The workshop topic today was Young people wouldn't know: the secret to health and happiness that Only the Elders Know.
Dr. Chuang opened the seminar with introduction of this topic. He asked the audience how many people have helped others or shared their stories with others. Almost all of them raised their hands, one senior said he gave someone directions.
Dr. Chuang explained the reason of why he asked these questions:
When we help others, we have something that the other party does not have at the moment. It can be knowledge, time, energy, health, money, etc. The act of helping reminds us what we have. At the same time, we may make others better. That's a great way to make ourselves happy. Besides, seniors can share their unique experience and stories with others, express oneself also makes one happier
Here are his suggested activities :
- Call or visit friends or family who are not doing well.
- Volunteer.
- Donate time, money or goods to charity
- Offer assistance to your co-workers when they are behind.
- Talk to someone you trust
- Write in a journal. White a letter to an imaginary friend.
- Create a piece of art.
- Sing a song or play a piece of music.
To combine those, seniors can pass along knowledge and experience to younger generations. This process can allow older and younger generations to stay connected. It also provides an opportunity to tell one’s story.
On the activity that we did today, Dr. Chuang posted questions to the audience to discuss about what they have learned so far from their own life and from observation of others’ successes and mistakes.
1. Advise about successful nurturing relationship like marriage or life-long partnership/friendship?
They think life-long marriage became best friendship after years of development.
2. Secret about raising children?
One senior commented that generation gap is big issue as many of their children grown up in the US. She experienced relationship gap between her kids and herself. She felt especially frustrated when her kids don’t listen to her advise.
Dr.Chuang recommend she should spend more time with her kids and guide them through the process, instead of tell them directly what to do.
3. Advice about finding fulfilling work? How to success at work?
Do things that they are passion at the most. Many of them think money is less important at their stage of life, they can find something new to try out or volunteer. Dr. Chuang advised even if they are working on something that does not completely fit with their desire career, try to learn as much as they can.
4. Advice about growing older? Any lesson about staying in good health?
Answers from the audience like: less stubborn attitude, stay positive and connected with younger generation, share life stories, exercises.
To sum up, Dr. Chuang agreed those are very valuable advise from the audience. He advised that they can try to write down those experience, even a book! Or be friend someone younger in your family, in your neighborhood, or in any social circle.
Our next breakfast seminar located will be moved to our new SCM AHI location at BECE auditorium, 120 Shawmut Ave, Boston, MA 02118, on May 26th, 2016 at 9:30am.