
星期一, 8月 28, 2023

麻州交通廳長Fiandaca 9月將離任 奚莉政府內閣變動

麻州交通廳廳長Gina Fiandaca (右二) 24日時出席了波士頓市長吳弭
代理,坐上麻州地鐵董事席位的會議。 (檔案照片,周菊子攝)
             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 上任未滿一年,今 (28) 日傳出交通廳廳長Gina Fiandaca將於911日離任消息。她將是奚莉政府任內首名離任的內閣首長。

              交通廳廳長的工作包括監管麻州高速公路,以及麻州地鐵,汽車監理處 (RMV)等交通系統。Gina Fiandaca上任此職,迄今僅7個月。

              Gina Fiandaca上任前,在德州奧斯汀 (Austin)市擔任助理市經理,監管市府的移動 (mobility) 部門。在那之前,她是波士頓前任市長馬丁華殊 (Martin J. Walsh) 的交通局局長,以及波士頓市停車員辦公室主任。

              奚莉政府在指派Gina Fiandaca出任交通廳廳長時,同時指派了Monica Tibbits-Nutt,前麻州交通廳委員會暨麻州地鐵財務管理控制委員會委員,出任副廳長。奚莉政府在發出的聲明中稱,Monica Tibbits-Nutt將出任代理廳長。

              奚莉州長辦公室表示,Gina Fiandaca將在年底前留任為顧問。

              英文報章Boston GlobeGina Fiandaca任內有得有失,做得好的是Summer隧道封閉一事,州市政府溝通、合作良好,發生的交通延誤遠比預期為少。做得不夠好的地方是麻州地鐵持續有狀況,需要限速的軌道更多。影響更大的或許是麻州交通廳和Teneo 策略公司,這家由Gina Fiandaca的前連襟,曾任波士頓警察局局長的Bill Bratton所開的公司,在沒有發包競標的情況下,簽署了90萬元的顧問合約,來為Fiandaca和麻州地鐵擔任回應聯邦安全顧慮的顧問。

              Fiandaca在她發表的離任聲明中,敘述了自己的工作成就。她說,大家一起為麻州地鐵聘請了新領導,來執行營運工作,以及家庭移動法 (Family Mobility Act),翻修Summer 隧道的菇做,已完成了一半,幫助駕駛放下開,還爭取到20億元的聯邦經費。她說這些都是在奚莉政府領導下得到的成就。她相信接手代理的Monica Tibbits-Nutt能夠因應後續挑戰。

Statement from Governor Maura Healey: 

“Lieutenant Governor Driscoll and I are grateful for Gina’s leadership at the Department of Transportation. She came to our administration with over four decades of experience in transportation and a proven track record of getting things done. She hit the ground running and has delivered on many of our key transportation priorities. We are confident that the Department of Transportation will be in good hands and well-positioned to continue this important work with Monica Tibbits-Nutt as Acting Secretary, as she has a deep knowledge of our transportation system and a commitment to public engagement and equity. We thank Gina for all her work on behalf of the Healey-Driscoll Administration, for her willingness to be available to continue to assist us through the end of the year, and we wish her well in all of her future endeavors.” 

Statement from Secretary Fiandaca: 

"I will be stepping down as the Secretary of the Department of Transportation effective September 11th. I want to thank Governor Healey for the honor and privilege of leading MassDOT during this transformative time in transportation. I am grateful for the trust Governor Healey placed in me that led to significant progress in virtually every facet of transportation in the Commonwealth.  Together, we have hired new leadership at the MBTA, implemented the Work and Family Mobility Act, reached approximately the half-way point with the Sumner Tunnel Restoration Project and helped drivers ‘ditch the drive’, and led efforts to obtain more than 2 billion dollars in federal funding.  In all of these areas and many others, the Governor's leadership was the driving force of our success.  I know I am leaving the department in capable hands with Monica Tibbits-Nutt as Acting Secretary and with an Administration dedicated to addressing our transportation challenges by putting people first and a workforce ready to carry on this work. I wish the Healey-Driscoll Administration continued success." 

About Monica Tibbits-Nutt 

Monica G. Tibbits-Nutt, AICP, LEED AP BD+C was appointed Undersecretary of Transportation for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) by Governor Healey in January 2023. Monica also completed her tenure on the MassDOT Board of Directors and as the Vice-Chair of the Fiscal Management and Control Board (FMCB) that oversaw the MBTA from 2015-2021. 

As Undersecretary of MassDOT, Monica has direct oversight over the Rail & Transit Division, Aeronautics Division, and the Office of Transportation Planning. She is also in the process of standing up the first-ever Office of Transportation and Climate Planning and Policy as a shared service responsible for setting operational standards for both MassDOT and MBTA. 

Prior to accepting her current role, Monica served as the Executive Director of 128 Business Council, a unique transportation management association and regional service provider that builds privately-funded, cooperative public transportation routes throughout the Route 128 West Corridor. 

Monica’s areas of specialty are regional and transportation planning, urban design, and transit equity. In both her work and research, Monica is particularly interested in capitalizing upon every opportunity to better educate transportation stakeholders and the public about all aspects of the planning process. As part of this focus on education, she serves as the Vice President of the non-profit Youth Engagement Planning (YEP!), which brings urban planning and community advocacy into K-12 environments. 

Monica also commits a significant portion of her time to mentorship through her roles as a member of the Board of Advisors to The Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, and, less officially, by making herself available to the students and young professionals she has met through guest lecturing and her membership in the American Planning Association, the Transportation Research Board, and other professional associations. Monica serves on the Board of Directors of WTS International and the WTS Foundation, which seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable transportation industry and provides scholarships to female-identifying professionals and students, respectively; and on the Board of Trustees of TransitCenter, which works to support, inform, connect and fund civic and public leaders working to truly make transit better. 

She is an active member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design & Construction with the U.S. Green Building Council. Originally hailing from the rural Midwest, Monica is a first-generation college graduate
