星期一, 1月 25, 2021

麻州新冠疫苗接種2/1起第2階段 75歲以上都可預約

麻州州長Charlie Baker(左)和麻州健康人民服務長Marylou Sudders,
             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(25)日宣佈,從21日起,75歲以上麻州居民,都可預約接種新冠疫苗。65歲以上將是疫苗分發第2階段的第2優先群體。麻州接種新冠疫苗的場所也增加至165個。




麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)。


麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)說,截至昨日為止,麻州共分發了651,875劑疫苗給醫護機構,其中224,250劑疫苗依照聯邦藥店合夥計畫,分發給了藥店。有8萬6000劑疫苗由長照機構施打了出去,2萬3000劑經由不同地點,為第一線工作人員施打了。約3000劑給了獄政單位,1000劑給了商業藥店。

麻州健康及人民服務長Marylou Sudders也強調,麻州能夠為多少民眾施打疫苗,變數很多,包括到底能從聯邦政府那兒拿到多少疫苗。州政府已經和聯邦政府溝通了,把儲存在聯邦機構的2萬劑疫苗拿出來,分發給了地方上的醫院,診所,以加快疫苗施打速度。

麻州政府也宣佈了在春田市,丹佛市(Danvers),以及波士頓市增設新的大型施打疫苗站。春田市的疫苗站將於129日在東野購物廣場(Eastfield Mall)開張,丹佛市預定23日在雙樹希爾頓酒店開張,波士頓市將於2月第一週在瑞吉路易斯中心(Reggie Lewis Center)開張。

麻州政府早前已經宣佈了的疫苗站有吉列體育館(Gillette Stadium),以及芬衛球場(Fenway Park)。到二月中時,麻州這些大型疫苗站將有能力每週為76000名民眾施打新冠疫苗。在持續發放疫苗之際,麻州計畫至少設置7個大型疫苗站。一旦聯邦政府分發給麻州的疫苗劑量增加了,麻週將可快速地擴大疫苗施打規模。

公眾疫苗站將包括藥店,社區診所,以及其他有充足施打疫苗經驗的醫療服務供應者及組織。本週將有44個新的公眾疫苗站開張,包括Big YWegmans Price Chooper,以及Hannaford的零售企業服務部,Stop & Shop藥店,CVS健康部等。





接種疫苗只有兩個步驟,首先上網,mass.gov/COVIDvaccine ,查詢自己是否符合現階段的優先注射疫苗資格,確認後,上網mass.gov/COVIDVaccineMap,查找離自己比較近的疫苗診所,然後在網上填寫證明書,預約時間。

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces Expansion of COVID-19 Vaccination Sites, Updates to Phase Two

Vaccinations for Individuals 75+ to Begin on February 1 as part of Phase Two


BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced an expansion of COVID-19 vaccination sites in all parts of the Commonwealth, including new mass vaccination sites, pharmacy locations and local sites. By mid-February, the Administration expects there will be 165 vaccination sites in the Commonwealth.


The Administration also announced updates to plans for Phase Two of the Commonwealth’s distribution plan. Individuals 75 years or older will now be the first priority group in Phase Two, and individuals 65 years and older have been moved into the second priority group, in addition to individuals with two comorbidities. Starting on February 1 individuals age 75 or older can be vaccinated. Vaccination sites can be found on the Commonwealth’s map at mass.gov/COVIDVaccineMap.


Vaccination Site Expansion


The COVID-19 Response Command Center has been working with health care providers, local officials, pharmacies and others to set up additional COVID-19 vaccination sites across the Commonwealth, with a focus on accessibility and geographic equity.


As of this week, Massachusetts plans to have 103 publicly available vaccination sites. Between these sites and other vaccination clinic sites (e.g. congregate care, health systems), the Commonwealth currently has the capacity to administer 242,000 doses of vaccine per week. This capacity is significantly more than the 173,175 first and second doses that the Commonwealth expects to receive from the federal government this week.


By mid-February, the Administration expects there will be 165 publicly available vaccination sites. Between these sites and other vaccination clinic sites (e.g., congregate care, health systems) the Commonwealth will have capacity to administer 305,000 vaccinations per week. This capacity is significantly more capacity than the 189,640 doses that the Commonwealth expects to receive from the federal government that week.


It is important to note that the state’s capacity to vaccinate is not the same as the number of shots administered. Vaccine capacity is determined by the state’s plan to establish sites, staff and logistics in place to do 305,000 doses by mid-February. But, the actual number of vaccinations administered to residents depends on several variables, including the availability of doses from the federal government. 


The Commonwealth is planning to set up the capacity to administer more doses than we are currently receiving from the federal government. If Massachusetts continues to get the same number of doses from the federal government that the state is getting now, there could be empty seats at vaccine sites. 


The Administration also announced new mass vaccinations sites in Springfield, Danvers and Boston:


  • The Springfield site at Eastfield Mall will open on January 29.


  • The Danvers sites at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel will open on February 3.


  • In collaboration with the City of Boston, a site at the Reggie Lewis Center will open the first week of February.


These are in addition to sites already announced at Gillette Stadium and Fenway Park. By mid-February, the Commonwealth’s mass vaccination sites will have the capacity to vaccinate 76,000 people each week. The Administration expects to open at least seven mass vaccination sites as vaccine distribution continues. These mass vaccination sites have the ability to significantly and rapidly scale up operations if vaccine supply from the federal government increases.  


In addition to the mass vaccination sites, the Administration is establishing public vaccination sites at a variety of different locations in every region of the Commonwealth. Public vaccination sites listed on the map include places like pharmacies, community clinics, and other providers and organizations that have experience administering vaccines efficiently and safely. This week, 44 new public vaccination sites will open. These include new pharmacy and retail locations such as Big Y, Wegmans, Price Chopper, Retail Business Services at Hannaford and Stop and Shop Pharmacies, and CVS Health.


While many sites across the Commonwealth are open to all eligible individuals, some sites will be operated by local communities specifically for the residents in their community or the residents in their region. This week, 11 new restricted vaccination sites will open.


A map with all locations is available at mass.gov/COVIDVaccineMap. Each location has additional details on eligible groups and signup details. The map is updated frequently as more sites come online.



Phase Two Priority Group Updates


The Administration announced updates to Phase Two of the distribution plan, which will begin February 1st for the first priority group. Individuals 75 and older will now be the first priority group in Phase Two.


Consistent with CDC guidance, individuals 65 and older and individuals with 2 or more comorbidities will now be the second priority group.


Later this month, individuals age 65 or older and individuals with 2 or more comorbidities will be eligible to get the vaccine. The exact date will depend on the vaccine supply from the federal government and the uptake and demand for vaccine appointments.


Along with the addition of individuals age 65 and older into part 2 of Phase Two, the Commonwealth updated the listing to no longer specifically list Public and Private low income and affordable senior housing as its own category, as all individuals over the age of 65 will be eligible to receive vaccine by part 2 of Phase Two regardless of where they live.


The order of Phase Two will now be:


  • Individuals 75+


  • Individuals 65+ or with 2+ comorbidities


  • Early education and K-12 workers, transit, utility, food and agriculture, sanitation, public works, and public health workers, and


  • Individuals with one comorbidity.


All Phase One eligible priority groups are now eligible for vaccinations, which includes all health care workers, residents and staff of long term care facilities, and congregate care facilities, home health care workers and non-COVID-facing health care workers and first responders.



The Administration will announce further updates on timing for other priority groups as the Commonwealth gets more information on vaccine shipments from the federal government. To learn more about the eligible groups, visit mass.gov/COVIDvaccine.


How to Get a Vaccine


Individuals with questions about how to get a vaccine should follow these steps:


  1. Visit mass.gov/COVIDvaccine to find your phase and priority group


  1. If you are eligible: use mass.gov/COVIDVaccineMap to find a vaccine clinic near you


  1. Make an appointment online and fill out the attestation form
