
星期三, 8月 02, 2023

波士頓市議會議長 Ed Flynn呼籲宣佈「美沙酮英里」進入公安及衛生緊急狀態

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn出席大同全美滅罪安全夜活動。

(Boston Orange) 波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn)為波士頓市內近來警察執勤時被攻擊,「美沙酮英里」安全、衛生堪虞,今(2)日一連發表2份聲明,呼籲波士頓市宣佈「美沙酮英里」進入公共衛生及公共安全的緊急狀態,請市民尊重、愛護保護人民的警察。

"It is critical that Mass and Cass be declared both a public safety and public health emergency as it requires resources at the city, state, and federal levels. I continue to advocate for the urgent need to immediately arrest individuals breaking the law, committing acts of violence, and showing no regard for human dignity - including gun traffickers, those engaged in the exploitation of women, and individuals assaulting outreach workers or first responders with weapons. Additionally, I recommended a plan to operate a ferry service to the Long Island campus in 2017, and we desperately need to expedite the rebuilding of the Long Island Bridge and building facilities to provide substance use and recovery services. These public safety and public health issues are also continuing to impact neighborhoods like Andrew Square, Nubian Square, and Clifford Park on a daily basis, negatively affecting the quality of life for neighbors, and harming our small businesses and economy."


Boston police officers have experienced an increased level of physical and verbal assaults as they respond to emergency calls and patrol our neighborhoods. This violence against police and first responders is unacceptable, and needs to be condemned.

The men and women of the Boston Police are our partners in government and an integral part of our city. They are also our neighbors, family members, youth sports coaches, veterans advocates and community leaders. Our residents rely on the Boston Police Department for the critical role they play in ensuring public safety and quality of life, and our police officers work hard everyday to keep our city safe and thriving. Our dedicated officers often do so while working long hours and forced overtime, which also has a significant impact on their families.

Boston police officers deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and we must all work together towards the common goal of public safety for all."



