
星期二, 12月 12, 2017

填补美国区域华人近代史空白 英文版《南加州华人30年史话》出版

填补美国区域华人近代史空白 英文版《南加州华人30年史话》出版
翻译过艰辛之极,好多成语、名字、书名都花费了许多考证的功夫。其中多伦多大学的颜钟祐教授翻译了全书十七章中的十章,蔡梅曦博士翻译了五章,Li_mei & Gregory Baranoff以及中国文化大学的洪玉儒博士翻译了两章。劳思源博士编辑了十章,沈德彰编辑了七章。李三宝教授负责前言、序、后记、引言的翻译。
华美博物馆前馆长郑舒兰丶UCLA 亚太研究中心主任周敏丶南海岸华人协会前理事长钟希寅等分别分享了自己参与部分的工作。

新英格蘭台商會2017尾牙 歐陽露連任會長

                (Boston Orange 周菊子傅萊明罕鎮報導)新英格蘭台灣商會1210日晚在傅萊明罕鎮荷花苑餐廳尾牙聚餐,60多人同堂歡聚,享用美食,交流,抽獎,見證歐陽露再接印信,連任會長,歡迎新會員加入。
               台商會今年的尾牙聚餐,出現兩段插曲,一是大會嘉賓柯乃南會末發言,促請台商會起而行動,團結社區力量,關注政治,集中力量支持某些政客,並促其訂定有利華人政策;一是紐英崙中華公所主席聲明中華公所是登記在案的501( C)3非牟利機構,依法不得涉入政治,但一向支持民主自由。
多名台商會理事,嘉賓,當晚應邀分別做簡介。台商會理事趙章績說明自己本業買賣地毯,同時擔任新英格蘭法輪功會長,過去十年來致力於向社區推介神韻晚會。台商會張姓新會員原本在普華永道工作,現在和朋友合夥開了自己的會計師樓。大波士頓關懷協會會長王志維說明該會新成立,亟需各界人力、物力支援。水打魚打擊樂團指揮陳志新目前也在波士頓慈濟教打鼓。亞裔婦女健康會創辦人黃千姬介紹該會致力維護婦女身體健康。Mike Bergman說明自己是專利律師。新英格蘭台灣商會青年商會會長歐怡君代劍橋合唱團邀請各界1217日參加該團主題為記憶童年的25週年演唱會。EInk全球財務項目處長林朝仲表示加入商惠,很高興認識了更多人。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      新英格蘭台灣商會現有理事22人,基本上每3個月開一次理事會,共有會員約80人。



青年鋼琴家牛牛 簽約環球唱片

(Boston Orange周菊子整理報導)暱稱牛牛的青年鋼琴家張勝量,今年9月才在金磚會議中為各國元首演奏,128日就和環球唱片公司簽約,將於20182月發行他的第7張個人專輯,並在茱麗亞音樂學院舉辦畢業演奏會。
               本名張勝量的牛牛,今年7月剛滿20歲,身高已達186,但他早從3歲就展現了音樂天分,能把初學者使用的鋼琴樂譜約翰·湯普森鋼琴系列整本彈完,還從6歲開始踏上音樂神童之路,開獨奏會,在1000人面前表演,8歲進上海音樂學院,10歲獲邀在英國查理士王子面前演奏,還簽約百代唱片,首張專輯牛牛莫札特作品就獲得金唱片銷售獎,12歲參加德國Bad Worishofen國際音樂節,獲得”2009年世界最年輕鋼琴家證書和獎勵。13歲獲德國萬寶龍青年音樂家大獎,也獲得新英格蘭音樂學院與胡桃山藝術學校全額獎學金,來到麻州深造。
               環球唱片顯然很重視和牛牛的合約,正式簽署文件前,已經先遠赴柏霖,在著名的Emil Berliner 錄音室為牛牛錄製獨奏專輯,還邀得過四座格來美獎的德國錄音工程師萊納麥拉德來打造環球出品的首張牛牛專輯,曲目包括牛牛個人最喜愛的門德爾松E大調隨想迴旋曲等。


星期一, 12月 11, 2017

WCVB Chronicle 今晚介紹國際當代藝術苑

 WCVB Channel 5 The Chronicle’s  “Nooks and Crannies, Part Deux” episode, in which The Quarry (Contemporary Arts International) is featured in, will be re-airing Monday, December 11th @ 7:30pm. You can also watch the show on our livestream,www.wcvb.com/nowcast, or on our website, www.wcvb.com/chronicle, in the days following the airing.
In addition, Acton TV has produced a video about The Quarry, a one and a half minute short version is posted on Youtube.  Here is the link: 

新英格蘭台灣商會尾牙 歐陽露連任會長 (圖片)


Baker-Polito Administration Announces New Housing Choice Initiative

Baker-Polito Administration Announces New Housing Choice Initiative
Initiative will spur significant housing production, and provide municipalities with tools and incentives to drive the creation of 135,000 new units by 2025

BOSTON  – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced a comprehensive new initiative to substantially increase housing production across the Commonwealth. The Administration’s Housing Choice Initiative creates a new system of incentives and rewards for municipalities that deliver sustainable housing growth; creates a new technical assistance toolbox, to empower cities and towns to plan for new housing production; and proposes legislative changes, through An Act to Promote Housing Choices, to deliver smart, effective zoning at the local level.

Massachusetts home prices have increased at the fastest rate in the nation, and metropolitan Boston rent prices rank among the highest in the country. In order to address the challenges facing Massachusetts, the Housing Choice Initiative will deliver more than $10 million in incentives, grant funding and technical assistance per year, and enable Massachusetts to realize a new goal of creating 135,000 new housing units by 2025.

“Our growing economy demands a robust and diverse supply of housing to support the Commonwealth’s continued growth and success,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This initiative will maximize collaboration between state agencies, support innovation and data-driven policies, and provide municipalities with the user-friendly tools needed to create more housing where it’s needed. We look forward to working with the legislature and partnering with cities and towns to deliver much needed housing to regions across Massachusetts, while respecting our long-standing home rule tradition.”

“The Housing Choice Initiative we announced today will ensure that Massachusetts remains a great place to live, raise a family, and grow a business by removing barriers to responsible housing development,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “The Commonwealth’s cities and towns are instrumental in our efforts to create more housing, and the Housing Choice Initiative will provide municipalities with the tools and incentives needed to drive meaningful housing production that is appropriate for their community, maximizes land-use and creates opportunities for smart development.”

Modeled after Massachusetts’ successful Green Communities program, The Housing Choice Initiative will provide a powerful new set of incentive-based tools for local governments. The Housing Choice Initiative will reward communities that are producing new housing units and have adopted best practices to promote sustainable housing development, use land efficiently, protect natural resources and conserve energy, with a new Housing Choice designation. The Housing Choice Designation is designed to be simple, flexible and achievable for municipalities. Cities and towns that receive the Housing Choice Designation will be eligible for new financial resources, including exclusive access to new Housing Choice Capital Grants, and preferential treatment for many state grant and capital funding programs, including MassWorks, Complete Streets, MassDOT capital projects and PARC and LAND grants.  

"Access to affordable housing is one of the greatest challenges facing cities across the Commonwealth," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I am proud of our work in Boston in teaming up with other cities across the region to increase our affordable housing stock and continue creating homes for all. Together with the support of the Commonwealth through the new Housing Choice Initiative, cities and towns, including Boston, will have a new set of tools at our disposal to continue delivering more housing for the people we serve."

"Our region is in a housing crisis. Solving it will require bold action and a comprehensive solution set,” said Mayor Joseph Curtatone, City of Somerville and Chair of the Metro Mayor’s Coalition. “That is why the Metro Mayors Coalition just this month launched a regional housing partnership. And that's why I'm thrilled that Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito are creating the Housing Choice program and filing legislation to spur the production of housing for people across the economic spectrum. I support this program and endorse the legislation, and I'm excited to work with the Administration so the region and the Commonwealth can lead the way in tackling the most pressing issue we face today." 

“The Baker-Polito Administration is to be congratulated for its Housing Choice program which creates incentives for cities and towns to expand housing opportunities for those who live and work in our communities,” said Littleton Town Administrator Keith Bergman, who serves also as President of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.  "Littleton has a strong housing market and its total housing stock has increased by over 10% since 2010. Littleton's subsidized housing inventory of 12.9% surpasses the 10% goal under Chapter 40B.  The Town is committed to remaining above that goal by being proactive.  With the leadership of its Board of Selectmen and Planning Board, town meeting voters recently approved a package of housing strategies contained in the Town's updated Master Plan, including many best practices of the Housing Choice program." 

“The  South Shore Chamber of Commerce views new housing as an economic development tool for the suburbs,” said Peter Forman, President & CEO of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce. “The Administration’s proposal will help towns create a housing agenda that makes sense for their own communities rather than having the state set zoning decisions for them.”

The Housing Choice Initiative introduces new and better coordinated technical assistance for municipalities to reach housing production goals and pursue a Housing Choice Program Designation. The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will provide communities with a clear, single-entry point for coordinated technical assistance across agencies. In coordination with the Housing Choice Initiative, MassHousing will make $2 million in new technical assistance funding available, to help communities progress toward and achieve housing production goals under the state’s Chapter 40B affordable housing law. The Housing Choice Initiative will also track progress towards a new statewide goal of producing 135,000 new housing units by 2025, to ensure that new housing production keeps pace with projected increases in housing demand.

“We are committed to supporting inclusive communities throughout the Commonwealth, and increasing housing production at every level is a critical component of this effort. This initiative will support a healthy housing market that meets the needs of our diverse population, including our young families, older adults and growing workforce,” said Housing and Community Development Undersecretary Chrystal Kornegay. “We are excited to provide this new set of tools to give communities more resources, and work closely with cities and towns to achieve this ambitious housing production goal.”

“MassHousing is excited to support the Administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, by committing $2 million in new funding to help cities and towns deliver new housing that is consistent with their local planning goals,” said MassHousing Acting Executive Director Tom Lyons. “Our new Planning for Housing Production Program will help make Chapter 40B development less contentious and more collaborative, by empowering municipalities to implement housing solutions driven by local goals and values.”

As part of the Housing Choice Initiative, the Administration is proposing legislation that will remove barriers to improved land use and new housing, by promoting the adoption of local zoning best practices. This legislative proposal, An Act to Promote Housing Choices, would allow cities and towns to adopt certain zoning best practices by a simple majority vote, rather than the current two-thirds supermajority. Massachusetts is currently one of only ten states to require a supermajority to change local zoning; all other northeastern states rezone through simple majority votes.
Zoning changes that promote best practices that would qualify for the simple majority threshold include:

·       Building mixed-use, multi-family, and starter homes, and adopting 40R “Smart Growth” zoning in town centers and near transit; 
·       Allowing the development of accessory dwelling units, or “in-law” apartments;
·       Granting increased density through a special permit process;
·       Allowing for the transfer of development rights and enacting natural resource protection zoning; and
·       Reducing parking requirements and dimensional requirements, such as minimum lot sizes.

An Act to Promote Housing Choices does not mandate that cities and towns make any of these zoning changes. The legislation allows municipalities that want to rezone for responsible housing growth to do so more easily, and in a way that is consistent with peer states.

The Baker-Polito Administration today also announced $1,296,219 in grant funding for 37 projects through the new Planning Assistance Grant Program. Funded through spending authorized in the Environmental Bond Bill, the Planning Assistance Grant Program is part of an effort to encourage municipalities to implement land use regulations that are consistent with the Baker-Polito Administration’s land conservation and development objectives including reduction of land, energy, and natural resource consumption, provision of sufficient and diverse housing, and mitigation of and preparation for climate change.

The Baker-Polito Administration is deeply committed to meeting this housing challenge, through key investments, new initiatives and program reforms. In April, Governor Baker filed a housing bond bill seeking $1.287 billion in additional capital authorization to advance the administration’s commitment to affordable housing and we have increased funding for affordable housing by 19% and is on course to invest $1.1 billion over five years in affordable housing. The highly effective MassWorks Infrastructure Program continues to be a key catalyst for housing production, supporting the creation of more than 3,000 housing units. The Open for Business Initiative will drive the production of more than 2,200 units of housing on state land. MassHousing’s $100 million Workforce Housing Initiative has advanced the development of 1809 housing units across a range of incomes, including 510 workforce housing units. And, through An Act Relative to Job Creation and Workforce Development, the administration reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, which is on track to facilitate 630 new units in Gateway Cities, and renewed our commitment to the 40R Smart Growth Zoning Program.

星期日, 12月 10, 2017

CABA醫療器械與診斷創新論壇著眼3D打印 中國藥審新法

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)美中生物醫藥協會(CABA)129日在波士頓兒童醫院Folkman禮堂舉辦醫療器械與診斷創新論壇,邀得11名專家、業者分享經驗,闡述中國審批藥物新況,吸引了不下150人冒雪出席。
Raiing 醫療執行長夏容。(周菊子攝)
賽默飛(Thermo Fisher)科技公司材料及結構分析部門董事長Michael Shaer闡述的是低溫電子顯微鏡(Cryo-Electron Microscopy)
賽默飛(Thermo Fisher)科技公司材料及結構分析
Michael Shaer。(周菊子攝)
3D打印環節,BioMarketing Insight的歐秀蓮(Regina Au)闡述3D打印如何幫助了生命科學及健康產業更加創新,血管科學總裁Mike Drues探討3D打印在醫療應用上的未來前景,中國藥監菊醫療器材審評專員閔玥闡述3D打印到客製化醫療設備,德勤公司代表談3D打印在健康產業中的趨勢,未來,以及投資考量。                                                                                                法規及商業化環節,有中國藥監局醫療器械技術審評中心審評四部主任劉斌談 ”個性化訂製增才製造醫療器械註冊指導原則理論研究”,RAMED創辦人姜云丹談中國藥監局批准體外診斷儀器的過程,中國醫療設備公司執行長富雅芳介紹了她自己走進這行的因緣,還拿出許多數據,探討在中國醫療設備市場成功營運的因素。她直指中國的醫療設備從2010年在市場上佔9.5%漲到2015年的17.8%,未來發展潛力極大。


BioMarketing Insight的歐秀蓮(Regina Au)。(周菊子攝)
血管科學總裁Mike Drues 。