星期三, 2月 16, 2022

麻州講座慶20週年 2/16 今晚試課談遊說的科學藝術與心理

Just a reminder that as we countdown to the Commonwealth Seminar's 20th Anniversary, you're invited to come "Sample the Seminar" to learn more about our unique program and meet our dynamic Winter 2022 Seminar class.

Our next class is tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 16th, 5:45-8:15pm) and will explore “The Science, Art and Psychology of Lobbying”It could also be entitled "The Art of Getting What You Want" as you'll learn tips & strategies which you’ll be able to use virtually anywhere in any situation.

First, we’ll be joined by longtime Seminar faculty member Charles Glick, Founder of Charles Group Consulting and Former Govt. Affairs Dir. Jewish Community Relations Council.  Charles is traditionally one of our most popular and insightful presenters, and we're grateful for his constant support of the Seminar.  

After a short break, we'll be joined by Seminar alum Natalie Ornell. Natalie will share her true, always-entertaining story about her year-long quest, using the lessons she learned from the Seminar, to establish a permanent tribute to legendary civil rights icon Rosa Parks on all MBTA buses

If you haven't already seen it, please take a look at Natalie’s quick video “snippet” (36 seconds) describing her efforts here: https://youtu.be/uPbc1Odhqd0  … She’ll expound on this much more during class, naturally.

Please email us at: Info@CommonwealthSeminar.org if you'd like to join tomorrow's session.

Thanks, and hope to see some of you tomorrow.
 - Leverett
Leverett Wing, President/CEO
The Commonwealth Seminar: "Opening the Doors of Government to Everyone"
