星期四, 3月 24, 2022

昆士市爐溪高球場訂4月1日起對外開放 50年來第一次

              (Boston Orange) 昆士市市長Tom Koch 宣佈,爐溪 (Furnace Brook) 高爾夫球場將從41日起對外開放。這是50年來的第一次。

 私人經營的爐溪 (Furnace Brook) 高爾夫球俱樂部和昆士市府簽有50年租約,去年屆滿後,由昆士市自然資源局接管營運。



Furnace Brook Golf Course Open to Public April 1st
Mayor Thomas Koch announced that the golf season at Furnace Brook Golf Course will open to the public on April 1st for the first time in 50 years.  The City of Quincy’s Department of Natural Resources is operating the course after the 50-year lease expired last year with the private Furnace Brook Golf Club, Inc.
“We are excited to add this recreational opportunity to our inventory of parks and open spaces,” said Mayor Koch.  “Our plan is to provide affordable, local golf for our residents and in the process introduce many more residents to the game of golf.  This is a beautiful parcel of open space and we are glad to keep it as such for generations to come.”

Greens fees for Quincy residents have been set at:




18 Holes
9 Holes
SR 18 
SR 9
JR 18
SR 9 



Carts are $20 for 18 holes and $15 for 9 holes.  Non-residents will pay $10 extra in each category listed above.  Greens fees will be available through online booking for the first time.  Golfers can go to furnacebrookgolfcourse.com to book tee times 48 hours in advance.

“We want to introduce as many residents to the course as possible,” said Commissioner of Natural Resources Dave Murphy.  “This means affordable greens fees, camps, clinics, and other methods to help inform people of this great resource we have available to the public.  Golf has many barriers to entry and we see an opportunity to grow the game and improve the quality of life in the city.”

There are some Limited and Junior membership opportunities still available.  Family and Unlimited memberships are full but a waiting list is being compiled for 2023.

PGA Golf Professional Tom Ellis will be running the golf operations for the City.  Ellis comes from Granite Links Golf Club and has extensive experience managing public courses as well.

Plans are underway for a new clubhouse building to replace the antiquated structure that was built in 1926.  It does not meet ADA standards and much of the infrastructure and utilities would have to be replaced.  The Fours Restaurant group has been awarded the contract for food and beverage service at the clubhouse.  They expect to open their operation at Furnace Brook in early-April.
