
星期四, 7月 23, 2020


(Boston Orange) 「波克萊台灣商會」響應「北美洲台灣商會聯合總會」發起的「千萬口罩、千萬愛心」慈善抗疫活動,和波士頓經文處合作,將陸續捐贈共19萬片醫療用口罩給新英格蘭地區5州內的第一線工作人員及弱勢團體。
             723日的首批捐贈活動在郭競儒所經營,位於麻州的公司倉庫進行。新罕布夏州州議會首席行政官(Chief Operating OfficerTerence R. Pfaff與該州第一大城曼徹斯特市消防局助理局長 Brendan Burns特地親自開車趕到存放口罩的倉庫,接受捐贈,並各自載運3萬片口罩回新罕布夏州,分送給地方上亟需物資的機構或組織。

Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce of North America Donates 60,000 Surgical Masks to New Hampshire

The Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce of North America mobilized its “10 million masks from 10 million hearts” charity drive to fight the pandemic. Local efforts by the Brookline Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston donated 190,000 surgical masks to nursing homes, medical workers, first responders and underserved groups in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island and Vermont.
The Brookline Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce gave 60,000 surgical masks on July 23 at Chamber elder Jing Ruo Lin’s storage facility in Massachusetts. New Hampshire Chief Operating Officer Terence R. Pfaff and Manchester Assistant Fire Chief Brendan Burns each picked up 30,000 masks. The masks will go toward the state and its largest city of Manchester’s neediest regions and organizations, including the Manchester School District. Director Wellington Shih of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston helped coordinate the personal protective equipment donation. Pfaff and Burns expressed appreciation to the Brookline Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and TECO Boston for their generosity. (From TECO Boston)
