(Boston Orange) 麻州政府3月23日宣佈,新冠病毒基本工作人員加給計畫 (COVID-19 Essential Employee Premium Pay Program) 發給低薪工作人員$500的第一輪發放,即日開始。這筆錢將於下週內郵寄給大約50萬人。
上個月麻州議會通過,麻州州長貝克簽署的美國援救計劃法 (ARPA)40億元支出計畫,撥給新冠病毒基本工作人員加給計畫4億6000萬元,以為整個麻州提供快速、重要的支援。
凡是2020年在麻州報稅,收入低於$12,750元 - 約等於以2020年的最低薪資一連50週,每週工作20小時,總收入低於聯邦貧窮線的300%以下的麻州居民,都符合資格。
查詢可在週一至五的早上9點至4點之間,電洽專設的呼叫中心(866) 750-9803。
Massachusetts to Begin Distribution of Premium Payments to Low-Income Workers
$500 payments to be sent to 500,000 eligible Massachusetts residents by the end of March and call center now available for constituents with eligibility questions
BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the start of distribution of the first round of $500 payments for low-income workers under the COVID-19 Essential Employee Premium Pay Program. The payments will be mailed to approximately 500,000 people over the next week.
These payments were previously announced last month and represent the first round of a $460 million program passed by the Massachusetts Legislature and signed by Governor Baker as part of a $4 billion spending plan for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Under this program created by the Legislature, the Administration was provided flexibility to design the program and develop eligibility parameters to ensure this critical support is provided quickly to workers across the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts residents will be eligible for first round payments if, based on filed 2020 Massachusetts tax returns, their income from employment was at least $12,750 – the equivalent to working 20 hours/week for 50 weeks at minimum wage as of 2020 – and their total income put them below 300% of the federal poverty level.
Individuals who received unemployment compensation in 2020 will not be eligible for the first round of payments, nor will Commonwealth executive branch employees who received or will receive a one-time payment from the state as their employer. Eligible individuals will receive the payment in the form of a check mailed to them. Checks will be mailed in batches in the coming days.
Click here for more information on eligibility.
For questions about eligibility, a dedicated call center is available at (866) 750-9803 and is open Monday through Friday, 9am - 4pm.
Click here to view answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
The legislation creating the Premium Pay program included $500 million in total for low-income essential workers; this $460 million program comprises the majority of those funds, and $40 million was allocated to fund previous agreements with state employee unions. This first round of payments, worth $250 million, will be made based on 2020 returns. Following the 2021 tax filing season, the next round of payments will be made using information from 2021 returns.
Information on plans to disburse subsequent rounds of funds will be released in the future