
星期四, 3月 18, 2021


【活动预告】3/20 首届国际青少年gala云艺术节

Editor's Note


The following article is from 枫香戏剧社 Author 明泽
































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3/20 欢迎参加由麻妈理工妈妈协办的首届国际青少Gala云艺术节暨公益志愿者颁奖典礼









【活动预告】3/20 首届国际青少年Gala艺术节暨公益志愿者颁奖典礼

【活动预告】3/20 首届国际青少年gala云艺术节



他是王乐游,首位在德国独立完成从交响乐创作到演出的青年作曲家,由他本人指挥演出的第一交响曲,得到了欧洲音乐界的高度好评;他曾在德国和美国两地多次举办个人作品音乐会;他的“黑管三重奏”于 2017 年获得了 Joseph-Dorfmann-Memorial 作曲大赛 金奖;他在哔哩咝哩上的系列乐理课程视频好评如潮。那么,他又在本届艺术节呈现怎样的精彩呢?

他是金宇,美国波士顿大学音乐学院钢琴博士(D.MA),乐队指挥,2015年美国阿斯彭国际音乐节钢琴协奏曲比赛第一名,被阿斯彭当地媒体誉为“新一代最杰出的钢琴家之一。”美国Pi Kappa Lambda教育学会终身会员,现就职于山东艺术学院。感谢他把令人沸腾的钢琴曲《保卫黄河》献给首届国际青少年艺术节。

她是汪依依,今年11岁。她8岁的时候获得2018 “Golden Classical Music Awards”的第一名并在卡内基表演,9岁考进曼哈顿音乐学院预科班,10岁考进Mannes音乐学院预科班。此次艺术节,她会有什么呈现呢?

她是米娅(Mia),今年12岁。她在2017年美国国际金音奖(Golden Voices of America International)中获得认证;她在2017年、2018年和2020年在歌剧魅影(Phantom of the Opera)演唱的《 Think of Me》中获得第一名,成为AmericanProtégéInternational的成员;2019年在卡内基音乐厅举行的夏季音乐会、2020年加拿大国际音乐比赛、美国青年音乐家联盟冠军音乐会、2020年Kings Peak音乐比赛中都展露了她的音乐才华。本次艺术节,相信她的一首《哈利路亚》会打动无数观众。

她是谢菲,就读于美国伯克利音乐学院。唱作、表演双专业在读。专注于流行演唱,师从伯克利著名声乐导师Linda Balliro,现为独立音乐创作人,并在各大音乐平台都有发行单曲。2019年首发个人单曲“lay in flowers”QQ音乐点击量破10万。她把新近演唱作品《new year’s day》献给本届艺术节。

他是亚伦.拉塔-莫里塞特,是纽约演员、作家及一名喜剧演员,至今已演出40多部电影及电视剧。他曾主演过几部外百老汇作品,包含沉浸式剧场《库柏理论:1969》、舞台剧《飞虎恋》,并出现在知名歌手乐团如Moon Taxi、杰.普雷以及Sylar的音乐录影带中。近期作品包含与奥斯卡金像奖和三次金球奖提名的艾力克.罗勃兹,在电影短片《Doesn’t fall far》中有大量的对手戏。他想把这个电影片断展现给艺术节观众。

她是HelenaBeltrão这位来自巴西的女孩,现在是美国伯克利音乐学院最受欢迎的摇滚歌手 巴美两国音乐传统的影响,从巴西的Bossa Nova和MPB(巴西流行音乐)到美国的Jazz,Blues和Pop,都使她如痴如醉 在伯克利音乐学院的声乐表演研究期间,她将自己成长的两个过程与独特的音乐融合在一起,赢得了不同文化背景的人们的喜爱她的激情和音乐造诣,都将感染并给本届艺术节留下深刻印象。





他是王生安:21岁, 密歇根州立大学基础教育专业本科,致力于双语教学。







本届国际青少年gala艺术节主席张西,诚邀美国历史上首位民选的康州华裔总检察长汤伟麟、美国华裔生物统计院士马克博士、西雅图前贝尔维尤市长李瑞麟、好莱坞电影《铁马金山》制作人杨华沙、美国康涅狄格州温德姆郡艺术协会主席珍妮佛.托马斯、美国康州亚裔商会会长lily Li、著名功夫电影《叶问》主演甄子丹的妹妹甄子青、美国麻州多佛.舍尔本高中校长约翰.史密斯、美国华人话剧协会副主席梁雁文,以及硅谷亚美家长协会主席赵丽彦共同加持本届艺术节,推动这一重大文化活动唤起疫情下的青少年保持积极向上的生命态度!













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倍受全美華人青年、留學生以及“海歸”群體矚目的年度“全美華人30歲以下青年精英榜” (AACYF Top 30 under 30)年度評選活動,由非營利組織全美中華青年聯合會、美國華人公共外交促進會,以及英文《洛杉磯郵報》聯合主辦。歷時近3個月,通過初选和逐一訪談,從眾多優秀候選人中評選出30位來自不同行業、專業領域的青年精英,獲獎者名單于2021年3月18日在洛杉磯公佈。這是在全美、也是在海外唯一一個專門面向華人青年和留學生的青年精英評選活動。

主辦單位表示,今年是這個年度評選的第五週年, 特別增設了Cal C U30和特別獎。主辦單位在今年的評選過程中關注到留學生群體在支援抗擊新冠疫情中發起的各類公益組織和活動,以及以各種形式積極參與中國“振興鄉村”活動。

今年的入榜者分別入選企業、製造、消費者科技企業類 ;社會公益類;金融及投資服務類;藝術、文化、科技類;教育、消費者服務類等六大類別。入榜率為7.13%。

企業、製造、消費者科技企業類 (8名)

梁望,卡內基梅隆大學人機交互專業碩士,詩云科技聯合創始人兼 CPO,公司致力於打造革命性 AI 內容生成引擎,賦能各行各業全新的內容生產效率。獲得頂級美元基金紅杉資本等多個基金投資。

鄧鴻浩,哈佛碩士,Butlr首席執行官。是一位屢獲殊榮的創新者和參數化設計師,致力於研究IoT,AI構建的行為感知智能建築環境。 Butlr技術被全美和歐洲上千家零售店和養老機構使用,被評為2021新時代的21位創新設計師。


任霖航,耶魯大學研究生,連續創業者,健康零食的孵化器和平台NoGuilt創始人,平台入選為耶魯大學Tsai City加速器合作夥伴。










李佳寶,哈佛碩士,Snapi Health的聯合創始人兼首席設計官,曾獲得iF設計大獎,美國國家藝術獎金,STARTS獎,Core77設計獎,IDSA,ISWC設計獎。


設計類 (2名)


盧敏,哥倫比亞大學畢業,設計師,創業者,其作品曾獲IAA國際創意獎、全美平面設計大獎、美國國際藝術家大獎、加拿大Applied Arts廣告獎等多項重量級設計大獎。

社會公益類 (4名)

鐘聲, 埃默里大學本科,賓夕法尼亞大學(UP)碩士, 首家專注於國際標準搜救犬教育、培訓、認證與守護的AAA級社會組織CANINE CRO創始人之一。

胡峰,海博特大學留學,粽仔文化創始人兼CEO、108度公益基金會副理事長。 2020年前往甘孜、色達、格薩爾等各地支教,參與脫貧攻堅工作。

余浩榮,香港中文大學及香港大學碩士,現為牛津大學實驗心理學博士生以及清華大學蘇世民學者。是致力於促進公共部門和私營機構的青年領袖之間合作的Good City基金會的聯合創辦人,曾榮獲香港特區政府頒授的“香港尖子(學者)”名銜。

肖雪華,哥倫比亞大學碩士,中國留學生論壇聯合創始人/主席 。





教育、消費者服務類 (7名)

陳悅,喬治梅森大學碩士/哈佛大學商學院,醫療諮詢和教育機構“橋點醫療教育集團”(AMAP Corp.)創始人及CEO。曾先後獲得AIW小額基金創業大賽金獎, ILF企業家創新大賽銀獎。




龔博雅:密西根大學大三。國際教育投資集團允知國際(Eureka International)創始人 /實際控制人,創辦手拉手教育,致力於中國山區低學齡段兒童的綜合能力培養。



2021 Cal C U30 (5名)

肖玉昊,加州大學聖地亞哥分校本科畢業,連續創業者,I-intern Career Consulting Group創始人/CEO。


徐杭,現擔任Curalens.ai首席執行官以及Rising Youth Association董事主席。 RYA為自閉症兒童教授科學和技術課程,利用虛擬現實技術來增強治療技術, 心理醫生和用戶在VR環境裡進行溝通和治療,目前已發展到美、中等五個國家。

朱石橋,理海大學碩士, 矽谷領導力社區(Silicon Valley Leadership Community)合夥人 。

馬知耀,加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校本科,芝加哥大學碩士在讀,致力“鄉村振興”的留學生公益組織鷗鷺學社Seagulls Society創始人。

AACYF U30 2021年度特別獎:(3名)

劉津,加拿大皇家路大學碩士, Beeznests Connection Ltd (蜂巢)創始人/CEO,蜂巢是一個以推廣跨文化國際交流,為全球商業提供學術支持的平台。


朱楓,豐間建築事務所 ( VON Architects) 創始人/主持建築師,曾為上海市規土局製定城市空間風貌藝術地圖;參與鄉村民居的建造,致力於鄉村領域的居住復興。入選2020中國最具影響力100位建築和室內設計新銳。


旨在鼓勵和助力華人青年以及留學生創新創業,目前是全美創業圈中最具影響力的獎項之一。專家評審委員包括百人會創會理事、全美首位華裔女市長陳李婉若,百人會成員徐俠昌,中國當代藝術大師吳歡,著名經濟學家、洪泰基金聯合創始人盛希泰,南加州大學(USC)教授黃南松,拉文大學(ULV)終身教授劉曉雁,矽谷知名投資人、企業家、Fusion Fund創始合夥人張璐;洛杉磯郵報董事任向東,知名青年企業家李東昊、知名青年藝術家靳宇辰、知名科技創新青年企業家郝昭、知名虛擬現實(VR)製作人郭沁雅、青年社會公益組織創始人陳紫楠等。


今年的評選也獲得了鄰客青年(Tripalink)、波士頓留學生網、留學生MAG、瑩響力、中美青年聯盟、人民知慧教育、校林網等機構的參與支持。 (AACYF洛杉磯訊)

星期三, 3月 17, 2021




Memorial to be unveiled in 2022


BOSTON - Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, together with the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture, the Boston Art Commission (BAC), and King Boston/The Boston Foundation, announced the Boston Art Commission has voted to approve the final design for The Embrace, by artist Hank Willis Thomas on the Boston Common, as proposed by King Boston acting by and through The Boston Foundation. The Embrace is a bronze figural abstraction based on a photo of an embrace between Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King. The artwork differs from the singular, heroic form of many memorials to Dr. King and others, instead emphasizing the power of collective action, the role of women as leaders, and the forging of new bonds of solidarity out of mutual empathy and vulnerability.

The sculpture, which invites visitors to gather and enter into the Kings’ embrace, is a key component of an extensive vision led by King Boston to create a living memorial and programs honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King and ushering a climate of economic justice and racial equity in the city. The new memorial, initiated by a partnership between the City of Boston and King Boston as a result of calls for a memorial to Dr. King spanning several decades, will spark a public conversation about how to advance racial and social justice in Boston today.

“With this vote, we are one step closer to seeing this memorial come to life in our city, recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King’s trailblazing legacy,” said Mayor Walsh. “It will be a constant source of inspiration for all residents and visitors to Boston, and will play an important role in marking the progress we’ve made in addressing inequity in our city, and reminding us of the work that still needs to be done.”

The memorial will be located on the Boston Common, adjacent to the Parkman Bandstand, where Dr. King spoke in 1965. It is planned to be installed and accessioned as part of the City’s public art collection in 2022, and will serve as a living space for conversation, education, and reflection on the Kings’ time in Boston and the racial and economic justice ideals they put forth to the community.

This project was initiated by entrepreneur Paul English, who convened an Art Committee with his co-chair Rev. Liz Walker to begin the design process for the memorial. The City released a Call to Artists, and received responses from 126 artists teams around the world. The Art Committee selected five finalist teams, and their concepts were shared for public input in the summer of 2018. After receiving approximately 1,000 public comments, three teams were invited to move on to the feasibility stage, where a team reviewed the practicality of each design. In March 2019, the Boston Art Commission selected The Embrace by artist Hank Willis Thomas and MASS Design Group as the design for the memorial.



“This is a really exciting moment and opportunity for us in this project, which honors the legacy and love of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King,” said artist Hank Willis Thomas. “The Boston Common is the oldest city park in the country, and we are proud that this public monument will make history in this historic place.”

The BAC vote for the final design of The Embrace was unanimous, contingent on the completion of a memorandum of understanding addressing details such as a maintenance fund, and with the understanding that King Boston would return to the BAC for further review if any substantial changes were made. King Boston will continue to work with the Parks Department on review of the plaza, which includes a quotation by Coretta Scott King. Because Boston Common is a Boston Landmark, the site will also need to be approved by the Boston Landmarks Commission prior to installation.

"It has been a pleasure to be able to witness all of the wonderful work that has gone into this project, especially the community process," said Ekua Holmes, Vice-Chair of the Boston Art Commission. "We were able to engage the multitude of voices that make up our city in conversation about the future of public art. The Embrace represents our rich history and our shining future.”

“It is no longer appropriate to build monuments of stone and steel without articulating the values and ideals of these structures,” said Imari Paris Jeffries, Executive Director of King Boston, which the Boston Foundation hosts. “The Embrace Memorial is the first step alongside the King Center for Economic Justice and Embrace Ideas that represent Boston’s values of inclusion, racial equity, and justice. We appreciate the partnership of Mayor Walsh, the Office of Arts and Culture, and the Boston Art Commission in creating a sculpture that both honors the space, the enduring legacy of the Kings, and sets the tone for a post-pandemic city.

To learn more about the project, visit https://kingboston.org/


3月22日起60歲以上麻州居民可接種疫苗 麻州府將發2470萬元宣導疫苗注射

              (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 322日起,60歲以上居民及所從工作需面對公眾的人;45日起,55歲以上居民,以及患有一種以上某種疾病者;419日起,16歲以上的一般大眾,都可以接種新冠疫苗了。

             麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和麻州人民健康服務長Marylou Sudders(17)日在布洛克頓(Brockton)市醫療中心宣佈這日期更明確了的接種疫苗時間表。



Marylou Sudders說明2470萬元補助款分發概況。






            查理貝克和Marylou Sudders還宣佈,將撥發2740萬元聯邦補助款,用於執行「疫苗平等計畫」,並在受新冠病毒影響最嚴重的20個社區中,宣導推廣注射疫苗的安全性,鼓勵符合接種疫苗資格者,辦理登記,及時注射疫苗。


Baker-Polito Administration Announces Vaccine Timeline for All Residents, Provides Weekly Dose Updates & $24.7 Million in Federal Funding for Vaccine Equity Initiative

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the timeline for all remaining residents to be eligible for a vaccine.

The Administration also announced the weekly distribution of vaccine doses statewide for providers and a new $24.7 million investment in the Administration’s Vaccine Equity Initiative.

Vaccine Eligibility Timeline

Governor Baker today announced the dates that all remaining residents and certain worker groups will be eligible for a vaccine.

The Commonwealth’s detailed timeline adheres to the original timeline for the three phases announced in December.

All residents can preregister to book an appointment at a mass vaccination site at mass.gov/COVIDVaccine.

Appointments will be offered based on eligibility and available appointments nearby. It is expected that more sites will come online as part of the preregistration process in April.

Timeline for remaining groups:

  • April 19th: General public ages 16 years of age and older

The full timeline is available at mass.gov/COVIDVaccinePhases.

The Administration has received assurances from the federal government that an increased vaccine supply will be available to states soon.

Depending on supply, it could take weeks for people to be notified that an appointment is available at a mass vaccination site.

Dose Update

The Administration provided the weekly update for doses allocated from the federal government.

This week, the state is receiving a modest increase in supply of first doses, approximately 170,000. This includes an unexpected 8,000 doses of J&J vaccine.

In total, the Commonwealth will receive 316,000 first and second doses as part of the state allocation. These figures do not include doses provided through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program or to Federally Qualified Health Centers.

This week, first doses and second dose state allocations (total doses), were distributed among providers as follows:

  • Mass vaccination locations: 101,890
  • Health systems and health care providers (excluding CHCs): 99,230
  • Community Health Centers: 27,450
  • Regional Collaboratives and Local Boards of Health: 59,580
    • Regional Collaboratives: 40,370
    • Local Boards of Health: 19,210
  • Retail pharmacies (non-CVS)
    • State allocation: 8,490
  • Mobile Clinics supporting long-term care facilities, congregate care, affordable/low-income senior housing and homebound individuals: 19,180

Weekly allocations are subject to change based on federal availability, demand from providers, and obligations to meet second doses. Providers have 10 days to use their doses and must meet specific performance thresholds.

Federal Doses:

In addition to the state allocation, the federal government distributes vaccines to CVS Health sites as part of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Partnership as well as to certain Massachusetts federally qualified community health centers. These quantities fluctuate on a weekly basis and are not counted as part of the state’s weekly allocation.

This week, 106,440 first and second doses have been allocated to the retail pharmacy program and 9,500 doses have been allocated to the federally qualified health centers.

Individuals looking to book appointments across any of these providers should visit mass.gov/COVIDvaccine to learn more.

Vaccine Equity Initiative

The Administration also announced the release of $27.4 million in federal funds to increase trust, vaccine acceptance and administration rates as part of the Administration’s Vaccine Equity Initiative and to meet the needs of priority populations. Recognizing equity as a critical component of the state’s vaccine distribution plan, the Department of Public Health (DPH) is working closely with 20 hardest hit communities in Massachusetts as they identify their specific community needs, further building on existing support.

These federal funds from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) build upon current and past efforts supporting vaccination in these communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and includes partnerships with municipalities, local boards of health, community- and faith-based organizations, community health centers and others to reduce barriers to vaccination. These funds also will provide direct vaccine administration to populations that are not effectively reached through existing vaccine supply channels.

These federal funds include: 

  • $10.6 million to provide direct assistance with vaccine access, including appointment registration assistance, transportation to vaccination clinics, mobility assistance, medical interpretation, and other supports. These services will be delivered through contracted community-based organizations (CBOs), community health centers (CHCs), and behavioral health providers.
  • $5.1 million to invest in community health centers through the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers to expand vaccination capacity at community health centers, including Community Health Worker Ambassadors.
  • $4.7 million to support municipalities and local boards of health through direct funding of the 20 equity municipalities for coordination and support for vaccine clinics and acceptance.
  • $4 million to help tailor community outreach and education through direct funding of local community-based and faith-based organizations in the 20 equity municipalities.
  • $3 million for direct vaccine administration in community settings by funding qualified organizations to directly administer vaccination to groups not effectively reached by other mechanisms.

These activities will build on DPH-supported initiatives already in progress, such as outreach and collaboration with community and faith-based organizations, increased connections and investment in Community Health Centers, and grassroots neighborhood outreach by teams of trained staff and residents led by Archipelago Strategies Group (ASG), a minority-owned business, and Health Care For All (HCFA).

Other activities already underway include the DPH COVID-19 Vaccine Ambassador Program, which has assisted with dozens of local meetings to answer questions about vaccine, wide dissemination and amplification of the state’s “Trust the Facts. Get the Vax.” multilingual public awareness campaign, and the DPH Community Liaisons who are meeting weekly with representatives from the communities to identify and lift barriers to vaccine access and support community-based solutions.

The Administration’s Vaccine Equity Initiative focuses on 20 cities and towns with the greatest COVID-19 case burden, taking into account social determinants of health and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). These communities are Boston, Brockton, Chelsea, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Framingham, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Methuen, New Bedford, Randolph, Revere, Springfield, and Worcester.

星期一, 3月 15, 2021



昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch,前中)和聯邦眾議員林奇(後右二),
昆士市議會議長梁秀婷(後右一),麻州眾議會議長Ronald Mariano
     (Boston Orange)聯邦眾議員林奇(Stephen Lynch)(13)日在波士頓市和昆士市,分別和兩位市長攜手宣佈,聯邦政府「美國援救計畫(America Rescure Plan)」撥給地方的款項。昆士市可得4630萬元。



             工會支持的「公共交通公共利益(Public Transit Public Good)」這聯盟去年12月公佈了一份報告,估計MBTA的大幅度刪減服務,意味著刪除800個工作機會。MBTA並未透露該機構大約刪減了多紹個職位。

             代表昆士市已20年的林奇,今日在昆士市府和麻州眾議會議長Ronald Mariano,昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),昆士市議會議長梁秀婷一同討論1.9兆元的美國援救計畫。



疫情期間 波士頓共發放2500萬磅食物約680萬份餐食


Over 25 million pounds of food distributed and more than 6.8 million meals served or delivered to youth and older adults

BOSTON - Monday, March 15, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor’s Office of Food Access (OFA) today announced various milestones in food access, including one year since the emergency food response began. When the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) declared a public health emergency on March 15, 2020, the City of Boston initiated a response to ensure every Bostonian had access to essential services, including food. Since the declaration of the public health emergency, the Office of Food Access, together with its partners, has distributed 25 million pounds of food; 5.6 million prepared meals across 91 meal sites; 1.2 million meals delivered to residents’ homes; 207,000 grocery bags; and 123,000 produce and grocery staples boxes. Since March 15, 2020, the Mayor’s Office of Food Access has invested $3.8 million into its pandemic-related meal efforts, and the Boston Resiliency Fund has granted $19.88 million in funding to 255 non-profit partners working to increase access to food and other basic needs for Boston residents. 

The Mayor’s Office of Food Access emergency food response system included strengthening the network of food pantries and meal sites throughout the City, delivering food to residents’ homes, supporting immigrant-serving organizations, and making sure Boston’s youth had access to the food they usually received at their schools.

“Ensuring access to nutritious food is a critical piece to our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and a key part of Boston’s equitable response to this pandemic,” said Mayor Walsh. “Since the beginning of the public health emergency, we knew that reaching all Bostonians in need was vital to ensure everyone’s wellbeing, especially as we asked individuals to stay home and as more people faced financial challenges. Thank you to all of our non-profit partners, the Office of Food Access, the Age Strong Commission and the Boston Public Schools for your partnership in creating a network of food access for all Bostonians who need a helping hand. Together, we will continue to care for all of Boston’s residents.”

“We are very proud of what we achieved during this year, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our partners. Our long-standing partnerships, as well the new partnerships we created will continue to help us increase food access for our residents, and contribute to a more equitable Boston,” said Catalina López-Ospina, Mayor’s Office of Food Access Director. “The Mayor’s Office of Food Access values the trust Boston residents placed in our team when reaching out to ask for help. We are aware that making a call or writing us an email is hard, but we are here to take care of you and your family during these challenging times.” 


Since March of 2020, the Office of Food Access, together with Boston Public Schools and the YMCA of Greater Boston distributed more than 5.6 million meals across 91 meal sites throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to youth and older adults. Additionally, Boston Public Schools (BPS) provided over 40,000 bags of free groceries at meal sites and delivered more than 1.2 million meals directly to families of students who regularly received door-to-door transportation.

"Just one year ago we closed our school doors and immediately rallied with our City partners to ensure our children and families did not miss a meal. At BPS, we are incredibly proud to be part of a citywide team that came together for our children and families so that they had one less thing to worry about. Food security is near and dear to my heart and I know personally the impact these critical partnerships have on families,” said BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. “I am very thankful to Mayor Walsh and the Mayor’s Office of Food Access for their commitment to providing meals for our students and families, and I am so proud of BPS Food and Nutrition Services, and every team member, colleague and volunteer who made it possible for our students and families to conveniently access over 4.5 million free healthy meals throughout this challenging year.” 

“I have been out of work and my grandsons live with me. We pick up lunches from the school site every day but when the weekend comes we need additional food,” said a Boston resident. “The bags of groceries that you deliver are a godsend for us. I am so grateful for the fresh produce, the meats, the milk and eggs. They keep the kids happy and lessen the stress I am feeling. Thank you so much.”

The City of Boston’s Age Strong Commission worked with the Office of Food Access to ensure older adults had access to meals during the state’s “Safer At Home” Advisory. Between adult meal sites and the Meals on Wheels program, more than 2.5 million meals were distributed to Boston’s older adults. Boston’s Meals on Wheels partners include Ethos, Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center, Central Boston Elder Services, Boston Senior Home Care, Emily’s, City Fresh, 2 Life Communities, Hebrew Senior Life, and EMPath (Economic Mobility Pathways). Additionally, with support from the City of Boston, FEMA, and the Boston Resiliency Fund, About Fresh delivered 123,697 produce and grocery staples boxes, and the YMCA of Greater Boston delivered 207,413 grocery bags to older adults and youth homes. 

“The partnership the YMCA of Greater Boston shares with the City of Boston and the Boston Public Schools is incredible and has flourished during the past year. Together, we have delivered food to our most vulnerable children, families and seniors. It is a blessing to unite our organizational skills, infrastructures and ‘people power’ in the spirit of serving others,” said James O’S. Morton, Esq., President/CEO of the YMCA of Greater Boston. “We thank the City of Boston for allowing the YMCA of Greater Boston to participate in this important partnership, as we are universally committed to mitigating hunger for all Bostonians during this crisis and beyond.”


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Food Access also expanded other programs and initiatives to better serve the community in need. For Boston residents that cannot access federal benefits, Mayor Walsh announced in September that the Offices of Food Access and Immigrant Advancement partnered with Fair Foods to provide more than 1.5 million pounds of fresh bread, fruits, and vegetables for more than 5,300 Bostonian families. This was done in part through grant funding from the Boston Resiliency Fund. With the funding, Fair Foods expanded to 50 sites across the City of Boston. Fair Foods, through their network of non-profit partners, increased food access for immigrant communities, including those who do not qualify for state or federal assistance in the City of Boston.  


Over 25 million pounds of food distributed and more than 6.8 million meals served or delivered to youth and older adults

Additionally, the City’s Double Up Food Bucks program, which expanded in September, provided SNAP beneficiaries over $60,000 to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. To support local Boston farmers, the Office of Food Access, with financial support from the Boston Resiliency Fund and the collaboration of Mass Farmers Market, distributed $91,000 in coupons to 21 farmers’ markets during the summer. This assistance has been extended into the winter season, with five winter farmers' markets receiving a total of $25,000 to distribute in coupons to improve affordability and access, and to incentivize residents to purchase local produce.

“I have been having a very hard time financially: this pandemic has not been easy and I’m unemployed. Not having the extra stress of putting food on the table is amazing,” said a Boston resident. “Thank you all for the help you give to families-- a little goes a long way and it’s highly appreciated.”

At the beginning of the public health emergency, the City experienced a rapid increase in demand for food at all food pantries. In response, the Office of Food Access partnered with the Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) to ensure food pantries were supplied and the changing needs were met. The Greater Boston Food Bank delivered 25 million pounds of food to partners in the City of Boston, the equivalent of over 21 million meals. 

“Our partnership with the City of Boston, and the more than 100 non-profit agencies in the city, has been critical in responding to the surge in food insecurity brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Catherine D’Amato, President and CEO, The Greater Boston Food Bank. “Now one year into this crisis, we reflect on the resiliency of Boston. The support from the City through funding, strategy and partnership has been instrumental in enabling GBFB to double its operations and distribute healthy and nutritious food to those in need in every corner of the city.”

For more information about food resources throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, visit here

第125屆波士頓馬拉松預2萬人參賽 4月23日前受理報名

(Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓體育協會(BAA)(13)日宣佈,第125屆波士頓馬拉松賽將於1011日舉行,預計2萬人參加。420日至423日,該會官網體育村(Athlete’s Village)這平台將受理親自參賽的報名。

波士頓體育會執行長Tom Grilk表示,該會一直和地方及州,市政府等合作夥伴保持密切聯繫,以訂定適當的,容許跑者保持社交安全距離的賽跑場地。尤其是起跑點和終點更加重要。因此今年除了場地較前幾年小之外,還會採行更嚴格的規定,以確保參加者及大眾的健康。









 125th Boston Marathon Field Size Established As 20,000 Entrants

Registration will take place Tuesday, April 20 through Friday, April 23

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has announced the field size for the 125th Boston Marathon scheduled for Monday, October 11, 2021 will be 20,000 entrants. Registration for the in-person race will take place Tuesday, April 20 through Friday, April 23, 2021.

“The B.A.A. has been working in close coordination with our local, city, and state partners to establish an appropriate field size that will allow for social distancing throughout the course, especially at the start and finish,” said Tom Grilk, President and C.E.O. of the B.A.A. “In addition to a smaller field than in previous years, we will have significant additional protocols in place to ensure participant and public health. We are committed to making the oldest annual marathon in the world as safe as possible in October.”

Registration for the 125th Boston Marathon will be held through the B.A.A.’s online platform, Athlete’s Village. Beginning Tuesday, April 20 at 10:00AM ET, any athlete who has achieved a currently valid Boston Marathon qualifying time may submit a registration application within Athletes’ Village. Registration for the in-person 2021 Boston Marathon is not first come, first-served and applications will be accepted until 5:00PM ET on Friday, April 23. In prior years, registration was held over the course of two weeks with the fastest qualifiers registering first. Due to the shorter timeline this year, all qualifiers may register at any point during the registration week window.

The selection process will remain consistent with prior years: applications and qualifying times submitted between April 20 and April 23 will be verified and ranked by the B.A.A. based on the amount of time an athlete has run under their respective qualifying standard. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance once the B.A.A. has verified all qualifying times and applications. Finishers of the in-person race will receive a special edition Unicorn medal in honor of the 125th anniversary year.

The qualifying window for the 2021 Boston Marathon opened on September 15, 2018. Any valid qualifying time run on or after that date may be used to submit a Boston Marathon registration application. Qualifying times must be achieved at USATF, AIMS, or foreign equivalent certified races; times from virtual marathons cannot be used for Boston Marathon qualifying purposes. Achieving a qualifying time does not guarantee acceptance of entry into the Boston Marathon. The B.A.A. will not predict a “cut-off” time. Registration for Para Athletics Divisions and Adaptive Programs will also follow the April 20–23 registration timeline. Information on Para Athletics qualifying standards can be found on the B.A.A.’s website.

Anyone interested in running for a member of the Boston Marathon Official Charity Program may apply to a team beginning on Tuesday, April 20. Organizations that comprised the 2020 B.A.A. Official Charity Program and 2020 John Hancock Non-Profit Program will receive invitational entries for the 2021 race. Each nonprofit organization manages its own application process, athlete selection, fundraising minimums, deadlines, and requirements.

In addition to the in-person road race, the B.A.A. is also holding a historic virtual Boston Marathon in celebration of the 125th running of the Boston Marathon. The virtual marathon will take place over race weekend October 8–10, and will be open to the first 70,000 registrants. Registration for the virtual race will open on Tuesday, March 30 at 10:00AM ET through the B.A.A.’s Athletes’ Village. Applicants who are not accepted into the in-person Boston Marathon and want to run virtually will have the opportunity to register for the virtual event.

Additional information on entry fees for the in-person and virtual races, COVID-19 safety measures, and participant requirements will be announced in the coming weeks.

波士頓市長疫情匯報3/15 波士頓居民已有13%注射了新冠疫苗

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh,左)和聯邦眾議員林奇
(Stephen F. Lynch)聯袂說明美國援救計畫。(視頻截圖)
           (Boston Orange編譯)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)(13)日和聯邦眾議員林奇(Stephen F. Lynch)在芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall)說明聯邦政府的「美國新冠疫情援救計畫(Covid-19 rescure plan)」,稱截至310日,波士頓居民已有13%接種了新冠疫苗。







(Boston Orange)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)315日在芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall)匯報新冠病毒疫情,並和聯邦眾議員林奇(Stephen Lynch)一起闡述美國救援計畫的1.9兆元對波士頓市有哪些幫助。






他說,病毒檢測仍然是目前最基本的控制病毒散佈方式。波士頓市府希望每個人都能做檢測,波士頓市共有25個病毒檢測站,以及免費為任何人做檢測的流動檢測車,本週將在牙買加平原的Mildred Hailey公寓的Anna Cole 社區中心,海德公園的波士頓復興特許學校,多徹斯特的Strand劇院,以及Prince Hall Grand Lodge。查詢相關檢測資源可上網Boston.gov/TestingPledge。查詢相關資訊可上網Boston.gov,或撥打311電話。


波士頓市65歲以上耆英可撥打311電話,找市府耆英局(Age Strong Commission)尋求多語協助。

退伍軍人不論年齡,只要註冊登記退伍軍人醫療保險,可以到任何一家退伍軍人醫療設施去接種疫苗。波士頓市的退伍軍人服務辦公室也將和各疫苗門診處合作,服務退伍軍人。317日早上10點至下午1點,在麥特潘(Mattapan)William E. Carter美國退伍軍人會,320日的早上10點至下午1點在洛士百利(Roxbury)哥倫布大道的Urban Edge都有為退伍軍人服務的門診。需要交通服務的退伍軍人可撥打311電話。

麥特潘的BCYF Gallivan社區中心已闢為專為教師及學校工作人員,校巴駕駛注射疫苗地點。本週及下週的週日至週四開放。數星期後將再次開放,專供教師等人員注射第二劑疫苗。





由於北端(North End)餐廳密集度高,該地區餐廳的戶外供餐開始日期將維持在41日。波士頓市經濟發展辦公室刻正和波士頓黑人娛樂業聯盟合作,宣導市府可提供那些技術援助。波市府也將繼續在網上安排辦公時間,舉辦申請戶外供餐申請工作坊。查詢可上網Boston.gov/2021OutdoorDining

波士頓市長馬丁華殊在315日這天還和聯邦眾議員林奇(Stephen Lynch)一起,聯袂闡述美國援救計畫的1.9兆美元,對波士頓市有哪些幫助,感謝拜登總統和代表麻州的聯邦參眾議員。



