摩頓市回收及垃圾收集合約商,JRM,將於6月1日(週三)晚6到7點,假摩頓耆英中心(7 Washington St., Malden, MA),舉行特別會議,和居民討論回收紙張,紙盒,玻璃,塑膠及鋁製品的恰當方法。
Know Before You Throw! Special Meeting Regarding Proper Recycling Procedures
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Malden’s recycling and trash contractor, JRM, will host a special meeting on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 from 6-7 PM at the Malden Senior Center, 7 Washington Street for the purpose of discussing the proper ways to recycle (1) paper and cardboard; and (2) glass, plastic and aluminum in Malden’s dual stream recycling program. JRM has recently reported that many households are not recycling properly and as a result, fewer materials are actually being recycled. JRM will begin enforcing a strict recycling program and effective June 6, 2015, your recycling will not be collected if (1) materials are in the wrong recycling bin or (2) non-recycling materials (trash) are improperly placed in a recycling bin. Residents are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting.
Residents are also encouraged to take advantage of a new app from ReCollect which, with few simple clicks, will provide updates about trash and recycling information. The “Waste Wizard” feature allows users to search for items to learn how to dispose of them properly. The app allows users to set reminders about dates for trash and recycling collection days as well as special collection events such as yard waste, Christmas tree pickup, semi-annual paint and hazardous waste pickup, along with disposal fees for large appliances, and rules for bulk items. Residents will also be notified about any delays in collection due to inclement weather or a holiday. Please visitwww.cityofmalden.org/trash.