
星期五, 10月 11, 2019


For Immediate Release
Oct 9, 2019

BOSTON - After four months of protests, the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong has evolved into an anti-authoritarian movement to refute the Chinese Communist Party’s political influence in Hong Kong and the violent oppression of universal values. CCP and its puppetized HKSAR government have been scandalizing the protest with disinformation to disguise their brutal oppression of Hong Kong’s protests.

Two weeks ago, pro-CCP supporters in Boston organized a flag-raising ceremony at Boston City Hall, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, which was approved by the City of Boston and supported by City Councilor Ed Flynn. However, our request to raise the Black Bauhinia Flag of Hong Kong on Oct. 12 was denied by City Hall without any written statement of reasoning. We strongly believe that we, the Hongkongers, deserve the freedom to raise our flag at the same location. It signifies the bloodshed of Hong Kong people under state violence and the erosion of Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy, and expresses our political stance at the same location. The City official verbally stated on the phone that the requested flag is not an official flag of Hong Kong. However, we consider this as an illegitimate reason, since the transgender and LGBTQ Flags are both unofficial community flags for LGBTQ+ social movements. They were both raised at the same location during the Boston Pride Week on May 31.

Although we are disappointed by their decision, we will abide by the denial notice for now. In place of the flag-raising ceremony, we are organizing a march on Oct. 12 namely “Glory to Hong Kong: Black Bauhinia March in Boston,” to alert Bostonians of the situation in Hong Kong and express our firm support for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong. The march will start at 2 p.m. from the Boston Common Parade Ground and end at Boston City Hall by 4 p.m.

星期四, 10月 10, 2019

中國醫改十年 路仍漫長 (圖片)

麻州將連續數日大風大雨 民眾宜防淹水、停電

           (Boston Orange 編譯)根據氣象局預報,麻州,羅德島州從今日(週四)起,這幾天將風大雨大,風速甚至達到每小時6070英里,尤其南岸民眾,出門宜小心,並預留更多時間。

波士頓僑務榮譽職人員 續聘13人 新聘林碧憶


(Boston Orange 周菊子納提克鎮報導)駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處109日晚在納提克鎮(Natick)頒發僑務榮譽職續聘,新聘證書,其中12人續任,1人升等,1人新聘。

星期三, 10月 09, 2019


              (Boston Orange 周菊子華森市報導)紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)日前舉辦青年創業服務(YES)項目說明會,籲請有意學習領導技能,全方位了解企業運營的青年學子,加入學習行列,為未來做準備。
             網協的YES項目於2005年由該會董事陸德禮創辦,旨在培養高中生的創業,領導技能,鼓勵他們對科技,工程更感興趣,迄今已培訓近千名青少年學子,即將於1012日開訓的第14屆,由曾任美中生物醫藥協會會長,目前在賽默飛(Thermo Fisher)科技公司做主管的曲芸負責。
今年16歲的往屆創業營優勝者朱漢娜,這天到場做志願者,主持一場構想遊戲,藉著混和心靈工藝(Mindcraft)歧視三重E忍者(Triple E Ninja)”彩虹百吉餅(Bagel Rainbow)”等字詞,讓學生們做創意練習。當天應邀出席的志願者還有徐淑珍。
在向出席青少年們介紹市場行銷,會計及財務時,網協還有鄭茹邀來的賽默飛實驗室產品部營銷主管Brian McBride,戴晨方律師邀來的會計師張玉天等人一一講談。Brian McBride強調,市場的關鍵是解決顧客的問題,張玉天則建議學生做一假設個案,計算產品的成本與收益。
在輔導老師環節,應邀將擔任青少年們輔導老師的GMRobot創辦人暨執行長楊亞威,FM Global副總Shuzhen Xu,美通教育(Milestone Education)創辦人Zhengmin Li,以及宋安華,也都到場和出席青少年們見了面。
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CABA投資創業論壇 三名前會長分享創業經驗

              (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導)美中生物醫藥協會(CABA)日前在牛頓市萬豪酒店舉辦第11屆投資暨創業論壇,王義漢,沈立新,王永忠等3名前會長坦率分享創業心得,對出席會員格外具有啟發性。
             當天的會議,在創新生物醫藥科技投資部分,有諾華(Novartis)主管創業基金的Nandita Shangari早期投資及投資界景觀的改變,賽諾菲(Sanofi)全球研究策略及有效性主管鄭紅(Hong Cheng)投資在創造價值上,以及NovoVentures合夥人Karen Hong 介紹該公司的生物醫藥投資。
CABA副會長邵劍(左)和講者Hong Cheng。(周菊子攝)
CABA會長曹瀾(左一)和講者,Nandita Shangari,
Karen Hong,Hong Cheng,講座主持戴舒佳合影。
             王義漢所創辦的塔吉瑞是一家中美合資企業,聚焦研究標靶新藥,目前已有的產品包括CML NSCLC等,迄今已累計募資一億元人民幣,在中美獲有14項以上專利。由於電影我不是藥神中的主角藥物,原型就是他還在ARIAD工作時研發的,中國的媒體做相關報導時,常以藥神稱呼他。
右起,張邵聿,PengPeng Li,周雄偉,Michael Zhao。
             ”關於創辦及企業成長需要考慮的所有事情環節,邀請了McDermott Will & Emery律師事務所合夥人季學清談 股權激勵-如何激勵員工,顧問和顧問Frontage商務長Hugh Davis上市成功關鍵-Frontage實驗室在香港股票交易市場上市路徑個案,東密西根大學教授Jens Stephan風險投資的第一步
             “跨境投資和醫療"部分,邀請了"醫愛傳遞(More Health)"的企業發展副總裁John Giszczak打造跨境醫療服務科技公司的挑戰與解決方案ABclonal 科技公司科技長孫大鵬談從掙扎到興旺:我們作為IVD原材料全球供應商的遠見
             ”創業路演及投資者座談部份,邀請了FC資本副總裁張劭聿,5AM創投分析師李鵬鵬,波士頓天使投資俱樂部創始合夥人周雄偉,QTang創投創辦人Michael Zhao等人分享他們的經驗,並即席給幾家路演的初創企業提意見。
             參加路演的公司及陳述者為NeuroParticle公司執行長Elaine WangThermalin 執行長Rick Berenson。(圖片已於9月29日發表)


OF 1.7 PERCENT IN 2020

BOSTON, MA – The Red Sox today announced that ticket prices for the 2020 season will rise by an average of 1.7 percent with prices for Diamond and Tiers 1, 2, and 3 games increasing, and prices for Tiers 4 and 5 games decreasing.

The Red Sox will continue to offer special reduced pricing for students, clergy, veterans, and active duty members of the military. All-inclusive “Family 4 Pax” will again be offered periodically throughout the season. Tickets for high school and college students will be available for all games for $9, and the Kid Nation Program presented by Hood, a free program for those 14 and under, will continue to include a Red Sox ticket at no charge in 2020.

Going back to 2009, the club has raised prices by 1.8 percent per year on average with an annual increase of less than 3 percent in 10 of the past 12 seasons.

A breakdown of prices for each non-premium seating category is attached. Also attached is a list of 2020 home games by tier. 

Average Annual Price Increase Since 2009

Average Price Increase

星期二, 10月 08, 2019


Mayor celebrates historic progress and challenges business sector leadership to aid in strengthening middle class

BOSTON - Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - In his annual speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today laid out his Administration's progress over the last five years in key areas including housing, transportation and education, and issued a call to action to the business community to take what opportunities Boston's progress has brought, and leverage the City's economic success into lasting, positive change for all. With Mayor Walsh's leadership, Boston is a city that is leading the way on building affordable housing, investing in tools and training for its workforce, prioritizing climate resilience in planning and development, and leading with values of inclusion and equity. 

As the Walsh Administration has invested in its residents, Boston's economy has grown, adding 120,000 new jobs, with an unemployment rate under three percent, and new investments being made in Boston's housing stock, schools, parks, and libraries. With this year-over-year growth in mind, Mayor Walsh today challenged Boston's business community to step up as good corporate partners in helping address some of the toughest challenges the city faces, including the need for more affordable housing, safe and reliable public transportation, and high-quality education for all students.

"Boston is as strong as it's ever been, but if we're going to continue to thrive and meet our greatest challenges, then we've got more work to do. Today I come before you with an appeal to every industry, organization, and individual in a position of leadership in our city: to focus our energies, strengthen our partnerships, and combine our voices to meet our biggest shared challenges," said Mayor Walsh. "To keep our economy working, we must provide what working people need: in housing, in transit, at schools, and in jobs. We have to give every single person a place to live and a path toward their dreams. To do that, we need to be focused not just on the short term and the bottom line, but on the long term and greater good to build a strong middle class, an economy built to last, and a Boston that continues to lead in the 21st century." 

In his speech, Mayor Walsh celebrated major transformations being made for the first time in a generation, including investing in the Boston Common and Franklin Park; building new schools focused specifically on STEM and arts education; building Boston's first new firehouse in 30 years; spearheading a redesign of City Hall Plaza; and earning perfect AAA bond ratings for six consecutive years, the first time that's been achieved in the city's history. Boston's work on racial equity and resilience has also brought attention to the city, and for the first time in nearly 40 years, the City of Boston will host the NAACP National Convention, welcoming members throughout the United States and the world who are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities.

Mayor Walsh also announced that tomorrow he will travel to Copenhagen for the C40 World Mayors Summit discussing climate solutions with other leading cities committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement. As North American Co-Chair for C40's Steering Committee, Mayor Walsh will participate in a panel to share Boston's global leadership on preparing for rising sea levels and climate change. Earlier this morning, Mayor Walsh released an update to Boston's Climate Action Plan, accelerating action towards carbon neutrality and continuing Boston's ambitious goal to be a carbon free city by 2050.

In last year's speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Walsh introduced "Resilient Boston Harbor," a plan that lays out strategies along Boston's 47-mile shoreline that increases access and open space along the waterfront, while better protecting the city during a major flooding event. In just one year, the City opened Martin's Park along Fort Point Channel, started construction on the Langone-Puopolo Park in the North End, and moved forward with the redesign of Moakley Park in South Boston. Along with these upgrades to protect Boston's shoreline, in July of this year, the Administration proposed the city's first capital plan that dedicates 10 percent of all spending to resilience projects.  

"We can't take the opportunity before us for granted, because as far as we've come, big challenges of success, like housing demand and transit capacity, remain," said Mayor Walsh. "These challenges, some national problems like inequality and the hollowing out of middle class, are threats to our economy. We have the opportunity now to address them by building on our success." 

In his speech, Mayor Walsh focused on three cornerstones he called upon the business community to lead on: housing, transportation and education. 

Creating more middle-income housing, stopping displacements, and ensuring every sector is playing their part

Since Mayor Walsh took office in 2014, the City of Boston has created over 31,000 new homes and has an additional 27,000 units in the pipeline, ahead of pace to meet its goal of 69,000 new homes by 2030. Twenty percent of those new homes are income-restricted units. Boston is currently are number one in the United States for income-restricted, affordable housing. 

Boston has also:
  • Turned three million square feet of city land into nearly 500 first-time homeownership opportunities and over 1,100 rental units;
  • Increased Inclusionary Development and Linkage collections;
  • Modernized community planning and opened up new areas for transit-oriented development;
  • Dedicated nearly $4 million of Community Preservation funding to a new, low-interest mortgage program for first-time home buyers. 
Boston's strategy is working. Rents have stabilized in some neighborhoods and we're on the way to creating 1,000 new homeowners. However, Boston needs the business community to ensure progress continues, and affordable housing does not remain out of reach for residents.

Mayor Walsh has called upon the business community to: 
  • Support Governor Baker's Housing Choice bill. It changes local approval from a two-thirds vote to a simple, democratic majority. It's a simple fix, with positive results for Boston's workforce;
  • Encourage developers to build middle class housing;
  • Clamp down on displacement, and take a stand against pushing residents out of their homes and communities. 
"The bottom line is, housing is not a commodity; it's a community," said Mayor Walsh. "It's where people build their lives. We have to be able to provide security and stability in our communities, and we have to be able to house our workforce. We also need owners and investors to take a step back and consider the human impacts of their actions. Profits can't come at this kind of cost. It's not a price and it's not a practice that we're going to accept in the City of Boston."

Advocating for a 21st century regional transportation plan to meet today's needs and support tomorrow's growth

In addressing one of the most pressing challenges facing Boston and other municipalities, Mayor Walsh reaffirmed his commitment to fighting for a reliable, frequent and affordable public transportation system that meets today's needs and supports tomorrow's growth. 

Together with input from residents across the city, the City has:
  • Built Boston's first bus lanes in a generation, in Roslindale, Allston, and now the North End and Charlestown. Tens of thousands of people have had their commutes improved by these lanes, and we're working on more; 
  • Invested in a new Transit Team that is working with the MBTA right now on improvements in Mattapan, South Boston, and Roxbury;
  • Invested $6.5 million in T passes for our youth;
  • Called on the T to protect seniors from fare increases, and provide late-night bus service for third-shift workers, and they are doing those things; 
  • Testified at the MBTA's Fiscal and Management Control Board
  • for our plan to increase Fairmount Line service and Commuter Rail frequency across Greater Boston. 
Under Mayor Walsh's leadership, the City has also put together its long-term transportation plan, Go Boston 2030, which focused on improving access, equity and reliability in transportation for all of Boston's residents. 

"Recently, I sat with a group of business leaders--you understand the urgency," said Mayor Walsh. "We need your voices to communicate what's at stake for your workers, your businesses, and our economy. And we need your expertise to help develop solutions. Just as we've done in the City of Boston, we need to work together, as partners, on a comprehensive plan to address the statewide need for better transportation. And we need to make the hard decisions necessary to fund and implement that plan."

Providing support and innovation to our students so every school can make progress and achievement gaps can be closed 

Mayor Walsh believes that a good, strong education is the best investment we can make in Boston's children and their collective future, and is proud that more Boston students than ever before are in high-quality schools. It's also why he has enacted the highest budget for Boston Public Schools every year since taking office, investing in the proven strategies for closing achievement and opportunity gaps. The City of Boston is committed to looking at the whole student and removing barriers to learning wherever we can find them, which means investing in programs like new kitchens to provide healthy food, providing MBTA passes to all Boston students grades 7-12, and offering free hygiene products for girls. In addition, the City has added nurses to every school, and has made available mental health professionals for students, and has support available for students experiencing homelessness. 

Boston has made historic investments in its students and schools over the last five years, including: 
  • Funded a longer school day;
  • Committed to having a pre-kindergarten seat for every four-year-old in Boston;
  • Giving every five-year-old a college savings account; 
  • Expanded Summer Learning programs to 14,000 students; 
  • Created a facilities program from scratch to replace roofs, windows, boilers, and furniture and provide the technology that many students don't have access to at home. Through Boston's investments, we're building new high schools designed for 21st-century education.
However, Boston's efforts don't end with students graduating. Mayor Walsh's focus on ensuring students have every opportunity, from cradle to career, means he has called on businesses to join in partnership with the City, to ensure economic prosperity is felt by its students. In his speech, Mayor Walsh challenged companies to hire most residents, looking to companies like Natixis, Vertex and Autodesk that partner with students to improve their chances for success. 

Mayor Walsh thanked the Speaker, Senate President, education committee chairs and the Boston delegation for the Student Opportunity Act, which has the key principles to meet the needs facing every district and every student. 

"We have to show people from every neighborhood and walk of life that this great city we've built together wasn't built for someone else, it was built for them and everyone," said Mayor Walsh. "I'm asking Boston's employers to draw from the deep well of talent in our neighborhoods. I'm asking you to hire more Bostonians. Our residents are skilled, they are resilient, they are diverse, and they have a lived understanding of culture and community in today's America. You need people like them in your workplace, and you don't have to look far to find them."