
星期四, 3月 04, 2021


      (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓華埠居民會33日晚在網路上舉行月會,有4項議程,60多名出席者對林肯街125號發展計畫最多意見,希望發展商為華埠社區保留中國式的超市及酒樓,提供廉宜停車位,或者把安全級別第2的生物實驗室(BSL-2)的發展計畫改為建超市、購物商場。

         4項議程分別是位於華盛頓街660號的野鴨(Wild Duck)酒鋪的酒牌許可轉讓,亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)報告故事項目的最新進展,華人經濟發展協會報告泰勒街(Tyler)78號發展項目進展,以及125號林肯街發展項目近況。

              野鴨酒鋪是業主換人了。新業主Smitesh Patel請了律師John Moordian向華埠居民報告這一變動。

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn讚許會議有中文翻譯。



牛津物業代表Mark   McGowen發言,盧善柔翻譯。


              林肯街125號發展計畫由發展商牛津物業代表Mark McGowen回答提問。該公司為這場華埠居民會的陳情,特地把所有文件翻譯成中文,還請了一名陳姓女士用廣東話做解說。







Baker-Polito Administration Awards Nearly $40 Million in Grants to 1,026 Additional Businesses for COVID Relief

Latest round increases total direct financial support to more than $602 million awarded to 13,346 businesses

BOSTON — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced approximately $39.7 million in awards for 1,026 additional businesses in the ninth round of COVID relief grants administered by the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC). As in prior rounds, each grant recipient meets sector and demographic priorities set for the two grant programs administered by MGCC. 

With the addition of this round of grants, the Administration has awarded over $602 million in direct financial support to 13,346 businesses across the Commonwealth. 

“Our administration is pleased to award this latest round of direct financial support to 1,026 additional businesses hardest hit by the pandemic,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “As the largest program of its kind in the nation, we are proud that Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation grants have now reached 13,346 businesses across the Commonwealth.”

“Recognizing the significant challenges the pandemic has created for businesses throughout Massachusetts, we are glad to provide this continued support as we work toward recovery,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our administration is grateful to MGCC for their partnership and hard work administering this grant program, ensuring these critical resources go directly to the businesses that serve the communities and neighborhoods in greatest need.”

As announced last month, MGCC has also begun engaging directly with applicants that met sector and demographic priorities, but were missing documents necessary to be considered for an award.

“Understanding how important this grant program is to our strategy for economic recovery, it is critical to work closely with businesses to ensure anyone who applied and was eligible for an award can receive it,” said Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy. “I want to express my deep gratitude to the team at MGCC for their diligence in working with program applicants seeking support. Thanks to their efforts, grant recipients for this round and the prior round are comprised entirely of eligible applicants who were able to provide all the necessary documentation to receive an award.”

Among the sectors that received the highest total number of grants this round are: restaurants, bars, caterers, or food trucks (280); personal services businesses (207); and independent retailers (153). 

Additionally, grants for this round were awarded to 295 minority-owned, and 406 women-owned, businesses; 295 recipients are located in Gateway Cities, and 329 businesses awarded grants have not received any prior aid. 

With public health metrics continuing to trend in a positive direction, including a decline in average daily COVID cases and hospitalizations, and as vaccination rates continue to increase, the Administration is taking steps to gradually reopen the Commonwealth’s economy. On Monday, March 1, 2021, the Commonwealth advanced to Step 2 of Phase III of the Administration’s reopening plan. In addition, the Administration also recently announced its plan to transition to Step 1 of Phase IV on Monday, March 22, provided that public health metrics continue to improve.

波士頓首名公平長Karliyn Crockett辭職 波市府人事大變動在即

             (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)即將離任,遠赴華府當勞工部部長,波士頓市政府內的人事異動,今(4)日在波士頓市的首名平等長Karilyn Crockett的辭職聲中,更明顯的浮出水面。

             原本在麻省理工學院當城市歷史,公共政策及計畫講師的Karilyn Crockett,去年6月才接受馬丁華殊邀約,出任波士頓市新設公平內閣(Equity Cabinet)的波市有史以來首名平等長(Chief of Equity),要化解系統性的種族歧視,族裔不公正,並支持市內被邊緣化的社區,打造公平的政府架構。

             GBH率先公佈Karilyn Crockett在本週稍早前遞出辭呈,將於35日生效。

             最近這幾週,坊間謠傳Karilyn Crockett考慮參選市長,但她並未就此置評。

             波士頓市長發言人表示,波士頓市還未挑選該職位的繼承人選,該辦公室的一應事務,目前由Karilyn Crockett的幕僚長Natasha White,以及該辦公室副主任Domonique Williams負責。

             馬丁華殊預定下星期確認新職,波士頓市議會議長Kim Janey將出任代理市長。波士頓市長的幕僚長Kathryn Burton,政策長Joyce Linehan,企業法律顧問Eugene O’Flaherty,因為這即將發生的變化,都已經表示將會離職。華殊的經濟發展長John Barros則是已經辭職,並於今(4)日正式宣佈參選下屆波士頓市市長。

             在麻省理工學院的網站上,Karilyn Crockett的狀態為休假。她早前曾任波士頓市府的經濟政策及研究主任,以及小企業發展主任。

麻州長查理貝克嘆疫苗注射最大挑戰是和時間賽跑 AACA陳美霞:麻州第一批注射J&J疫苗者

                    (Boston Orange)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(4)日下午在羅倫斯市舉行的疫情會報中表示,芬衛球場(Fenway Park)的疫苗,將轉送到海恩斯 (Hynes) 會議展覽中心。



羅倫斯市市長Kendrys Vasquez稱將加強宣傳疫苗的安全性。

             根據麻州政府今早7點在推特上發布的訊息,聲明因為聯邦政府運到的疫苗數量有限,之前已有很多人預約了注射第二劑疫苗,在芬衛球場(Fenway Park),吉列體育館(Gillette Stadium),以及瑞及路易斯中心(Reggie Lewis Center)的這幾個大型疫苗注射站,因而今天都沒有任何疫苗注射檔次可以預約。




             不過芬衛球場還是釋放出12000個注射第一劑疫苗的預約機會,一下子就被訂光了。其他幾個新開張的大型疫苗注射站,例如納提克購物廣場(Natick Mall),以及在Dartmouth的電路城(Circuit City),大部分預約都是注射第一劑疫苗。


               羅倫斯市(Lawrence)市長Kendrys Vasquez以英文及西班牙文匯報該市疫情,表示該市還將積極推出廣告宣傳,說明疫苗的安全性,鼓勵市民注射疫苗。


               包括華美福利會執行長陳美霞在內,今日有些人在塔芙茨醫療中心(Tufts Medical Center)注射到了只需要注射一劑的強生及強生(J&J)疫苗。





USALLIANCE Financial’s Dora Everyday Checking meets 15 top-tier national standards for safety and affordability


BOSTON – Thursday, March 4, 2021 - As part of the Walsh Administration’s work to reduce racial and economic disparities in banking access, Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor’s Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) today announced that its Bank On Boston initiative has partnered with USALLIANCE Financial to design a free, easy-to-use checking account that meets the needs of Boston’s unbanked and underbanked residents.

With the creation of Dora Everyday Checking, USALLIANCE Financial becomes the first regional financial institution to meet Bank On national account standards for safety and affordability. Among these standards is the elimination of overdraft fees, which disproportionately affect low-income households. A recent study found that more than 80% of the nearly $12 billion in overdraft fees charged by large banks in 2019 were shouldered by just 9% of account holders.

“One of the most basic requirements for financial security and building wealth is having a safe place to bank without the fear of unfair penalties and fees,” said Mayor Walsh. “We thank USALLIANCE Financial for its partnership in providing Boston residents with a banking product that is accessible, fair, and free.”

Mayor Walsh launched Bank On Boston in 2017 to connect Boston residents with reliable financial services that can help them save, grow, and access their money. Approximately 10% of Boston residents do not have a checking or savings account. Many of these residents may rely instead on costly check-cashing services, which proliferate in low-income communities and communities of color. Roxbury, Dorchester, and East Boston account for 57% of Boston’s check-cashing locations but only 12% of the city’s commercial bank branches. Bank On Boston focuses on alleviating these banking disparities to ensure equal access to financial stability. 

A full-service credit union based in New England and the Mid-Atlantic, USALLIANCE Financial participates in a network of more than 40 ATM locations throughout Boston, including at retail sites such as 7-Elevens. USALLIANCE Financial’s new app-based account, Dora Everyday Checking, comes with no hidden fees and features instant debit card freeze-ability, free ATM access, and early pay with direct deposit. The app is available in English and Spanish.  

"It's been a wonderful experience to partner with Bank On Boston as their commitment to providing inclusive financial products and services to underserved communities aligns so well with the product and mission of USALLIANCE Financial," said Kristi Kenworthy, Managing Director of Bank Dora, a division of USALLIANCE Financial. "Our Dora application is paving the way with a completely digital, bilingual, free checking account to help people begin asset building. I'm excited to see what the future holds as we work together with Bank On Boston in helping the underbanked."

Since its inception, Bank On Boston has collaborated with financial institutions to provide residents with account options that meet safety and affordability standards. Currently, nine bank and credit union partners offer products that meet Basic Banking for Massachusetts standards for low-cost checking and savings accounts. USALLIANCE Financial is one of three institutions that also meet Bank On national account standards, a set of 15 benchmarks for safety and affordability that include the elimination of overdraft fees.

In addition to connecting residents with non-predatory financial services, Bank On Boston also raises public awareness of mainstream banking, expands access to financial education, and connects residents to other OFE programs. The initiative is led by the Bank On Boston Coalition – a partnership of 34 financial institutions, regulators, and community-based organizations – which now includes USALLIANCE Financial.

The Bank On Boston Coalition is one of 80 state and local coalitions that make up the national Bank On movement, led by the nonprofit Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE) Fund. With the addition of Dora Everyday Checking, accounts meeting Bank On national account standards are now available at over 28,000 branches in all 50 states and Washington, DC; financial institutions with Bank On certified accounts make up over 45% of the national deposit market share. 

“Bank On Boston is doing critical work to help Bostonians enter the financial mainstream – this is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, as consumers need to access and manage their money, including emergency payments like stimulus and unemployment, safely and affordably,” said David Rothstein, Senior Principal at the CFE Fund. “USALLIANCE Financial’s Dora account offers Boston residents who are looking to improve their finances a safe, affordable, and truly useful mainstream banking product; we thank USALLIANCE Financial for offering this terrific account and being at the forefront of national banking access efforts.


百人會提7點行動計畫 籲執法人員加強制止仇視亞裔行為

             (Boston Orange)百人會鑑於在全美各地針對亞裔的仇恨,暴力事件持續發生,今(4)日從紐約發出新聞稿,提出7點行動計畫,呼籲執法人員努力加緊對抗仇恨,平息亞裔社區中的害怕氣氛。

                儘管美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)發出行政備忘錄,不贊成歧視亞裔社區,許多人卻仍然是毫不留情的恐嚇,歧視和暴力相向的對象。




1.      打電話給民選官員、議員,包括州長,市長,以及國會議員,強烈譴責所有這些反亞裔歧視,以及偏執行為。

2.      要求新任美國總檢察官,以及司法部部長成立工作小組,專職調查及對抗日益增加,針對亞裔社區的暴力事件。

3.      要求司法部修改涉及對華裔科學家,研究人員以種族特徵為根據的中國計畫。

4.      要求聯邦政府撥發經費給州及地方執法機構,辦理教育,培訓及社區外展工作。

5.      要求所有執法機構對施加於亞裔身上,無論是口頭,身體或心理上的偏執,種族歧視及仇恨行為,採零容忍立場。

6.      要求所有的民選官員及執法人員確保仇恨犯罪的倖存者,以他們自己社區所使用的語言,來獲得支援服務。

7.      要求開除任何被人發現引起針對亞裔的仇恨,歧視的公職人員,政府雇員或執法人員。



Defendants Made more than 1.3 Billion Deceptive Fundraising Calls—Mostly Illegal Robocalls—Claiming to Support Various Groups including Veterans, Children, and Firefighters

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey, along with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 38 states and the District of Columbia, has stopped a massive telefunding operation that bombarded 67 million consumers with 1.3 billion deceptive charitable fundraising calls—mostly illegal robocalls. Nearly 54 million calls were made to Massachusetts phone numbers in less than four years through this telefunding operation. Overall, the defendant companies collected more than $110 million using their deceptive solicitations.


Associated Community Services (ACS) and a number of related defendants have agreed to settle charges by the FTC and state agencies that they misled generous Americans into donating to charities that failed to provide the services they promised. The complaint names ACS and its sister companies Central Processing Services and Community Services Appeal; their owners, Dick Cole, Bill Burland, Barbara Cole, and Amy Burland; and ACS senior managers Nikole Gilstorf, Tony Lia, John Lucidi, and Scot Stepek. In addition, the complaint names two fundraising companies allegedly operated by Gilstorf and Lia as spin-offs of ACS—Directele, and The Dale Corporation.


“These companies inundated consumers with more than one billion deceptive and illegal robocalls in order to exploit their generosity and trick them into giving to sham charities,” said AG Healey. “We have worked with our federal and state partners to shut down this operation and protect our residents from being duped by scammers looking to profit.”

“Deceptive charitable fundraising can be big business for scammers, especially when they use illegal robocalls,” said Daniel Kaufman, Acting Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “The FTC and our state partners are prepared to hold fraudsters accountable when they target generous consumers with lies.”

According to the complaint, the defendants knew that the organizations for which they were fundraising spent little or no money on the charitable causes they claimed to support—in some cases as little as one-tenth of a percent. The defendants kept as much 90 cents of every dollar they solicited from generous donors on behalf of the charities.

The defendants allegedly made their deceptive pitches since at least 2008 on behalf of numerous organizations that claimed to support homeless veterans, victims of house fires, breast cancer patients, children with autism, and other causes that well-meaning Americans were enticed to support through the defendants’ high-pressure tactics. ACS was also the major fundraiser for the sham Cancer Fund charities that were shut down by the FTC and states in 2015.


In many instances, the complaint alleges, ACS, and later Directele, knowingly violated the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) by using soundboard technology in telemarketing calls. With that technology, an operator plays pre-recorded messages to consumers instead of speaking with them naturally. Use of such pre-recorded messages in calls to first-time donors violates the TSR. Use of the technology in calls to prior donors also violates the TSR unless call recipients are affirmatively told about their ability to opt out of all future calls and provided a mechanism to do so. The defendants did not make that disclosure. Most of Directele’s soundboard calls originated from call centers in the Philippines and India.


The complaint also charges ACS with making harassing calls, noting that ACS called more than 1.3 million phone numbers more than ten times in a single week and 7.8 million numbers more than twice in an hour. More than 500 phone numbers were even called 5,000 times or more.


The ACS defendants were the subject of 20 prior law enforcement actions for their fundraising practices. The ACS defendants stopped operating in September 2019. Gilstorf purchased Directele and Dale Corp in October 2019 and, with Lia, the Directele defendants allegedly continued the deceptive fundraising and illegal telemarketing practices. The complaint alleges the defendants violated Massachusetts General Laws chapters 68 § 32 and 93A § 2, the FTC Act, the TSR, and numerous other state laws.


The terms of the settlements with the defendants are as follows:


Associated Community Services Defendants


Each of these defendants will be permanently prohibited from conducting or consulting on any fundraising activities and from conducting telemarketing of any kind to sell goods or services. In addition, they will be prohibited from using any existing donor lists and from further violations of state charitable giving laws, as well as from making any misrepresentation about a product or service. The defendants will also be subject to the following monetary judgments:


  • Associated Community Services, Inc.; Community Services, Inc.; Central Processing Services, Inc.; and Richard “Dick” Cole are subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is suspended due to an inability to pay.
  • Community Services Appeal, Inc. and Barbara Cole are subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Barbara Cole also will be required to turn over the proceeds of the sale of a vacation home in Michigan.
  • Robert W. “Bill” Burland and Amy J. Burland are subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Amy Burland will be required to turn over $450,000.


Directele Defendants and ACS Senior Managers Scot Stepek and John Lucidi

Each of these defendants will be permanently prohibited from any fundraising work or consulting on behalf of any charitable organization or any nonprofit organization that claims to work on behalf of causes similar to those outlined in the complaint. They’ll also be prohibited from using robocalls for any form of telemarketing, using abusive calling practices, or making any misrepresentation about a product or service. In addition, the defendants will be required to clearly and conspicuously disclose when a donation they are requesting is not tax deductible and the two corporate defendants—Directele Inc. and The Dale Corporation—will be required to cease operations and dissolve. The defendants will also be subject to the following monetary judgments:


  • Scot Stepek will be subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Stepek will be required to sell a ski boat in his possession and turn over the net proceeds from the sale.
  • Directele Inc., The Dale Corporation, Nikole Gilstorf, and Antonio Lia will be subject to a monetary judgment of $1.6 million. Gilstorf and Lia also will be subject to a judgment of $110,063,843. The judgments are partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Gilstorf and Lia will each be required to turn over $10,000.
  • John Lucidi will be subject to a judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. He will be required to turn over $25,000.

Other state agencies joining the case with the Massachusetts AG’s Office and the FTC include the attorneys general of Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia,  Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming; the secretaries of state of Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Tennessee; and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Utah Division of Consumer Protection.

The complaint and stipulations were filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The funds being surrendered by the defendants will be paid to an escrow fund held by the State of Florida and, following a motion by the participating states and approval by the court, be contributed to one or more legitimate charities that support causes similar to those for which the defendants solicited.

Consumers with questions about this settlement can contact the FTC’s Consumer Response Center.

AG Healey’s Office encourages potential donors to consider the following points when they are contacted by a solicitor for charitable donations:

  • Is the solicitor calling your home a volunteer or a professional fundraiser?
  • How much of every dollar donated will go to the charity?
  • Confirm the charity’s name and the services it offers.

For additional tips on donating, consumers may also review our Giving Wisely Advisory and the Donating Dos and Don’ts: A Guide to Charitable Giving.

For Massachusetts, the case was handled by Assistant Attorney General Matthew Lyons of AG Healey’s Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division. 

John Barros今日加入 波士頓市長參選人增至5名

John Barros 過去數個月來,在臉書上頻繁主持小企業會議。(檔案照片)
            (Boston Orange 綜合編譯)波士頓市長參選人又多一名了。在波士頓市經濟發展長職務上已任職7年的巴洛斯(John Barros),終於正式宣佈參選了。


            巴洛斯在2013年時曾參選波士頓市長,如今再次跳入選戰,要和三名波士頓市議員,Andrea CampbellAnnissa Essaibi George,吳弭(Michelle Wu),還有麻州眾議員暨急救房醫生的Jon Santiago競爭。

            巴洛斯強調他的經營非牟利機構,草根階層組織,以及在波士頓市府擔任內閣首長經歷,讓他成為接替現任市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),並帶領波士頓成為一個安全,正義,更公平城市的最佳人選。

            巴洛斯現年47歲,在洛士百利(Roxbury)的杜爹利街(Dudley)長大,是一名佛德角(Cape Verdean)移民之子,功課很好,上了長春藤大學,進了曼哈頓的大企業工作。2010年時,他成為波士頓學校委員會有史以來第一位有佛德角血統的委員。






            巴洛斯在Nubian廣場的一家小企業Haley House推出了他的第一場競選活動。這名已婚,有四個小孩的父親,已從市府離職,回到小企業行列,重新成為他和一名兄弟,表兄弟共同擁有餐廳,Cesaria的共同業主。

