
星期一, 4月 08, 2024

川普發視頻讓各州自決婦女墮胎權 麻州 Healey 州長呼籲:別被他騙了

            (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 美國前總統川普 (Donald Trump) 48 (週一)公佈的一段視頻中,拒絕贊同全國性的禁止墮胎。麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 立即發表聲明,呼籲眾人別被川普的謊言欺騙。

            自從美國最高法院在2022624日,就Dobbs V. Jackson婦女的健康組織一案做出裁決,顛覆了1973年的Roe V. Wade案決定後,全美各地近年都在熱意墮胎議題,今年11月即將來臨的美國總統大選,再把這話題推上高峰。


            川普在他個人的「真相社會 (Truth Social)」網站上貼文表示,很多人都問他在墮胎問題及墮胎權上的立場,他現在的看法是,應該由每個州的州民自己投票,或以立法來決定。

            他在視頻中還把最高法院推翻Roe V. Wade案決定的功勞,攬到自己頭上,說他為個人終止這 (憲法賦予的墮胎權)負責感到驕傲

            麻州州長奚莉在發表的聲明中說,"川普今天又說他很驕傲地為推翻Roe J. Wade一案,剝奪數以百萬計婦女的權利,並引發公共安全緊急事故負責。別讓川普用謊言擺脫真相,他這天的立場是他支持可怕的全美禁止墮胎,而且不讓婦女獲得基本醫療護理及自由。



Governor Healey Issues Statement in Response to Donald Trump’s Announcement on Abortion  

BOSTON – Governor Maura T. Healey issued the following statement today in response to Donald Trump’s position that abortion laws should be left to the states. 

“When someone tells you who he is, believe him. Donald Trump again said today that he’s ‘proudly’ responsible for overturning Roe v Wade, stripping the rights away from millions of women and unleashing a public health emergency. Don’t let Donald Trump lie his way out of this – with today’s position he is supporting horrific abortion bans across the country that deny women access to basic health care and freedom.  

In Massachusetts, we are still seeing the impact of Donald Trump’s actions. More women than ever are coming to our state for reproductive care, straining providers and threatening access to essential health care.  

Massachusetts is a beacon of reproductive freedom, and I will work every day to make sure abortion remains safe and legal. But one thing is clear – Donald Trump is a threat to the rights and health care of women in Massachusetts and across the country.” 
