星期三, 4月 27, 2016

Wang YMCA 4/28、29 辦烘培會為 Isabella Wu 籌款

On April 23, 2016, Isabella Wu passed away due to a tragic accident that occurred right outside of Tufts Medical Center.
She was only 2 years old.
We hope to support the family during this time
by donating to their gofundme page,
so that the family can make funeral arrangements and relocate.

Wang Y After-School Program will be hosting a Bake Sale onThursday, April 28th & Friday, April 29th 5pm-6pm
in order to collect donations for the family.
We would appreciate any money and food donations for the bake sale (all foods must come with a list of ingredients).
Thank you,
OST Staff
To make your own separate donation, visit:
