
星期二, 7月 30, 2019


AG HEALEY CALLS ON CONGRESS TO HELP STATES PROTECT AGAINST TOXIC ‘FOREVER’ CHEMICALS Coalition of 21 AGs Support Federal Legislation to Fight Widespread “PFAS” Contamination
BOSTON – Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a coalition of 22 attorneys general in urging Congress to pass legislation to help states address the public health threats posed by toxic “forever” chemicals.

In a letter sent today to Congressional leadership, the attorneys general say federal legislation is urgently needed to help states address the growing dangers posed by a family of man-made, super-resilient chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are contaminating drinking water and other natural resources throughout the nation. The letter also urges Congress to provide financial assistance to help state and local governments offset the high costs associated with cleaning up drinking water supplies due to PFAS contamination.

Across the country, PFAS contamination is most often associated with military bases, firefighting training centers, civilian airports, and industrial facilities. The chemicals have been used for decades as ingredients in firefighting foam. As of March, there were at least 15 public water supplies in Massachusetts that had detectable levels of PFAS—many of which are adjacent to airports and other facilities where large quantities of firefighting foam have been utilized. Cities and towns across the state are spending large sums of money to ensure that Massachusetts drinking water is safe and not contaminated with PFAS.

            “These toxic chemicals are putting the health of our firefighters, our military personnel, and our families in Massachusetts and across the country at serious risk,” AG Healey said. “We need Congress to act immediately to protect public health and help our cities and towns ensure our residents are protected from PFAS exposure and have safe drinking water.”

The two most studied types of PFAS toxic chemicals are perfluorooctane sulfonic acid/perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid/perflurooctanoate (PFOA). PFAS chemicals resist degradation in the environment and accumulate in the human body. Exposure to PFOA can lead to kidney and testicular cancer, thyroid disease, liver damage, and preeclampsia and exposure to PFOS is associated with immune system effects, changes in liver enzymes and thyroid hormones, and other conditions. 

While both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have advanced legislation that addresses issues related to PFAS contamination, the attorneys general urge Congress in today’s letter to deal with “the most urgent legislative needs” of states as Congress works on a final agreement on this legislation. These urgent needs, based on the states’ firsthand experiences, include:  

  • Designating certain PFAS chemicals as “hazardous substances” under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), otherwise known as the “Superfund” law to provide mechanisms for funding cleanups, including at federal military sites.

·            Including PFAS chemicals in the EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) to provide information about potential new sources of these chemicals, as well as the areas of potential contamination.     
·            Providing funding for remediation of PFAS-contaminated drinking water supplies— particularly those in disadvantaged communities, where many residents face severe water affordability issues. Municipalities struggling to afford the high costs associated with cleaning up PFAS contamination in turn may raise water rates for their residents.     
·            Prohibiting the use and storage of firefighting foam containing PFAS at military bases and other federal facilities as soon as possible and in the meantime, providing immediate protective measures, especially when firefighting foam is used. 

·            Providing medical screening of PFAS exposure for appropriate personnel and members of the public, including but not limited to firefighters.     

Joining AG Healey in sending today’s letter are the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Guam, Hawai’i, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.  

星期六, 7月 27, 2019

波士頓僑界籌備雙十慶祝 訂十月五日遊行、升旗

       (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓僑界727日在紐英崙中華公所召開雙十籌備會,排定105日至12日,將有一連串810項慶祝活動。經文處處長徐佑典,僑教中心主任歐鴻偉呼籲僑界廣邀親朋好友,年輕後輩共襄盛

台灣海外搭橋青年參訪紐英崙中華公所 (圖片)

國際領袖基金會慶20週年 美交通部長趙小蘭親臨致賀

                 (Boston Orange 周菊子華府報導)國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation) 725日在華府首都希爾頓酒店慶祝成立20週年,包括美國交通部部長趙小蘭,以及交通部,商務部,財政部等美國聯邦政府三大部門的助理部長,聯邦及州議員等,嘉賓雲集,共有近500人出席,場面盛大。
在晚上舉行的頒獎典禮,尤其隆重,不但有白宮行政管理和預算局執行副主任甘達慶(Derek Kan)宣讀川普總統讚揚國際領袖基金會的賀信,還有彭斯副總統發給賀函。
國際領袖基金會當晚請國會議員Matt GaetzCarol MillerAmanata Radgewagen頒獎給12名傑出亞裔。其中首次頒發的慈善領袖服務獎,頒給了”Daofeng & Angela基金會創辦人,現居馬里蘭州的何道峰。
公共服務獎得獎者為馬里蘭州參議員林立圖(Clarence Lam),新星獎得獎者為俄克拉何馬州眾議員丹尼爾 · (Daniel Pae)。領袖服務獎有得獎者,包括內華達州上訴法院法官陶德猷 (Jerry Tao),達福台灣商會榮譽會長/主席谷祖, AT&T外聯部主任黃金煥 (Jason Chan),全球少數民族婦女權益主席韓琳達(Linsa Han)ILF 科羅拉多州分會主席王秀雲,為斯聯公司共同合夥人葉希原,Sunwater Capital創始合夥人暨綠庭集團創始人兼董事長俞乃奮, VoIP OFFICE總裁遜尼(Sunny Reddy) 等。
                     晚宴獻歌者是曾為川普,奧巴馬,布殊等總統獻唱的演員暨歌星Mary Millben。她的一曲美麗的美利堅把晚宴推向高潮。
當天中午的政商菁英午餐演講會,有羅德島州克蘭斯頓(Cranston)市市長馮偉杰(Allan Fung)致辭並分享經驗。兼具企業家、慈善家身分的何道峰闡述他多年來在公益事業上的服務經歷與心得。
國際領袖基金會「公共事務實習計畫」今年錄取的23名,來自全美各地頂尖大專院校的實習生,由密西根大學Yvonne Wu,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區Anthony Nguyen,以及哥倫比亞大學Alan Zhang做代表,在午餐會中匯報成果。吳恆 率領 20 位代表從台灣來參予盛會,包括國立政治大學國際事務學院副院長黃奎博,率領由長風基金會學生出席觀摩。
                  國際領袖基金會理監事包括創會會長董繼玲,理事長徐紹欽,總會長陳燦安,陳銘達及李學海等。榮譽顧問有猶他州檢察長Sean Reyes,亞利桑那州財務長余艷芬,馬里蘭州參議員李鳳遷及尹集成等。
在全美共有20個分會和委員會。各分會會長和共同主席分別為林美蓮,陳鈞亞(舊金山),洪逸青,蔡慶雲(洛杉磯),黃國清,何西典(華盛頓DC),黃亞村,馬勇(紐約),葉超,吳子平(新英格蘭),吳來蘇,傅惠芬(芝加哥),孔慶超,姚學智(底特律),嚴培達(奧蘭多),簡衛(亞特蘭大),吳小燕(西雅圖),劉秀美(休士頓),陳文珊(達拉斯),王秀雲(科州),陳海娜(北卡),鄭漢城(邁阿密),羅麗芬,周筱玲 (全球)等。

星期五, 7月 26, 2019

中國民營商業火箭 首次成功升空進衛星軌道

(Boston Orange編譯)美聯社根據中國新華社報導,一家座落在北京,研發火箭的私營企業,昨日(725日週四)下午發射了兩枚衛星進軌道,成為中國第一家成功完成登陸衛星軌道的公司。
名為SOX-1 Y1的火箭是從中國西北部的衛星中心發射出去的。這艘小型四階商業火箭是由i-Space公司研發的。
中國動點科技在725日下午報導,詳細得多。該報導指出,在北京時間2019 7 25 13 0 分,北京星際榮耀空間科技有限公司(iSpace)的雙曲線一號遙一(下稱“SQX-1 Y1”) 長安歐尚號運載火箭在中國酒泉衛星發射中心成功發射,按飛行時序將多顆衛星及有效載荷精確送入預定的300 公里圓軌道,發射任務取得圓滿成功,實現了中國民營運載火箭成功入軌零的突破。

Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Q2 GDP: Economy Grows 2.1% in Q2

Statement from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Q2 GDP: Economy Grows 2.1% in Q2

Today, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) numbers, finding that the real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 2.1% percent in the second quarter.
“The Trump economy is growing strong and, on the heels of 3.1 percent growth in the first quarter, is poised to continue expanding,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. “President Trump’s ambitious agenda of deregulation, tax reform, and job creation is making the U.S. the premier place for business, and is restoring our position as an economic leader on the world stage.”
The Trump Administration’s policies have delivered repeated wins for American workers. In July, the current economic expansion became the largest in U.S. history – a testament to the strength of President Trump’s business-friendly policies.
In the second quarter, consumer spending, the engine of the U.S. economy, surged at a 4.3% annual rate, as spending on goods rose at the fastest rate since the first quarter of 2006.
The economy beat expectations again in June by adding 224,000 jobs, the last month of the second quarter, and averaging 129,000 jobs added per month over the past year. Since the President’s election, the country has added nearly 5 million jobs, while the manufacturing industry alone has added more than 500,000. The tight labor market benefitted American workers in another way in June as nominal average hourly earnings rose by 3.1 percent over the previous 12 months, meeting or surpassing 3.0 percent growth for the 11th month in a row. Before 2018, nominal average hourly wage gains had not reached 3.0 percent since 2009.


Boston retained its first-place ranking for energy efficiency, according to the ACEEE's 2019 City Clean Energy Scorecard, the most comprehensive national report that tracks city progress toward climate goals.
BOSTON - Thursday, July 25, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced Boston has been ranked the top U.S. city for energy efficiency, according to the 2019 City Clean Energy Scorecard, shared today by the nonprofit American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Boston earned the highest score amongst cities for its building policies and a perfect score for its energy efficiency outreach and programs. No other city except Boston has ever held the top spot in the ACEEE city scorecard. 

"I'm proud of Boston for leading the rankings once again and am inspired by other cities for their bold action," said Mayor Walsh. "Through our work here in Boston, we've already surpassed our municipal climate goals and reduced emissions by 37 percent. If we're to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we have to accelerate our actions and lead by example--and that's what we'll keep doing here in Boston."

The city scorecard tracks policy efforts to advance energy efficiency and, for the first time, renewable energy because both are needed to build a clean energy future and address climate change, according to ACEEE. Boston's scoring recognized its efforts to increase renewable energy in the grid mix through programs such as its municipal energy initiative and its progress with community choice energy. 

Boston's municipal energy initiative, known as Renew Boston Trust, identifies energy-saving projects in City-owned buildings. The projects are self-funded through guaranteed energy and cost savings, meaning that they pay for themselves over time. Projects are already underway at 14 municipal buildings across Boston, including libraries, community centers, and police and fire stations. These projects range from lighting upgrades, water conservation measures, and solar panel installations.

The City is also moving ahead with municipal aggregation, also known as community choice energy. The aggregation will give Boston electricity customers more control over the kind of energy they use in their homes, and the price of that energy. The City is currently seeking approval from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities to proceed with its program. In addition to bringing cleaner energy to Boston homes and businesses, the City continues its partnership with utilities to reduce the amount of energy used in Boston through statewide energy efficiency programs. 

Boston was also recognized for its long-standing work on energy benchmarking. The Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) reached 90 percent compliance in 2018, the most recent reporting year. 2019 now marks the first year of Energy Action and Assessment, which asks that large buildings demonstrate that they have taken steps to assess energy saving opportunities or reduce their energy use. City staff have supported building owners and operators with resources and technical assistance to help continuously improve the performance of Boston's buildings over time.

"Cities are making impressive clean energy gains-taking big steps to waste less energy and encourage more renewable power. But they have more to do," said ACEEE senior research manager David Ribeiro, the lead report author. "Cities must continue their push for innovative buildings policies, take greater steps to tackle transportation emissions, and better track progress to know which investments have the greatest impact. With their innovation, ingenuity, and resolve, they can build prosperous and equitable low-carbon communities." 

According to ACEEE, the scorecard is the most comprehensive national report that tracks city progress toward climate goals. Boston is committed to being carbon neutral by 2050. Boston measures its progress through an annual community-wide greenhouse gas emissions inventory. In 2017, the Boston community emitted 6.1 million metric tons of greenhouse gases, which represents a 21 percent decrease for 2005 emissions. 

The City of Boston is currently updating its Climate Action Plan, which will lay out strategies for achieving its carbon neutral goal. As a leading city on climate action, the City was named a winner of the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge and received a support package, valued at up to $2.5 million, to increase low-carbon mobility choices and improve energy performance of Boston's building sector.

一個月內3到6宗 昆市亞裔耆英連續遇騙遭搶 警籲小心

(Boston Orange 編譯)昆士市愛國者報(Patriot Ledger)724日報導,警方正在追查一名以變戲法方式,似乎專找亞裔老人偷項鍊的竊賊。
警察表示,這名婦女於76日時在綠木道(Greenwood Avenue)出手,然後710日在Holbrook路,第二次出手,在受害者未察覺中得手。受害者直到稍後才發覺。警察表示,竊賊週二(723)Holmes街上再度出手,但受害者試圖阻止,她索性把項鍊從受害者的脖子上拉斷,搶走。
昆士市警察呼籲任何有資訊者致電617-479-1212,協助警方調查。若有監視相機可能拍到了嫌犯車輛者,可聯絡警探Jimmy Chenjjchen@quincyma.gov,或 617-745-5766