
星期一, 10月 22, 2018

"善良的天使"紀錄片談中美關係 11/2日美國上映

"善良的天使"製片蒙代爾(William Mundell)。(周菊子攝)
         (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導)即將於112日在AMC院線上映,以中美關係為主題的紀錄片善良的天使(Better Angels)”1010日先由哈佛中國論壇(HCR)在燕京圖書館辦了一場試映會。該片原定延至明年一月的中國映期,隨後調整為今年十一月底。

(10月25日更新:製片人William Mundell剛宣佈,該片將於今年十二月,在中國2000家戲院推出。)

"善良的天使"製片蒙代爾(William Mundell)(右)和導演柯文思
Malcom Clarkeㄝ左)在試映會上回答問題。(周菊子攝)
善良的天使(Better Angels)”這部紀錄片,是由曾任加州大學(UCLA)經濟教授,現為清華大學榮譽教授,也是一家電子學習公司共同主席的蒙代爾(William Mundell)製作,找來曾兩度獲得艾美獎的柯文思(Malcom Clarke)撰稿,執導,斥資逾200萬美元,耗時五年製作,拍了三年多才完工的影片。                          蒙代爾表示,拍這部紀錄片是想要中國人和美國人醒覺,在這絕對是目前世界上最重要雙邊關係的中美關係中,他們都是利益相關者。他覺得這部片是一個關於中美關係真正潛力還未被訴說的故事。他想要中國人了解,習近平年輕時來美所見到的包容、開放的美國,即使在今日都是真實存在的。也要讓美國人看到那種開放仍然存在的地方。最終要提高人們對中美關係的期望。
拉開影片序幕的是季辛吉(Henry Kissinger)和周恩來關於中美差異的對話。前美國國務卿貝克(James Baker),歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright),澳洲前總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd),中國第九,第十屆人大常委會副委員長成思危,香港特區前首長董建華,一度是中國首富的萬達集團董事長王健林都在影片訪談中,表達了他們的看法。
陸克文解釋修昔底德陷阱(Thucydides trap),指中國和美國,有可能陷入一個大國新崛起,必然要挑戰現有大國,並因現有大國回應威脅,而不可避免地引發戰爭的局面。成思危強調中國培養更多能跳出框架思考者的重要性。
黑石集團執行長Stephen Schwarzman接受訪談。


Challenge awards winning cities with resources and technical support to help achieve their ambitious climate goals
BOSTON - Sunday, October 21, 2018 - Further strengthening Mayor Martin J. Walsh's commitment to protect Boston against rising sea levels and climate change, the City of Boston was today named a winner of the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge as Boston works to strengthen and accelerate its progress toward reducing carbon emissions. The City will receive a support package, valued at up to $2.5 million, to increase low-carbon mobility choices and improve energy performance of Boston's building sector.

"We're serious about building a more climate-ready Boston. If we're to be effective in preparing for rising sea levels and more intense storms, we have to accelerate our actions to reduce carbon emissions. Addressing climate change now is critical to ensuring a greener, healthy Boston for future generations," said Mayor Walsh. "I'm grateful to Bloomberg for recognizing the power of cities to address climate change as we continue to move forward with our ambitious climate goals."

Earlier this week Mayor Walsh laid out a comprehensive and transformative vision that will invest in Boston's waterfront to protect the City's residents, homes, jobs, and infrastructure against the impacts of rising sea level and climate change. Announced in his annual speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor's plan, "Resilient Boston Harbor," lays out strategies along Boston's 47-mile shoreline that will increase access and open space along the waterfront while better protecting the city during a major flooding event. This week's announcements demonstrate Boston's commitment to building a more resilient Boston through both adaptation and mitigation.

Resilient Boston Harbor builds off of Imagine Boston 2030 and uses the City's Climate Ready Boston 2070 flood maps and coastal resilience neighborhood studies to focus on Boston's most vulnerable flood pathways. The strategies laid out in the plan include elevated landscapes, enhanced waterfront parks, flood resilient buildings, and revitalized and increased connections and access to the waterfront. The strategies will require collaboration and funding between federal, state, private, philanthropic and nonprofit partners.

Further strengthening the City's commitment to addressing climate change from all angles, Boston was selected as a winning city in the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge because of its innovative and ambitious climate action plans to reduce air pollution and city-wide emissions from its building and transportation sectors. Boston will use the support to accelerate climate action by:

  • Supporting further deployment of the Go Boston 2030 bike network and neighborhood slow streets traffic-calming program to create safe and stress-free walking and biking in the areas that need them most,
  • Introducing additional programs to reduce single-occupancy car use and support electric vehicle adoption to make low-carbon transportation the mode of choice for residents and commuters alike,
  • Providing Boston's commercial and institutional buildings access to innovative project finance programs to improve their energy performance,
  • Helping large buildings to benefit from existing energy performance incentives and cutting-edge technologies, and
  • Building workforce development programs and an energy resource center with an emphasis on serving low-income communities.

"When Bloomberg Philanthropies announced the Climate Challenge, cities all across the country, with both Republican and Democratic mayors, put forward thoughtful and innovative proposals," said Michael R. Bloomberg. "Selecting the ones with the boldest goals - and the most realistic plans for reaching them - was not easy. But Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Boston, and D.C. all stood out, and we're glad to include them in the group of winners. With our federal government asleep at the wheel, cities are more important than ever in the fight against climate change - and these cities are stepping up to the challenge. Congratulations to them all."

The Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge is a $70 million dollar program that will accelerate 20 ambitious cities' efforts to tackle climate change and promote a sustainable future for residents. Through the Climate Challenge - which is part of Bloomberg's American Cities Initiative, a suite of more than $200 million in investments to strengthen city halls and advance critical policies - Bostonis accepted into a two-year acceleration program, will be provided powerful new resources and access to cutting-edge support to help meet or beat the city's near-term carbon reduction goals.

The program is led by experts at the Natural Resources Defense Council, Delivery Associates and others, to help winning cities meet - or beat - their near-term carbon reduction goals, from creating high-impact policies to putting them into action. The resources include a philanthropy-funded team member to facilitate the development and passage of high impact policies, training for senior leadership to assist with implementation of their proposed climate plans, and citizen engagement support to maximize community buy-in.

About Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bloomberg Philanthropies works in 480 cities in more than 120 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organization focuses on five key areas for creating lasting change: Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation, and Public Health. Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg's charitable activities, including his foundation and his personal giving. In 2017, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed $702 million. For more information, please visit www.bloomberg.org or follow us on FacebookInstagramSnapchat, and Twitter.
About the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge
Recognizing that cities account for more than 70% of global carbon emissions, the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge was formed with an investment of $70 million to enhance the work already being done by mayors across the U.S. and to support cities in the fight against climate change. The Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge aims to go beyond the theoretical and scale up high-impact urban climate solutions that are already proven to succeed - specifically, from the buildings and transportation sectors. World-class partners for the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge will be led by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Delivery Associates. The Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge is part of Mike Bloomberg's American Cities Initiative, a suite of more than $200 million in investments to strengthen city halls and advance critical policies.

星期六, 10月 20, 2018

罷工示威進入第三週 波士頓市長要求萬豪酒店達成協議

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh weighs in on hotel strike
Calls on Marriott to settle with UNITE HERE Local 26 striking hotel workers
Boston Mayor invites Marriott executives and Local 26 strikers to his office to negotiate

BOSTON, MA ― Boston Mayor Marty Walsh weighed in on the Marriott hotel strike going on its third week at a rally with striking workers today in Copley Square. In front of more than 1,500 striking Marriott hotel workers, union supporters, politicians, and community members, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh demanded Marriott end the strike by settling the contract—and offered his office in Boston City Hall for negotiations. 

“We are pleased to see the Mayor take an active role in seeing Boston hotel workers win the respect and dignity they so justly deserve,” said UNITE HERE Local 26 President Brian Lang. “Boston Marriott hotel workers have made an enormous sacrifice to make sure one job is enough to support their families and afford to live in this great city. Now it’s Marriott’s turn to be reasonable and come to the table with solutions.”

Today’s rally also featured AFSCME President Lee Saunders, who shared the story of Boston striker and bellman Robert Brooks, whose father was a striker during the AFSCME Memphis sanitation strike where Dr. Martin Luther King lost his life. Also addressing the crowd were Roxana Rivera, President of SEIU 32BJ; Sean O’Brien, President of Teamsters Local 25; and Local 26 members on strike who spoke to Marriott in English and their native languages, including Cape Verdean Creole, Cantonese, Amharic, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Greek, and Albanian. 

On October 3, workers walked out at seven Marriott-operated hotels, including the Aloft Boston Seaport District, the Element Boston Seaport District, the Ritz-Carlton Boston, the Sheraton Boston, the W Hotel Boston, the Westin Boston Waterfront, and the Westin Copley Place. This is the first hotel strike in Boston’s history. The last time Local 26 workers went on strike was at Harvard in October 2016, when dining hall workers struck for 22 days and successfully settled a contract with the world’s richest university.

Marriott workers are also on strike in San Francisco, Detroit, San Jose, San Diego, Oakland, and Hawaii, totaling nearly 8,000 workers demanding that One Job Should Be Enough. Simultaneous demonstrations happened today as part of the ongoing strikes. 

第六屆CelebrASIANS時裝秀 四面八方支持

項目經理Marybeth Singer(左)。(主辦單位提供)
司儀Audrey Paek(右)介紹亞裔婦女健康會行政主任黃千姬(左)。
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)亞裔婦女健康會(AWFH)的第六屆表揚亞裔(CelebrASIANS)籌款時裝秀1013日晚在波士頓醫療中心,吸引逾百人共襄盛舉,比往年更盛大。
整個活動在曾任亞裔反家庭暴力小組(ATask)主席,自己創辦有有遠見的步驟(Visionary Steps)慈善基金會的Audrey Paek擔任時裝秀司儀,新英格蘭台灣青年商會會長歐怡君聯絡各項活動細節,新英格蘭台灣商會會長歐陽露,紅流蘇(Red Tassel)策略公司創辦人譚秀婷,東方銀行的Thi Q. Tu8人組成活動委員會和廿多名義工攜手籌辦下,場面氣氛十足。
本身是多元藝術人,目前還主持每月一次,免費參加的創意早晨/波士頓早餐講座的Sophia Moon在開幕致詞中直指黃千姬的服務熱情感動了她。
模特兒中的Sharon Hsu也表示,她是乳癌三期倖存者,參加CelebrASIANS”,走上伸展台,是為告訴其他亞裔婦女,我能,你也能。藉由亞裔婦女健康會提供的各種乳房,子宮頸健康教育工具,預防自殺工作坊,人們可以學到如何察覺問題,及早採取預防及治療行動。

波士頓市議員艾達華費林(Ed Flynn)(右三)特地出席支持。黃千姬(右二)
她說,亞裔婦女健康會不只幫助了她,還幫了她先生。在她治療期間,她先生為照顧她,承受著極大壓力。但亞裔婦女健康會的同儕聚會,讓她先生認識許多有類似狀況的人,並藉由經驗分享,學會如何更自在地和癌症病人相處。她為自己認識亞裔婦女健康會的創辦人黃千姬 ,感到很幸運。
                      當晚的活動,除了時裝秀,還表揚了塔芙茨醫療中心的癌症項目經理Marybeth Singer,其他環節包括拍賣,抽獎,舞會。




All Boston residents have a park within a 10-minute walk of home

BOSTON - Friday, October 19, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and The Trust for Public Land announced today the City of Boston reached a major milestone in ensuring that all Boston residents have a park within a 10-minute walk of home. The announcement stems from Boston's championing of the 10-Minute Walk to a Park Campaign, a joint effort by the Trust for Public Land, National Recreation and Park Association, and Urban Land Institute, working to bring easy and equitable access to green spaces to everyone in the United States.
"In Boston, we are proud of our world-class park system and the investments that have been made," said Mayor Walsh. "Reaching this milestone is a big step for our city to ensure that every resident, no matter the neighborhood, has a high-quality park or open space within a 10-minute walk of home. There is still much work to be done, and we are working every day to make our park system the best in the world."
"Everyone deserves a quality park within a 10-minute walk of home," said Diane Regas, President and CEO of the Trust for Public Land. "Today marks an enormous achievement based on years of dedicated and thoughtful planning by the City of Boston. Our research tells us that close-to-home access to parks are vital for public health, clean environments, and thriving, equitable communities."
The Trust for Public Land has worked with Boston and cities across the country, park advocates and the public to determine exactly where parks are needed most. The Trust for Public Land's  ParkServe database is the first free, open access national data platform mapping park access in more than 14,000 cities and towns - home to more than 260 million Americans. Boston is the second major city in the United States, following San Francisco, to hit the milestone of ensuring all residents have a park within a 10-minute walk of home.
"Our goal is to have high quality, safe, accessible parks for all Bostonians," said Christopher Cook, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. "We are proud of this accomplishment and grateful to Mayor Walsh for his steadfast support and belief in the importance of parks and open spaces for the health and vitality of all who live in Boston."
This week, Mayor Walsh rolled out a comprehensive and transformative vision that will invest in Boston's waterfront to protect the City's residents, homes, jobs, and infrastructure against the impacts of rising sea level and climate change. Resilient Boston Harbor lays out strategies along Boston's 47-mile shoreline that include elevated landscapes, enhanced waterfront parks, flood resilient buildings, and revitalized and increased connections and access to the waterfront.
Mayor Walsh allocated over $230 million, the largest-ever capital funding for Boston parks, through Imagine Boston 2030. This series of investments include the construction of Noyes Playground in East Boston, Reservation Road Park in Hyde Park, Garvey Playground in Dorchester, and McConnell Playground in Dorchester. Investments also include renovations at Franklin Park, Harambee Park, and Smith Playground. The new Martin Richard Park in South Boston will be opened next spring.

In addition, the capital budget invests in long-term planning for Boston's most iconic park -- the Boston Common. The capital plan sets aside $500,000 to develop a master plan to bring the nation's oldest public park to the level of excellence commensurate with its historical importance and use by the City's residents and visitors. The budget also invests $800,000 into Franklin Park, to develop a master plan that will enhance historic Franklin Park as a keystone park in the geographical heart of the City. The master plans will guide investments totaling $46 million over the next few years.
Imagine Boston 2030 is Boston's first citywide plan in 50 years aimed at guiding growth to support Boston's dynamic economy and expand opportunity for all residents. The plan prioritizes inclusionary growth and puts forth a comprehensive vision to boost quality of life, equity and resilience in every neighborhood across the City. Shaped by the input of 15,000 residents who contributed their thoughts to the plan, Imagine Boston 2030 identifies five action areas to guide Boston's growth, enhancement and preservation, and is paired with a set of metrics that will evaluate progress and successes. To learn more visit, imagine.boston.gov.
The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. Millions of people live within a 10-minute walk of a Trust for Public Land park, garden, or natural area, and millions more visit these sites every year. To support The Trust for Public Land and share why nature matters to you, visit www.tpl.org.


BOSTON - Friday, October 19, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that applications are being accepted by the Citizens Nominating Panel, for two open positions on the Boston School Committee, opening in January 2019. The deadline to submit applications is November 13, 2018.

The Boston School Committee is the governing body of the Boston Public Schools. The School Committee is responsible for:
  • Defining the vision, mission and goals of the Boston Public Schools;
  • Establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget;
  • Hiring, managing and evaluating the Superintendent; and
  • Setting and reviewing district policies and practices
The seven members of the School Committee are Boston residents appointed by the Mayor to serve four-year staggered terms. The Mayor appoints members from a list of candidates recommended by a 13-member Citizens Nominating Panel composed of parents, teachers, principals and representatives of the business and higher education communities. The Committee also includes a non-voting student member of the Boston Student Advisory Council.  

The School Committee meets approximately twice per month during the school year to adopt, review and modify policies and practices that support teaching, learning and improved student achievement. With the exception of executive sessions, Committee meetings are open to the public, feature public comment periods and are broadcasted on Boston City TV.  

Applications for the Boston School Committee can be found online here. For more information on the Boston School Committee, please click here.  

哈佛格林健保攜手三機構 教你如何為65歲以後做準備

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙客家鄉親會,新英格蘭台灣商會和紐英崙昭倫公所合作,日前舉辦健康講座,解析65歲以後該注意的醫療保險,關於前列腺癌的那些事,為父母或為自己的50餘名出席者,都說收穫很多。



哈佛格林健保社區關係主任譚雯颯以"Five Wishes",提醒人

新英格蘭地區中文教師協會第七屆年會 胡龍華、陳彤交接會長


(Boston Orange整理) 新英格蘭地區中文教師協會十月六日在麻州塔夫茨大學召開第七屆年會暨中文教學國際會議,邀得美國資深外交家傅立民大使 (Chas W. Freeman, Jr.)主講,共有來自40餘學府,機構的150餘名老師,學者參加,50餘場專題研討。
            當天會議由塔夫茨大學孔子學院李丹演奏二胡,拉開序幕,接著由塔夫茨大學王命全主持開幕式,胡龍華和塔大教務長、第一副校長Prof. Deborah T. Kochevar致詞。
            大會主講人傅立民大使 (Chas W. Freeman, Jr.)曾任美國總統尼克松1972年訪華之行的首席翻譯,並從70年代起,先後擔任美國國務院中國科科長、美國駐華公使、駐泰國公使、國防部國際安全事務部部長助理、美國駐沙特阿拉伯大使。
大會的分組研討,主要內容包括:中文寫作與閱讀能力的提高,中國文化與語言教學,中小學漢語教學發展,漢語語法教學研究,課堂活動設計及科技手段的研發,教材研究和反饋, 漢字教學,語音教學,文化活動與漢語教學的結合等。
各單元的評議人有陳彤、李愛民、嚴蕾、崔頌人、何文潮、孫鴻運、李慧敏、黃偉嘉、周康、郭旭、Jie Zhao、劉帆、秦莉傑、楊春生等。
 (供稿:郭旭 攝影:夏耘)

星期五, 10月 19, 2018


The Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK) celebrates another year
of providing domestic violence services for Pan-Asian families
and communities in Massachusetts and New England

September 28, 2018 − Boston, MA: The Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK), a Massachusetts-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to prevent domestic violence in Asian families and communities and to provide hope to survivors, hosts its annual benefit, the Silk Road Gala, on the evening of Saturday, October 27, at the Marriott Boston Downtown in Boston’s Theatre District.

This is the 25th year that the Silk Road Gala is being held to raise funds for ATASK, the only provider of linguistically and culturally competent services for Pan-Asian survivors of domestic violence.  Programs include a 24-hour multilingual hotline, emergency shelter, case management and advocacy services, legal program, and ESOL classes.
Since 1992, ATASK's multilingual and multicultural staff have been providing life-saving services and hope to survivors.  Today, ATASK assists over 800 survivors throughout 10 counties in Massachusetts, and provides a safe haven for 50 survivors and children in the 24/7/365 emergency shelter.  Services are provided in 20 Asian languages and dialects.

ATASK offers HOPE:
Housing in our emergency shelter
Outreach to Asian communities and a 24-hour multilingual helpline
Programs and services that support clients and their children and empower them to live independent lives.
Education, training and outreach for providers and the general public.

The 2018 Silk Road Gala Co-Chairs are:
·        Francis E. Chin, Senior Counsel, Chin & Curtis, LLP
·        Grace H. Lee, FVP/Regional Director of Government Banking, People's United Bank

Our Keynote Speaker is Bill Cummings, Founder of Cummings Properties and Cummings Foundation.  He is also the author of "Starting Small and Making It Big: An Entrepreneur's Journey to Billion Dollar Philanthropy.”

Janet Wu, TV Personality & Journalist and a long-standing supporter of ATASK, will once again be the emcee.

This year’s event begins with a Reception with appetizers and drinks, a silent auction, a survivor who will share her powerful story about her journey to independence, and an opportunity to listen to and speak with Bill Cummings.  Guests will then “travel” to different regions of Asia, each having its own food station, bar, and set of cultural performances.

400 supporters, comprised of community leaders and professionals, attend ATASK’s annual Silk Road Gala each year. The Silk Road Gala generates critical funds for ATASK’s programs and services to support survivors of domestic violence. For more event details and ticket information, visit https://501auctions.com/atasksilkroadgala. For more information about ATASK, visit www.atask.org