
星期二, 5月 25, 2021

孫儉元,黃子安、Aaron Michlewitz華埠聚餐 以實際行動支持亞裔商家

波士頓經文處處長孫儉元(左起),麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),麻州眾議員黃子安

               (Boston Orange)新冠病毒疫情爆發以來,小企業受創嚴重。波士頓華埠餐館,店鋪生意慘跌。駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元(左起),趁麻州疫情漸緩,小型聚會無礙之際,特地邀請轄區包括華埠、北端的麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),以及轄區在Saugus的華裔眾議員黃子安到帝苑大酒樓餐敘,並於餐後,巡行華埠街道,順道購物,以實際行動支持地方商家。


               華人定居波士頓的歷史雖然悠久,這座牌樓迄今也還只有40年歷史,在1980年代,由中華民國政府捐贈材料,布朗基金會(Edward Ingersoll Browne Trust Fund)資助工程款,才建造而成。陳毓璇,陳毓禮兄弟,當年的波士頓、台北姐妹市協會會長阮浩鑾,以及現已遷居華府在聯邦房住局(HUD)國際事務辦公室擔任國際研究主任的林雄生等人,都出力甚多。

               19931994年擔任波士頓市長,後曾出任美國駐梵蒂岡大使,也是波士頓市第二區市議員Ed Flynn父親的Ray Flynn,在他任內,特地製作了一塊銅牌,讓路人及遊客得以知道波士頓華埠牌樓的由來。




 GLOUCESTER - Governor’s Councilor Eileen Duff officially announced her run for Auditor on Tuesday afternoon, releasing the following statement:

 “Auditor Bump has set a new standard for the office and we owe her our deepest gratitude for all she did to ensure transparency and accountability in our state’s government. With her work, Massachusetts has truly become a leader in this mission. 

 She is leaving a legacy that will no doubt be difficult to live up to. 

 With that in mind, it is with great honor that I announce my intention to run for State Auditor. 

 In my time as a Governor’s Councilor, I vetted potential judges and advised them of the awesome power they were to acquire, as well as the responsibilities that come along with that.

 But I also looked past the title of the job to the possibilities of the office. 

 I fought hard for the transgender public accommodations bill. When we confirmed the most diverse Supreme Judicial Court in our state’s history, I didn’t consider our job done, I called for us to do the same in the lower courts. 

 If elected Auditor, I will take the authority vested in me to do good. From this office, we can seek equity, accountability, and justice. I am committed to protecting the public dollar and working with all government agencies to ensure best practices are implemented, all for the benefit of the taxpayer. 

 Massachusetts, I’m in this fight. I hope you will join me.”

 Leaders across the state voiced support for Councilor Duff’s run.

 “As a member of the Governor’s Council, Eileen fought hard for equity in our judicial system,“ said Representative Tram Nguyen. “Her strong commitment to the people of Massachusetts and her tenacity are the attributes we need in our next State Auditor, and I am proud to support her in her run.”

 “I’ve known Eileen and her family since high school. She has always been a talented and energetic person, and a tireless fighter! I know she will bring that same determination and enthusiasm to the Auditor’s office” said Representative Tom Walsh. “Eileen is the right person to be our next Auditor.”

 “I could not think of a better advocate for voices in Massachusetts than Eileen Duff,” said Jacquetta Van Zandt, Vice President of Development at The Partnership Inc. “Eileen has a track record of inclusionary efforts to bring many diverse voices to the table. State government would benefit greatly from her leadership and creative approach to governance.”

 “I am with Eileen Duff 100%,” said Governor’s Councilor and former Mayor of Springfield Mary Hurley. “She is a great Governor’s Councilor who gets along well with others and is mindful of the best interests of all of her constituents. She is an astute businesswoman with a first class education and incredible business experience. She will be great for Massachusetts as our next Auditor.”



 Eileen Duff is currently a Governor’s Councilor for Massachusetts’ 5th district, where she has fought for equity in the judicial system since 2013. In winning her first election, she was the first open LGBTQ+ person to be elected to a constitutional office. 

 Prior to becoming an elected official, Eileen worked as a Chaplain for the Hospice of the North Shore and Greater Boston. She was also appointed by President Clinton to work as Confidential Assistant to Commissioner Rachelle Chong at the FCC in Washington, where she won many awards for public service.

 She currently resides in Cape Ann with her wife Jan. 

吳弭提議設立"遊戲街" 把文化藝術帶進波城每個角落

         (Boston Orange編譯) 「把藝術及文化帶進波士頓的每個鄰里」。波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)提議打造「遊戲街」,要以文化,藝術來療癒心情備受新冠病毒疫情荼害的人們。

                吳弭和WBUR節目 ¡Con Salsa!的播報員及製作人José Massó在天滿街的一個遊樂空間宣佈,今夏玩一夏,要改造,擴大,連接起每一個鄰里內的藝術及文化角落,促請波士頓人重新想像自己與開放空間的關係。



吳弭提議的大膽改變,還包括設立內閣級的工人賦能長(Chief of Worker Empowerment),彌平托兒照顧差距,改變公立學校,波士頓新綠化計畫,就是恢復計畫,以透明問責原則重談警察合約,食物正義議程,數位平等議程等等。

Michelle Wu is joined by José Massó (second from right) as well as members of the arts community and residents

Boston, MA— City Councilor At-Large and Candidate for Mayor Michelle Wu, joined by José Massó, Announcer and Producer of WBUR’s ¡Con Salsa!, members of the arts community and residents, called for a summer of play and issued proposals to transform, expand and connect our arts and culture sector to every neighborhood today. She declared that summer 2021 should be a summer of play as part of Boston residents’ healing and reconnection, and also launched an innovative Playstreets proposal to reimagine Boston’s relationship with public space. The Boston Playstreets proposal would emulate Philadelphia’s, closing hundreds of streets with a volunteer supervisor, including food, art and activities for kids, hiring DJs and artists, and plugging in our professional sports teams and private companies to participate. 

She also called for the city to create space for every community to hold block parties in their own communities, following up on her 2019 Boston Globe op ed and Block Party Guide on strengthening our democracy through building community block by block. Wu called for simplifying public event permits, directing public streets and parks to be venues for arts and culture programming, and creating direct city assistance for communities to set up block parties, with microgrants to remove financial barriers for every neighborhood. 

“As Boston reopens and recovers, it’s time for a Summer of Play—using arts and culture to heal, connect, and inspire. Imagine music and community events in every park, block parties in every neighborhood, and every bit of Boston’s diversity reflected in the vibrancy on our open streets. Let’s supercharge our recovery, support local artists and small businesses, and help communities heal through an intensive focus on infusing arts and play throughout our neighborhoods,” said Michelle Wu.

“We have been holding our breath for over a year as all of us have been wishing and hoping and praying that we would again be able to celebrate in community with one another in person, and do it in a way in which we can celebrate life. On this day in which Councilor Wu asks for us as a City to embrace arts and culture as being very much the fabric of what could be our DNA, I join in with Councilor Wu in supporting this initiative. Arts and culture in our open spaces must play an important role as a segue from what has been the last fifteen months to the years ahead,” said José Massó

Michelle Wu has proposed a detailed agenda for bold change, including a vision to establish a Cabinet-level Chief of Worker Empowerment, close the childcare gap, transform our public schools, Boston Green New Deal and Just Recovery Plan, renegotiate police contracts for transparency and accountability, Food Justice Agenda, Digital Equity Agenda and more. 

(From Michelle Wu's campaign team.)

波士頓市長Kim Janey紀念Floyd事件一週年 提議斥資5000萬元辦緊急紓困計畫




Boston expects to receive over $500 million in federal funds to support the city’s recovery from the pandemic through the end of 2024.


BOSTON - Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced that she has proposed a $50 million emergency relief plan to support an equitable recovery and reopening for Boston residents, workers and small businesses, using funding the City of Boston has received from the federal government following the passage of the American Rescue Plan. As part of Mayor Janey’s commitment to an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, funding will be allocated to City and community programs and initiatives, focused on public health, the economy and resources for individuals hardest hit by the pandemic. Filed with the Boston City Council, the funding will be available with its passage. Boston expects to receive over $500 million through the American Rescue Plan to support the City’s recovery from the pandemic through the end of 2024, with millions in other federal funds going directly to our schools and rental relief efforts.

“I am pleased to announce that, over the next five years, Boston will receive over $500 million in American Rescue Funding to support an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mayor Janey. “I look forward to working with Council President Pro Tempore Matt O’Malley, Ways and Means Chairperson Kenzie Bok, the Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Committee Chairperson Michael Flaherty, and the rest of the members of the Boston City Council to address the inequities that were here before COVID-19.”

The $50 million emergency relief plan will focus on the following priority areas:

$10 million to support public health response:

·     $7 million for COVID-19 response including mobile vaccine and testing operations and outreach

·     $3 million for behavioral health and substance use, including funding for opioid treatment and services

$10 million for communities most impacted by COVID-19:

·     $5 million for investments in affordable housing and housing navigation services

·     $4.6 million for acquisition of occupied buildings to prevent displacement

·     $400,000 for housing navigation assistance and stabilization services 

·     $3.5 million for addressing health disparities and social determinants of health 

·     $2.5 million to tackle key gaps in social determinants of health, as outlined by the Health Inequities Task Force

·     $1 million for community violence intervention programs

·     $1 million for supporting childcare and early learning initiatives 

·     $500,000 for supporting language access, communications, and evaluation

$14.5 million to address the economic impact of the pandemic on food access, housing, arts, culture, and tourism:

·     $4 million for arts and culture, including $3 million for the creative economy industry to help working artists reopen safely and $1 million to support other projects and creative professionals across the city 

·     $3.1 million for programs strengthening homeownership and supporting individuals facing housing insecurity

·     $3 million for food access and equity, including initiatives to support community-based solutions, expand local growing spaces, pilot an affordable community supported agriculture (CSA) model, provide assistance with applying to safety-net programs, and destigmatize utilization of food resources

·     $2.4 million for expanding digital equity and access, including an initiative to integrate digital literacy training into job training programs to meet labor market needs

·     $1 million for basic needs assistance for families not eligible for previous COVID-19 benefits

·     $1 million to expand reach of All-Inclusive Boston campaign and support the tourism industry 


$15.5 million for small business relief:


·     $8 million to build on previous small business funds and create a new, flexible grant fund designed to help small businesses cover expenses related to their reopening, recovery, and growth

·     $7.5 million to meet existing demand for the Commercial Rental Relief Fund, designed to stabilize small businesses and prevent commercial displacement due to the pandemic

The allocation of this immediate funding was guided by the City of Boston’s Equitable Recovery Coordinating Committee (ERCC), which is being formed to ensure the equitable and efficient coordination of stimulus resources for the short- and long-term benefit of Boston residents, with an intentional focus on those who have been hurt most by the pandemic. The ERCC is steered by City leadership, with additional representation across City departments and external stakeholders. 

The ERCC will continue to be informed by residents and community stakeholders. The $50 million emergency relief fund represents nearly 10 percent of the overall $500 million federal investment that Boston expects to receive through 2024. The City of Boston will launch a citywide engagement process and work with the people of Boston to program the remaining federal funds.  

麻州長要展延某些疫情規定 禁止向新冠病人收取超過保險給付費用

(Boston Orange編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(25)日表示,將遞交法案,展延預定615日失效的某些大流行期間緊急命令,包括將於529日失效的對企業限制,以及關於口罩規定。







Governor Baker Files Legislation to Extend Certain COVID-19 Emergency Measures​


BOSTON — Today, Governor Charlie Baker will file legislation to extend certain emergency measures currently in place via executive orders that are set to expire on June 15 when the State of Emergency will be rescinded. Most restrictions, including limitations placed on businesses, will be rescinded effective May 29 as Massachusetts nears the goal of vaccinating four million residents.


This legislation proposes to extend measures providing for a temporary suspension of certain open meeting law requirements, special permits for expanded outside dining at restaurants, and billing protections for COVID-19 patients. When the State of Emergency ends, these orders will expire, and temporarily extending these measures will allow for time to transition. Extending these measures, which were instituted by executive order, requires legislation.


To allow public bodies to safely meet during the pandemic and ensure public access to meetings, Governor Baker issued an Executive Order in March 2020 allowing these bodies to meet quorum requirements even if meetings were held remotely through electronic means as long as measures were taken to ensure the public with electronic access to the proceedings. The bill filed by Governor Baker today will extend these provisions related to the Commonwealth’s Open Meeting Law until September 1, 2021, which will allow additional time to consider possible permanent changes to the open meeting law to provide for greater flexibility in conducting open meetings through reliance on electronic streaming and similar measures.


The bill will also grant municipalities authority to extend special permits for restaurants offering outdoor dining issued under the State of Emergency through November 29, 2021. Under an Executive Order issued in 2020, municipalities were permitted to use an expedited process to approve temporary permits for new or expanded outdoor dining and alcohol service. Without a legislative extension, special permits granted under the Governor’s Order will expire 60 days after the end of the State of Emergency. 


The legislation will also extend a protection adopted in an executive order that prohibits medical providers from billing patients who have received COVID-related emergency and inpatient services for charges in excess of costs paid by their insurers. As filed, the protection would extend until January 1, 2022, at which time recently passed federal legislation that included protections for both emergency and non-emergency cases will become effective. Earlier this year, Governor Baker signed legislation establishing surprise billing protections for patients for non-emergency services.


“Massachusetts is leading the nation in the vaccination effort and that progress is enabling the Commonwealth to return to normal,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These temporary measures will help businesses and residents in this transition period, and I look forward to working on these and other issues in the week ahead with our partners in the Legislature.”


Last week, Governor Baker announced that on May 29, all industries will be permitted to open.


With the exception of remaining face-covering requirements for masks in public and private transportation systems, hospitals and other facilities housing vulnerable populations, all industry restrictions will be lifted at that time, and capacity will increase to 100% for all industries. The gathering limit will be rescinded.


Before June 15, the administration plans to take additional steps that will permit the continuation of targeted public health measures beyond the end of the State of Emergency, including the mask requirements announced last week.

六波士頓市長參選人認為Dennis White應去職 國會議員點名Martin Walsh應負責下台


              (Boston Orange 綜合編譯)波士頓今年的市長選舉,和往年席位出缺時,參選人爆棚的情況大相逕庭,不但主要參選者只有6人,而且都是有色人種,它們還至少對一件事情意見一致:停職中的波士頓警察局長Dennis White應該去職。

這一事件還延燒華府,至少一名國會議員發聲,認為現任美國勞工部部長的前任波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)應為他當初未做背景調查,就直接聘任White而負責,辭職下台。當時馬丁華殊表示他仰賴葛羅斯的忠告,而葛羅斯把他自己的幕僚長兼多年好友White推薦給了馬丁華殊,沒想到馬上就爆出White曾被內部調查,次日馬丁華殊就讓White停職了。

波士頓代市長Kim JaneyDennis White的獨立調查報告出爐時,已有意召開聽證會,解雇Dennis White,礙於Dennis White立即入秉法院,申請禁制令,企圖阻擋這一行動。目前波士頓市正在等待法院裁決。

               該一獨立調查報告稱1999年,Dennis White就毆打並威脅槍殺他當時的妻子,也是一名波士頓警察,1993年時,在另一宗案件中,他毆打一名19歲女子,但他從未被控以任何罪名,而且不斷否認他做錯了什麼。

               英文報章稱,該獨立調查報告,透露了波士頓警察局內11項令人困擾的情況,包括21名目擊證人只有7人肯合作,接受訪談的沉默藍牆White前妻的日記詳細記載有她的臉被壓到爐子上,然後White要開火等令人驚詫的家暴細節;White的前妻曾多次和家暴小組聯繫,報告她受到身體傷害,但直到1999年她取得禁制令,警察局才啟動內部調查;獨立調查員向家暴小組索要所有的相關檔案,但波士頓警察局檔案內卻什麼都找不到;內部事務小組原本維持White疏忽職守,判斷不合理的發現報告,但該發現White推動,警察總監(Superintendent)Thomas A. Dowd建議,當時的警察局局長Paul F. Evans批准下,改成了存檔;家暴小組警員事後遭遇報復;波士頓市政府的最高位律師,時任企業法律顧問的Eugene O’Flaherty阻擋市府自己發起的調查;獨立調查人員未獲准使用她自己聘僱的服務供應商來執行背景調查;辯方律師搗亂;還有另一名受害者,然後這名波士頓警察局局長不住在波士頓,違反了波士頓市的市府員工須微波士頓市居民的規定。

               六名波士頓市長參選人對White應該下台的意見一致,其他細節則各有不同的強調重點。吳弭(Michelle Wu)早前已很直率的說,White不適宜留任,波士頓警察局局長一職應該留交下一任新市長決定,一但她當選市長,將發起全國搜尋,以啟用最適合人選。波士頓警察局應以公共健康為優先,去軍事化,縮減暴增的加班費等等,而所有的改變都應該記錄進市府與警察局的合約。

               Kim Janey說,一旦法院准許,她將盡快解雇White,獨立調查報告足以說明一切。

               White案件現已成為波士頓市的最大政治議題,前任波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯(William Gross)在上星期的法院聽證會中直言,前波士頓市長馬丁華殊決定聘用White前,知道有關White的內部事務歷史。不過馬丁華殊極力否認這一說法。

               Essaibi George最近也發表聲明,如果她當市長,White就不會繼續當警察局局長。她要用語言、行動,及選擇指派領導人選等來清楚表示,家暴從來就不對。做為市長,她需要有在處理包括警察制度改革等大家所面對重要議題上,和她價職觀相同的自己團隊。

               Jon Santiago表示,沒做調查,才會出現這樣的法律困境。那些指控已足以作為解雇White的理由。一旦他當市長,會做全國搜尋及調查。

               Andrea Campbell表示,這些掩蓋的故事及虐待的指控繼續惡化著波士頓警察局和撥士頓人的關係。做為市長,他會確保所有的可能人選都會經過徹底調查,所有部門首長都必須透明,負責,公平。她也批評Kim Janey””White一個正當程序。

               John Barros相信最好的做法是在搜尋人選之際,讓代理警察局長繼續領導警局。

麻州參議員要幫小企業復業找員工 提案發獎勵金每人1200元

                (Boston Orange編譯)疫情舒緩了,企業復工了,員工卻還不見人影? 一名共和黨籍麻州參議員提案,明年發$1200給回去工作,94日前脫離失業行業的人。


               共和黨籍,轄區在Webster的麻州參議員Ryan Fattman表示,過去幾星期來,他的轄區內有許多企業主,無論是餐館,或是諸如汽車電影院等季節性企業,卡車葉等等,都面對員工短缺困擾,而最大的障礙就是工資是否有競爭力,或是和失業福利金相當。

               Ryan Fattman的提案要以最高可得1200原為誘因,鼓勵人們回到工作崗位上。這筆獎勵金將分三期給付,94日之前找到工作,給400元,有6個月後還在工作的證明,再發400元,然後持續就業一年,又發400元。

               Ryan Fattman的提案,必須仰賴聯邦政府從1.9兆元美國元就計畫中撥給麻州的53億元。


               大約有20多共和黨員當首長的州,已經採取行動,取消他們各自州內的聯邦失業福利。不過麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)早前在其他場合曾經表示,不會這麼做。

               根據波士頓前鋒報(Boston Herald)的報導,目前麻州參議會以有另外兩位州參議員,Weymouth Patrick O’ConnorGloucesterBruce Tarr簽名支持這提案了。

               Ryan Fattman表示,這是小企業主能夠找回員工的方法之一。


             (Boston Orange編譯)六名波士頓市長候選人,524日在麻州環保聯盟和波士頓環球報贊助的論壇中,申論環保議題。


             波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)提出了市級的綠色新政(Green New Deal),以及廣泛的氣候議程。她說因為波士頓不能等,她會使波士頓到2040年時就達到碳中和,比麻州和波士頓市政府目前訂定的目標還早10年。



             波士頓市議員Andrea Campbell說,人們正在死亡。她指出不同鄰里波士頓人的生命週期,有著不均等的差距,從洛士百利的59歲到後灣區的90歲。



             其中5名候選人說,他們支持重建2014年因為安全顧慮必須關閉,切斷了通向這提供濫用毒品服務城市島嶼的途徑。尋求服務或庇護所的人們,結果滯留在有治療上癮項目,庇護所及社會服務級中的麻州大道和Melnea Cass大到交界處的街道上。

             波士頓前任市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)提案重建該橋,但昆士市反對,因而觸礁。5名支持重建者稱那是緊急議題。吳弭卻呼籲另找解決方案,對重建費用高達一億元,表示猶豫。她說,這筆錢可以有更好用途。

             候選人們被問到的問題還包括最近關於是否更換Lemuel Shattuck醫院那兒的濫用毒品服務及庇護所的衝突,或者把那部分的法蘭克林公園重建為綠色空間。

            波士頓市不分區市議員Annissa Essaibi George的重點放在流浪漢,精神健康,以及濫用毒品的復原。她說這些議題並不必和保存公園土地有衝突。


             被問到可以到哪兒建新公園時,幾名候選人以座落在蘿絲甘迺迪綠路及海港徒步行那兒的海港停車場,發展商Don Chiofaro一直提議要蓋摩天大樓的地方為目標場地。

                 前任波士頓市經濟發展長約翰巴洛斯(John Barros)表示,市府應該重建現有的停車場,讓它地下化,讓Chiofaro到其他地方去發展。


               波士頓市代市長Kim Janey支持該一提議。她說市府還應該在東波士頓,永源(Eversource)電力公司提議建變電站的地方,建一個公園。

                    Kim Janey提出的建議包括推出新的,完全用回收的海洋廢物做成的回收桶,以及任命一位波士頓市的環保、能源及開放空間長。

                這幾名波士頓市長候選人,全是有色人種,他們從各自所居住社區的經驗,談他們親身感受到的環境正義問題。Kim Janey指出,當住宅被拆,以為高速公路讓路時,他們的社區被毀滅了,當高架火車拆除時,他們失去了交通途徑。




           麻州眾議員 Jon Santiago在一眾市長候選人當中,是唯一一個還未提出環保計畫者。他說,他即將提出環保議程,同時他本人正身體力行他的原則。

                    Jon Santiago說, 我沒有車,我搭公共交通工具,我步行,我騎自行車,作為波士頓市長,我會說到做到。