommit ourselves to delivering the full measure of justice, safety, and dignity the Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community and all communities deserve. I was proud to sign the bipartisan COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act into law last May, which dedicated new tools and resources across government and law enforcement to help prevent, track, and respond to acts of hate, along with new Department of Justice grants and other measures to enhance community engagement, empowerment, and education.
This tragedy is also yet another reminder of the gun violence epidemic. My Administration has taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any other Administration it its first year. But there is more to do—and Congress must act.
On this somber anniversary, my Administration remains fully committed to advancing safety, inclusion, and belonging for all Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders—especially the women and girls who disproportionately bear the burdens of hate—and to reducing the gun violence that terrorizes our communities. Together, we must build a future where no one fears violence.
Vice President Harris has also released the following remarks, to be delivered by Erika Moritsugu, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior AA & NHPI Liaison, and Krystal Ka’ai, WHIAANHPI Executive Director, during today’s Asian Leaders Alliance event based in Atlanta, Georgia entitled: “Break the Silence: Justice for Asian Women – National.” During this event, Erika Moritsugu will be reading the following directly from Vice President Harris:
- One year ago, our nation endured a heinous act of violence—an act born of racism, sexism, and hate.
- Today, as a nation, we bear witness to the intolerance that still exists, and has sadly long existed, in our society. In particular, we bear witness to the increase in violence and discrimination in the past few years against Asian American women.
- And we recommit to doing all we can to ensure all Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander individuals and communities are safe from violence, discrimination, and fear.
- One year ago, eight members of this community, six of whom were women of Asian descent, were taken too soon. They were friends, siblings, parents. They were each deeply loved. And they are each profoundly missed.
- Our nation mourns their loss. Their family and loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers.
To view the event, please click here: Break the Silence: Justice for Asian Women - National - YouTube
Please also click here to view the Vice President’s posts:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/VP/status/
1504127098511896579?s=20&t= nCQH5bBbHjoI2MJGa_drNw - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
VicePresident/posts/ 396877872437708
Also, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai, Co-Chairs of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) and President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (PACAANHPI), issued a joint statement on the one-year anniversary of the tragic Atlanta spa shootings on March 16, 2021, in which a gunman targeted three separate Asian-owned businesses in Georgia and killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent.
- View full statement here: https://www.hhs.gov/about/
news/2022/03/16/secretary- becerra-ambassador-tai- reaffirm-administrations- commitment-addressing-anti- asian-hate-gender-based- violence-on-one-year- anniversary-of-atlanta-spa- shootings.html
“We share our deepest condolences with the families of the victims of the senseless shootings that shook our nation one year ago. The tragedy in Atlanta not only left families without their loved ones, but also further shook an entire community that was already facing escalating instances of anti-Asian violence, which disproportionately targeted women. At the onset of the pandemic, Asian Americans were increasingly met by racism and anti-Asian sentiment, which left many feeling scared to leave their homes because of safety concerns. That is unconscionable. It is unacceptable. And we will not stand for it.
“The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to fighting anti-Asian bias and gender-based violence, and ensuring that Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander families recover from the multiple crises they’ve been confronted with. Under our leadership, the White House Initiative and President’s Advisory Commission continue to coordinate a comprehensive federal response to address these issues and advance equity, justice, and opportunity for AA and NHPI communities. Together, we will work to ensure that our nation lives up to its founding ideals, and that the American Dream is within reach for every AA and NHPI family.”
Please save the date, Monday, March 21, 2022 from 1 – 2 PM ET as the White House and WHIAANHPI host a virtual AA & NHPI Womens’ Event: Women’s History Month & Atlanta One Year Commemoration. Join the White House, WHIAANHPI, and National AA and NHPI women leaders united in combating hate, then travel to different regions in the nation with events hosted by WHIAANHPI's Regional Network, providing regional based resources.
- Sign up for the National kickoff event: https://pitc.zoomgov.com/
webinar/register/WN_KL- TFVGiTTe6StDdsAG8jg
WHIAANHPI Regional Network Events on Anti-Asian Hate in March 2022
Region 1
(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)
Monday 3/21/22 2:30pm-3:30pm ET