
星期五, 4月 26, 2024

麻州慶祝植樹節種下第4000棵樹 推「納涼走廊」新計畫

(Boston Orange編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)為慶祝植樹節 (Arbor Day) ,今 (26) 日率隊前往ChicopeeStefanik小學,種下「綠化門戶城市」項目的第4000棵樹,並宣佈擴大實施促進社區環境正義的種樹計畫,改名「納涼迴廊 (Cooling Corridor)」。


麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)表示,沒有比進入社區種樹更好的方式來慶祝地球週和植樹日了。「納涼迴廊」將不只有助於降低城鎮氣溫,位居民節省能源開銷,增加務業價值,還能創造薪資好的工作機會。

「綠化門戶城市」是環境及能源事務廳 (EEA)、保護級娛樂廳( DCR)合作,能源及資源署 (DOER),住宅及宜居社區廳  (EOHLC) ,以及地方市鎮政府和草根社區組織協辦的種樹計畫,旨在降低市鎮的熱島效應,從雀喜市(Chelsea)Holyoke市和秋河市,( Fall River)開始,如今已在26個門戶城市中的23各城市種樹。



In Celebration of Arbor Day, Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces New Program to Expand Tree Plantings in Environmental Justice Communities 

Cooling Corridors will build on the successful Greening the Gateway Cities Program, which planted its 40,000th Tree  

"We're thrilled to take part in this event, celebrating the achievements of the Greening the Gateway Cities program. General John J. Stefanik School was honored to plant the 40,000th tree, showing our support for this initiative. Hosting this ceremony at our school fills us with pride, and we were delighted to welcome so many visitors. The expansion of this program, along with the introduction of Cooling Corridors, reaffirms our dedication to creating sustainable urban environments and enhancing the quality of life for all Chicopee residents. At Stefanik, our stars truly shine the brightest,” said Gen. John J. Stefanik Memorial School Principal Amanda L. Theriault.  

The GGCP is a partnership between EEA, DCR’s Urban & Community Forestry Program, the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), and the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC), along with gateway cities and local grassroots organizations. These tree planting efforts help decrease the urban heat island effect, reduce energy use, address flooding from stormwater runoff, and improve the quality of life in these cities. The program began in Chelsea, Holyoke, and Fall River. Since then, the program has expanded into 23 of the original 26 gateway cities. GGCP plants trees in Environmental Justice areas within gateway cities that generally have lower tree canopy, older housing, and larger renter populations. The program is currently active in Barnstable, Brockton, Chelsea, Chicopee, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, New Bedford, Pittsfield, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Springfield, Taunton, Westfield, and Worcester.   

Trees are planted by DCR’s Bureau of Forestry and Urban & Community Forestry crews hired from their local communities. The program plants trees ranging from six feet to 10 feet in height with a goal of covering five percent of the target neighborhoods in new tree canopy cover. Trees are planted from April to June in the spring, and from September to November in the fall, weather permitting. In high-density urban neighborhoods, planting an average of 5 trees per acre (roughly one third of a block) will provide benefits to 15-25 households, depending on building density. Planting this number of trees will increase canopy by an estimated 1% in eight years and 5% in 30 years.  

 Tree planting is an important strategy as the climate warms. Between 1971 and 2000, the Commonwealth experienced four days with temperatures over 90°F. By midcentury, it is expected to experience between 10 and 28 such days. Environmental justice populations are particularly at risk from extreme temperature–related health effects because they reside in temperature hotspots. Trees near a home directly shade structures, significantly lowering surface temperatures, while trees up to 1,500 feet away from a home still provide a benefit. Additionally, in the winter months, mature tree trunks and branches help to randomize wind patterns and decrease heat loss by air infiltration in poorly insulated homes. 
