
星期二, 2月 15, 2022

紐英崙中華公所慶虎年新春 九獅齊舞



             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所在213日瑞雪飄飄,鞭炮劈啪,鑼鼓齊鳴之中,邀集州市政要,台北駐波士頓經文處首長在一年一度的農曆新年舞獅大會主台上,與9個舞獅團隊一起向大波士頓民眾拜年。


              紐英崙中華公所的中英文書記,翁宇才和阮鴻燦為舞獅大會的開幕式分任司儀,先敦請做為主人家的中華公所主席雷國輝,再敦請波士頓市長吳弭,麻州眾議員暨眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz),眾議員黃子安,波士頓市議會主席愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn),波士頓市不分區市議員Erin Murphy,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元等一一致詞。


              波士頓市長吳弭抱著小兒子,先以普通話說「各位來賓,各位朋友,大家好,新年快樂。非常非常榮幸能夠跟大家慶祝新年,慶祝今年的虎年」。她接著轉以英語說,很榮幸能代表波士頓市政府及社區,在這兒和大家一起迎接瑞雪豐年,這2022年的虎年,介紹新任的波士頓市府華埠聯絡員 Chu Huang,請大家支持地方商家,早日走出新冠病毒的疫情陰霾,慶祝新年後,到華埠的餐館用餐,買買東西。她接著再以中文說,想祝大家新年快樂,身體健康。


              波士頓市議會議長愛德華費林不但自己祝賀大家新年,還特別提及麻州參議員Mike Collins,以及原本是波士頓市議員,剛當選麻州參議員的Lydia Edwards 雖然不能親自到場,也想向大家祝賀新年。他還特地指出必須正視過去二年多來的反亞裔種族歧視,他們以還有很多工作要做,以確保全民移民社區的聲音都被人聽見。他很高興能代表這個社區。

與波士頓華埠有直屬關係的三大政客,左起麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)、
波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),波士頓市議會議長 Ed Flynn 齊聚華埠慶祝新年舞台。



              今年的舞獅,各獅隊幾乎都有「掌門人」坐鎮,洪青體育會有胡振勝 (Ted Woo),南派有黃子安,華林派有Bob Rosen和余翠梅,巾幗醒獅隊有陳清音,超武館有胡炳超,黃氏宗親會有元老黃國威,胡清白鶴派有胡衛正等人指揮獅隊,在波士頓華埠的必珠街,泰勒街,乞臣街,夏利臣街,華盛頓街等街道上,向商家拜年,一路上鑼鼓喧天,鞭炮聲不絕,熱鬧極了。



波士頓警察局副局長陳孔恩(James Chin,左一)等人協助維持秩序。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市長吳弭的兒子,Balise Francis Pewarski 和Cass 超近距離看舞獅,
(Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu),波士頓市議會議長愛德華費林
(Ed Flynn)。(周菊子攝)

星期一, 2月 14, 2022


 (Boston Orange 編譯) 從新冠病毒大流行發生,關上大門,過了2年後,麻州州政府大樓終於要重新開放了,預定日期是222日。

          麻州參議會議長Karen E. Spilka和麻州眾議會議長Ronald Mariano今日發出聲明,稱民眾如果戴了口罩,能夠出示已接種新冠疫苗的證明,或是持有不超過1天的檢測陰性結果,就可以進入麻州州政府大樓。




          根據州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)辦公室,在麻州,大部分的州有樓宇,以及議會區域辦公室都已經重新開放,提供真人服務。但州政府大樓只開放給已獲認證的新聞記者,議員及州府官員和員工。


Danielle Allen 呼籲麻州長做4事以保師生安全

With Two Weeks To Go Till School Mask Mandate Lifts, Four Things Gov. Baker Must Continue to Expand To Keep Students & Staff Safe

Boston, MA — On Monday, Massachusetts marks the start of a two-week countdown towards Gov. Baker’s target date to lift school mask mandates. Gubernatorial candidate and national pandemic response leader Danielle Allen is calling for key measures to keep students and staff safe through this transition and support safe, healthy in-person learning, including:

  • A steady supply of rapid testing for schools across the Commonwealth so all schools have the support they need to monitor for any rise in cases and sound an alarm as needed.

  • Age-appropriate KN95 masks for any educator, staff member, or student who wants one. As schools become mask-optional, we need to make sure everyone has the space to make personal choices around caution and safety — and providing high-quality masks is critical to making that possible.

  • More support and partnership for community vaccination drives in communities with low vaccination rates. In communities where vaccination rates remain low — especially for people age 50 and up, who are more vulnerable to COVID — the state government needs to step up and provide more support to help communities clear that threshold for more community-wide protection and guard against any rise in transmission.

  • Aggressive monitoring of key indicators, including hospitalizations and wastewater data, and any new variants. Mask mandates are an important tool in our public health toolkit. Going forward, we need to closely track COVID levels and any new developments, and be prepared to use important tools like mask mandates to mitigate any future surges and ensure schools can continue safe, healthy in-person learning.

“Over the last two years, this pandemic has shown us over and over again that we need to take smart, proactive steps to buffer against COVID — and think long-term about how to keep our communities safe and healthy,” said gubernatorial candidate Danielle Allen. “As Governor Baker prepares to lift school mask mandates, I’m urging our state officials to look ahead and take action now to make this transition as smooth and safe as possible for our communities. We need to make sure high-quality masks are available for any student, teacher, or staff member who wants one, keep monitoring through widespread rapid testing and keep tracking indicators like wastewater, and step up with more support and partnership for community vaccination drives in communities with lower vaccination rates. This is about ensuring equitable pandemic resilience and making sure our schools can continue with safe, healthy in-person learning.”

麻州文化協會將撥款100萬元資助亞裔項目 3/23截止申請

AAPI Arts & Culture Pandemic Recovery Grants Available from Mass Cultural Council

Application opens February 7; Deadline to apply March 23

Boston – Mass Cultural Council is pleased to announce pandemic assistance is now available for eligible cultural organizations through the FY22 Asian American & Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Arts & Culture COVID-19 Recovery Program
This one-year program, a legislative mandate established and funded through an earmark in the FY22 state budget, is intended to uplift and provide financial assistance to AAPI arts and cultural organizations that have been economically impacted by the pandemic.
Mass Cultural Council acknowledges the leadership of the Massachusetts House Asian Caucus, who sponsored and secured this funding during the FY22 budget debate, and provided valuable assistance as the program guidelines were developed. Through their efforts and with this program, Mass Cultural Council continues to prioritize and invest in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the cultural sector, as outlined in the Agency’s Racial Equity Plan
The House Asian Caucus is a bipartisan legislative caucus dedicated to bringing greater awareness to issues facing the AAPI community in Massachusetts and increasing participation and representation within our state government. Members include Caucus Chair Rep. Donald H. Wong (R- Saugus), Rep. Tackey Chan (D- Quincy), Rep. Paul A. Schmid, III (D- Westport), Rep. Rady Mom (D- Lowell), Rep. Tram T. Nguyen (D- Andover), Rep. Maria D. Robinson (D- Framingham), Rep. Vanna Howard (D- Lowell), and Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D- Somerville).
The goal of the FY22 AAPI Arts & Culture COVID-19 Recovery Program, as directed by the Legislature, is to provide pandemic assistance to entities that focus on one or more Asian ethnicity and conduct cultural events, cultural education, or cultural performances, with these funds being prioritized to entities who have been adversely affected by COVID-19 pandemic.
Mass Cultural Council expects to award up to $970,000 in grant funds towards this purpose in FY22. The number of grants and the size of awards will be determined as part of the application review.
For more information:

· Read the program guidelines and FAQs. Application form opens on February 7, 2022. The application deadline is March 23, 2022.

· Register for an information session on February 7, 2022 at 4pm and/or optional office hours.

Translation Services Available:

As part of the Agency’s Access Policy, Mass Cultural Council is happy to provide translation services so that all interested parties can participate in our programs and services.

For immediate translations, please use the Google Translate option by clicking the “translate” button at the top right of the screen and select the preferred language. You may also request translation services. However, offline translation requests will take 5-10 business days to complete upon request.

麻州地鐵昆士市新巴士維修廠今日破土 地鐵巴士將全面電動化


(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州昆士市報導) 設址於昆士市的麻州地鐵電動巴士維修廠,今 (14) 日一早由州、市、聯邦政要齊聚的破土動工了,意味著麻州朝向減少空汙,推動環保,向前踏進一大步。

             麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)表示,在聯邦及州市各層級人員的通力合作下,美國總統拜登 (Joe Biden) 剛簽署的「不分黨派基礎建設法 (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law)」將在未來的56年內撥給麻州95億元基礎建設經費,其中54億元將用於修補橋梁、道路,22億元撥給麻州地鐵局 (MBTA)。查理貝克強調,這筆經費將容許麻州更積極的因應氣候變化,保護環境。

            查理貝克也特地申明,麻州能獲得這筆經費,是聯邦,州及地方市府通力合作的結果。今早的破土儀式,因此邀有聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren,聯邦眾議員Steven Lynch,麻州眾議會議長Ronald Mariano,昆士市市長柯奇 (Tom Koch)等人出席。

             麻州地鐵總經理Steve Poftak表示,未來5年將陸續到帳的這22億元經費,有16億元將用於現有項目,約6億元用於新項目,包括4億元要用在車站及維修廠的改善。

           麻州地鐵早從201871日,就已推出「更好巴士計畫(Better Bus P),打算以80億元,在5年內和麻州交通局 (MassDOT),以及50個市鎮合作,要改善1100輛巴士每天載送約40萬人的服務。





Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito join Secretary of Transportation Jamey Tesler, MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Congressman Stephen Lynch, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch and House Speaker Ronald Mariano to highlight the Commonwealth’s plans to make investments through the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and to break ground on the MBTA’s new Quincy Bus Maintenance Facility. 

慶祝情人節 波士頓市長吳弭網晤3對牽手50年佳偶


波士頓市長吳弭慶祝2022情人節,在波士頓市老人局 (Age Strong Commission)安排下,和3對已結縭50年的夫妻網路晤談,稱許他們牽手長伴,有如情人模範。




Davo Jefferson will enhance workforce development for young adults and returning citizens in fields that address environmental challenges
BOSTON - Monday, February 14, 2022 - Today, Mayor Wu announces Davo Jefferson as the new Executive Director for the City of Boston’s Youth Green Jobs program. Last week, the Boston Planning and Development Agency voted in favor of appointing Jefferson at their February Board meeting. Jefferson will support career development opportunities for young adults who are unemployed or underemployed, in green jobs and careers that help prepare for the impacts of climate change. This program is a partnership led by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) and the City’s Environment Department, in collaboration with the Office of Public Safety, Department of Youth Engagement and Employment, and Boston Centers for Youth & Families. 

“Boston’s Youth Green Jobs Corps acts as a roadmap to provide livable wages, good benefits, and strong worker protections for our young people and returning citizens,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I am thrilled about the creation of this critical program and excited for Davo’s leadership to help us transition to a clean, just economy.” 

“I am both honored and humbled to have this opportunity to be the Executive Director for Boston’s Youth Green Jobs Corps,” said Davo Jefferson. “The Green Economy is a multi-billion dollar industry, so I am happy to be preparing people for employment opportunities that will not only allow them to earn a livable wage and take care of their families, but they'll also be helping to take care of the environment.”

In this role, Jefferson will be charged with implementing an ambitious training program to move residents into green jobs after program completion. The City of Boston, with Jefferson’s support, will determine training pathways with the most pressing needs and significant potential to protect the environment. The City of Boston will identify and welcome community partners and non-profits who would like to engage in this work. 

Jefferson is a social justice reform advocate who has a passion for working on issues that pertain to positive youth and young adult development and the re-entry population. With more than 15 years of non-profit management experience, Mr. Jefferson has been able to lead and manage workforce development efforts, implement evidence-based measurable programming, and create impactful resources and opportunities for the communities that he serves. Most recently Jefferson was the Service Delivery Manager for SOAR Boston, a program which utilizes an evidence-based approach to reduce recidivism, intervene in violent activity, and create pathways for active gang-involved youth and young adults in the city. A native of Boston and an educator at heart, Mr. Jefferson has taught in college, high school, middle school, and afterschool settings as well as in juvenile and adult correctional facilities. Mr. Jefferson holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Cambridge College and a Master’s in Public Administration from Baruch College.

“The green jobs program serves the dual purpose of creating job opportunities for our young adults while protecting our city from the ravages of climate change and enhancing quality of life for all residents,” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “Davo has the critical skills to ensure the program members thrive in a green economy and I am enthusiastic to work together in this capacity.”

The priority of this pilot program is to support Boston communities that have been hit particularly hard by the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by creating an equitable recovery and growing job opportunities that fight climate change. The City of Boston’s green jobs program is inspired by the Philadelphia PowerCorpsPHL model that builds opportunities for young people by tackling pressing environmental challenges and developing the skills required to secure meaningful work. The program was designed with “earn and learn” practices to ensure that members enter and succeed in career pathways. Members go through specifically tailored phases, in a field of their choosing, that embed service and equity, as well as direct connections to job openings. The program will also offer connections to continuing education opportunities, including through the City’s Tuition Free Community College program.

The Fiscal Year 2022 operating budget for the Cabinet of Environment, Energy and Open Space included $1 million for green jobs. An additional $3 million with funding from the American Rescue Plan was authorized by the City Council in July 2021 to grow the program. The City’s Environment Department convened a group of stakeholders to create a Community Advisory Board that focused on developing an investment plan driven by community needs and values. Over the summer, the City of Boston launched a request for information on the future of green jobs and shared a request for proposals for catalyst grants for green and mobility job training.

星期日, 2月 13, 2022

吳弭在IG上遭遇反對接種疫苗、戴口罩者圍攻 福斯新聞、紐約郵報搶報


          (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 80後的年輕世代,在從政人士當中,是少數的本人就善用社交媒體者之一。無論是推特,IG或臉書,她無處不在,還經常在這些社交媒體上和選民直接對話。

              最近她在IG上的一次即問即答現場直播活動,卻出現出乎她意料之外的情況。那些反對為了新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 戴口罩,注射疫苗的人,紛沓而來,留下許多批評性字句。這情況引起紐約郵報、福斯新聞等全國性新聞機構注意,描述了這狀況,還有許多人在抖音 (TikTok)” 推特 (Twitter)” 上轉發這段視,使得累計觀看人數在推特上已經超過180萬人。


              還有一人寫道,你為什麼恨小孩子? 老師? 警察? 消防員?”








                              吳弭對波士頓環球報的報導此事,似乎有點感冒,2月13日上推特,表示"留言"中的刻意攻擊在2022年內不是新聞。 (更新版)

麻州州長查理貝克訂5月出書 教人怎麼做事

(Boston Orange
編譯) 麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 要出書了。亞馬遜上已經公佈,這本名為「 結果: 超越政治把重要的事做成 (Results: Getting Beyond Politics to Get Important Work Done) 」,厚300頁的書,預定524日上市。

            共和黨籍,去年12月才宣佈不再競選第三度連任的查理貝克,然後就趕在卸任前出書。根據該書的網上摘要,儘管這本書的內容,免不了要談論他在位州長8年的種種,以及他在私人企業中的工作經驗,但他和他的前任州長幕僚長Steve Kadish卻形容這本書不是回憶錄,是要為任何想要出任公職的人,或是在大組織中受到官僚主義及政治阻礙的領導及經理人,提供「四步驟框架」參考。

麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker,檔案照片,周菊子攝)

                  查理貝克曾經擔任哈佛格林健保公司 (Harvard Pilgrim Health Care)執行長,Steve Kadish則是在2015年加入貝克政府之前,曾擔任東北大學營運長,再之前,也曾在哈佛格林健保工作。



             查理貝克的辦公室說,他打算把出書的所有收入捐給為參與麻州兒童及家庭署活動兒童提供補助及贈款的私營非牟利機構, 「麻州奇蹟基金 (Massachusetts Wonderfund)」。





星期五, 2月 11, 2022

Danielle Allen Outlines Vision To Secure Carbon-Free Transit Statewide, Reimagine Transportation For A Healthy, Connected Commonwealth

Danielle Allen Outlines Vision To Secure Carbon-Free Transit Statewide, Reimagine Transportation For A Healthy, Connected Commonwealth

Boston, MA — Today, gubernatorial candidate Danielle Allen unveiled the latest in a series of in-depth policy agendas that are already driving consensus for change across our Commonwealth. Allen’s new agenda to reimagine transportation will create electric-based transportation networks across the Commonwealth; prioritize electrification of commuter rail systems and a One Commonwealth rail network; help families put the pieces together by making efficient, affordable transit available to everyone; and move our transportation paradigm off fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. The full agenda is available here.

Communities across Massachusetts are facing transportation challenges — from parents losing out on time with their kids because they’re stuck in long commutes, to small towns emptying out because of limited transportation options to reach jobs nearby. A lack of public transportation is placing a disproportionate burden on seniors and people with disabilities in rural communities, and communities of color are facing disproportionate impacts of pollution from traffic congestion. Allen’s transportation plan will tackle these challenges head on. By empowering regional transit authorities to better serve our towns and cities, and building out affordable, electric-based transit networks statewide, Allen will drive a connected Commonwealth, a dynamic, inclusive economy, and a healthy climate.

“Great transportation helps all of us connect the dots: between home, work, our loved ones, and services like getting to the doctor. And whether it’s opening up job opportunities or getting us transitioned off fossil fuels, affordable, electric-based transportation is the missing link,” said gubernatorial candidate Danielle Allen. “I’m pushing to reimagine our transportation systems across our state, for healthy communities, climate resilience, and a connected Commonwealth.”

To make that a reality, an Allen administration will: 

  • Transform our transportation infrastructure to achieve climate resilience and justice, including prioritizing decarbonization and electrification of the commuter rail by enacting the Rail Vision Full Transformation Agenda, retrofitting transit infrastructure for climate resilience, building out electric vehicle infrastructure, and accelerating the conversion of all public vehicles to electrification.

  • Secure equitable, efficient transportation access Commonwealth-wide, including pursuing high-speed East-West passenger rail service between Pittsfield and Boston via Springfield at least five times daily, driving high-frequency service across the whole commuter rail system, improving bus service in rural areas and investing in regional transit authorities, and supporting the Work & Family Mobility Act and End Debt-Based Drivers’ License Suspensions legislation.

  • Reduce congestion and ensure safe, affordable transit through a 10 year plan to get people out of cars and prioritize bikes, ride shares, and keeping reliable public transit affordable. This includes piloting congestion pricing, delivering subsidized fares for low-income people, and piloting free bus routes through high-density, low-income neighborhoods. 

  • Build a coordinated, sustainably-resourced system by establishing a One Commonwealth Rail Division to coordinate rail and take some of the burden off of the MBTA, creating a Northeast Transportation Task Force to work on regional transit across New England (including the North Atlantic Rail Initiative), and paving the way to take full advantage of federal infrastructure investment partnerships.

  • Connect transportation infrastructure to the building blocks of prosperity, investing in housing, good jobs, health, and climate to reinforce and advance our transportation goals.