星期五, 4月 22, 2016

新英格蘭亞美記者協會慶祝亞美傳統月座談 5/18

By Leverett Wing

I'm excited to work with the Asian American Journalists Association of New England (AAJA-NE) on their upcoming eventcelebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Shirley Leung, Boston Globe columnist & AAJA-NE Board member,has assembled (... and is part of!) a stellar, All-Star panel (see below) to talk about politics and the Asian American community's growing influence.

We hope you can join us at what should be a fascinating evening!
- Leverett
(event details & RSVP info, below)
AAJA-NE's AAPI Heritage Month Celebration ~
* WHEN: Wednesday - May 18, 2016 
   - Networking5:30-6:30pm
   - Panel discussion6:30pm
* WHERE: China Pearl Restaurant (9 Tyler Street, Boston)
    (light dinner to be served)
* WHO (alphabetically) ~
   - Tommy Chang, Superintendent of Boston Public Schools
   Dan Koh, Chief of Staff to Boston Mayor Marty Walsh
   Shirley Leung (Moderator), Boston Globe columnist
   - Michelle Wu, President, Boston City Council
* RSVP: The event is free, but please RSVP using the link below (seating is limited)
