
星期五, 4月 13, 2012


 芬衛球場(Fenway Park)今日(四月十三日)舉行慶祝一百週年開幕式,波士頓流行交響樂團,以及 James Orent指揮的探戈塢節慶合唱團,將在現場演唱美國國歌。
今日的傳統開幕日儀式,內容包括介紹Tampa Bay Rays及紅襪隊,展示巨幅美國國旗,演奏美國國歌,F-16 噴射機掛著佛蒙特「綠山男孩」橫幅飛過,儀式性的投第一球,以及宣佈「開球」。
第七局比賽時,佛蒙特州聖亞邦的十一歲男孩 Rosie Newton,將演唱「上帝祝福美國」。
芬衛球場從今日起,將有如一個活的博物館,球迷們可 在球場內看見各種反映芬衛球場已一百年的紀念品。週六(十四日)起,芬衛球場還將開始為球迷提供100週年芬衛球場遊。

BOSTON, MA – Members of the Boston Pops and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus conducted by James Orent will perform the National Anthem today in Opening Day Ceremonies at Fenway Park, which this year celebrates its 100th Anniversary.  Ceremonies commemorating the special anniversary will take place one week later, on Friday, April 20, the exact anniversary of the first Major League Baseball game at the ballpark. 
Traditional Opening Day ceremonies tomorrow will include the introduction of the Tampa Bay Rays and the Red Sox, the unveiling of the giant American flag on the Green Monster, the performance of the national anthem, a fly-over by the “Green Mountain Boys” of Vermont in F-16 jets, the Ceremonial First Pitch, and the declaration to “Play Ball.”
