
星期六, 5月 27, 2023

波士頓市2名麻州眾議員離任 5/30 辦特別選舉

           (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市選務局提醒市民,530 (週二) 將舉辦特別選舉,為薩福克郡第 9 和第 10區麻州眾議員席位,選出遞補者。

           麻州薩福克郡第 9區眾議員 Jon Santiago 經麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 指派,已上任為麻州首名退伍軍人事務廳廳長,地10區眾議員Edward F. Coppinger獲邀出任麻州生物科技協會 (MassBio) 的政府事務主管,他們2人的眾議員席位因而出缺,依法必須補選。

         在波士頓市的275個投票站中,只有第9、第10選區的共39個投票站選區需要辦理這次的特別選舉。波士頓選務局提醒這2區的選民記得到時候出席投票,投票站一樣是早上7點開門,晚上8點關門。完整的投票站資訊,可在波士頓市政府網站上查詢,Votlocat1 (boston.gov) 


BOSTON - Thursday, May 25, 2023 -The City of Boston’s Election Department is reminding voters in the 9th and 10th Suffolk State Representative Districts that the upcoming Special State Elections to fill the vacancies following the resignations of Representatives Edward F. Coppinger and Jon Santiago will take place on Tuesday, May 30, 2023. Polling locations open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Only 39 of Boston’s 275 precincts will participate in this election. A full list of polling locations can be found here 


Voters who requested a vote by mail ballot are encouraged to return their ballots early to ensure that they are counted.  

Ballots may be returned using one of eight drop-box locations in the City; in-person at the Boston Election Department located at City Hall Room 241; or via U.S. Mail. All drop boxes will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Voters are asked to please use the postage paid return envelope included with the ballot package. Ballots must reach the Boston Election Department or a ballot drop box by 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May,30th to be counted. 

Ballots cannot be delivered to a polling location on Election Day. 

Voters can track the status of requests for vote-by-mail ballots here. If there is no movement indicated in the “Track My Ballot” system, voters should plan to vote in-person on Election Day. 

Voting on Election Day  

As a reminder, voters should check their registration status via the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website. Boston’s ballots are available in English and Spanish across all precincts within the 9th and 10th State Representative districts and in Chinese and Vietnamese if required. All voting locations are ADA accessible and are equipped with AutoMark Voting Terminals for voters with visual or hearing impairment. 

Polling Location Change 

Voters in Ward 20 Precincts 6, 7 and 19 will return to their previous voting location at Holy Name Parish Hall, 535 West Roxbury Parkway. The voter entrance is located off Centre Street and Greaton Road and voting will take place in the gymnasium. 

Voters in Ward 20 Precinct 20 will continue to vote at the BCYF Roche Community Center gymnasium, 1716 Centre St.  

Unofficial Results 

After polls close at 8:00 p.m., the Election Department will receive and upload unofficial results of ballots counted at polling places as they are returned from each precinct. 

Media Guidelines 

Where to Stand 

Members of the press must remain behind the guardrail. While many polling places are not equipped with a physical guardrail, the area within the “guardrail” encompasses the check-in table, the voting booths, and the ballot box. Only poll workers and voters should be within this area. 

Interacting with Voters and Poll Workers 

Members of the press, like all other observers in the polling place, may not interact with voters while they are in the polling place. Further, observers who have questions about where they should stand and what they are allowed to do while observing should ask to speak to the warden. The warden may provide members of the press with information regarding their rights as observers. 


Photography of the voting process in the polling place is permitted, though marked ballots may not be photographed. Photographers are allowed inside the polling place to photograph the area from outside the guardrail. The warden may instruct the photographer not to take photos of any marked ballots. 

Video & Audio Recording 

As with photography of the polling place, video recording of the polling place is allowed. Audio recording of the polling place is not permitted under state law. Anyone recording in the polling place must have the ability to record without capturing audio and should be instructed to do so by the warden. Those who are using electronic equipment may not use the electricity in the polling place to power their equipment. 

Exit Polling 

Exit polling and interviews of voters are permitted outside the polling place, even within 150 feet of the entrance to the polling place, but only those voters who are leaving the polling place should be stopped. Voter access to the polling place should not be impeded in any way.

台灣就業金卡推廣列車開到波士頓 20人已成功申辦

波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (後右一) 接待,臺灣就業金卡辦公室辦說明會。
(前右二)特地出席支持。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 臺灣就業金卡辦公室524號首次來到美東做推廣說明,在波士頓僑教中心介紹該卡概況,希望吸引更多人才到臺


              隸屬國發會,承辦推廣業務的臺灣就業金卡辦公室的2名專案經理田記禮 (Tom Fifield)Jerry Lin,這天由波士頓經文處陳艾芸陪同到場,說明臺灣為吸引10類人才,設計出這四證合一的證件,簡化海外人士入境居留的各種申辦手續,並提供優惠。

臺灣就業金卡辦公室專案經理Jerry Lin (左起)、田記禮 (Fifield) 由波士頓
經文處陳艾芸陪同,出席說明會。 (周菊子攝)


新英格蘭臺灣商會會長王志維為企業家提問。 (周菊子攝)

              本身是澳洲人,已入籍臺灣的田記禮 (Tom Fifield)和從美國返臺工作的Jerry Lin2名國發會麾下就業金卡辦公室的專案經理指出,在該辦公室發出的近8000張就業金卡中,申請人來自98個國家,其中28% 來自美國,其次為香港及日本。這些金卡申請者約有一半定居臺北,但其中約三分之一以遠距方式辦公,散居於臺灣各地,臺東縣政府結合大武鄉公所打造的全國首座數位游牧工作聚落,就很受歡迎。


田記禮及Jerry Lin回答現場提問時說明,從波士頓地區回臺灣,拿到就業金卡者,迄今大約20人。18歲以上具專長人才均可申請,未入籍者不會面對兵役問題。

臺灣就業金卡辦公室這次巡訪美東推廣,首站華府,到波士頓後,將繼續拜訪紐約。田記禮和Jerry Lin透露,該辦公室刻正規畫擴大規模,估計會再次來訪波士頓,歡迎僑團協助推廣就業金卡。查詢相關細節可上網,https://goldcard.nat.gov.tw/en/


蔣宗壬笑言能力所及就為社區服務。 (周菊子攝)
          (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導)               曾任波士頓僑務委員的蔣宗𡈼,今年在他居住的麻州郊區蔚藍鎮 (Wayland)被選為公共工程局董事會5名董事之一,成為該鎮385年歷史中,第一位經由民選產生的華裔公僕。 


蔣宗壬在蔚藍鎮多元文化節中示範揮毫。 (周菊子攝)
             去年,麻州州政府在稽查中發現,蔚藍鎮主要水源Happy Hollow中的有害化學物質含量陡升,責令該鎮依州法規定,提出長期及短期的清理方案。蔚藍鎮人權、多元化、公平及包容委員會委員湯耀武,於是推薦有水利方面土木工程博士學位,曾在Weston等城鎮當過公共工程局委員或顧問的蔣宗壬來加入必須經由票選產生的公共工程局 (DPW) 董事會。 


蔣宗壬夫人,也是超音波儀器公司Terason創辦人的史美芳驚嘆表示,竟然有這麼多他們不認識的人把票投給了蔣宗壬,讓她大感意外又高興。 波士頓僑社人們獲悉時,也紛紛道賀。

(僑務電子報:    https://ocacnews.net/article/340839?cid=2) 


星期五, 5月 26, 2023

波士頓廣場旗海花園悼念 37,369 名麻州陣亡將士

麻州州長Maura Healey (前左二起),波士頓市長吳弭,退休准將
 Jack Hammond,麻州財政廳廳長Deb Goldberg, 麻州副州長Kim Driscoll
都出席了第14屆「紀念及榮耀我們的麻州英雄」儀式。 (周菊子攝)
       (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓廣場的「士兵及水手紀念碑 (Soldiers & Sailors Monument) 525日以37,369面美國國旗插出來的旗海,和數以百計的陣亡將士家屬及州市政府政要,一起追悼、紀念,感謝軍人們的犧牲性命,保家衛國。             


             插出旗海,悼念陣亡將士,是麻州軍事英雄基金會( The Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund)」從10年前開始舉辦的活動,目的是以一種更醒目,更直接的方式,在「國殤日
麻州州長Maura Healey坦言犧牲無法償還,唯有尊重、感恩。 (周菊子攝)
(Memorial Day) 」週末,讓人們表達感恩,讓家屬在悼念之際,略感撫慰。

波士頓市長吳弭致詞。 (周菊子攝)
             今年的儀式,由麻州軍事英雄基金會董事會會長Thomas Crohan開場,第54屆麻州志願者團衛隊,麻州陸軍國家衛隊舉旗進場,SFC Caroline Cole唱美國國歌,已退休准將Jack Hammond和波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 為紀念活動做回顧反思,麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey)為「紀念日」致詞。再由陣亡將士家屬,麻州副州長Kim Driscoll,麻州財政廳廳長 Deb Goldberg等人逐一唸出911後陣亡的397名將士姓名。接著應邀作代表的家屬,逐一走向旗海,在每一面旗幟前獻上一朵鮮花。


退休准將Jack Hammond 代表軍人致詞。 (周菊子攝)
麻州軍事英雄基金會董事會會長Thomas Crohan。 (周菊子攝)



波士頓廣場今年插了37,369面美國國旗。 (周菊子攝)
陣亡將士家屬們依序逐一上前再旗幟前獻花。 (周菊子攝)
麻州副州長Kim Driscoll唸陣亡將士姓名。 (周菊子攝)

麻州財政廳廳長Deb Goldberg唸陣亡將士姓名。 (周菊子攝)

 波士頓廣場「士兵及水手紀念碑 (Soldiers & Sailors Monument) 
一片旗海。 (周菊子攝)

麻州州長Healey簽行政命令 成立退伍軍人顧問委員會

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 宣佈,已簽署行政命令 613號,成立「州長退伍軍人服務顧問委員會(Governor's Advisory Council on Veterans' Services)」,以加強關注麻州退伍軍人及其家庭的權益和福祉。

該委員會將就麻州退伍軍人的相關問題,向州長提建議,並輔佐退伍軍人事務廳廳長Jon Santiago的工作,評估現有退伍軍人計劃、服務和規定。





Governor Healey Signs Executive Order Establishing Governor’s Advisory Council on Veterans’ Services 

Order highlights Healey-Driscoll Administration's dedication to advocating for the rights and wellbeing of Massachusetts’ veterans and their families 


BOSTON – Ahead of Memorial Day weekend, Governor Maura Healey, joined by Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll and Secretary Jon Santiago, signed Executive Order #613, creating the Governor’s Advisory Council on Veterans' Services to inform the Governor about veterans' issues in Massachusetts. The Council will complement the work that Secretary Santiago and the recently elevated Executive Office of Veterans; Services are doing to assess current programs, services, and regulations for veterans and make recommendations to the Governor. 


"Today's announcement signifies a major step in amplifying the voices and influence of Massachusetts’ veterans," said Governor Healey. "In the few months since we established the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services and appointed Secretary Santiago, we’ve made important progress to improve the state’s support for and engagement with veterans and their families. This Council represents another step forward in our mission to prioritize the diverse experiences of our service members and will play a crucial role in our efforts to elevate veterans' services statewide." 


"Our Administration remains committed to honoring the veterans of our Commonwealth by providing them with the respect, service, and benefits they have rightfully earned," said Lt. Governor Driscoll. "As the proud daughter of a Navy veteran, this Executive Order has deep personal meaning to me, and I look forward to seeing and supporting the important work that this council will do." 


"The Healey-Driscoll Administration and the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services stand firmly committed to supporting and engaging veterans of all backgrounds and zip codes,” said Veterans Secretary Jon Santiago. “The membership of this esteemed Council will encompass the diverse range of experiences among thousands of service members across our state.” 


The Council represents Massachusetts’ diverse veteran community, in terms of geographic region, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, immigration status and economic status. Secretary Santiago will be an ex officio Council member to keep the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services informed. Governor Healey will appoint all Council members, including a Chair and a Chair of the Women’s Advisory Council.  


Effective immediately, Executive Order #613 supersedes Executive Order #573, signifying a new chapter of progress and innovation. Upon appointment, each Council member will serve at the Governor's discretion in an advisory capacity for three years. In addition, the Council will convene at least quarterly and provide a comprehensive written report every two years, summarizing the remarkable initiatives they undertake

星期四, 5月 25, 2023

Quincy 億萬富豪 Bob Hale 灑慈善 麻大波士頓畢業生每人得1000元

Bob Hale (中) 今年3月再邀請昆士市長 Tom Koch (左二) 和麻州
州長Maura Healey (左一)出席的年度 Shave N Save 落髮為慈善活動中,
捐款375萬元給波士頓兒童醫院。 (周菊子攝,檔案照片)
               (Boston Orange綜合編譯) 麻州大學波士頓分校的2023年畢業生簡直目瞪口呆的不敢相信,錢,真從天上掉下來了。今天 (25) 就在他們要走上講台領取畢業證書時,住在昆士市的億萬富豪, 也是畢業典禮演講人的Bob Hale竟然宣佈,發給畢業生每人1000元。

              今年是麻州大學波士頓分校的第55屆畢業典禮,花崗岩電信公司 (Granite Telecommunications,)執行長、董事長暨共同創辦人Bobert Hale應邀演講,以從失敗中站起來,經由慈善邁步向前這主題,敘述了他的個人經驗。他透露20多年前,他開的第一家公司網路加 (Network Plus)”,在申請破產後,損失鉅額資金。

              今年第2度名列富比士 (Forbes) 億萬富豪排行榜,公開的淨資產有50億元的Bob Hale問畢業生們,你們以前曾經遇見過損失了10億元的人嗎? 我很可能是你們曾經見過,損失最多的人,而你們將從我這得到職業忠告

              Bob Hale 在畢業典禮中,校長發言時,打斷插話的說,他將給即將畢業的2500名畢業生,分成2袋裝的每美人1000元,因為他要給畢業生們2份禮物,一份是給學生的禮物,一份是讓學生們給予的禮物。

              2021年的時候,Bob Hale 應邀擔任昆士學院 (Quincy College) 的畢業典禮演講人時,也發給畢業生們分成2袋裝的1000元現金。

              麻州大學波士頓分校的大學部學生,約59%是家中第一代大學生,很多人是移民子女。其中一名學生激動表示,Bob Hale夫婦這樣的慷慨回饋社會,真的很棒,他們這些畢業生中有很多人的確需要這筆錢來順利踏上就業生涯。

              Bob Hale和他太太Karen 已是知名慈善家,2021年時曾捐款3000萬元給他的母校康乃狄克學院 (Connecticut College),支援該校的財務援助及體育項目,以及改善校園基礎設施。那是該校有史以來得到的最大筆捐款。


麻州文化協會主席 Nina Fialkow 宣佈辭職 Marc Carrollr 即起代理

Nina Fialkow Concludes Seven-Year Tenure as Chair of Mass Cultural Council 

Vice Chair Marc Carroll to Serve as Acting Chair

BOSTON – Mass Cultural Council’s Chair Nina Fialkow, who has served the Commonwealth’s creative and cultural sector in this leadership capacity for seven years, has announced her resignation from the Council. Vice Chair Marc Carroll will serve as acting Chair of the Council until a permanent Chair is named by Governor Maura Healey.

“During my career I have worked with many talented board chairs, but in my opinion, Nina Fialkow is absolutely at the top of the list when it comes to impact, leadership, and meaningful partnership,” said Michael J. Bobbitt, Executive Director, Mass Cultural Council. “We are grateful to Nina for the knowledge and expertise she has given to us and look forward to partnering closely with Marc Carroll during this interim period.”

The Mass Cultural Council is an independent state agency charged with fostering the Commonwealth’s vibrant cultural sector through a wide portfolio of grants and services, thereby elevating a rich cultural life for all residents and visitors to Massachusetts. The Agency is governed by a 19-member Board of private citizens, collectively referred to as “the Council.”

Image, left-right: Nina Fialkow, Michael J. Bobbitt, ESC President Julie Crockford, and Marc Carroll at an event hosted by Empower Success Corps (ESC) in June 2022. Photo: Ilene Perlman.

As directed by state law, Council members are appointed by the Governor and have demonstrated scholarship or creativity in, or distinguished service to, the arts, humanities, interpretative sciences, or local arts. Council members serve staggered, three-year terms and reside in every region of the Commonwealth.
Fialkow, a resident of Boston who was appointed to the Council and designated as Chair on April 25, 2016 by former Governor Charlie Baker, expressed her desire for someone else to have the honor of leading the Council.
“It has been a great honor to serve as Council Chair,” said Fialkow, “and I depart knowing the Council and the Commonwealth’s creative and cultural sector are in good hands. I leave with great appreciation for my Council colleagues and tremendous respect and admiration for the professionalism and expertise of the Agency staff team. While I begin to pivot my focus onto new creative pursuits, I will always be supportive of Mass Cultural Council’s efforts to bolster the Massachusetts cultural sector.”
Fialkow, an Oscar and Emmy Award winning producer, heads up New Lane Media, and is a member of the film partnership Impact Partners, which focuses on social-justice themed documentaries. An avid supporter of the arts, Mrs. Fialkow serves on the National Committee for Performing Arts at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. and sits on the Executive Committee. As a longtime trustee of the Boston Ballet, she is the past Chair of the Board of Advisors. She is also an Advisor at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and is on the Board of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School.
During her tenure as Chair, Fialkow provided strong and unwavering support, encouragement, and stability to the Council and staff, leading the Agency through major transitions, including the retirement of a long-time executive director, a nationwide search for a new executive leader, and the economic challenges and day to day uncertainties of living and working during the COVID-19 pandemic. When she was appointed Chair in 2016, the Mass Cultural Council was a $14 million state agency. During her tenure, the Agency, and the economic sector it serves benefited from dramatically increased public investment. In this current fiscal year, Fiscal Year 2023, Mass Cultural Council was charged with equitably investing almost $100 million in state resources throughout the creative and cultural sector, due to one-time pandemic recovery monies. And as Beacon Hill is working to finalize the state’s FY24 budget, the Agency is poised to receive an appropriation of at least $25 million, a funding amount last realized in the late 1980s.
Fialkow’s voluntary resignation from the Council became effective at 5:00pm May 24, 2023, upon which Council Vice Chair Marc Carroll of Milton was elevated to the position of acting Chair. His term on the Council expires on February 24, 2025.
About Marc Carroll:
Carroll was appointed to the Council on February 26, 2019 by Baker and designated as Council Vice Chair shortly thereafter. He is an award-winning marketing and communications strategist and founder and principal of the Carroll Communications Group. Carroll works with small business and startup leaders to help them grow and scale as well as with public agencies and institutes of higher education to help them increase public awareness about various initiatives. Prior to founding Carroll Communications Group, he worked in sales for major media outlets, production at ESPN, and in journalism. As a speaker, Carroll has been invited to participate in panel discussions and seminars on sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, and growing minority-owned businesses.
“Today is bittersweet for me,” said acting Chair Carroll, “To date, my time on the Council has been a story of partnership with Nina, and it has been a great honor to serve as her as Vice Chair. I look forward to continuing the efforts we started and working closely with the Council, staff, and leadership team to execute and deliver programs and initiatives that bolster the creative and cultural sector in every region of Massachusetts.”
“On behalf of the staff team I must convey both how sad we are to see Nina move on – we are all tremendously grateful to her – and how pleased we are to work with Marc in this new leadership capacity,” said David T. Slatery, Deputy Executive Director, Mass Cultural Council. “As Vice Chair he has been a stalwart supporter of both the Agency and the people and organizations we serve, and we know as acting Chair he will guide us smoothly through our next chapter.”