(Boston, MA) On April 27, leaders of community organizations from across the City will launch the Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network. Community land trusts are a critical and proven strategy to prevent displacement, promote permanently affordable housing and ensure that residents have a control over neighborhood development. As rising housing costs threaten the ability of low and moderate income households to stay in their communities, these neighborhoods are organizing to promote the creation of new community land trusts.
Who: Tenants and homeowners from neighborhoods across Boston, as well as leaders from affordable housing and urban agriculture organizations, City of Boston representatives and elected officials
When: Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Great Hall of Codman Square Health Center, 6 Norfolk Street, Dorchester
The launch comes one month after the Mayor’s Office of Housing Innovation named community land trusts as one of four solutions for driving down the cost to build, buy, and own middle-income housing in the City of Boston. A recently released report by the Senate Special Commission on Housing includes land trusts as a strategy to mitigate gentrification.
At the event, leaders of the Network will outline a set of policy recommendations to support the use of Community Land Trust as a tool for neighborhood stabilization by increasing access to land, capital, technical assistance and homeowner resources.
The launch will also feature the release of a report by Tufts University Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning Department about the potential benefits of community land trusts in Boston, including examples of successful land trust collaborations in other cities across the country. Neighborhood leaders will also talk about plans to develop land trusts in different neighborhoods.
The Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network includes Chinatown Community Land Trust, City Life/Vida Urbana, The Coalition for Occupied Homes in Foreclosure (COHIF), Dudley Neighbors, Inc., Mattapan United, New England United for Justice, The Urban Farming Institute, Greater Bowdoin/Geneva Neighborhood Association, Alternatives for Community and Environment and Boston Tenant Coalition.