星期一, 4月 25, 2016







  • 識別和開發一種估測工具——一個正能量心理健康指數(或稱為“快樂指數”)——以便系統地、科學地評估心理健康。該指數將超越當前普遍使用的較為有限的估測方法,以便發現面臨高度精神壓力的個人和群體,另外亦可用於發現對生活滿意度很高的個人和群體。對於面臨高度精神壓力的群體,這種工具能夠估測為增進幸福感和身體健康所採取的針對性干預措施是否有效。至於對生活滿意度很高的群體,這種工具可用於探索哪些心理、情感和社會因素最顯著地促進了更快樂、更長久、更健康的生活。
  • 理解心理健康和心血管健康及保持健康長壽之間的關係。
  • 確定促進心理健康的干預措施(如靜心和有意識行為練習)對健康和快樂的影響,包括此類措施對糖尿病和癌症等普通疾病以及對焦慮症、抑鬱症、躁鬱症等精神健康疾病可能發揮的作用。
  • 探索資訊傳播——包括從電視節目到社交媒體等多種渠道——對人際交往、健康和快樂的作用。
哈佛大學陳曾熙公共衛生學院社會與行為科學李錦記教席教授和李錦裳健康與快樂研究中心聯席主任勞拉·庫伯贊斯基博士(Laura Kubzansky)說:「您願意生活得長久、快樂和健康還是僅僅滿足於不生病?以往的醫學和心理學實踐與研究側重於損害身體健康的疾病和負面因素,但是,針對正面因素進行研究同樣具有價值,正能量能夠幫助我們保持健康或在生病或受傷之後更快地康復。目前急需更加強有力的研究,以便理解這些正面因素以及如何推動世界上千千萬萬的人去發揮其效能。」
哈佛大學陳曾熙公共衛生學院健康傳播學李錦記教席教授和李錦裳健康與快樂研究中心聯席主任維希·維斯瓦納斯博士(Kasisomayajula “Vish” Viswanath)說:「人們在談到幸福感時常常把它作為一個很時髦的流行語。但是,幸福感實際上是一個人與外界交往的方式。如果一個人在社會中受到不公平待遇或生活貧困,就會有一些實實在在的因素影響他的健康,例如得不到足夠的營業食品或醫療服務。另外,他與社會和其他人接觸的機會也可能受到限制。本中心將使我們能夠系統地、嚴格地研究促進與他人和社區交往、溝通和聯繫的要素,以及交往和缺乏交往會如何影響幸福感並最終影響身體健康。」
哈佛大學陳曾熙公共衛生學院代理院長大衛·亨特(David Hunter)說:「通過利用現有研究成果和開展新的研究,我們認為該中心將能夠基於實證提出建議和干預措施,顯著地增進個人和整個群體的心理健康和身體健康。我們的目標是催生更富啟迪性的公共政策和公共衛生項目,改善千千萬萬人的健康狀況,並且在醫學實踐和個人行為方面建立新的重要標準,以便幫助人們生活得更長久、更健康。」




New Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness Established at Harvard’s Public Health School

More Than HK$162 Million (US$21 Million) Gift from Lee Kum Kee Family to Fund Research on Links between Psychological Well-Being and Physical Health
(22 April 2016, Hong Kong) At a signing ceremony today, a gift of more than HK$162 million (US$21 million) from the Lee Kum Kee Family was announced to establish the new Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The new Center will support the identification of psychological, social, and emotional strengths and assets that may protect against some diseases and enable people to enjoy longer, happier, and healthier lives.
The donors, the Lee Kum Kee Family, have chosen to name the Center after Lee Kum Sheung, who in 1888 invented oyster sauce in the southern Chinese city of Nanshui and established the Lee Kum Kee business. Over the 128 years since then, Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group and LKK Health Products Group have grown into two multinational companies headquartered in Hong Kong.
To learn more about the new Center, and the effects of happiness on health, visit the Center’s website at www.hsph.harvard.edu/health-happiness.
The Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness:
Contributing to Rigorous and Interdisciplinary Science of Health and Happiness
Science is still limited in its ability to understand whether and how positive aspects of the social environment—such as close relationships with family and friends, a meaningful job, regular healthy exercise, relaxing leisure activities, and a positive mind-set—may enhance psychological and physical well-being, thereby increasing years of healthy aging. Additionally, scientists hope to understand those negative social circumstances, such as poverty, food and energy insecurity, or a lack of a meaningful job or social relationships, that also have a significant impact on how long someone lives and how healthy they are as they age.
The faculty who will lead the new Center see the gift as an opportunity to broaden the focus of public health and medical research beyond work focused primarily on deficits or risk factors that lead to disease and the treatments needed to cure or slow disease progression. The new Center will focus on the positive aspects of health—and also illuminate factors that promote attaining and maintaining high levels of well-being and protect against conditions such as cardiovascular diseases.
The goal of the Center is to make discoveries that can inform personal behaviors, medical care, public health programs, and wide-ranging public policies not traditionally associated with health care and medicine but that can help people live longer, happier, and healthier lives.
The Center will focus on both new research and assembling what is already known about the role of happiness and other components of well-being in relation to physical health. Much of that research knowledge is scattered across studies conducted in a broad range of disciplines.
And the Center will coordinate research among faculty, researchers, and students from across Harvard University, spanning multiple disciplines—from health communications to psychology, from nutrition and exercise physiology to basic biology, and from medicine to epidemiology and population sciences.
Initial efforts will focus on several areas:
·       Identifying and developing a measurement instrument—a positive psychological well-being index, or “happiness index”—that can assess psychological well-being in a systematic and scientifically sound manner. This tool will go beyond more limited measures of happiness most commonly used today, making it possible to identify individuals and groups that may be highly distressed or, conversely, highly satisfied with their lives. For the highly distressed groups, such a tool could measure the effectiveness of targeted interventions in promoting greater happiness and improved health. Among those who are highly satisfied, the tool could be used to explore what psychological, emotional, and social factors contribute most to happier, longer, and healthier lives.
·       Understanding the relationship between psychological well-being and cardiovascular health, healthy aging, and longevity.
·       Determining the effects of interventions promoting psychological well-being, such as mindfulness-based practices on health and happiness. This research will look at the potential of these practices to influence diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disease.
·       Examining the role of communications—ranging from television programming to social media—on engagement, health, and happiness.
“‘Si Li Ji Ren’ (considering others’ interests) is Lee Kum Kee’s core value, so we are very proud to support scientific advancement for the good of people around the globe,” says Sammy Lee, Chairman & Managing Director of LKK Health Products Group. “This new Center is dedicated to the science of health and happiness, which is a fitting tribute to my great-grandfather Lee Kum Sheung. Through the Center’s efforts in the field of health and happiness, we hope more people can increase their awareness, take more preventive measures, and eventually, become healthier and happier.”
“Would you rather live a long, happy, and healthy life, or a life that is merely without disease?” asks Professor Laura Kubzansky, the Lee Kum Kee Professor of Social and Behavioral Health at the Harvard Chan School and co-director of the new Center. “Medical and psychological practice and research have traditionally focused on the diseases and deficits that cause poor health. But there is real value in focusing on the positive side as well—the assets that keep us healthy or help us recover more quickly from disease and injury. More rigorous research is urgently needed to understand these positive assets and how to promote them for millions of people around the world.”
“Happiness is often talked about as if it were a cute catchphrase,” said Professor K. “Vish” Viswanath, Lee Kum Kee Professor of Health Communication at the Harvard Chan School and co-director of the new Center. “But in fact, happiness is a product of how one is engaged with the world. If one is being treated inequitably in society or lives in poverty, there may be physical factors that influence your health such as limited access to nutritious food or health care. In addition, one’s opportunities for engagement with the world and with other people may be limited. This Center will enable us to investigate in a systematic and rigorous way the factors that promote engagement, communication, community, and connection with others, and how engagement or lack of engagement can influence happiness and ultimately health.”
“By leveraging what is known together with new research discoveries, we believe the new Center will develop evidence-based recommendations and interventions that can demonstrably improve the health and well-being of individuals and entire populations,” said David Hunter, acting dean of the Harvard Chan School. “Our goal is to bring about enlightened public policies and public health programs that can affect the health of large numbers of people, as well as set new priorities in medical practice and personal behaviors that can help individuals live longer, healthier lives.”
About Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health brings together dedicated experts from many disciplines to educate new generations of global health leaders and produce powerful ideas that improve the lives and health of people everywhere. As a community of leading scientists, educators, and students, we work together to take innovative ideas from the laboratory to people’s lives—not only making scientific breakthroughs, but also working to change individual behaviors, public policies, and health care practices. Each year, more than 400 faculty members at Harvard Chan School teach 1,000-plus full-time students from around the world and train thousands more through online and executive education courses. Founded in 1913 as the Harvard-MIT School of Health Officers, the School is recognized as America’s oldest professional training program in public health.
About the Lee Kum Kee Family
In 1888, Mr. Lee Kum Sheung invented oyster sauce in the southern Chinese city of Nanshui, Guangdong Province, and established the Lee Kum Kee business. Over the 128 years since then, five generations of the Lee Kum Kee Family have adhered to the core values of “Si Li Ji Ren” (considering others’ interests) with constant practices of giving back to the community.
At present, the Family owns Lee Kum Kee Sauce Group and LKK Health Products Group, two multinational companies headquartered in Hong Kong, that respectively specialize in sauces and condiments, and Chinese herbal health products and services, Chinese herbal plantations, mobile internet platforms, and property investment.  The companies’ well-known registered trademarks include “Lee Kum Kee,” “Infinitus,” and “HeHa.”
