(Boston Orange)麻州亞美局(AAC)將於5月3日(週五)晚7點,在屋本市(Woburn)的波士頓皇冠廣場酒店舉行第13屆團結晚宴,6點起為接待交流會,現場有小點,可付費購酒水,另有無聲拍賣。收入將用於支持,擴大及加強亞美局為社區發聲等活動。
麻州亞美局行政主任蔣如婷表示,今年的團結晚宴將由麻州亞美局委員Nate Bae Kupel 和 Meena Bharath擔任司儀,主題為”一起向前:我們的傳統,多元化及身分”。會上將以社區英雄獎表揚麻州西部不丹協會,以包容及多元化領導力獎表揚藏紅花圈,以終生成就獎表揚Jean
團結晚宴將邀請明尼蘇達大學Vichet Chhuon博士做主題演講,並安排有尼泊爾的Shyam
"We are excited to have Commissioners, Nate Bae Kupel and Meena Bharath from the Asian American Commission emcee our event themed, ‘Forward Together: Our Heritage, Diversity, and Identity’ as we honor the work of the Bhutanese Society of Western Massachusetts (recipient of the Community Hero Award); Saffron Circle (recipient of the Leadership for Inclusion and Diversity Award); and Dr. Jean Wu (recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award)," remarked Executive Director Jenny Chiang.
Along with our accomplished awardees, we are deeply honored to feature keynote speaker, Dr. Vichet Chhuon, University of Minnesota.
Attendees will be treated to performances by Shyam Nepali, Boston Korean Traditional Dance Group, and Nearyoth Academy of Arts. (English version provided by AAC)