China Education Symposium cordially
invites you to our 2016 Annual Conference. The theme of the 2016 China
Education Symposium is: China's Education in the 21st Century.
专题演讲 Keynote Speakers:
Yongxin Zhu
is the deputy secretary general of the Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference, vice chairman of China Association for Promoting
Democracy, vice president of Chinese Society of Education (CSE),
and initiator of the program "New Education in China".
Yang is member of the Chinese society of education Academic committee, standing
director of Tao's research association, member of National education
development research center experts consultation committee, Chairman of
Folk environmental groups "friends of the natural", and the Dean of
21 century education research institute.
Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of Practice in International
Education and Director of Global Education and of International Education
Policy at Harvard University. He serves on the boards of several education
organizations, including the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education,
Room to Read, Teach for All, the Latin American Scholarship Program of American
Universities, the Phalen Leadership Academies, Global Cities and
王广发:中国政法大学法学博士,北京法政集团董事长 、总裁,北京王府学校董事长、校长。兼任中国总会计师协会副会长、中国法律援助基金会常务理事、中国人民武装警察部队北京指挥学院名誉院长、外交学院董事、首都经贸大学、中国政法大学、清华大学客座教授、首都经济研究会副会长、北京市工商联执委、北京新世纪跨国公司研究院院长、北京社会科学院特邀研究员、海峡两岸法学交流促进会副理事长。
Guangfa Wang
is the Chairman of the Board and President of Beijing Fazheng Group, and
Chairman of the Board and Principal of Beijing Royal School. Mr. Wang also
serves concurrently as Professor of the Practice of UNC-Chapel Hill, Board
member in China Foreign Affairs University and China University of Political
Science and Law, Adjunct Professor in Tsinghua University, Vice Chairman of
Capital Association of Economic Research, Special Research Fellow of Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences, Vice Chairman of the Association for the Promotion
of Legal Exchanges across the Taiwan Straits, etc.
分论坛主题演讲 Panels include:
1. 公民教育 |
Panel Discussion – Civic Education
王雄:江苏省历史特级教师,21世纪教育研究院副院长. 2003年参与《新公民读本》的编写工作。2009年在国内参与推广经济公民课程阿福童。2012年起,他创立儿童哲学童话课程(酷思熊),在伊顿教育公益支持下,已在一千所小学开展。
Xiong Wang
is the vice chair of 21st Century Education Research Institute and has been
recognized as a distinguished history teacher in Jiangsu Province. He
participated in developing the New Citizen Reading curriculum in 2003, and
helped facilitate the international economic citizenship program Aflatoun in
China in 2009. Since 2012, he has established Kusixiong, the curriculum model
based on children-oriented philosophical fairy tale in China, which, with the
support of Etonkids, is currently practiced in a thousand elementary
Zheng Wu
received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Harvard University. He is now a
postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia University Medical Center. In 2010,
he co-founded Harvard GSAS China Study Group to engage citizens and scholars in
discussions of social issues and to cultivate social consciousness in the
overseas Chinese community. In 2012, he founded Harvard SEED for Social
Innovation, in order to identify and help educate the young leaders in the
public sector and civil society.
Weijun Shen
is a senior teacher in middle schools and high schools and a founder of Hongyi
Academy. He participated in a civic education experimental program organized by
Hangzhou's Ministry of Education in 2010, and founded Hongyi Reading Group in
2012. In 2014, he founded Hongyi Academy, which organizes summer and winter
camps for students, in order to cultivate global citizens and expand Chinese
culture. He also trained various organizations in the Robert's Rule of Order.
Helen Haste
is a visiting professor at HGSE and a principal investigator for the HGSE New
Civics Early Career Scholars’ Program. This supports currently 24 HGSE doctoral
students whose research interests concern civic education and civic engagement.
Her recent project focuses on how Chinese adolescents understand civic and
moral issues.
2. 农村教育 | Panel Discussion – Rural
Yaojiang Shi is a professor at Sha'anxi Normal University. He serves as the
Director of Center for Experimental Economics in Education, the Director of
Northwestern Socioeconomic Development Research Center, and the Director of
Educational Affairs at Rural Education Action Project (REAP). His recent
research focuses on the reform of rural education in China. He hopes to use
empirical research to identify key policy levers in meeting the need of impoverished
rural populations.
Changhong Yang is the founder and principle of Guiyang Xingzhi Science and
Technology Vocation School. He has been awarded multiple national honors for
his devotion to rural education and rural students, including the National
Prominent Modern Principles Award. The vocational school that he founded
primarily serves impoverished rural youth and practices theories of all-inclusive
education promoted by the Chinese educator Xingzhi Tao.
Ms Zhaoqin
Zhang is the former director of the Teacher Education Division at the Education
Bureau of Gansu province, and currently serves as the vice president of the
Lanzhou University of Arts and Sciences. In 2014, she initiated the Yangguang
Fucheng Rural Education Group at her hometown, a nonprofit organization that
provided systematic training to over a hundred rural school principles in Gansu
Michael Senge is a systems educator and a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan
School of Management. He was founding chair of the Society for Organizational
Learning, with the mission to discover, integrate, and implement theories and
practices of organizational learning for the interdependent development of
people and their institutions and communities. He currently serves as a
consultant for the 2030 Project – a 15-year project led by the Beijing Normal
University aiming to improve rural schools in China.
3. 音画教育 |
Art and Music Education
Lihua Zhou
is the master of Lihua Tang, a well-known painter. Much influenced by
Confucians thoughts, he started learning and enjoying painting early. His
works, which are highly favored by art collectors and have been selected and
awarded by both international and domestic art exhibitions. Mr. Zhou has been
awarded the title of “Senior Artist” among Chinese artists in the world. He is
also the inheritor of Li’s Style of Shanshui in traditional Chinese painting.
龚琛晨:钢琴家,美国MIT脑神经认知科学研究所研究员。她以自身在音乐和钢琴演奏技术方面的造诣去研究脑神经科学。从音乐和钢琴演奏的角度来看待人脑,并从脑神经认知科学方面去分析研究脑神经与音乐和钢琴演奏 (技能技巧)的关系。
Gong is a classical pianist, music educator and research associate and music
specialist in the Brain and Cognitive Science Department at MIT. Chenchen Gong
is interested in how childhood music education influences neural and cognitive
development, and she has developed a series of books titled the “Chen Chen Gong
Piano Method," and an instructional method for teaching piano to young
children. She is part of an international team of researchers investigating the
effects of early childhood piano education.
Zhu is an artist and professor at the School of Arts of Peking University. His
class of “Art History” is awarded as the “most popular class in Peking
University”, and now he is also the column writer and specialist in China.com.
He integrates the study of Chinese Classics into the study of Chinese art
history, and well demonstrates the ultimate difference between Chinese art and
western art. Professor Zhu promotes the Art Education and Liberal Education in
Peking University as one the active supporters.
Catherine Elgin: 哈佛教育学院艺术哲学教授,在哈佛教育学院任职二十余年,在来到哈佛之前,Elgin曾经在麻省理工,普林斯顿,达特茅斯,北卡教堂山等高校任职,担任哲学教授的职位。Elgin现在的研究领域包括知识理论、艺术哲学和科学哲学,最近主要研究在认知层面上具有价值的问题。Elgin认为对于理解的追求应当成为认识论的重点。同时,她对艺术哲学的众多分支颇有研究,包括语言、科学、艺术审美等。
Elgin is a philosopher whose areas of study include the theory of knowledge,
philosophy of art, and philosophy of science. Recent work considers the
question of what makes something cognitively valuable. Elgin has argued that
the pursuit of understanding, rather than the pursuit of knowledge, should be
the focus of epistemology's concerns. Her recent work explores how similar
problems arise in diverse branches of philosophy such as aesthetics, philosophy
of language, and philosophy of science.
4. 中国教育体制改革
| Education Reform from Within
秦春华:北京大学考试研究院院长, 秦老师在高等教育领域有着广泛的经验,并且曾担任北京大学本科招生办公室主任。他是国内关于高考改革和创新高中学生评价体系领域有着重要影响力的专家,目前担任教育部和中国科学技术协会专家顾问委员会成员。
Dr. Chunhua
Qin is the Deputy Director for Office of Educational Administration, and Head
of the Institute of Examination Research at Peking University. Dr. QIN has
extensive experience in higher education management, through working at several
administrative branches and positions at PKU, such as the Head of the
Undergraduate Student Admission Office. More recently, he is well-known as the
nation’s leading expert on the college entrance exam reform and the various
innovative ways to effectively assess the performance and potential of Chinese
high school students. He is currently a member of the expert advisory committee
appointed by the Chinese Ministry of education and the Chinese Association for
Science and Technology. He also travels around the world to observe, analyze
and compare the approaches of different countries in this regard.
Brittany Carlson: 美国顶尖文理学院Middlebury Collge前招生官、哈佛大学教育学院高等教育硕士。在来哈佛之前她在母校美国著名文理学院明德学院负责招生工作。Brittany以最优等成绩毕业于明德学院,并在北京学习了一个学期。经过毕业后在投行界的短暂工作,她重新回到母校担任招生顾问,主要负责管理美国南部和东南亚地区的申请者。哈佛毕业之后,她希望重回招生工作,在精英学府中为弱势群体学生服务。
Brittany is
a graduate student in the Higher Education program at the Harvard Graduate
School of Education. Prior to beginning her MEd at Harvard, she worked in
admissions at Middlebury College, her alma mater. Brittany graduated summa cum
laude from Middlebury with a major in Chinese, and spent a semester living
abroad in Beijing, China. After a small stint in the world of investment
banking post graduation, Brittany returned to her alma mater to work as an
Admissions Counselor where she managed applications from the southern region of
the United States as well as Southeast Asia. In addition, Brittany was active
in coordinating the office's social media efforts and managed a group of
student workers in the office. Upon graduation, she hopes to re-enter the world
of admissions and serve as an advocate for underrepresented students at highly
selective, elite institutions.
Yang is member of the Chinese society of education Academic committee, standing
director of Tao's research association, member of National education
development research center experts consultation committee, Chairman of
Folk environmental groups "friends of the natural", and the Dean of
21 century education research institute.
Caleb Dolan:
美国麻省州KIPP(Knowledge is Power Program) 学校执行理事。Caleb Dolan从2011年开始担任KIPP学院马萨诸塞州地区执行经理。在他的领导下,麻州KIPP学院从只有一所在Lynn地区服务370个五至八年级孩子和家庭的中学,发展成为一个包括Lynn和波士顿地区四所学校的学校网络,服务近1200名K-12孩子和家庭。2014年,Caleb入选《波士顿商业期刊》评选的“波士顿40位40岁以下商业领袖”。
Since 2011,
Caleb Dolan has served as Executive Director for the KIPP Massachusetts region.
Under his leadership, KIPP:MA has grown from operating one middle school in
Lynn serving nearly 370 kids and families in grades 5-8 to a network of 4
schools in Lynn and Boston currently serving nearly 1,200 kids and families in
grades K-12. In 2014, Caleb was named one of Boston’s 40-under-40 Business
leaders by Boston Business Journal.
5. 教育科技
| Technology and Education
Larry Chen, the Founder, Chairman and CEO of GenShuiXue. Larry earned his Ph.D
in Economics from Renmin University of China. Larry is also a Harvard Business
School alumnus, a formal member of All-China Youth Federation, innovative
start-up mentor for colleges and universities including Peking University and
Tsinghua University, as well as visiting professor for many Higher-Ed
institutions. Larry founded GenShuiXue in June 2014, an O2O e-commerce platform
for finding great teachers and organizations for local and online lessons.
谷艾米:Amy Gu,拥有多年互联网、移动互联网企业运营和产品管理经验,专注于用新技术为世界打造美好生活。现为Hemi Ventures合伙人,投资多家美国前沿科技初创企业。同时, 谷女士也是硅谷数家创业公司特别顾问,包括大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)三大平台之一的Udacity。2011年至2015年期间,谷女士担任印象笔记 (Evernote)中国区首任总经理,将印象笔记带入中国,一手组建中国团队,带领印象笔记在中国突破1500万用户。加入Evernote之前,她曾在中国创建两家互联网公司,并曾在中国移动、英国电信等大型通讯企业负责战略发展和国际合作,对企业全球战略发展和国际合作伙伴关系建立有丰富经验和深刻理解。谷女士拥有美国斯坦福大学商学院的工商管理硕士(MBA)学位和香港大学的新媒体硕士学位。2015年,谷女士入选由与《财富》和《商业周刊》齐名的美国著名商业杂志《Fast Company》评选的年度最有创意百人名单。
Ms. Gu is
general partner of Hemi Ventures which invests in frontier tech startup in U.S.
She is also growth advisor to many Silicon Valley companies including Udacity
that brings accessible, affordable and lifelong education to the world. She has
extensive experience in running start-up in the mobile Internet space in China
with focus in making world a better place with the technology innovation. From
2011 to 2015, she helped expand Evernote's user base to 15 million in China ,
the second-biggest market of Evernote with fast revenue growth. It is
considered as one of the best entries for Silicon Valley companies in China.
The move has helped to establish both business model and mental model for most
U.S. tech companies to enter china. Prior to joining Evernote, Ms. Gu have run
two Internet start-ups in China, including a push notification service for
business and an online stock investment simulation platform for Chinese stock
market. She also worked in China Mobile and British Telecom developing
strategic carrier partnership and new product design. Amy has an MBA
degree from Stanford Graduate School of Business, a Master degree from Hong
Kong University, and a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Nanjing
University of Posts and Telecommunications. She is named as the Most Creative
People of 2015 by Fast Company.
Long Wen is
the creator of the educational concept “Cloud University” in China. Long was
also a student of the famous education revolutionist, Yudao Liu. Long has
travelled more than 6000 miles alone to explore how to make educational
innovations, by visiting experts in the educactional field, educational
entrepreneurs and rural areas in Yunnan. Long is now the the founder of Sharker
Space and Budong Education. Long was also the former CMO of 51talk.
Chris Dede
is the Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies, Technology,
Innovation, and Education Program at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Chris Dede's fundamental interest is developing new types of educational
systems to meet the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. His
research spans emerging technologies for learning, infusing technology into
large-scale educational improvement initiatives, developing policies that
support educational transformation, and providing leadership in educational
6. 教育创新 | Reimagine an
Innovative Classroom
Weiji Ma is
a professor of neuroscience and psychology at New York University,
Co-founder of Rural China Education Foundation. The foundation aims at
improving the quality and relevance of education in rural China. The foundation
has collaborated with rural teachers, principals, educational experts, and
local governments to develop an integrated vision on rural schools. This
includes improving school management and hardware, but also new curriculum and
pedagogy. RCEF emphasizes creative and experiential learning, and strive to
build connections between education and the local community.
秦九歌:哈佛本科大二哲学系学生, 教育创业者。从初一开始演讲和辩论,历经百场比赛,2011年选拔进加拿大国家队。2014年在硅谷创办了系统培养演讲辩论的学校,目前在深圳,武汉,上海准备开办首期国内学生的演讲辩论培训班。
Julia Qin is
a sophomore at Harvard College major in Philosophy, an educational
entrepreneur. She started debating and making formal speech at grade 7 and has
been participated over 100 competitions. In 2011, she set up a debating school
at Silicon Valley. Now, she is running debating camps across Shenzhen, Wuhan,
Shanghai etc.
Tech High特许学校创立者与High Tech High教育研究院名誉主席。 Rob致力于发展K-12阶段新学校并创设先锋性学校-产业对接项目。他也曾领导哈佛学生教师实践研讨会数年。 之后,在美国教育部的职业和成人教育办公室的赞助下,他引导了“新城市高中”项目的实施,并促成了High Tech High的建立。
Rob Riordan
is an Ed.D. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, a co-founder of
High Tech High and President Emeritus of the HTH Graduate School of Education.
Rob has devoted to develop pioneering school-to-work transition programs and
new schools spanning K-12 system. He also led the practicum seminar for
Harvard’s student teachers for several years. Later, under the auspices of the
Office of Vocational and Adult Education in the U.S. Department of Education,
he directed the New Urban High School project that led to the development of
High Tech High.
程彦章 Marilyn Cheng:
康奈尔大学公共政策硕士,原加拿大议会公共关系与传播官员,现陆桥教育董事长、康奈尔大中华区校友会副主席、中国教育国际交流协会特聘专家。Marilyn热心教育和公益事业,是国际关心中国慈善总会(InternationalChina Concern)理事会理事.
Cheng is the cofounder of Bridging Institute of Education, she is also a senior
academic consultant. She earned her master degree from Cornell Unviersity.
Marilyn has helped more than ten Chinese high school students to be admitted in
Ivy League universities, the London School of Economics and Poliltical Science,
and the Imperial College London. Marilyn has spent extensive amount of time
studying in North America, while she was in Canada, she was the marketing and
PR manager for Canadian Federal Campaign. Marilyn is passionate about education
and social welfare,she is a member of the International China Concern
7. 创客空间工作室 | Workshop: Maker
Ying Bi is
the founder of Tsinghua University Maker Space (THU Maker Space) and Master of
Department of Precision Instrument at Tsinghua University. Ying founded THU
Maker Space in September 2013 and put forward the slogan that “Be a maker, and
make everyhing”. Ying wrote a letter to Prime Minister Keqiang Li on behalf of
THU Maker Space in March 2015, introducing the development of the Maker Space
and the young people’s passion to innovation. On 4th May 2015, the Chinese
Youth Day, Ying received reply from the Prime Minister in person which showed
great concern and encouragement to young makers. The event was widely reported
by major media in China.
李大维(创客大爆炸):2010年联合创办了中国首个创客空间——新车间。 2011年与 Anna Greenspan 和 Silvia
Lindtner 一同成立了 Hacked Matter,研究和出版草根开放创新的议题. 在2015年和李洪刚联合创立“创客大爆炸”,推动创客在下一代的物联网平台的创新和创业。并且出任深圳开放创新实验室主任。
David Li has
been contributing to open source software since 1990. He is member of Free
Software Foundation, committer to Apache projects and board director of
ObjectWeb. Over the past 20 years, David has started several open source
software projects and contributed to many others. In 2010, he co-founded
XinCheJian, the first hackerspace in China to promote hacker/maker culture and
open source hardware. In 2011, he co-founded Hacked Matter, a think tank on
makers and open innovation. He In the past two years, he has become interested
in urban farming and is an enthusiastic proponent of aquaponics, which brings
the spirit of open source to farming and gardening. In 2015, he co-founded
Maker Collider, a platform to develop next generation IoT from Maker community.
He is also the director of Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab.
Jie Qi:麻省理工Media Lab博士候选人,在此之前,Jie Qi在哥伦比亚大学获得了她的机械工程科学学士学位。她还在Eyebeam艺术与科技中心的littleBits项目做电子设计与材料相关的工作。最近她专注于创造用于纸质电路的自定义工具—将折纸与电路结合在一起。通过与bunnie的合作,Jie Qi独具匠心地将可粘电路作为她的研究的一部分。这项研究现在正壮大为一间叫做Chibitronics的公司。
Jie Qi is a
doctoral candidate in the Responsive Environments group, and before this in the
High-Low Tech group, at the MIT Media Lab. Before she came here, Jie Qi got her
bachelors of science in mechanical engineering at Columbia University. She also
worked in electronics design and fabrication at Eyebeam Art and Technology
Center, on the littleBits project. More recently she’s focused on creating
custom tools for paper electronics–blending paper craft with building
electronics. In collaboration with bunnie, Jie Qi created circuit stickers as
part of her research, which has now spun off into a company called
April 23rd
Opening Speech- Yongxin Zhu|开场主题演讲-朱永新
Art and Music Education|音画教育分论坛
Innovation in Education|创新教育分论坛
Lunch 午餐 & Photo Gallery Exhibition|中国教育摄影展展示
Keynote Speaker: Guangfa Wang|主题演讲:王广发
Education And Technology|教育与科技分论坛
Panel presentation on maker space in China and
the US|创客教育展示
Maker Space Interactive
Workshop|创客教育工作坊 & Career
Fair Round #1|招聘会第一轮
Late Registration|注册
Keynote Speaker:Dongping Yang|主题演讲:杨东平
Rural Education|农村教育
Civic Education|公民教育
Lunch|午餐 & Poster Exhibition|高中生作品展示
Keynote Speech- Fernando Reimers|主题演讲
Educational Reform from Within|体制内教育改革
High School Challenge Presentations|哈佛青少年创新挑战赛展示
Closing Thank you! By CES members|哈佛中国教育论坛致结束语
Career Fair Round #2 |招聘会第二轮
1. 所有门票包含4月23、24日两顿午餐。VIP门票另含4月23日VIP晚宴,您将有机会与演讲嘉宾共进晚、深入交流。
include two lunches on April 23 & 24. VIP tickets also include VIP dinner
on April 23. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the dinner with our
2. 论坛将用中英双语进行,现场有同声传译。
The conference
will be in both English and Chinese with simultaneous interpretation provided.
3. 会议安排及嘉宾可能发生变动,以现场为准。
Speakers and
panels are subject to change.
6.报名方式:咨询微信 290585441
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you request a refund before Feb. 1st, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 8:00
AM - Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 8:00 PM (EDT) - Add to Calendar
Harvard Graduate School of
Education - 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138 - View Map