On April 23, 2016, Isabella Wu passed away due to a tragic accident that occurred right outside of Tufts Medical Center.
She was only 2 years old.
She was only 2 years old.
We hope to support the family during this time
by donating to their gofundme page,
so that the family can make funeral arrangements and relocate.
by donating to their gofundme page,
so that the family can make funeral arrangements and relocate.
Wang Y After-School Program will be hosting a Bake Sale onThursday, April 28th & Friday, April 29th 5pm-6pm
in order to collect donations for the family.
in order to collect donations for the family.
We would appreciate any money and food donations for the bake sale (all foods must come with a list of ingredients).
Thank you,
OST Staff
To make your own separate donation, visit: