大波士頓中華文化協會國樂團年度公演 4/23
大波士頓中華文化協會國樂團將於2016年4月23日(星期六) 晚上七時三十分,在瑞吉斯學院(Regis College, Weston)舉行國樂年度公演。
音樂會表演曲目豐富多樣,由指揮陳志新領軍,古箏演奏家楊信宜將參與演出。曲目包括打擊樂《節慶鑼鼓》;青少年國樂團《三十里舖》,《鵝鑾鼻之春》;國樂團合奏《絲竹新韻》; 楊信宜古箏領奏國樂團伴奏《漁舟唱晚隨想曲》;大合奏有《杵舞石音》及《紅樓夢組曲》。此次本團演出紅樓夢組曲中的六個樂章:(一)歎紅樓 (二)晴雯曲 (四)劉姥姥 (五)寶黛情 (六)上元節 (八)葬花吟。此版本為原創者王立平先生根據1987年央視首播的電視連續劇「紅樓夢」的配樂改編而來。
Event: Chinese Music Concert
Event: Chinese Music Concert
Title: Mortar and pestle Dance
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2016
Time7:30 pm
Place: Casey Theatre, Regis College
235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493
Presented by GBCCA Youth & Chinese Music Ensembles
Free Admission with tickets
Presented by GBCCA Youth & Chinese Music Ensembles
Free Admission with tickets
For tickets, please contact TungmeiPan@tungmeipan@hotmail.com
You are cordially invited to the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association (GBCCA) Chinese Music Ensembles’ annual concert.
The annual concert will be held in Casey Theatre, Regis College on Saturday, April 23, 2015
The concert will consist of solo piece, ensemble pieces as well as joint ensembles pieces
Following are the program
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Concert program
You are cordially invited to the Greater Boston Chinese Cultural Association (GBCCA) Chinese Music Ensembles’ annual concert.
The annual concert will be held in Casey Theatre, Regis College on Saturday, April 23, 2015
The concert will consist of solo piece, ensemble pieces as well as joint ensembles pieces
Following are the program
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Concert program
Percussion Music:
Festive Percussion Music《節慶鑼鼓》
Joint Ensembles:
Mortar and pestle Dance《杵舞石音》
Dream of Red Chamber Music Suite: 《紅樓夢組曲》
Dream of Red Chamber Music Suite: 《紅樓夢組曲》
1. Sigh of the Red Chamber. 2. Song of QinWen. 4. Granny Liu. 5. Sentiment of BaoDai. 6. ShangYuan Festival. 8. Verses on the Burial of the Flowers.
六個樂章:(一)歎紅樓 (二)晴雯曲 (四)劉姥姥 (五)寶黛情 (六)上元節 (八)葬花吟
Ensemble and Youth Ensemble pieces:Thirty Miles Village《三十里舖》
Spring in Erluanbi 《鵝鑾鼻之春》
New Tune of Silk & Bamboo《絲竹新韻》
Spring in Erluanbi 《鵝鑾鼻之春》
New Tune of Silk & Bamboo《絲竹新韻》
Capriccio on Fishermen's Song at Eventide《漁舟唱晚隨想曲》