
星期四, 4月 01, 2021

推動種族平等 促進經濟發展 美國銀行公益投資承諾增至12.5億美元

推動種族平等 促進經濟發展 美國銀行公益投資承諾增至12.5億美元


北卡羅來納州夏洛特 – 美國銀行(Bank of America)今日宣布將加碼公益投資,以推動種族平等、增加經濟機會,承諾的公益投資總額將從四年10億美元增加至五年12.5億美元。美國銀行盼能透過實際行動和投資,深化現有的倡導種族平等的運動,並身體力行鼓勵其他企業也參與進來,做出類似的承諾。

最初,美國銀行於2020年6月宣布將於四年內投資10億美元的計劃。直至今日,本行已在包括健康、就業/培訓、可負擔住房和小型企業等重點領域投入超過3.5億美元。 今日宣布加碼的資金將擴大投資範圍,以化解種族歧視以及提倡少數族裔社區平等問題,這其中也包括亞裔社區。

美國銀行首席執行長布萊恩·莫伊尼漢(音譯,Brian Moynihan)表示:「針對亞裔族群的攻擊和仇恨言論在過去一年不斷增長,解決長期存在的包容性和種族不平等問題是當務之急。所有公私營機構也清楚地意識到我們必須在此議題上做出更多努力,採取行動並匯集各界力量,以廣泛且團結地應對我們國家正在面臨的關鍵問題。」



• 向亞美公義促進中心(Advancing Justice)進行捐助,以協助非營利組織推動公民權利、提高旁觀者干預 (bystander intervention)的意識、進行多語言倡議,並提供社會服務援助和法律支持等。這筆資金將扶助亞美公義促進中心位於亞特蘭大、華盛頓特區、洛杉磯、舊金山及芝加哥的五個分部。

• 亞美公義促進中心的首席執行長康妮·喬(Connie Chung Joe)將加入美國銀行全國社區諮詢委員會(National Community Advisory Council),以維持與亞裔社區相關人士的對話和互動,並著手解決性別及種族平等問題。該委員會成員與美國銀行負責公司政策、公司實踐方法和產品部門的領導者保有密切交流,能確保員工、客戶和地方社區獲得支持。

• 進一步支持全國亞太裔美國人社區發展聯盟 (The National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development)以及領袖聯盟教育基金(The Leadership Conference Education Fund)。這兩家組織致力於透過以社區為本的工作來加強地方社區資源、宣導和培育。

• 透過發起美國銀行員工禮物對等捐贈計劃(Matching gift program),來提升慈善活動的支持力度。該行員工可以選擇對等捐贈給上述三家非盈利機構,並且可以選擇其他機構進行捐贈。同時,美國銀行決定在接下來的90天內將對等捐贈的最低



美國銀行副董事長阮桐(Thong Nguyen,音譯)說道:「最近發生在亞特蘭大的槍擊案,提醒我們一定要團結起來反對所有歧視、仇恨言論和暴力行為。我們絕不容忍任何形式的種族歧視。今天的承諾是建立在美國銀行長年致力於促進社會包容性,幫助實現種族平權的努力基礎之上的。」


美國銀行為推進種族平權不懈努力,包括參與商業圓桌會議(Business Roundtable)的最新計劃,目標在今後幾年致力於加強平權、促進多元化並改善公司文化。美國銀行也和史密森尼學會(Smithsonian Institution)一起合作,資助他們的「我們共同的未來:回顧種族歷史」(Our Shared Future: Reckoning with our Racial Past)項目。

美國銀行內部的全球多元與包容委員會(Global Diversity & Inclusion Council)則由來自全球各地的公司高管所構成,過去10幾年一直由首席執行長莫伊尼漢帶領。美國銀行還透過11個員工網絡和地方分支機構與員工交流,並給他們提供支持,當中包括擁有1萬1千名成員的亞裔領袖網絡(Asian Leadership Network)。



• 對12個少數族裔存託機構(MDI)和社區發展金融機構(CDFI)進行股權資本投資,為成千上萬本不符合傳統借貸機構條件的小型企業和個人提供貸款、住房、社區重建及其他金融服務,其中包括對亞裔存託機構中央銀行(Central Bank)的新投資。

• 對61個專注於少數族裔和女性創業的私募股權基金投資1億8千8百萬美元,以幫助他們增長資本,以及解決一直以來在融資渠道方面的種族和性別差距。

• 共同創立史密森尼學會的「我們共同的未來:回顧種族歷史」,探討美國人如何理解、面對以及對抗種族問題。

• 向全美和各地非營利組織提供超過2千2百萬美元的撥款,支持勞動力發展、創業培訓、健康項目和其他緊急用途。

• 與21所高等教育機構和大型雇主合作,以提高和培訓非裔和西裔拉丁裔學生的能力及新技能 。

• 投入超過1千3百萬美元的款項支持遭新冠疫情重挫的原住民社區 。

• 為康乃爾大學(Cornell)美國銀行女性創業者研究所(Institute for Women’s Entrepreneurship)的5萬名女性創業者提供更多機會 。

• 向全美弱勢社區發放2千5百萬個口罩。

直至2025年,美國銀行承諾將在可負擔住房方面投資150億美元,這是原先承諾金額的三倍。同時,該行將發放20億美元的「平等永續發展債券」(Equality Progress Sustainability Bond),旨在促進種族平等、經濟發展和環境永續。此外,2020年美國銀行提供61億7千萬美元的可負擔住房和經濟發展款項,用於幫助在全美建設穩健可持續的社區。(美國銀行新聞稿)

Bank of America Increases Commitment to Advance Racial Equality and Economic Opportunity to $1.25 Billion

Expansion will include actions to address racial justice and advocacy for people of Asian descent

March 30, 2021 at 11:00 AM Eastern

Bank of America today announced that it has increased its $1 billion, four-year commitment to advance racial equality and economic opportunity to $1.25 billion over five years. This effort further accelerates work already underway to address racial equality and opportunity through direct actions, investments and work to catalyze similar efforts across the private sector.

To date, the company has made more than $350 million in various investments from its initial $1 billion four-year commitment, announced in June 2020, across its primary focus areas of health, jobs/reskilling, affordable housing and small business. Additional funds announced today will further support investments to address racial justice, advocacy and equality for people and communities of color, including those of Asian descent. 

“The urgency we feel to address long-standing issues of inclusion and racial inequality has only increased following the attacks and hate speech directed at Asian people over the last year,” said Bank of America Chairman and CEO Brian Moynihan. “Across the public and private sectors, it is clear that we must do more – to take action, help others convene, and serve as a catalyst for a broad-based, collective response to the critical issues affecting our nation.”

The bank also announced an immediate $1 million commitment and related actions in support of increased advocacy, dialogue and engagement with the Asian American community. Further investments will be identified as part of the company’s expanded five-year effort. 

Immediate actions taken to help accelerate and expand pre-existing work include:

  • A grant to the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Advancing Justice) organization to advance the nonprofit’s work to promote civil rights, bystander intervention, in-language advocacy, social services assistance and legal support. This funding supports five Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliates based in Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago.
  • The addition of Connie Chung Joe, chief executive officer of Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles, to serve as a member of Bank of America’s National Community Advisory Council (NCAC), in support of ongoing dialogue and stakeholder engagement with the Asian community in the U.S., and on broad issues of gender and racial equality. Members of the NCAC engage with leaders on Bank of America’s business policies, practices and products in support of employees, clients and local communities.
  • Additional support for the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD) and The Leadership Conference Education Fund as the two organizations work to advance local community advocacy, training, and resources through community-based efforts.
  • Increased philanthropic support through Bank of America’s employee matching gift program. Bank of America employees can double their charitable donations to these three nonprofits and select others; the company’s matching gift minimum has been lowered to $1 for the next 90 days, to expand the impact of their support to the Asian community in the U.S.

“The rising number of attacks against Asian people, including the tragic shootings in Atlanta recently, have served as a stark reminder that we must stand united against discrimination, hate speech and violence,” said Thong Nguyen, vice chairman at Bank of America. “We will not tolerate acts of racism in any form. Today’s commitment builds upon Bank of America’s many years of work in support of inclusion and racial equality.”

“Over the past year, we’ve witnessed increased racism and violence against Asian Americans, underlining the significant need for tools and resources to combat these, as well as a need for culturally specific mental health and victim support resources,” said Chung Joe. “We look forward to working with Bank of America and other national advocacy leaders to advance racial equity and create opportunities for all Americans.”

Bank of America’s work to address racial equity includes participation in the Business Roundtable’s new, multi-year effort to improve equity, diversity and workplace culture, and the bank’s partnership with the Smithsonian Institution in support of its “Our Shared Future: Reckoning with our Racial Past” initiative.

Within the company, Bank of America’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Council includes senior executives from around the world and has been led by Moynihan for more than a decade. The company also connects and supports employees through 11 employee networks and local chapters, including the Asian Leadership Network with more than 11,000 members.

Expanding perspectives is a critical aspect of how Bank of America drives a culture of inclusion. Over the last decade, the company has hosted thousands of courageous conversations with employees, external partners and members of the community to cultivate awareness, inclusion and understanding. Sessions held recently include an event hosted by Bank of America’s Asian Leadership Network regarding allyship to address the current climate of race relations in America, particularly in the Asian and Black/African American communities.

Bank of America’s $350 million in commitments since June 2020 include:

Bank of America also recently tripled its affordable homeownership commitment to $15 billion through 2025 and issued a $2 billion Equality Progress Sustainability Bond designed to advance racial equality, economic opportunity and environmental sustainability. In 2020, the company provided $6.17 billion in affordable housing and economic development financing to help build strong, sustainable communities across the U.S.(From BOA)
