
星期日, 3月 03, 2024

紐英倫客家鄉親會慶天穿日 美嬌娘獻歌舞賞心悅目 (謝開明圖片專輯)



星期六, 3月 02, 2024


                (Boston Orange 摘譯) 麻州聯合路 (United Way)和麻州政府合作擬定,去秋宣佈的安全網庇護所補助項目 (SafetyNet Shelter Grant Program)”31日公佈將資助10個地點,並在其中的海港區庇護所為大約25個家庭及其兒童提供臨時的遮風避雨處。


               聯合路麻州董事長及執行長Bob Giannino表示,該機構將撥發安全網避戶所補助款給黑人男民及移民社區聯盟,大波士頓青年會,以及美國一神論協會 (Unitarian Universalist Association),以協助他們為大波士頓內有兒童的家庭,懷孕者,緊急需要庇護住宿者提供服務。

               Bob Giannino說,很感謝美國一神論協會免費提供地方來支持他們的供應夥伴,為有需要的家庭及兒童們,提供緊急住宿。

               這筆補助款將可在海港地區支持大約25個家庭及其兒童臨時住一晚。安全網庇護所補助款項目還資助在其他9個地點,為符合麻州緊急援助 (EA)家庭庇護所條件,卻無法立即在EA庇護所得到住宿安排的家庭,找地方住。

               黑人男民及移民聯盟 (The Black Refugee & Immigrant Coalition)將在包括大波士頓青年會 (YMCA)等不同的社區中心,為家庭提供環繞式的,以及個案管理服務。特意設立的日間場所將提供社區餐食。以及各種語言的就業,住宅援助等全面性服務。

               聯邦房住局 (HUD)的全國最大技術援助供應商之一的Abt 公司將和黑人難民及移民聯盟合作,提供災難管理,難民及流民系統回應,在找工作,永久性住宅,以及為小孩註冊上學等事情上提供協助。



Healey州長遞出"麻州領先法" 提生命科學、環境科技10年計畫

Governor Healey Files Mass Leads Act to Grow Economy, Support Businesses, Attract Talent 

Economic Development Bond Bill includes 10-year reauthorization of Life Sciences Initiative and new 10-year climatetech investment 


BOSTON – Today, Governor Maura T. Healey filed the Mass Leads Act, her administration’s economic development bond bill that will strengthen Massachusetts’ global leadership in life sciences and launching game-changing investments in climatetech and applied artificial intelligence (AI). Yesterday, Governor Healey announced that the bill includes a 10-year reauthorization of the transformative Life Science Initiative, as well as a new 10-year investment in climatetech to compete in the emerging clean energy sector. 


In addition to positioning Massachusetts as a global hub for these innovative sectors, the bill also proposes support for small businesses, rural communities, workforce development, and arts and culture.  


This omnibus bill is central to a 10-year economic development strategy to execute the vision outlined in the administration’s 2023 economic development plan: Team Massachusetts: Leading Future Generations.  


“The Mass Leads Act invests in every sector of our economy to help businesses and workers succeed in every region of our state – now and for a generation to come. These proposals will position Massachusetts to maintain our competitive edge on the global stage, while also strengthening our economy by supporting workforce development, small businesses, rural communities, and arts and culture,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Every decision in this package was made through a lens of equity, affordability and competitiveness, and we look forward to working with our Legislative partners to deliver for Massachusetts.” 


“The Mass Leads Act will do wonders for our local economies,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. “It invests in the entrepreneurs and small businesses that are the backbone of our communities, works to close the digital divide and bring more regional equity into our economy, and empowers local government with the tools they need to combat climate change. We have a transformative opportunity to make our economy stronger for generations to come, and we must act on it.” 


“The Mass Leads Act’s investments will continue to lengthen our lead across key sectors and ensure that Massachusetts continues to be the best place for innovative companies to start, scale, and succeed; and the best place for talent from all kinds of backgrounds to start and grow fulfilling careers,” said Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao. “This legislation will invest across all regions and communities across our state and enable us to lead together as Team Massachusetts.”  


“Massachusetts has an opportunity to build on its global leadership in life sciences and make new investments in climatetech, workforce and talent development and other sectors of our economy that will set the state and its residents up for future success. The Mass Leads Acts does just that through a mix of borrowing, tax incentives and other investments that all fit within our long-term capital and fiscal plan to responsibly and sustainably position the state to grow jobs and industries and take full advantage of our economic strengths,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Mathew J. Gorzkowicz. 


Aligned with the administration’s economic development plan, this proposal is focused on three main priority areas:  

·            Fundamentals – Investing in the fundamentals to enable economic growth    

·           Talent – Retaining and attracting the world’s best talent across all backgrounds  

·           Sectors – Supporting businesses that power the state’s economy 

The bill proposes several new capital programs, in key areas highlighted in the administration’s economic development plan. In addition to the climatetech initiative, new capital programs include:  

·           $100M for the Applied AI Hub for grants to facilitate the application of artificial intelligence (AI) across the state’s ecosystem, which will be informed by the strategic priorities of the AI Strategic Task Force. 

·            $75M for the Massachusetts TechHub to establish a new program in Massachusetts for investment in consortia organized around key technology areas, modeled on the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s Regional Technology and Innovation (Tech Hubs) Program.  

·           $25M for the Robotics Investment Program for capital grants to advance the state’s leadership in the robotics sector through research, commercialization, and training.  

·           $25M for the Business Builds Capital Program for a new grant program to support business improvements, such as energy efficiency, via the Business Front Door. 

The bill also includes capital authorizations for existing programs that remain core to the state’s economic development toolbox, including programs offered through the Community One Stop for Growth as well as capital resources for advanced manufacturing and the tourism and cultural sector:  

·           $400M for the MassWorks Infrastructure Program for public infrastructure improvements to spur private development and create jobs. 

·           $100M for the Rural Development Fund to provide financial support for infrastructure improvements and community planning efforts in rural communities. 

·           $100M for the Seaport Economic Council to support marine economies in coastal communities. 

·           $99M for Advanced Manufacturing for flexible grants to support advanced manufacturing initiatives through Mass Tech Collaborative.   

·           $50M for the Cultural Facilities Fund to provide resources for capital improvements at cultural facilities, such as museums, theaters, and performance venues.  

·           $40M for Destination Development Grants to support critical capital improvements at tourism assets across Massachusetts. 


In total, this legislation recommends approximately $2.8 billion in bond authorizations for capital-related grantmaking, of which $1.75 billion is dedicated to the reauthorization of existing programs and $1 billion is proposed for new capital initiatives. This bill also proposes $750 million in economic development tax program changes, which includes the creation of the new climatetech incentive program and an expansion of the life sciences incentive program.  


Alongside the bill, Governor Healey signed two Executive Orders. One establishes a Cultural Policy Development Advisory Council that will be charged with developing recommendations to the administration for how to support and grow the state’s arts and culture sector. The administration is also committing to identifying and selecting artists-in-residence to collaborate with state agencies and establish, for the first time, an official poet laureate position for the state. 


The second Executive Order establishes a council tasked with reviewing the existing procurement laws and related processes for public building construction projects, such as state laws relative to surety bonds, to identify barriers to small, emerging, and diverse businesses, and to make recommendations that address them.   


The full legislation and key issue briefs will be available on the EOED website.

麻州參議會推女權掛前美國第一夫人Abigail畫像 第一座有影響力女性雕像人選請民建議

                (Boston Orange摘譯) 麻州參議會在婦女歷史月第一天的今日,3月1日,掛出前美國第一夫人 Abigail Adams的肖像,並呼籲民眾為參議會將第一個永久展出的具影響力麻州女士雕像,遞交建議,

               麻州參議會重新成立,由民主黨籍代表Truro的參議員Julian Cyr 所率領的參議會藝術委員會將負責評審民眾建議。

               Abigail Adams的肖像描繪了一名早年的婦女權益倡議者,她反對奴隸,支持婦女教育,並在辯論美國的結構及治理時,忠告美國建國之父要記得女性。麻州參議會議長Karen E. Spika 在一場公開儀式中,為這幅將永遠掛在參議會大堂的肖像揭幕。

               Abigail Adams是第二位在麻州參議會掛出永久肖像的女性。第一位前任麻州參議會議長Therese Murray。她的肖像掛在參議會閱讀室。這是現任參議會議長Karen E. Spika為擴大女性在麻州眾議會的代表性,所做的最新行動。

               麻州歷史協會會長 Catherine Allgor表示,在麻州議會揭曉Abigail Adams的肖像畫,是朝向擴展美國歷史所邁出的重要步驟。麻州參議會議長Karen E. Spika的致力表揚像Abigail Adams這樣具影響力的女性,認可了從過去聆聽多元聲音的重要性。

               在參議會掛出的這幅Abigail Adams肖像,是麻州歷史協會送給麻州參議會肖像的複製品,1766年時由Benjiamin Blyth 以原始粉彩繪製而成。

               在婦女被禁止投票,或參選的年代,Abigail Adams倡議婦女權益。她曾向她丈夫,一位第一大陸國會成員,說過一句很有名的話,記得婦女們

               Abigail Adams是麻州南岸Weymouth的本土人,在那兒出生長大,後來才搬到Braintree去。在跟隨丈夫周遊,並給予忠告數十年後,當上第一夫人。她和家人後來搬回麻州,住在昆士市。

CVS 和Walgreens將在麻州擴大銷售Mifepristone Healey州長稱許

              (Boston Orange 摘譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 31日發表聲明,稱許CVSWalgreens將在包括麻州的數個州,銷售避孕藥 Mifepristone

               奚莉州長表示, Mifepristone已被人們安全且有效的使用了20多年。CVS Walgreens決定擴大人們取得該藥的途徑。麻州也將永遠保護婦女獲得包括用藥墮胎的生育護理。

               今年1月時,奚莉州長和21名州長成立了「生育自由聯盟 (Reproductive Freedom Alliance)」,並就聯邦政府食品藥品管理局 (FDA) 和希波克拉底醫藥聯盟 (Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine )之間的案件,向最高法院遞交了一份法庭之友摘要(Amicus curiae brief)”


星期五, 3月 01, 2024

麻州10團體攜手發起"投票無偏好"行動 呼籲拜登總統支持加薩停火

 New Coalition Pledges to Get out Vote 

for “No Preference” on Super Tuesday in MA

Send Message to Biden for Immediate Gaza Ceasefire 

Boston, MA - In the wake of an unprecedented showing in Michigan, where 100,000 people voted “Uncommitted,” to signal to President Biden that his unwavering support for genocide would threaten his chances at re-election, a growing coalition of over 10 organizations have founded a “Vote No Preference” campaign in Massachusetts.  

The interfaith coalition includes members from the Muslim and Jewish communities, as well as over 10 organizations with experience doing voter turnout across the state. They will hold a virtual press conference on Monday, March 4 at 10AM EST, to call on Massachusetts voters to vote “No Preference” on Super Tuesday, March 5 to tell Biden: “Count us out for genocide!” and urge him to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Merrie Najimy, one of the organizers, will also speak at a rally tomorrow, Saturday, March 2 at 1PM in front of Cambridge City Hall. 

Link below to register for the press conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_boogTbwXTJSszkr6KEIWsQ  

The burgeoning coalition will distribute hundreds of signs and thousands of flyers and stickers across the state over the weekend, planning statewide phone banks, plus a social media campaign, using #VoteNoPreferenceMa, following Michigan’s example. The coalition includes multiple local mushrooming peace groups based in cities across the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Peace Action, the Massachusetts Muslims for Justice, which has 1000 members who have been phonebanking Congressional Reps daily for ceasefire since fall 2023. The group also includes the Boston Shai House, an organizing network of Massachusetts Arab and Muslim voters, born of the strong support for Senator Sanders in Michigan in 2016. In 2020, Boston Shai house efforts turned out the MA Arab/Muslim vote for Sanders, by a wide margin (58.2% for Sanders to 26.5% for Biden). Sanders has consistently called for US aid to Israel to be contingent on compliance with international law, a position which over half of US voters support 

“Israel’s horrifying massacre of over 100 Palestinians waiting for food aid yesterday,  makes it clear that Biden has no red lines. He keeps saying he is pushing to protect civilians while vetoing 3 UN ceasefire votes, bypassing Congress to send millions of dollars in weapons for Israel’s war crimes, and cutting off UNRWA funding, the only humanitarian organization able to provide and distribute humanitarian assistance on the ground. The current threat of famine is directly linked to Biden Administration policies and choices.” said Danya Reda, Assistant Professor of Political Science at UMass Boston and member of the Boston Shai House. “We aren’t fooled, Biden. Voting ‘No Preference’ is one way that Massachusetts voters can send the message that we will not continue to vote for blank checks for war crimes.”     

Democratic voters find the Democratic Party less and less reflects its constituents and saw the elections as a meaningful opportunity to send a message.  

“Biden and the Democrats have been taking our votes for granted for too long,” said Humayun Morshed, Muslim Community Organizer, Greater Boston. “For four months our elected officials have been sending our tax dollars to kill children without our consent. That’s why we are calling on people in the Muslim community and across Massachusetts to vote “No Preference” on Tuesday.” 

Repeated polls show that two out of three Americans support a ceasefire in Gaza,” said Mia Haddad, an organizer for Somerville for Palestine, and a local healthcare worker. “Young people like me see clearly that Biden and the Dems are pursuing policies that have left our generation behind. We will be voting: No Preference on March 5.”  

The organizers announced a coordinated campaign in mosques and community groups around the state to get out the vote and teach constituents to fill in the “No Preference” bubble on their ballot for the Democratic Presidential Primary. Although Massachusetts is not a swing state, organizers say that should make it feel even safer for voters to use their vote to make a statement to Biden: “Count us out for genocide.”  

If a candidate (or Uncommitted) receives 15% of the vote in a primary, and at least 15% in one Congressional District, then delegates to the DNC Convention can be awarded to the candidate - or will not be committed to vote for Biden, in the case of “Uncommitted,” or “No Preference.”  

"Biden and his government have sent billions of our tax dollars for Israel's brutal conquest of Gaza and the West Bank; and he has already vetoed 3 ceasefire votes in the UN. We as healthcare workers cannot look away as Biden spends our tax dollars on genocide,” said Aparna Nair-Kanneganti, a medical student at Harvard. “Massachusetts healthcare workers have been protesting for months, and like the 80% of Democrats who have supported a ceasefire since October, we are angry that our elected officials are ignoring us. On March 5, I have no choice, but to vote “NO PREFERENCE” for the DNC Nominee. Count us out for genocide."

AAJC建立反仇恨數據資料庫 推出亞裔資源樞紐

                (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)南加州亞美促進正義會(AJSOCAL)和亞美促進正義會 (AAJC),微軟 (Microsoft)合作設立的亞裔資源樞紐 (Asian Resource Hub) 229日正式面市。

               AAJC指出,這新資源具有雙重任務,一為經由收集來的亞裔社區報告,綜合整理,描繪出上漲的仇恨趨勢,一為以亞裔語言提供具文化能力的服務,以及可以搜尋的全國資源指南。該網站目前有中文(傳統中文與簡體)、韓文、越南文翻譯。所有人都可免費上此網站 asianresourcehub.org.

               南加州亞美促進正義會執行長Connie Chung Joe,亞美促進正義會會長John C. Yang,基本權益科技 (Technology for Fundamental Rights)總經理Merisa Heu-Weller依序分別指出,推出這資源旨在回應在新冠病毒疫情期間及之後,持續的,對亞裔社區的騎士;長期以來亞裔社區都缺乏深遠的有品質數據,以反映人們所遭受的仇恨事件;了解並分析數據,人們就能對社區到底正在發生些什麼事,有更好的了解。

 LOS ANGELES, CA and Washington, DC — Today marks the launch of the Asian Resource Hub, a unique digital resource developed in collaboration between Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California (AJSOCAL), Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC (Advancing Justice – AAJC), and Microsoft. This new resource pioneers a dual mission: 1) to illustrate the surge of hatred through data culled from a combination of reports (surveys, hate trackers, law enforcement, and public records) about the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities (AAPIs) and 2) to provide a searchable national directory of resources and culturally competent services that offer help in Asian languages. The website is currently translated in Chinese (Traditional & Simplified), Korean, and Vietnamese. Access to the hub is free to all at u8 

Connie Chung Joe, CEO, Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California said, "The Asian Resource Hub is a direct response to the ongoing discrimination against our community during, and because of, the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a crucial need for AAPIs to find vetted, language accessible and culturally competent resources when and where help is needed. The impact of hatred and discrimination is too often devastating and complex.” 

John C. Yang, President, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC commented, “There’s a profound absence of quality data reflecting the hate incidents and experiences endured. With the Asian Resource Hub, our goal is clear: to fill these gaps, and provide awareness and data that empower the AAPI community to confront and overcome these challenges. We are grateful to our partner Microsoft for bringing their expertise to this pressing need.” 

Merisa Heu-Weller, General Manager, Technology for Fundamental Rights, Microsoft -- “By understanding and analyzing data we can provide insights for community members to better understand what is happening in the neighborhoods where they live, work and play. By working together to create The Asian Resource Hub, Microsoft, AJSOCAL and Advancing Justice - AAJC are providing communities with that clarity through a data-dashboard, supportive collateral, and a national directory to help fight against Asian incidents.” 

By the Numbers: AAPIs and Anti-Asian Hatred: 

·  The Asian Resource Hub provides public data on the AAPI community by illustrating the scope of widespread anti-Asian discrimination and hate in the U.S. using storytelling narratives and the Microsoft-powered PowerBI data visualization platform based on data collected by StopAAPIHate.org, StandAgainstHatred.org, the U.S. Census Bureau, FBI reports, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, local law enforcement, and other sources. The Asian Resource Hub demonstrates the growth and needs of the AAPI community, from before, during, and after the COVID-19 era. By presenting data in a visually compelling manner, the Asian Resource Hub aims to raise awareness and foster a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by these communities. 

AAPI Resource Directory: 

·  The Asian Resource Hub introduces a searchable resource directory, featuring vetted AAPI community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide low/no-cost and culturally competent and linguistically appropriate direct services. This directory makes it easier for individuals and communities to access essential resources tailored to their own languages and needs. Currently listed are more than 60 organizations in over 21 states that provide a variety of services including legal assistance, social services, civic engagement opportunities and more. 

亞美促進正義惠稱許參議院引介John R. Lewis投票權促進法

 Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC commends the Senate's introduction of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

WASHINGTON, DC — February 29, 2024 — Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC commends the Senate's introduction of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act as a significant step towards ensuring full participation from all Americans in our democracy. In this crucial election year, the bill emerges as a beacon for equitable democracy, addressing critical issues akin to the historic Voting Rights Act and responding to the pressing need for legislative action. This is prompted by the devastating 2013 Supreme Court ruling in Shelby v. Holder, which eradicated the “pre-clearance” provision that required jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to seek pre-approval of voting changes.

John C. Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, expressed his support for the bill, stating:

“At the heart of the numerous hurdles our democracy is confronted with, lies the deprivation and dilution of the foundational right to vote, which significantly impacts Asian, Black, Latino, and Native American communities. It is absolutely imperative that we address and rectify these issues to protect our democracy, which relies on the full and equal participation of every eligible voter. The John Lewis VRAA is a step toward forging a path for true inclusion of the voices and votes for all communities nationwide.

During a pivotal election year, the strength of America's democracy rests on ensuring every voice is heard. I commend the Senate for presenting this bill at such a crucial juncture in our nation's history and urge Members of Congress to safeguard the freedom to vote by passing this legislation.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC supports the John Lewis VRAA because it embraces a forward-looking perspective for the future of our democracy.”