
星期三, 6月 27, 2018

中華藝協第32屆中華民族舞蹈展 - 謝開明圖片專輯




藝協傳統中國舞蹈團每年舉辦一次的新團員甄試將在八月二十五日(週) 上午在位於 Woburn 的藝協活動中心舉行。有興趣者請至藝協網址 www.acas-ne.com 下載報名表。

藝協主辨的第二十屆中華民族舞蹈夏令營,將於八月十二日至八月十八日舉行,已定由蔡君柔執教。下載報名表,可上藝協網址 www.acas-ne.com 


BOSTON - Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - Tomorrow, the City of Boston invites residents to participate in a Neighborhood Career Fair in Dorchester, offering participants the opportunity to explore employment opportunities within the City of Boston and private companies. The job fair is being hosted by the City's Office of Diversity.

The event will be held at the Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) Perkins Community Center in Dorchester, and residents are encouraged to attend to learn more about career opportunities from the 30 participating employers.

WHEN:           Thursday, June 28, 2018
                       5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

WHERE:        BCYF Perkins Community Center
                      155 Talbot Ave, Dorchester


Representatives from:
  • Big Sister Association of Greater Boston
  • Northeastern University
  • TD Garden
  • City of Boston Human Resource Office
  • Boston Centers for Youth & Families
  • City of Boston Office of Diversity
  • New England Center for Arts & Technology
  • Boston Water & Sewer Commission
  • Boston Public Health Commission 
  • Whole Foods Market 
  • High Sierra Pools Inc 
  • Boston Red Sox 
  • Judge Rotenberg Center 
  • Massachusetts Convention Center Authority 
  • Massachusetts State Police 
  • Boston EMS 
  • Encore Boston Harbor 
  • Northeast Center for Tradewomen's Equity 
  • Boston Fire Department 
  • USO New England 
  • City of Boston Inspectional Services Department 
  • Make A Wish Foundation 
  • Building Pathways Boston 
  • Uphams Corner Health Center 
  • Playworks New England 
  • Boston Police Department 
  • Corporate Photographers 
  • Girls Scout of Eastern MA, INC 
  • Mass Department of Correction 
  • Securitas Critical Structure Services 
  • Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 
  • The Center for Teen Empowerment 
  • Make A Wish Foundation 
  • Mayor's Office of Workforce Development

波市長2019預算32.9億元 市議會無異議通過

BOSTON - Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - The Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) budget submitted by Mayor Martin J. Walsh today was unanimously approved by the Boston City Council, building on the Walsh Administration's record of presenting a balanced, sustainable and proactive budget investing in the needs of our growing city. The $3.29 billion recommended budget represents an increase of $139 million, or 4.4 percent, over the FY18 budget, and follows 28 City Council hearings that helped identify opportunities for further targeted investments and capture additional cost-savings. Mayor Walsh will sign the final budget once it reaches his desk.

In this final budget, funding for city services, such as streets, parks, public health and public safety will grow by $43 million from FY18, including $12 million in new data-driven investments, and funding for the Boston Public Schools (BPS) will grow by $51 million.

"This budget upholds our city's values and priorities, and is a reflection of our leadership position in growing a middle class through strong 21st century schools, good jobs and affordable homes in safe neighborhoods," said Mayor Walsh. "By investing in the strong foundation we've been able to achieve through strategic management of the city's finances, I am proud that with the support of the City Council, we are able to continue making record investments in advancing the prosperity of our city, our people and our collective future."

As part of Mayor Walsh's budget, he proposed to further invest in key initiatives, including:

Expanding Universal Pre-Kindergarten for over 80 new quality seats, as a result of continued advocacy at the state level that is expected to result in an increase from initial projections for Charter School reimbursement;

Doubling the Youth Development Grant Program to $500,000 to promote conflict resolution skills to musical training to athletic programming, all with a spotlight on self esteem promotion.

New funding to support the Elder Nutrition Program, to meet the demand in preventing malnutrition for seniors and backfill declining state and federal resources;

New city funded position at the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement to work on the frontlines of supporting new Bostonians, and effectively engage and serve immigrant residents and their families;

New mounted park ranger to better serve our city parks and complement the new ranger position, which is also part of the the FY19 budget;

New equity and inclusion staff for the Office of Economic Development

New funding for workplace sensitivity training that will support expanded training on racial and gender bias, sexual harassment and employee awareness.

These additional investments are made possible as a result of debt service savings realized as a result of the city's recently renewed AAA bond rating. They are also made possible through continued advocacy at the State level that has resulted in additional Charter School Reimbursement and Chapter 70 funding included in the FY2019 House and Senate budgets. 

Additional investments included in the final budget that aim to affirm a commitment to progress, opportunity and innovation by investing in Boston's neighborhoods, include:

Adding new public safety personnel and equipment, including police and 20 police cadets, EMTs and firefighters to keep our residents safe and to respond to the City's increase of new residents and commuters. In addition, $2 million has been allocated towards a phase-in of police body cameras, and investments in new fire engines, fire houses and new ambulances.

Making a permanent establishment of Boston's Engagement Center, providing space for participants to connect with recovery support services and get connected with housing services offered by the City and partners.

Allocating $5 million in new revenue towards transportation projects by increasing certain parking fines that will effectively influence good driving practices and reduce congestion in high-traffic areas.

Investing in the implementation of Community Choice Aggregation and single-use bags that will lower emissions, in addition to purchasing a deployable floodwall for the East Boston Greenway to help mitigate damage related to coastal storms.

Doubling the size of the Department of Neighborhood Development down payment assistance program to $1 million, allowing dozens of middle-class families to access zero-interest loans to cover down payments.

The final budget includes the adoption of a Boston Public Schools budget of $1.112 billion, representing a $3.5 million increase over the initial proposal of $1.109 billion, a $51 million increase over FY18, and marking the largest proposed BPS budget in the city's history. The BPS budget was approved by the City Council in a 12-1 vote today. With an increase to the projection of State Charter School Reimbursement revenue, funding will be directed towards expanding universal pre-kindergarten for over 80 new quality seats in FY19. The City of Boston's allocation to BPS has increased by $175 million, or 19 percent, over the past five years.

Mayor Walsh's FY19 budget continues to invest in preserving and creating a strong middle class, and creating opportunities for all those who live in Boston. The FY19 budget supports Boston's long-term plan, Imagine Boston 2030.

Imagine Boston 2030 is Boston's first citywide plan in 50 years aimed at guiding growth to support our dynamic economy and expand opportunity for all residents. The plan prioritizes inclusionary growth and puts forth a comprehensive vision to boost quality of life, equity and resilience in every neighborhood across the City. Shaped by the input of 15,000 residents who contributed their thoughts to the plan, Imagine Boston 2030 identifies five action areas to guide Boston's growth, enhancement and preservation, and is paired with a set of metrics that will evaluate progress and successes. To learn more visit, imagine.boston.gov.

For more information about the budget,visit Boston's budget website at budget.boston.gov

波士頓最古老劇院剪綵重啟 首演"紅磨坊"

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh,左二),愛默生學院校長 M. Lee Pelton(左三)
Erica Lynn Schwartz(左一),行銷傳播主任Robert Jones(右一),
                    (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 愛默生學院擁有的殖民地劇院(Colonial Theatre)(27)日邀得波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)剪綵,並以20世紀福斯(Fox)電影公司電影紅磨坊(Moulin Rough)”改編的音樂劇,在此做世界首演,重新啟用。
             殖民地劇院(Colonial Theatre)建於1900年代,是大波士頓持續經營的劇院中,最古老的一個。愛默生學院先於2003年租用,後於2006年買下了這座劇院,並陸續出租給關鍵品牌娛樂,花旗表演藝術中心等公司經營,一直是戲劇作品到百老匯上演前的第一站表演地,
             2015年花旗表演藝術中心的租約到期後,愛默生學院把場地收了回來,一度打算改建成學校餐廳,但在學校教職員,校友,史學家及戲劇圈人士紛紛抗議,在change.org上收集了7000個簽名後,愛默生學院校長M. Lee Pelton201633日宣佈,將把現場表演帶回這劇院。同年9月,愛默生學院再宣佈,將和不同集團合作,重開劇院。
愛默生學院校長M. Lee Pelton(左二),殖民地劇院總經理Erica Lynn Schwartz和紅磨坊
               M. Lee Pelton2011年來到波士頓,接任愛默生學院校長的。他透露,愛默生學院共擁有3個劇院,殖民地劇院外,還有雄偉(Majestic)劇院,派拉蒙(Paramont)劇院,加起來有4000多個座位,是整個美東地區,甚至全美擁有最多劇院的學校。
             殖民地劇院經理Erica Lynn Schwartz表示,紅磨坊音樂劇還沒正式演出,就已應觀眾要求加演,現在的演出日期改為從今日起至八月十九日。




(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導)波士頓交通局626日宣佈,72日起停車違規罰款漲價,漲幅高達1.5倍。
波士頓交通局局長Gina N. Fiandaca表示,交通規則的訂定,是為保障街道安全,能夠有效運作。波市交通局也指出,停車違規罰單已有10年沒漲過價了,這些罰單漲價收到錢,將用來支持波市府的”Go Boston 2030”計畫。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)四月分時提出違規停車罰款漲價的計畫,還把那寫進年度預算了,波市議會稍後略做修改,也通過了。
  • 無居民停車許可,擅自停車者,罰款從40元漲至60元。
  • 夜間街道清掃期間違規停車,開罰單,但不拖車,罰款從40元漲至90元。
  • 載貨區,從55元漲至90元。
  • 不准停車區,A區,從55元漲至90元。
  • 不准停車區,B區,從25 元漲至55元。
  • 雙排停車,A區,從45元漲至55元。
  • 雙排停車,B區,從30 元漲至35元。
  • 不准暫停或逗留,從75元漲至90元。
  • 未付計時停車錶費用,從25元漲至40元。
  • 逾時停車,從25元漲至40元。
  • 超過張貼時間限制,從25元漲至40元。

星期二, 6月 26, 2018


(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華專業人員協會攜手北一女校友會,622日逾40人浩蕩參訪波士頓美術博物館(MFA),享受有兩名館長親自導覽的尊貴欣賞藝術之旅。
資深館長Nancy Berliner (白铃安),莫內藝廊館長Katie Hanson,
紐英崙中華專業人員協會藉譚嘉陵與波士頓美術館的特殊關係,每年舉辦”MFA參訪之旅,今年已是第18次,有吳同中國藝術資深館長白鈴安(Nancy Berliner),莫內(Monet)藝廊館長Katie Hanson親自出馬做導覽。
莫內藝廊,現在佈展的畫作18幅,約為MFA莫內畫作收藏量的一半。Katie Hanson很會說故事。她指出,十九世紀的法國印象派創始人之一的莫內(Oscar-Claude Monet),是人還在世就名利雙收的畫家之一。他的光影,線條迷倒許多人,在一次展覽中,有一系列的農家糧倉畫作大賣,讓他有了錢,不但買下自己租住的房子,還連周遭建築物都一起買下來。莫內的最大畫作是他妻子穿著和服的一幅畫,和服上的武士正準備抽刀,也有著一段故事。
"Seeking Stillness"中的中國文人石展廳。(周菊子攝)


Maria Luise of Malden was honored as a member of the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women’s 2018 class of Unsung Heroines.  Representative Steven Ultrino recommended Ms. Luise for this recognition because of her outstanding contributions to the city of Malden. Ms. Luise was honored with 130 other Unsung Heroines for her outstanding contributions to her organization/community in a ceremony on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 from 1-4 p.m., in the Great Hall at the State House in Boston.
Maria Luise is the special assistant to Mayor Gary Christenson. She has been a dedicated government employee for many years as well as an active member of the Malden community.
“Maria Luise has made significant contributions to the city of Malden,” says Representative Ultrino, “Her dedication to the community deserves recognition, which is why I was honored to nominate her for the Unsung Heroine Award.”
The Unsung Heroines are women who don’t make the news, but make the difference.  They are the women who use their time, talent and enthusiasm to enrich the lives of others and make a difference in their neighborhoods, cities and towns. They are mentors, volunteers and innovators who do what needs to be done without expectations of recognition or gratitude. These women are the glue that keeps a community together and every community is better because of their contribution.  
The ceremony included a program emceed by MCSW Chair Margot Parrot, acknowledging each of the 2018 Unsung Heroines, along with remarks from Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Speaker of the House Robert A. DeLeo, Senate President Harriette L. Chandler and Representative Colleen M. Garry, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators. The ceremony was followed by a group photograph and a “Just Desserts” reception.
A complete list of this year’s honorees is available by contacting the Commission; to request this list or for additional information please contact the MCSW at 617-626-6520 or mcsw@state.ma.us.
This event was made possible with the generous support of the following sponsors: Baystate Health, Eastern Bank, Girls Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, Jacqueline’s Gourmet Cookies, Kerry Goodwin Photography, Polar Beverages, and SM Lorusso and Sons, Inc.
The Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women is an independent state agency that was legislatively created in 1998 to advance women of the Commonwealth to full equality in all areas of life and to promote their rights and opportunities. The MCSW provides a permanent, effective voice for the women of Massachusetts.



BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold President Trump’s travel ban:
“From the beginning, President Trump has been trying to make good on an outrageous and discriminatory campaign promise by banning Muslims from entering our country,” said AG Healey. “While I disagree with the court’s decision today, I am proud that we successfully stopped the first two versions of this executive order and limited the impact of this shameful policy. My office will continue to work with leaders in government and immigrant communities across Massachusetts to protect everyone’s rights and stand up to hate in all of its forms.”

AG Healey was one of the first state attorneys general to challenge President Trump’s executive order banning individuals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S. in January 2017, and later joined a lawsuit challenging the president’s revised travel ban in March 2017. Both of these earlier versions of the ban were struck down in court.

18 州總檢察官結盟 為強行拆散家庭移民政策告川普

Lawsuit Seeks to Reunite Thousands of Separated Families and End the ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’

BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a coalition of 18 attorneys general in filing a lawsuit against the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and relevant Trump Administration officials over their cruel and illegal policy of forcibly separating families at the southwestern border.

“What the Trump Administration is doing is not only inhumane and immoral, it is illegal,” said AG Healey. “Last week’s executive order is just another effort by the Administration to avoid responsibility for intentionally tearing apart thousands of families. We are suing to end this cruel and illegal policy, reunite families and ensure that this does not happen again.”

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, asks the Court to order the Trump Administration to reunite the more than two thousand families that have been torn apart as a result of the unconstitutional policy. The attorneys general argue that the “zero tolerance” policy, requiring immediate separation of children from their parents and criminal prosecution of all adults who enter the southwestern border without express authorization, including those seeking asylum, violates due process, equal protection, and federal law.

The lawsuit further contends that the Executive Order issued by President Trump last week does not actually end the illegal policy, admits the federal government does not have the resources to indefinitely detain all of these families together, and does not reunify families who have been separated.

While the family separation policy starts at the southwestern border, it is impacting states across the country – including Massachusetts. As a result of the policy, a Brazilian mother who is now in Hyannis after an asylum officer found she has a credible fear of persecution in Brazil, has been separated from her nine-year-old son for almost a month. The woman’s son is still being held in a shelter in Chicago. The complaint also points to two Guatemalan children now in Massachusetts who were separated from their mother in Texas. After being held in Michigan for five weeks, the children have been reunited with their father in Westboro, while their mother is still held in Texas.

            Announced in April, the “zero tolerance policy” directs immigration authorities to detain and prosecute every unauthorized person that crosses the southwestern border, take their children away from them, and place the children into federal custody. Pursuant to President Trump’s Executive Order, the Department of Justice has subsequently asked a federal court to detain children with their parents for indefinite periods of time at unlicensed facilities. The lawsuit asks the Court to prohibit the Trump Administration from placing children in such unlicensed facilities.

By carrying out this policy, the attorneys general claim, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are inflicting devastating and long-lasting trauma on thousands of innocent children.

            The complaint also alleges that the policy violates the Administrative Procedures Act in that it is arbitrary and capricious and violates various laws that require defendants and the states to consider the best interests and well-being of children arriving in the United States.

            According to the lawsuit, the Trump Administration’s rationale for adopting the family separation policy – deterring migration – is not actually effective and not a legitimate law enforcement tactic. Furthermore, as the complaint points out, the policy is intended to target immigrants based on their national origin and is consistent with the bias President Trump has shown toward immigrants from Latin America.
Last week, AG Healey joined a coalition of 21 attorneys general in sending a letterto United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen calling on them immediately end the “zero tolerance” policy of forcibly separating children from their families at the border.

Joining AG Healey in filing the lawsuit are the attorneys general of Washington, California, Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia.
This matter is being handled by Assistant Attorneys General Genevieve Nadeau, Chief of AG Healey’s Civil Rights Division, Abigail Taylor, Director of AG Healey’s Child and Youth Protection Unit, Angela Brooks, also of AG Healey’s Child and Youth Protection Unit, with assistance from Assistant Attorneys General Andrew Haile, of AG Healey’s Civil Rights Division, Jon Miller, Chief of AG Healey’s Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau, Paralegal Thayse Mendonca, of AG Healey’s Civil Rights Division, Paralegal Sneha Pandya, of AG Healey’s Consumer Protection Division, Investigator Ciara Tran, of AG Healey’s Civil Investigations Division, and Advocate Ellen Davis, of AG Healey’s Victim Witness Services Division.