
星期三, 9月 07, 2022

麻州初選結果揭曉 Maura Healey 誓言要當聽見、看見、關心每個人的州長

向州長寶座又邁進一步的Maura Healey在贏得初選時誓言要當一名聽見,看見,關心
每一個人的州長。 (周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange周菊子麻州綜合報導) 麻州選民在經歷、欣賞了一連串競選戲碼後,96日給出幾家歡樂幾家愁的黨派初選結果。最重要,卻也幾乎是絕大多數人已預期到州長選舉部分,118日的大選,將是民主黨的奚莉 (Maura Healey) 和共和黨的Geoff Diehl之爭。



              州長部分,民主黨奚莉得票率高達85.5%,原因之一在於選票上的對手陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang Diaz)早就宣佈退選了。經過初選後,她正式成為民主黨的州長候選人。擺明和川普仍然站在同一陣營的共和黨參選人Geoff Diehl得票率55.5%。他的富商競爭對手Chris Doughty得票率44.5%

54%比46%,Kevin Hayden贏得民主黨初選。 (檔案照片,周菊子攝)
薩福克郡地方檢察官職位在這次選舉出現最多戲劇性爭議性,結果Kevin Hayden勝選。由於共和黨並無人參選,Kevin Hayden將於118日的大選中同額當選。

根據計票到97日凌晨2點半,約以計算94.1%已投票數後的結算,在位的Kevin Hayden得票36306,約53.6%,角逐此位的波士頓市議員Ricardo Arroyo得票31,423,約46.4%6日晚1140分時,媒體宣佈Kevin Hayden勝選。

麻州總檢察長 (AG)這職位,在這次選舉中也動作最多,備受矚目。初選結果Andrea Campbell大勝,得票率50.7%。她將在118日的大選中和共和黨的James R. McMahon競爭,一般估計,她也將毫無懸念的當選。

Andrea Campbell在麻州總檢察長初選中大贏。得票率超過50%。 (檔案照片,周菊子攝)
Andrea Campbell在麻州州長參選人奚莉傾全力助選,並陸續搬出聯邦參議員Ed Markey,聯邦眾議員Katherine ClarkAyanna Pressley,曾任聯邦眾議員的Joseph Kennedy, III,羅爾市市長Sokhary Chau等人助陣下,截至97日凌晨3點的計票結果為得票率50.7%,約得32萬餘票。晚上大約948分時,媒體已宣佈她勝選。

據說包括大出血得自掏腰包,總共花了約900萬元參選,在初選投票日的一個星期之前,還贏得聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),以及前波士頓市代理市長Kim Janey,波士頓市議員Kendra Lara等人站台支持的Shannon Liss-Riordan,得票率約33.9%

麻州總檢察長的選票上,有個人名,但Quentin Palfrey在初選投票日之前約三、四天,宣佈退選,並轉而支持Andrea Campbell,讓很多原本支持Quentin Palfrey,在選舉路上一直聽到Quentin Palfrey攻擊Andrea Campbell背後有超級政治獻金團體 (SpuerPAC)支持的選民錯愕。Quentin Palfrey儘管已經退選,但在這初選中,仍然有15.4%的得票率。有選民在接受訪問時表示,由於他提早投票,在獲悉Quentin Palfrey退選時,選票已經投出,拿不回來了,讓他覺得很遺憾。他說,要不然他的一票會投給Shannon Liss-Riordan

Quentin Palfrey在選前最後幾天宣佈退選這情況,因此促發人們討論提早投票對選舉的影響。

William Galvin出席波士頓華埠中秋節聯歡會。 (檔案照片,周菊子攝)
麻州州務卿這職位,今年也小有火花,但在位的威廉蓋文以2倍多的得票率贏得民主黨初選。在118日的大選中,他面對的共和黨競爭對手是Rayla Campbell

在位的威廉蓋文 (William Galvin) 1994年當選以來,幾乎都是在無競爭對手下連任,今年不但出現一名年輕的少數族裔女性競爭者,Taanisha Sullivan,她還得到聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley,以及華人協選會的支持。不過開票87.8%的非正式結果,威廉蓋文以69.6%45萬餘票,贏得初選,比Tanisha Sullivan30.4%得票率,約20萬票,多了一倍有餘。

塞冷市 (Salem)市長Kim Driscoll 將成為Maura Healey的搭檔。她在發表勝選感言時指出,
明年麻州政府的角落辦公室將是2名女人的天下。 (周菊子攝自副州長辯論視頻)。
麻州副州長選舉,雖然比較不受矚目,民主黨也有3人參選。塞冷市 (Salem)市長Kim Driscoll以約29萬票的47%得票率,成為代表民主黨參選副州長的候選人。她將在118日的大選中和共和黨的Leah Allen競爭。

民主黨的另2名副州長參選人,Eric Lesser得約20萬票,得票率32.6%Tami Gouveia得約12.5萬票,得票率20.4%

共和黨的Leah Allen得約11萬票,得票率52.1%Kate Campanale得約10萬票,得票率47.9%

麻州參議員Diana DiZoglio (左) 有羅爾市亞裔市長 Sokhary Chau (右)的支持。
麻州稽核長 (Auditor) 選舉,在位,而且年僅40出頭的女麻州參議員,Diana DiZoglio316,909票的53.6%得票率,贏得這場初選,將在118日大選中,代表民主黨和共和黨的Anthony Amore競爭。

另一位民主黨籍參選人Christopher Dempsey,儘管也有Ayanna Pressley加持,多個工會支持,贏得274,247票,得票率46.4%,但未能贏得初選。

麻州財政長 (Treasurer) 部分,民主黨籍在位的高柏珂 (Deb Goldberg) 在民主黨,共和黨都無其他人參選下,將於118日的大選中同額當選。6日晚,她出席了Maura Healey的勝選派對。

Steven W. Tompkins將續任薩福克郡治安官。 (檔案照片,周菊子攝)
薩福克郡治安官 (Sheriff) 選舉,在位的Steven W. Tompkins38,092票的59.1%得票率贏得出初選。他的競爭對手Sandy Zamor Callixte 23,322票,得票率40.9%。由於共和黨並無人參選,Steven W. Tompkins也將在大選中同額當選。

今年是麻州州級選舉年,州議員們也都要競選連任,或新人參選。華裔麻州眾議員,Essex郡第9區的黃子安 (Donald Wong) ,轄區包括華埠的薩福克第3區眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz) 在共和黨、民主黨都無人競爭,將在大選時同額當選。另一名華裔麻州眾議員陳德基 (Tackey Chan) 在大選時將和住在昆士市Williard街的共和黨員SHARON MARIE CINTOLO競爭。

星期二, 9月 06, 2022

孫文學校總校長張亞中將訪波士頓 9/20和僑胞談救黨救國救兩岸

張亞中僑胞請益溝通會 地點更改通知

説明會塲 地點更改為  喜臨門餐廳
喜臨門餐廳. 83 Essex st., Boston ma 02111
617 338 8813 

演講時間3-4:00,提問交流 4-5:30,中塲休息 30分鐘,歡迎晚餐 6:00-
演講及餐會每桌$600 元, 個人為$60元

支票抬頭請直接寫 Hei La Moon Restaurant 
寄件地址請寫  Sarinna Chiang 
P.O Box 45, Waban MA 02468

建議停車場 ,位於喜臨門餐廳正隔壁, 停車時請提醒 是要參加張亞中餐會, 2:30 開始至结束, 收費12 元!

敬請注意 9/20 全天活動 均在 喜臨門

             (Boston Orange) 波士頓僑社聞人,現已退休的馬滌凡感動於孫文學校校長張亞中的堅持理念,有心救國,今 (19) 日發消息,將於920 (週二)下午3點,在紐英崙中華公所會議廳,舉辦講座,邀張亞中暢談「救黨救國救兩岸」。


              馬迪凡表示,張亞中校長在國民黨內目前的政治人物中,是極少數的堅持理念者,深受海外愛國僑胞愛戴,這次他將親臨波士頓、與鄉親們一同探討僑胞關切的議題,並商議 如何攜手推動「弘揚孫文思想、深耕中華文化、推動兩岸和合」之神聖大業。 (原發表日期為2022年8月19日)



Grainger will lead the City of Boston’s Children’s Cabinet, tasked with advancing opportunities for children and teenagers

BOSTON - Tuesday, September 6, 2022 - Building on her campaign commitment to elevate the well-being of Boston’s young people as a true community mission, today Mayor Michelle Wu announced Rebecca Grainger as her Senior Advisor for Youth and Schools. In this role, Grainger will work in close partnership with the Mayor, Boston Public Schools, and senior City officials to advance the Mayor’s commitment to making Boston the most family-friendly city in the country. Grainger will also be responsible for standing up the Boston Children’s Cabinet, charged with coordinating City services that impact children and their families and creating a civic ecosystem that allows all children to thrive inside and outside of school. Grainger brings more than 20 years of experience working in education, including time with Somerville Public Schools. She officially started with the City of Boston at the end of August.

“Setting up our kids and teens for success is crucial to the future of Boston, and City Hall needs to play an important role in connecting our families to the services they deserve,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m thrilled that Rebecca joins our team with a deep knowledge of breaking systemic barriers in our education system. Together with our Superintendent and Office of Early Childhood, we’ll make sure children of all ages have opportunities for growth in and out of school.”

Grainger served her first decade in education as a high school science teacher and department chair at Sierra High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is recognized as a Distinguished Educator and Hall of Fame Distinguished Alumna. Her work has centered on dismantling racial inequities in our education systems and youth programming. 

Most recently, Grainger led the instructional design for Black Futures Lab’s Black Policy Institute, a fellowship to prepare selected Fellows to craft policy that advances Black political power, change the way power operates, and improve the lives of Black people. 

“I’m honored to join Mayor Wu and the team at City Hall in supporting youth and families throughout the city of Boston,” said Rebecca Grainger, Senior Advisor for Youth and Schools. “I look forward to listening deeply to understand history and to advocate thoughtfully in tackling barriers that have limited access to resources and opportunity. I’m excited to collaborate with the many talented minds and actors working across schools, city departments, sectors, and communities to strengthen existing and cultivate new programs, partnerships, and avenues to lend to the bright futures of the youth of Boston.”

As Senior Advisor, Grainger will aim to build trust with young people, families, and communities from diverse backgrounds, including those who have not historically been well-served by government programs to understand needs and drive key priorities.  Grainger will shape and drive a youth policy agenda both inside and outside of schools, expand meaningful opportunities for teens to increase access to choice post-high school, and guide collaborative partnerships across schools, City departments, and non-governmental service providers to align education and other vital services for children and families.

Grainger holds her doctorate in Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She spent her doctoral residency in Somerville Public Schools where she worked in close partnership with incoming BPS Superintendent Mary Skipper. Her capstone work centered on the use of data to strategically redesign inequitable systems.

Grainger rejoined Somerville Public Schools in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as the Principal Strategic Coordinator. There she coordinated across the district and city departments to align planning for school reopening. She served as lead writer in developing the state required back-to-school plan.

"On behalf of Boston Public Schools, I am proud to welcome Dr. Grainger to Boston," said incoming Boston Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper. "Rebecca and I worked closely together before at Harvard University and Somerville Public Schools. She is a brilliant and consummate professional. I know she will bring her passion and dedication for young people to every part of her work, and I have no doubt that she will be an amazing addition to the Children's Cabinet."

In her new role, Grainger will also work with the Office of Early Childhood. In March, Kristin McSwain was announced as Director of the Office of Early Childhood, tasked with working to expand access to early education and childcare programs, investing in Boston’s early education and care workforce, and building a central point-of-entry for residents looking for information on early education and childcare programming.

"With Rebecca's appointment, for the first time City Hall has a team focused on ensuring that all of Boston's young people, regardless of age, have access to the rich opportunities that our city offers as well as support across city agencies to thrive," said Kristin McSwain, Senior Advisor & Director, Office of Early Childhood. "Many families in Boston have young children and school aged children, and we need to ensure they all have tools to succeed no matter what neighborhood they live in. I look forward to working with Rebecca to make sure our City services are coordinated to meet the needs of families and their children of all ages."

Previously, as a Fellow at the Institute for Learning at the University of Pittsburgh, Grainger served as a scholar practitioner bridging the divide between education research and the K-12 classroom. Through professional development, curriculum design, and partnering with researchers, she pushed the boundaries between educator and student roles, asking students and teachers to create the learning environment in partnership. At the foundation of the instructional design was empowering teachers to engage students in productive talk and active questioning to raise student voice and agency in their education. 


Grainger lives in the West End with her husband.  

Today’s staffing announcement builds on recent efforts to improve the lives of Boston’s children and their families. In July, the Mayor announced a $20 million investment to expand Boston’s Universal Pre-K Program, expanding support for community-based classrooms, increasing the number of seats available to 3 and 4-year-olds for the upcoming school year, and beginning integrating family child care providers into the UPK system. In May, Mayor Wu announced a $17 million BPS food service contract with City Fresh Foods to provide local, nutritious food, and announced a Green New Deal for Boston Public Schools investing more than $2 billion in facilities investments.

吳弭市長家門外抗議者案件撤銷 法官稱民事案件不應逮捕

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 上星期,西洛士百利 (West Roxbury) 的波士頓地方法院法官撤銷了一案件,稱在波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 家門外抗議的一名女子被捕,是錯誤


            4月某天的早上745分時,Shannon Llewellyn在吳弭市長位於羅森岱爾 (Roslindale) 的家門外抗議,被警察逮捕。上星期,法官Steven Key在聆訊時把這案件撤銷了,稱這案件 完全不應該是宗刑事案件,根據該法令,這應該是民事案件

            該法令要求警察發張傳單給抗議者,告知他們可以選擇在書記官面前聆訊。法官Steven Key說,警察沒有給Shannon Llewellyn這一選擇,就直接逮捕並控告了她。法官認為她是被錯誤逮捕,錯誤控告。

          法官Steven Key在撤銷此案時說,警察應該只是發張傳單給Shannon Llewellyn。他也下令把該控罪從Shannon Llewellyn的記錄中刪除。

          Shannon Llewellyn的律師Ilya Feoktistov說,他們的論點是該法令根本不符合憲法規定。而且重點是法官承認了該法令不能以逮捕來執行,逮捕是錯誤行為。


          6月份時,另外一宗在吳弭市長家門外的抗議事件,有4人被警察逮捕。這4人分別為LlewellynMarie BradyDanielle Mazzeo Catherine Vitale,也是在745分,被禁止抗議的時間被捕。

          根據事件視頻,LlewellynMarie Brady敲打一個金屬鍋,整組人吟唱吳可恥 (Shame on Wu) ”言論自由不是罪等鋸子。

          上星期,西洛士百利法官也撤銷了 Brady Mazzeo的控罪案件。Llewellyn Vitale 將於926日為6月份的被捕事件出庭。

麻州州長候選人Maura Healey傾力支持Andrea Campbell選麻州總檢察長 (圖片及視頻)

聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley (右二) 加入支持陣容。 (周菊子攝)
聯邦參議員Ed Markey (左二)和麻州州長候選人Maura Healey (左一)等人在東波士頓,
由麻州參議員Lydia Edwards介紹,支持Andrea Campbell (右三)競選麻州總檢察長。
聯邦參議員Ed Markey和麻州參議員Lydia Edwards加入Maura Healey的支持Andrea Campbell行列。
                                            波士頓市議員Kenzie Bok解釋她支持Maura Healey和Andrea Campbell的理由。

                                             前任波士頓市議員Annissa Essaibi George 闡述她支持Maura Healey 和
                                                                 Andrea Campbell的原因。

星期一, 9月 05, 2022



BOSTON - Monday, September 5, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced the creation of the Cabinet for Worker Empowerment led by Trinh Ngyuen who will serve as the City’s Chief of Worker Empowerment. The Cabinet, equipped with oversight and resources, is charged with advancing the well-being of all working Bostonians in both the public and private sectors. The Mayor also announced that Jodi Sugerman-Brozan and Rashad Cope will both serve as the cabinet’s Deputy Chiefs. 

“Boston can do so much more to advance and empower workers across all of our neighborhoods,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “Our economy is at a turning point, and as we work to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, we’ll support one of Boston’s greatest strengths: our workforce and people. When we make Boston a city for everyone, every family and business benefits from our growth. I am thrilled for Trinh, Jodi and Rashad’s leadership, and look forward to collaborating with this new cabinet on policies and programs that drive this crucial work forward for all Boston workers and their communities.”

The Cabinet will advance the Mayor’s work to enhance and strengthen Boston’s workforce and economy by:

  • Bringing together related roles and functions that were spread across several city departments and agencies under a single, unified cabinet
  • Setting the City’s future policy and vision for workers with an immediate focus on implementing Boston’s Green New Deal 
  • Regulating, overseeing and improving workplace conditions and health for workers
  • Expanding economic opportunity for workers through access to quality jobs, skills trainings and career pipelines  

This newly formed cabinet, led by Chief Nguyen, will ensure better accountability and coordination, and closely align worker empowerment policy and programs with the administration’s broader commitment of ensuring Boston is a safe, healthy and climate resilient city for all. Led by Nguyen, the Cabinet for Worker Empowerment will play a major role in implementing Boston’s Green New Deal for Boston Public Schools, which includes creating green jobs with livable wages, good benefits, and strong worker protections across the city. 

“I am excited, honored and humbled by this great opportunity to serve the City and its residents,” said Trinh Nguyen. “Boston has recently experienced tremendous economic growth and prosperity, however, the future promises even greater opportunities if we prioritize equal access to quality jobs and skills training for all Bostonians. We look forward to engaging with employers, workers and public and private stakeholders towards this collective vision.”

Trinh Nguyen is the current Director of the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development (OWD), an affiliated division of the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA). As Director of OWD, she has launched such initiatives as the Tuition-Free Community College Program, the Greater Boston American Apprenticeships, and various career pathways for the healthcare, clean energy and construction sectors. Prior to her role at OWD, Nguyen was the Chief of Staff at the Boston Housing Authority.

Nguyen has nearly 25 years of experience in operations, programs, resource, and budget management. She has worked in executive management for various community non-profits and public sector agencies. She is currently Chair of the Neighborhood Jobs Trust, a Trustee of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Workforce Development Council, and a Trustee of Bunker Hill Community College. Nguyen holds dual graduate degrees and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and was a community fellow at MIT's Department of Urban Planning. 

Deputy Chiefs Jodi Sugerman-Brozan and Rashad Cope will work with Chief Nguyen to execute  the Cabinet’s key priorities, such as workplace safety and workforce career pipelines respectively. 

Deputy Chief Sugerman-Brozan will focus on improving oversight of labor standards as well as strengthening and building a culture of workplace safety and health across the city. Recently, the City of Boston has continued to see a range of preventable workplace incidents and fatalities, particularly on construction sites across the City. The Cabinet will play a major role in understanding what is causing these incidents and developing and implementing prevention strategies.

“I am incredibly excited to join the new Cabinet for Worker Empowerment,” said Jodi Sugerman-Brozan. “I want to thank Mayor Wu for this opportunity and for her commitment to workers rights and health and safety in Boston.  Like the Mayor, I believe that all workers should be able to come home to their families alive and well, especially in the City that I call home.  I can't wait to roll up my sleeves and get to work.”

Sugerman-Brozan currently serves as the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health (MassCOSH). During her tenure with MassCOSH, she has focused on the role of worker injury and pain on opiate addiction in the workplace and safety protocols concerning COVID-19. She has also played a key role in the implementation of the law that extends OSHA level protections to public sector workers as a member of the Department of Labor Standards’ Safety & Health Advisory Board.  Prior to joining MassCOSH, she had 22 years of experience with environmental non-profits, focusing on a wide range of issues including the effects of environmental factors such as diesel exhaust on asthma rates and other respiratory afflictions. Sugerman-Brozan holds a Masters Degree in Urban and Environmental Policy from Tufts University. 

Deputy Chief Cope will primarily coordinate and build on the work of the City’s workforce employment initiatives. He will focus on constructing crucial career pipelines between the City and Boston’s educational institutions, and ensuring workers are connected with job opportunities and skill programs. 

“I am beyond excited to step into this role to advance the Mayor’s priorities around workforce empowerment,” said Rashad Cope. “Thank you to Mayor Wu, and Chief Nguyen for your commitment to training and pathway development for workers. Boston has a thriving community of current and emerging professionals that will truly benefit from reskilling and upskilling opportunities to support their growth and success in the workplace. I appreciate the tremendous moment to serve our city in this capacity.”

Cope currently serves the City of Boston, as Director of the Department of Youth Engagement & Employment - where he provides leadership and oversight to advance the lives of Boston’s youth through programs and strategic partnerships with stakeholders. He is responsible for developing an extensive strategy and youth development plan that addresses inequities, improves quality outcomes and elevates the work of: hiring youth in the Mayor’s Summer Jobs Program (via the SuccessLink Program); strengthening youth career & skill  development and educational training; engaging youth in civic opportunities, connecting youth to services and resources; and amplifying the voices of youth.

Cope is a proud native of the City of Boston. He earned a Bachelors of Science (B.S) and a Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Fitchburg State University; and a Masters of Science (MS Ed.) in Education Studies; and a Nonprofit Organizational Leadership Graduate Certificate from Wheelock College. Rashad’s drive comes from being a triplet and a loving and dedicated father of son Tavaj O. Cope.

Mayor Michelle Wu has been a consistent and equitable champion for Boston workers through uplifting the work of critical labor unions, advocacy organizations and ensuring that Boston is a city for everyone. Mayor Wu has reaffirmed the right of all workers to organize and bargain collectively and expanded opportunities for all to share in Boston's economic prosperity.  In 2015, then-City Councilor Michelle Wu authored and passed legislation guaranteeing parental leave for city workers. In 2018, then-City Councilor Wu filed legislation to establish a Fair Work Week for workers at city-contracted companies.



Report Shows More Than $11.8 Million in Restitution and Penalties Assessed in Fiscal Year 2022; More than 19,000 Workers Assisted by AG’s Office 

Maura Healey greets supporters. (File Photo by Chutze Chou)
BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today issued her seventh annual Labor Day Report on the office’s efforts to combat wage theft and other forms of worker exploitation. The report shows that in fiscal year 2022 the office assessed more than $11.8 million in restitution and penalties against employers on behalf of working people in Massachusetts.   

            “This Labor Day, we honor the resiliency of Massachusetts workers whose perseverance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has kept our communities and our economy going,” said AG Healey. “One of my top priorities is ensuring that workers from every industry are paid the wages they are entitled to and that they have access to the hard-fought workplace rights that our laws provide. We will continue to advocate for the rights of workers at the state and national level.” 

The Labor Day Report details the activities of the AG’s Fair Labor Division in fiscal year 2022, which runs from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, During this time, the Fair Labor Division ordered employers to pay $7.5 million in restitution to employees and $4.2 million in penalties to the General Fund. More than 19,300 workers benefited from the AG’s enforcement actions.  

            In fiscal year 2022, the Fair Labor Division continued its focus on combatting wage theft in the construction industry – where workers are often vulnerable to exploitation on the job. The Division assessed more than $2.9 million in penalties and restitution and issued 217 citations against employers in the industry. In one case, the AG’s office cited a Wareham company and its owners for more than $1.2 million, including restitution for 22 employees, for prevailing wage violations and failing to submit certified payroll records.   

            The Division also undertook efforts to raise awareness about workforce participation goals for both women and workers of color on state and state-assisted construction projects. The AG’s Office, in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Building Authority and the Office of the Inspector General, trained more than 500 public purchasing and industry representatives about the state’s laws that require a diverse workforce on public construction projects.   

              In fiscal year 2022, the Fair Labor Division advocated on behalf of workers in the hospitality industry. As the state continues to rebuild from the pandemic, hospitality workers, particularly tipped workers in the restaurant industry, remain especially vulnerable due to constant exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace. Enforcement actions in this industry impacted more than 1,500 workers, resulting in over $951,000 in penalties and restitution. In one case, a Subway restaurant agreed to pay $104,000 in restitution and penalties for failing to pay minimum wage, failing to pay employees on time, and for additional violations of the state’s Earned Sick Time, paystub, record keeping, and child labor laws. And in line with its national legal advocacy efforts on matters affecting workers and workplace conditions, the Fair Labor Division celebrated the U.S. Department of Labor’s new Tip Regulation, which limits the amount of non-tipped work, such as preparing food and cleaning, that employers may assign to tipped employees while taking a tip credit. The new rule resolves AG Healey’s multistate lawsuit challenging a prior Trump administration rule that would have made it harder for service workers to make a living.   

            The Fair Labor Division also sought to ensure that employers across all industries and professions are providing workers with at least one 30-minute meal break per six hours of work as required by state law. In one case, the Division cited retailer Family Dollar $1.5 million in penalties across 100 locations in Massachusetts for more than 3,900 meal break violations affecting 620 employees. In another case, Dynamic Waste Systems, Inc. was required to pay more than $257,000 in restitution and penalties after it was discovered that the company regularly deducted a half-hour from drivers’ wages for meal breaks, without confirming that employees actually took their breaks.  

In fiscal year 2022, the Fair Labor Division also resumed the Attorney General’s Wage Theft Clinic. Originally launched in 2016, the Wage Theft Clinic connects workers with free legal consultation from private bar attorneys. The monthly clinic was paused during the height of the pandemic but was restarted in April 2022 with a renewed focus and commitment to serving the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable workers. The Fair Labor Division works with several community and legal service partners throughout Massachusetts to run the clinic.  

            The AG’s Fair Labor Division consists of attorneys, investigators, intake and support staff. More than 40 percent of the Division’s employees speak at least one other language, including Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese. The Division enforces state laws regulating the payment of wages, including minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wage, and earned sick leave. It also protects employees from exploitation and wage theft through strong partnerships and community education. 

            Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace can call the office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. More information about the state’s wage and hour laws is also available in multiple languages at www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor. 

麻州薩福克郡地方檢察官選舉 爆料情節轉折 選民、政客都為難

波士頓市議員Erin Murphy 支持Kevin Hayden。

          (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 96日就是麻州選舉的黨派初選日了,麻州薩福克郡地方檢察官的2名候選人,無論是Kevin Hayden,或是Ricardo Arroyo,都讓選民、政客為難,不知道手中的選票,該投到哪兒去。


波士頓市議員Kendra Lara支持Ricardo Arroyo。
           Kevin Hayden這位現任薩福克郡地方檢察官是在美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden) 把原任該職的Rachel Rollins指派為駐麻州美國聯邦檢察官後,由麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 指派,於今年13日遞補遺缺,任期到今年的118日的大選日。Kevin Hayden為求續任參選。

           現年54歲的Kevin Hayden1990年從達特茅斯學院畢業,1995年取得波士頓大學法學院學位,加入薩福克郡地方檢察官辦公室後,歷任凶殺案小組,青年組等助理地方檢察官,曾在波士頓地方法院任職,也當過5年刑事辯護律師,還曾被指派為麻州性犯罪登記委員會主席,在執法界資歷長達25年。

           波士頓環球報稱,曾任薩福克郡地方檢察官的Kevin Hayden前上司Ralph Martin,以及2021年擔任波士頓警察改革工作小組成員的NAACP前首長Joseph Feaster,麻州參議員Lydia Edwards都支持Hayden

           但是2017年一份獨立的麻州政府稽核報告,稱Hayden對數以百計性犯罪者監管不力,上個月波士頓環球報和麻州生活報 (Masslive)等,又刊文質疑Hayden未能嚴肅處理警察腐敗案,包庇一名不當動用槍枝的交通警察 (transit police)

           現年34歲的波士頓市議員Ricardo Arroyo,儘管真正涉入法律辯護不過3年半,經手僅約10宗案,但原本人氣極高,包括聯邦參議員Elizabeth WarrenEd Markey,聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),以及多名波士頓市議員都支持他參選。



          接著波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn首先發飆,主動剝奪了Arroyo的副議長,以及政府事務委員會,區域重劃委員會等主席職位。Arroyo在控訴Ed Flynn的行動不民主之際,向法院申請公開卷宗,市議會開會時,支持及反對Arroyo的群眾,洶湧對峙,最後還有人被捕。

           然後,法官批准了Arroyo的要求,讓他得以翻閱完整卷宗。他隨即召開記者會,再次強調卷宗形容該案為「unfounded (未發現?) 」,意思是指控不構成罪行。當年的助理檢察官Tara Burdman還發電郵給此案調查者,稱「沒有犯罪」。





8個工會組織支持Chris Dempsey競選麻州稽核長

 BOSTON, Mass., Today Democratic Candidate for State Auditor Chris Dempsey announced endorsements from major Massachusetts labor unions.

Democratic Candidate for State Auditor Chris Dempsey announced that he has secured the endorsement of Alliance of MBTA Unions, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET), International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers Local 898 (SMART 898), Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists (MOSES), MBTA Management Union - Office and Professional Employees International - Local 453, and United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 791, and Local 1459.

These unions reflect a diverse set of workers statewide who work in the public and private sectors. They keep train passengers safe, prepare food in schools, and design bridges and roads. Chris Dempsey supports organized labor and the workers and families they represent.

"MOSES recognizes Chris's commitment to public employees and retirees, and we are proud to endorse and stand with Chris in his candidacy. We Look forward to working with Chris as he continues to advocate for policies that protect hard-working state employees," said Patrick Russell President of the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers & Scientists

The transportation industry is in a transitive stage of its development. With ridership down, costs up, and unprecedented Government spending, the office of the State Auditor will be monitoring unheard-of amounts of money. While necessary, the task will be daunting. Now more than ever, we need a strong voice on Beacon Hill. I am confident that you are the best candidate for State Auditor. On rare occasions, my organization endorses a candidate during a primary election. Your long-standing knowledge of transportation and support for the Rail Industry and Organized Labor makes it my pleasure to do just that. The Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen of the BLET stand with Chris Dempsey for State Auditor," said Daniel M. Cadogan, Chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

"Now more than ever, we need strong leadership and representation for the people of Massachusetts. The State Auditor's Office has an important role in ensuring that both public and private sector workers are treated fairly. Chris's track record of improving state government and standing up to protect the public's interstate makes him the right candidate for the job. We are confident that Chris Dempsey will have our backs and be an ally in the fight for a more equitable and fair Commonwealth as our next State Auditor," said Matthew Szulborski, Political Director of UFCW Local 1459

"It is an incredible honor to have the endorsement of so many unions throughout the Commonwealth. Massachusetts is stronger when our families are stronger, and families are stronger when unions are stronger. I am grateful for their support," said Chris Dempsey, Candidate for State Auditor