
星期二, 12月 20, 2022

華美博物館發聲明 普渡大學西北分校校長言論"不有趣"


The Friends of the Chinese American Museum is disappointed in the subtle and underlying racism exhibited by the Purdue University Northwest’s chancellor Thomas L. Keon during one of the university’s commencement ceremonies. We hold our academic leadership, especially higher education leaders, to do better, and especially at a ceremony where young, educated leaders learn how to be citizens and people. The apology he gave, that it was ‘offensive and insensitive’ does little to diminish over a century of anti-Asian bashing and violence that Asian Americans have faced in the United States and throughout the world. Instead of educating and modeling what global and educated citizenship can look like, he demonstrated that, at a moment when levity was merited, he resorted to racist caricatures. 
As a learned man, Chancellor Keon demonstrated that even in the white halls of higher education, the persistence of Anti-Asian sentiment is more than physical violence and outright overtures of racism, they are wrapped around ‘excusable’ moments of jocularity. Much like blackface and yellowface, the ability to use humor as a bludgeoning tool, veiled by jokes and excused by ‘being funny’ illustrates why racism is still so persistent in America. His comments illustrate why Asian Americans are continually perceived as outsiders in their own country.  
Dr. Maya Angelou once said, ‘when people show you who they are, believe them.’ Dr. Thomas L. Keon has shown us the face of America, even in higher education. We must believe him. We must believe that America still has a long way to go in teaching our young people what equity should look like and sound like. Chancellor L. Keon’s mockery merits more than just condemnation, it is a call to action for Perdue to establish on-going education programs and training for their staff, faculty and management. The most educated must still learn and be accountable in facing their own racism, white supremacy, and the institutions that continue to perpetuate them.   
Chancellor Keon would do well to face those who were affected by his racists remarks by visiting and knowing the very communities he mocked. The Chinese American Museum of Los Angeles is at the nexus of these conversations. The Museum is situated in the birthplace of Los Angeles and where the Chinese Massacre of 1871 took place. The museum is dedicated to exposing historic racism and combating discrimination, xenophobia, and intolerance facing us today. We are committed to unifying and uplifting the Black, Brown, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and Asian American communities of Los Angeles through our educational programs and artistic exhibitions.  
Educational institutions must educate. To this end, it is incumbent upon Chancellor Keon to establish Asian American Studies and Ethnic Studies at Purdue University Northwest. Only then can it fulfill its own mission of educational transformation.   

華美博物館之友對普渡大學 (Purdue University) 西北分校校長托馬斯.科恩 (Thomas L. Keon) 在該大學的一場畢業典禮上表現出的含蓄而潛在的種族主義感到失望。我們要求我們的學術領導者,特別是高等教育領導層,做得更好;尤其是在一個作育英才的畢業典禮上更要樹立榜樣。他所作出的道歉,即「冒犯與不敏感」,並不能削弱一個多世紀以來美國亞裔在美國及世界各地所面臨的反亞裔攻擊與暴力。他沒有展示具有良好教育的榜樣,而是在輕鬆的時刻,他訴諸於種族主義的畫面。


馬雅安傑盧博士 (Dr. Maya Angelou) 曾經說過:「當人們向你展示他們是誰時,請相信他們。」托馬斯.科恩博士向我們展示了美國的面貌,甚至於高等教育領域。我們必須相信他。我們必須相信,在教導我們的年輕人公平應該是什麼樣子和聽起來應該是什麼樣子方面,美國還有漫長的路要走。科恩校長的嘲諷不僅僅值得譴責,這是對普渡大學採取行動的呼籲,要求他們的員工、教職員工及管理階層建立持續的教育計劃與培訓。受教育程度最高者仍必須學習及負責面對自己的種族主義、白人至上主義,以及繼續使它們長期存在的制度。

科恩校長最好通過訪問和瞭解他所嘲弄的社區來面對那些受其種族主義言論影響的人。洛杉磯華美博物館正處於這些對話的中心。博物館位於洛杉磯的發源地,也是 1871 年華埠大屠殺的所在地。該博物館致力於揭露歷史上的種族主義,並打擊我們今天面臨的歧視、仇外心理與不容忍行為。我們致力於通過我們的教育項目和藝術展覽來團結及提升洛杉磯的黑人、有色人種、原住民、LGBTQIA+及美國亞裔社區。


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