
星期六, 5月 28, 2022

波士頓六四燭光晚會 訂 6/3 晚舉行


Boston Vigil for the Tiananmen Massacre
Date: June 3rd, 8:00pm
Location: Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument
Candles will be provided at the event.

維園燭光 世界延續




Candlelight of Victoria Park Lives on around the World

Ever since 1990, candlelight had always lit up Victoria Park on June 4. After the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997, this sea of light continued to glow even in the face of the totalitarian regime of the Chinese Community Party. Then came voices from groups concerned with local awareness, asserting that “demanding vindication of the June 4 Massacre on behalf of the Chinese people was irrelevant to Hong Kong”. However, let’s not forget that both the conventional June 4 memorials and the new generations’ assemblies on June 4 stand for the demand for democracy, freedom and human rights.

In 2019, the Hong Kong government prompted a huge surge in the attendance of the June 4 vigil when it tried to push the passage of the extradition bill. The vigil also gained a new meaning as a result. In 2020, the mass vigil was banned by the Hong Kong government citing COVID restrictions on gatherings. Hongkongers had their candlelight “blossom everywhere” in defiance. Last year, withstanding the suppressive Hong Kong National Security Law and the Hong Kong police, many Hongkongers still lit candles outside of Victoria Park to commemorate the anniversary. Unfortunately, with the Hong Kong Alliance and the Civil Human Rights Front disbanded, and activists become political prisoners, the annual vigil in Victoria Park seems unlikely. For those of us living in the free world, whether we want to vindicate June 4, or “reclaim Hong Kong”, we must keep the flame alive in our pursuit of democracy, freedom and human rights.

See you all on June 3 at 8 pm at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument.

星期五, 5月 27, 2022

麻州亞太裔民權行動網、華人前進會合辦亞太傳統月慶祝會 籲請民眾支持公平繳稅法

華人前進會主任陳玉珍主持亞裔傳統月慶祝會。 (周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州亞太裔民權行動網 (APIs Can) 、亞太裔美人勞工聯盟 (APALA)和華人前進會、國會眾議員Ayanna Pressly等人合作,526日晚廣邀政要、華埠及亞裔社區組織代表和民眾,在帝苑大酒樓慶祝亞太傳統月,並提醒人們支持「公平繳稅法案」。

國會眾議員Aynna Pressley (右)在華人前進會主席李素影協助翻譯中說明,選區重劃後,
她仍然代表華埠。 (周菊子攝)


波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)強調,市政府的目標是要全面改善社會,不只是波士頓華埠。

              華埠土地信託會主任駱理德、亞美社區發展協會主任劉安琪,波士頓華埠社區中心執行長Ben Hire,亞裔反家庭暴力共同主任Dawn Sauma,亞裔文化資源中心主任Carolyn Chou,小西貢文化區代表等人,都一一上台,或經翻譯協助,或自行以雙語陳述各自所代表機構關注的重點,目前概況等。

普通話、廣東話,雙聲帶的做說明。左一為華人前進會主任陳玉珍。 (周菊子攝)


Ben Hire表示該中心以家庭為服務重心,最近一名托兒服務老師因為薪資而辭職,他希望州、市議員等人能在經費方面協助社區機構。

波士頓華埠社區中心執行長Ben Hire說明該中心以家庭為服務重心。(周菊子攝)
                         這場亞美傳統月慶祝會,也邀請了多名政要出席。波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 、國會議員Ayanna Pressley,波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) ,波士頓市不分區市議員Erin Murphy,代表東波士頓的市議員Gabriela Coletta也都到場同慶。陳玉珍表示,由於州議會正為審議預算案忙碌,包括麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz) 等人,為無法出席表示歉意。

左起,波士頓市議員Gabriela Coletta,Erin Murphy,波市議會議長Ed Flynn等人各自
簡述。 (周菊子攝)'
波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)在簡短的致詞中強調,從市政府的目標來說,他們並不只要解決某一個問題,而是要支持完整的生命,完整的社區,完整的社會。她很榮幸能夠代表大家,期望將來繼續合作。

                         波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)在補充說明時表示,他們幾個市議員都支持「公平繳稅法案」。

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn補充說,他們幾位市議員都支持公平繳稅法。 (周菊子攝)
國會議員普斯莉 (Aynna Pressley)表示,從3年前她當選國會議員以來,儘管社會有變遷,她的頭髮也因患病脫落,唯一不變的是她對社區的愛與熱心。她透露在當選市議員,國會議員之前,她曾經當過6年酒店工人,她知道自己曾經多少次感覺在人們面前彷如不存在。她認為社區內沒有一個人應該有這樣的感覺,當她和姊妹們一起努力時,你們絕不會隱形。她要確保你們的勞動有價值,貢獻得到認可,能夠生活得有尊嚴。她會繼續努力確保亞裔社區被人看見,被聽見,而且安全的欣欣向榮。

           Aynna Pressley也透露每10年一次辦理的人口統計調查,通常隨之而來的是選區重劃,最近這次的選區重劃,差一點就要把華埠從她的選區劃分出去,很幸運地經過爭取,現在華埠仍由她做代表。

波士頓華埠居民會主席黃國威 (左)和華人前進會職員鄺寶蓮在每月一次的居民會例會中
已合作多年。 (周菊子攝)
Aynna Pressley還半開玩笑的說,亞裔社區有那麼多種不同語言,但她只會說兩種,那就是愛與正義。

                   在慶祝活動的尾聲,華人前進會主任陳玉珍以她剛好過43歲生日為引,籲請座中各人分別邀請43人,430人,甚至4300人來支持向年收入超過100萬元者的超過100萬元部分,加徵4%所得稅的「公平繳稅法」,以期政府可以有更多稅收來幫助貧苦民眾,推動公共建設。 (更新版)


             (Boston Orange 編譯) 昆士市政府今 (27) 日宣佈,濱灣馬頭渡船 (Marina Bay Ferry/Winthrop Valkyrie) 將從531日起恢復運行。

              昆士市長柯奇 (Thomas P. Koch) 今日宣佈昆士市府再度和Winthrop震合作,為來往於昆士市,Winthrop及波士頓市的民眾,提供渡輪服務。

              這一渡輪服務將包括從 Squantum Point Park/Marina BayWinthrop鎮,波士頓海港,以及新英格蘭水族館之間,由Winthrop 可搭載74名乘客的Valkyrie渡船提供水上運輸服務。


              民眾可登入新設計的MBFerry.com 網站,查詢如何購買船票,船運日期及時刻表,還有旅遊景點等資訊。

              麻州參議員 John Keenan表示,昆士市是個有多種交通需求的城市,市府提供多元化的解決方案才合理。麻州眾議員Bruce Ayers鼓勵民眾察看新的MBFerry.com網站,或臉書www.facebook.com/mbferry


MAY 31st QUINCY, MA – May 27, 2022 The Marina Bay Ferry/Winthrop Valkyrie will return to service beginning Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Mayor Thomas P. Koch announced Friday that the City of Quincy will once again partner with the Town of Winthrop to provide ferry service from Quincy to Winthrop and Boston. Ferry service will include water transportation to and from Squantum Point Park/Marina Bay, the Town of Winthrop, Boston Seaport and the New England Aquarium on Winthrop's 74 passenger "Valkyrie" Ferry. “The ferry service offers early morning commuters as well as tourists another form of transportation between Quincy and Boston. The City of Quincy is happy to continue the long-standing partnership with the town of Winthrop to offer this service”, said Mayor Thomas Koch. The newly designed MBFerry.com website provides details on how to buy tickets, schedule times and dates as well as suggested destinations and tourist sights at each destination. Senator Keenan stated, “We are a community of diverse transportation needs, so it only makes sense that we offer diverse solutions. Ferry service further rounds out our local transportation options, expanding choice beyond roadways, bus routes, and rail networks, and I am glad that we are able to continue to offer this valuable resource.” “The Marina Bay Ferry is a tremendous asset to the community. I’m proud that we were able to secure funding in the FY23 state budget to once again help with its operations. Its an easy alternative to driving into the City – its fast, affordable and environmentally friendly. I encourage everyone to check out the new MBFerry.com website.” Shared Representative Bruce Ayers. Visit us at www.mbferry.com and via the ferry’s facebook page, www.facebook.com/mbferry.

波士頓市府慶祝亞裔傳統月 吳弭市長期許未來更好

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)強調要為下一代打造更好的波士頓。波士頓市議會議長
Ed Flynn也贊成。 (周菊子攝)

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市府525日慶祝亞美傳統月。波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 坦言,自己身為亞裔,五月很有意義,但她提醒道,五月還是「精神健康月」,如何打破亞裔社區羞談精神健康的態度,也很重要。

波士頓市亞裔員工資源群部分成員。 (周菊子攝)
              525日在波士頓市政府大樓中庭舉行的亞美傳統樂慶祝會,由去年底成立的波士頓市政府新成立的亞裔員工資源群 (APIA ERG) 主辦,由昆士小學的舞龍、舞獅拉開序幕,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) ,波士頓市府亞裔員工資源群主席暨波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,波士頓市長亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐一一致詞,接著由Nachde 龍文化集團表演Bhangra舞,新英格蘭養生舞協會示範太極扇舞,Hush 隊表演韓國流行音樂現代舞。



              波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)稱許亞裔為波士頓所做的貢獻與犧牲。他為波士頓選出身為亞裔女性的吳弭當市長感到驕傲,還特別點名昆士小學校長司徒玉英也在現場。他誓言將和吳弭市長密切合作。

波士頓市消防局副局長黃瑞瑜 (左) 和警察局社區參與局總監陳孔恩 (右)。

波士頓市府亞裔員工和昆士小學舞獅對合影。 (周菊子攝)

              她希望將來人們能打破刻板印象,了解道亞裔其實有非常多元的背景。今年以來他們舉辦過網上的農曆新年慶祝會,率隊都芬衛球場出席紅襪隊慶祝亞裔傳統月的球賽,還將於6月份到波士頓美術博物館 (MFA)欣賞亞裔展覽,組織讀書會,選讀亞裔作家作品。


Nachde 龍文化集團表演Bhangra舞。 (周菊子攝)
昆士小學舞龍。 (周菊子攝) (周菊子攝)

趙美心恭賀 Florence Pan 獲提名為華府特區上訴巡迴庭法官

(Boston Orange 編譯) 美國總統拜登 (Joe    Biden) 525日提名Florence Pan 在最高法院候任法官Ketanji Brown Jackson就任後,遞補職缺,當華府特區上訴巡迴法院法官  。



國會亞太裔核心小組 (CAPAC)主席,國會議員趙美心 (Judy Chu)特地為此發表聲明,稱當她得悉華裔移民之女潘法官獲得提名時,非常激動。她稱潘法官從紐約南區到司法部,財政部,在州政府及聯邦政府層級的服務經歷,都有非常好的成績。她感謝拜登總統繼續實踐承諾,尋找符合資格,又能代表並反映國家多元背景的人就任職務。她也為像潘法官這樣傑出的亞裔婦女,獲提名為經常被人稱為美國第二最有權威法庭的法官感到非常驕傲。


CAPAC Chair Statement on Nomination of Judge Florence Pan to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit


Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, President Biden nominated Judge Florence Pan to succeed U.S. Supreme Court-designate Ketanji Brown Jackson on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Judge Pan was confirmed by the Senate in September 2021 to become the first Asian American woman on the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., and previously was a D.C. Superior Court judge. Upon confirmation, Judge Pan would be the first Chinese American to serve on the D.C. Circuit.  Rep. Judy Chu, Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), issued the following statement:


“I am thrilled to learn of Judge Florence Pan’s nomination to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The daughter of Chinese immigrants, she has a remarkable record of public service both at the state and federal levels, from beginning her career in the Southern District of New York, to the Department of Justice, the Department of Treasury and more. I am grateful to President Biden for his ongoing commitment to seek qualified individuals who represent and reflect the diversity of our nation – and I am so proud to see an incredible AAPI woman like Judge Pan nominated for what is often called the ‘second most powerful court’ in the nation. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to move swiftly on her confirmation.”

勞工團體與 6市市議員聯袂反對把網約車司機定義為合約工

華人前進會支持網約車司機享有正職員工薪資與福利。 (周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 「麻州不賣 (Massachusetts is not for sale) 」聯盟和大波士頓勞工會,華人前進會 (CPA),波士頓市議員Kendra Lara等人,525日在波士頓市府廣場呼籲民眾反對優步 (Uber)、 來福車 (Lyft)等網約車,和DoorDash, Instacart等外送服務以網路為營運基礎大公司所提出「 以應用程式接單司機為合約工」,可能成為選票問題的議案。

波士頓市議員Kendra Lara 與其他5個城市市議員攜手在各自城市提案,要求市議會通過議案,
反對州議會H. 1234號法案。 (周菊子攝)
                       「 以應用程式接單司機 (app-base driver) 」工作人員是打零工,還是正職員工,近年頻有爭議。加州去年才以第22號提案,通過法案,認定那是零工,但加州的Alameda高等法院後來判定這提案把許多以應用程式接單的工作人員排除在基本勞高法之外,違反了加州憲法,必須整個廢除。

在麻州,優步 (Uber)、 來福車 (Lyft)等網約車,和DoorDash爭取到8萬多份簽名後,通過了把這提案變成選票問題的第一步。

華人前進會主任陳玉珍和該會人員一起出席呼籲爭取網約車司機權益活動。 (周菊子攝)
                            這定名為「網路公司和以應用程式為基礎司機法 (Relationship Between Network Companies and App-Based Drivers Act) 」的議案,在麻州參議會已通過,在麻州眾議會編案號為H. 1234,目前處於延期到630日再報告,還待同意階段。

波士頓市議員 Julia Meija   (左起),Kendra Lara,Kenzie Bok,Ricardo Arroyo,都出席支持
網約車司機權益。前右為大波是噸勞工協會的執行祕書及財政Darlene Lombos。
                        「麻州不賣 (Massachusetts is not for sale) 」聯盟和大波士頓勞工會,華人前進會 (CPA),波士頓市議員Kendra Lara,雀喜市市議員Norieliz DeJesus等人,25日這天主要從女性勞工的安全角度出發,強調這些大科技公司為推動這提案已花1800萬元,要把網約車司機當作獨立合約工,非正式職員,因而剝奪這些人可以獲得的有薪假期,醫療保險等福利的勞工基本權益,對打工婦女,尤其是有色人種婦女的打擊尤其大。

波士頓市議員Kendra Lara,雀喜市市議員Norieliz DeJesusEverett 市議員Stephanie Martins,摩頓市(Malden) 市議員 Amanda Linehan,以及牛頓市(Newton)市議員Emily Norton,華森市市議員 Colleen Bradley-MacArthur等人,在各自所屬的市議會提出議案,反對該選票問題法案。

網約車司機代表 Lisa Call 以自身經歷指陳大公司罔顧司機權益,任意封閉司機帳號,
使他們無法接單。 (周菊子攝)
                    Kendra Lara 指該選票問題一旦通過,對工作人員至關重要的職場保護將剝奪,女性所受打擊尤其大。她指出,在新冠病毒疫情中,全美有至少210萬人失業,其中約68%為女性,許多人轉而當起優步,來福車等的網約車司機,以至於去年優步的女司機人數增加了80%。在20204月到20211月之間, 優步益 (UberEasts)的女司機人數也增加了一倍,Instacart60萬名工作人員中更是70%是女性。

爭取網約車司機權益群眾在波士頓市政府廣場公開發言。 (周菊子攝)
                   麻州獨立司機協會 (Massachusetts Independent Drivers Guild)會員Lisa Call表示,該選票問題稱司機將保有其靈活性,福利,以及100%達到最低薪資,都是謊話。司機們只拿到工作應得的三分之二,她拿到的報酬更是遠低於最低時薪。

波士頓市議員Julie MeijaKenzie BokRicardo Arroyo,以及甫於5月初在遞補選舉中當選為代表東波士頓的新任市議員Gabriela “Gigi” Coletta,這天也都在現場支持反對聲音匹。

皮優研究中心  (Pew Research Center)   的調查顯示,網約車司機 中有70% 為拉丁裔,黑人及亞裔。 

優步 (Uber)、 來福車 (Lyft)等網約車,和DoorDash, Instacart等外送服務公司為了經由選票問題把他們所聘用的司機定義為合約工,以斥資1780餘萬元做宣傳,由勞工支持的反對陣營約花了100萬元。在加州那兒,前述大公司為這議題已斥資約2億元。

「為麻州司機爭取靈活性及福利 (Flexibility & Benefits For Massachusetts Drivers)」這由前述4個大公司支持的組織,則以「迷思與事實」反駁反對提案者的說法,聲稱在麻州83%的網約車司機支持該提案,支持與反對比例為81。 (更新版)



Defendants Allegedly Submitted False Records of the Company’s Sales to the Department of Revenue in Order to Obstruct an Audit of Taxable Sales


BOSTON  A West Wareham asphalt company, its founder, and its former accountant have been charged in connection with a scheme to hide the company’s taxable sales by falsifying financial records with the state’s Department of Revenue (DOR), Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

A Suffolk County Grand Jury indicted the founder of Rochester Bituminous Products (RBP) Inc., Albert Todesca, age 69, of Mashpee, and its former accountant, Christopher Polito, age 37, of Dedham, on charges of Tax Evasion (1 count each), Delivering or Disclosing False Documents to the DOR (1 count each), Obstruction of the Administration of the DOR (1 count each), Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion (1 count each), Conspiracy to Disclose False Documents to the DOR (1 count each), and Conspiracy to Obstruct the Administration of the Tax Laws (1 count each).

The company was also indicted on the charges of Tax Evasion (1 count), Delivering or Disclosing False Documents to the DOR (1 count), and Obstruction of the Administration of the Tax Laws (1 count).

The defendants will be arraigned on the charges at a later date.

While Todesca, who founded RBP, held no official title with the company, the AG’s Office alleges he exercised control over the corporation. Through his direction, RBP evaded substantial sales taxes over the 2011-2013 time period for taxes owed for the sale of asphalt. The AG’s Office further alleges Todesca and Polito, the company’s former accountant, committed the scheme by evading sales taxes when they were due and submitting numerous false documents to the DOR from 2014-2017, in an effort to obstruct an audit of the company. The AG’s Office specifically alleges that at the direction of Todesca, Polito altered the documents to falsely indicate sales were made to entities that were exempt from the state’s 6.25 percent sales tax.

State law exempts certain entities from paying the sales tax, including federal and state government entities, as well as religious, scientific, charitable or educational organizations. The AG’s Office alleges sales Polito detailed in the falsified documents were made to non-exempt private entities.

These indictments follow charges the AG’s Office brought against Polito in connection with the investigation in November.

This investigation is ongoing. These charges are allegations and defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

This case is being prosecuted by Special Assistant Attorney General Bensen Solivan of the DOR and Assistant Attorney General Edward A. Beagan of the AG’s White Collar and Public Integrity Division with assistance from investigators from the DOR’s Criminal Investigations Bureau including Investigator Lisa Dell’Anno, and the Massachusetts State Police assigned to the AG’s Office.


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