
星期六, 6月 05, 2021

吳弭參選波士頓市長 進華埠拜會籲請支持(圖片)

波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)(前右二)參選波士頓市長,進華埠拜會,和波士頓華商會會長蔡倩婷



左起: 陳家驊 、蔣宗壬、謝中之、 張海、羅四鴒等人,6月3日中午
             (Boston Orange) 32年前,半個甲子以前的事,還有多少人記得?多少人在乎?因為新冠疫情,波士頓地區每年都舉辦的六四悼念會,今年主要在網上舉行,現場不到10人,聊表永不忘記的心意。






              只是沒人想到,光陰消逝32年,當年同聚廣場,齊聲要求民主,一度匯聚在波士頓的這些青春少年,已散落世界各地,悄然跨入鬢毛衰的壯耄之年 ,卻依然還得悼念六四。


悼念: 天安門屠殺三十二週年     香港鎮壓抗爭兩週年

從一九八九天安門屠殺, 經過二零一九年六月九日香港反修例抗爭運動開始至今,中共政權血腥鎮壓民主運動,肆意踐踏人權從長安街伸展到香港。 週年在即,讓我們向這些抗爭運動的死傷者致哀,向受逼害、入獄的人士致意。讓中國大陸及香港的當權者確知:人民不會忘記這些歷史,人民不會饒恕這些罪行。請參加六月三日的悼念會。

日期:202163日 星期四



25人,遵守社交距離。 如閣下選擇在此歷史時刻,往波士頓天安門紀念碑悼念, 務必與其他人相隔最少六呎, 配戴口罩及其它麻省推介的防疫設備。 如在紀念碑獻花, 敬請悼念後自行清理場地, 感謝各位尊重唐人街鄰舍。



32nd Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre

2nd Anniversary of Anti-Extradition Movement of Hong Kong 

In Memory of the Democracy Movement of 1989 and Anti-Extradition Movement of Hong Kong of 2019, we will hold a Memorial and Candlelight Vigil for the fallen heroes on Thursday (3 June 2021). Widespread violation of human rights in Hong Kong. Pre-1997 promises made to the international community have been broken. We intend to send a simple message to those in power in Beijing and Hong Kong: People will not forget, and will not forgive the crimes their governments have committed.

Date:    3 June 2021, Thursday

Time:   Noon

Program:          -      Prelude

-          Moment of Silence 

-         Statements in the form of photos, videos and songs, pre-recorded or real-time by participants

Location:          Public commemorative events will be hosted on Facebook at the following link, using the Tiananmen Memorial Monument at Boston Chinatown Gateway Park for background:    https://www.facebook.com/aohkc/

Organized by: Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights Friends of Hong Kong and Macau

Please note that the emergency measures implemented in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for COVID-19 will not be terminated until Jun 15. Limit on outdoor gathering up to 25 participants, and social distancing, must be observed.  Those who have chosen to congregate on the Tiananmen Memorial Monument at 6 Hudson Street, Boston, at this historical moment would be advised to stay at least 6 feet away from one another, wear protective gears including but not limited to face masks as recommended by the Commonwealth, and to do their own cleanups should anyone choose to place flowers/wreaths at the Monument.  Your courtesy to the Chinatown neighborhood will be most appreciated.

Those who would like to participate in this virtual event but could not use the link at noon are welcome to join in & to share photos & comments afterwards. Your show of support & respect to the fallen can take many forms, including sharing photos & statements on the link above, including your own moment of respect recorded at the Monument. Despite differences of opinions, participants are expected to be respectful to those already fallen, and to those who care enough to be a part of this annual event. 

星期五, 6月 04, 2021

波士頓市長選舉第三波民調 Annissa Essaibi George衝上第一名

第一排最右為John Barros,第二排從右向左,吳弭(Michelle Wu),
Jon Santiago,Annissa Essaibi George,Kim Janey,
第三排,Andrea Campbell。(視頻截圖)
             (Boston Orange周菊子綜合編譯)波士頓市今年的市長選舉,選情轉趨詭譎,最新的民意調查竟然是Annissa Essaibi George21.7%領先,其次為之前一路領先的吳弭(Michelle Wu) 18.1% Kim Janey 15.5%

             其餘三名候選人的民調支持率,遠落在後,依序為Andrea Campbell 6.4%,以及Jon Santiago4.9%John Barros 4.6%。心意未決者高達近30%


             最近的這次民意調查,是2家政治顧問公司,Poll Progressive Emancipated Group,在525日至30日之間,向500人發出問卷做成的。

             有政治分析家指稱,過去這一、二個月以來,坊間辦過共3次民意調查,從420日迄今,至少已有45場候選人論壇,安排的問題,多半都很激進。舉辦這次調查的顧問公司Poll ProgressiveEmancipated Group,也在調查時問了選民幾個今年選舉比較熱門的問題,包括是否贊成刪減警察預算,支不支持讓16歲以下青少年搭乘MBTA免費或減價,學校應不應該安排警察駐守,學校和警察局內一直備受爭議的幫派檔案,是否應該廢除,投票年齡應否降低等等。

             在這次的民意調查中,Annissa Essaibi George贏得最多白人選民支持,約27%;吳弭其次,23%Kim Janey獲得最多黑人選民支持,約34%

             年紀在1844歲之間的選民,支持Annissa Essaibi George和吳弭的人最多,依序支持率為23%22%。在4564歲之間的選民中,29%支持Annissa Essaibi George,但僅有12%支持吳弭。65歲以上的選民,支持Kim Janey的最多,22%,其次為吳弭15%Annissa Essaibi George11%

             在接受調查的選民中,約49%支持刪減警察局預算,把經費轉用於防止暴力項目。在MBTA車票上,36%支持車票降價(Essaibi-George, Santiago, and Barros)20%支持完全免費(吳弭、Kim Janey)Andrea Campbell倡議只有的MBTA巴士免費,指得到7%支持。

             當過13年高中教師的Annissa Essaibi George,贊成學校有警察駐守,不贊成以郵遞區號作為考試學校錄取依據,認為學校委員會委員應由指派產生。在競選路上,她似乎贏得了中庸派選民支持,3月時有麻州護士協會,最近有前任波士頓警察局局長葛羅斯(William Gross),以及波士頓消防員工會都背書支持她。

             Annissa Essaibi George還誓言,一旦當選,將在波士頓市府內成立一個新部門,經濟正義及工人權益(Economic Justice & Workers’ Right)”,還會探討直接發現金給市內最弱勢居民的可行性。


             吳弭一早就得到聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren背書支持,支持者為她舉辦籌款會,也陸續有聯邦眾議員孟昭文,劉雲平等人為她站台,5月份還有聯邦參議員Tammy Duckworth也來支持她。Teamster本地25號工會,

             Andrea Campbell的支持者包括劍橋市市長Sumbul Siddiqui,前麻州州長Deval Patrick的妻子Dianne,成員包括Netflix執行長Reed Hastings,特許學校支持者,預定籌款200萬元的超級團(SuperPac)更好的波士頓(Better Boston)”,她呼籲波士頓公校系統用聯邦政府的補助經費,每名學生發給3000元。

             Jon Santiago早在3月初就有麻州眾議會財政委員會主席麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)表態支持,之後獲得轄區在Allston-Brighton的兩名麻州眾議員支持,525日再獲得麻州眾議會議長Ron Mariano的背書支持。

              John Barros427日宣稱一旦當選市長,將試行基本收入計畫。

              由一群社區組織合作舉辦的波士頓市長候選人論壇系列,將於610日晚6點到7點半舉辦第六場,也是最後一場,將由「城市投票權(Right to the City VOTE)」主持,主題為住宅與土地。報名可上網https://bostonmayoralforums.org/

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $109 Million in Direct Federal Aid for Four Communities

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $109 Million in Direct Federal Aid for Four Communities


BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration announced a total of $109 million in discretionary funding from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will be distributed today to Chelsea, Everett, Methuen and Randolph. These four communities were amongst the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, but due to shortcomings in the federal ARPA funding formula, were set to receive disproportionately smaller amounts of federal funding compared to other hard-hit communities.


“Our Administration committed additional funds to Chelsea, Everett, Methuen and Randolph to ensure all of the Commonwealth’s communities received the funding they deserved from the federal relief package,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These four communities were disproportionately impacted by the virus, and this additional funding will support critical local COVID response and recovery efforts.”


“As the Commonwealth’s economy reopens, this funding will allow the four communities to make investments to recover from the pandemic,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our Administration was pleased to work directly with local officials in these communities to deliver this funding.”


The following amounts will be distributed to the communities today:

  • Chelsea $28.5 million
  • Everett $33.3 million
  • Methuen $26.3 million
  • Randolph $21 million


ARPA allocated direct aid to some municipalities based on the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program formula, while assistance to other communities was allocated on a per-capita basis. The use of these two different allocation formulas created disparities in distributions among cities and towns, and Chelsea, Everett, Methuen and Randolph are the four designated hardest hit communities with disproportionately smaller levels of federal funding compared to other hardest hit communities. The Administration worked closely with key state and local stakeholders to determine the extent of the necessary additional resources given federal funding levels and local needs.


These four municipalities will be able to use this funding to support costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including direct response efforts, addressing negative economic impacts, replacing revenue lost during the pandemic, making investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure, as well as other eligible expenditures.

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $1 Million in Community Compact Grants

 Baker-Polito Administration Awards $1 Million in Community Compact Grants

48 municipalities and 4 school districts to receive funds for efficiency and regionalization


BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a total of $1 million in grants covering 48 communities and 4 school districts through the Community Compact Cabinet (CCC) Efficiency and Regionalization (E&R) grant program. Including today’s announcement, the Administration has awarded over $5.5 million in E&R grants to support over 300 municipalities and school districts across Massachusetts.


Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan made the announcement today during a virtual award ceremony attended by recipients, local and state officials, and community leaders.


“Under the leadership of Lt. Governor Polito, the Community Compact Cabinet continues to empower local cities, towns, and school districts and ensures they are able to provide high-quality, efficient, and reliable services to Massachusetts residents,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “By leveraging the collective capacity of local communities, this grant program helps maximize local funding and achieve important efficiencies.”


“We are proud to work closely with our local partners and support their efforts to improve the delivery of local services which are important to the people of Massachusetts,” said Lt. Governor Polito, Chair of the Community Compact Cabinet. “The efficiency and regionalization program provides important resources for local communities and school districts and we look forward to seeing the benefits of these grants.”


The Efficiency and Regionalization Grant Program was started in Fiscal Year 2017 by the Administration to assist municipalities and school districts interested in providing services to their constituents in a more efficient and cost-effective way. The grants provide funds for one-time or transition costs for municipalities, regional planning agencies, and councils of government interested in such projects.


“The Baker-Polito Administration is pleased to announce this latest round of grant funding and continue assisting local cities and towns in implementing creative and financially responsible reforms,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Heffernan. “We continue to collaborate with our state and local partners and focus on increasing long-term sustainability through common-sense regionalization and efficiency initiatives.”


The award recipients are as follows:


  • $178,000 for shared DPW equipment for Berlin and Clinton
  • $160,000 for a regional Net Zero Plan for Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop
  • $133,275 for shared police services for Leverett and Wendell
  • $100,000 for regional IT services for Danvers, Essex, Hamilton, Manchester-By-The-Sea, Middleton, Topsfield, and Wenham
  • $78,725 for regional climate resiliency efforts for the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District which serves numerous municipalities (Acushnet, Attleboro, Berkley, Carver, Dartmouth, Dighton, Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown, Lakeville, Mansfield, Marion, Mattapoisett, Middleborough, New Bedford, North Attleborough, Norton, Plainville, Raynham, Rehoboth, Rochester, Seekonk, Somerset, Swansea, Taunton, and Wareham)
  • $75,000 for regional human resources services for Great Barrington, Monterey, New Marlborough, Sheffield, and West Stockbridge
  • $75,000 for regional planning services for Mendon, Millville, and Uxbridge
  • $100,000 to explore forming a regional school district for Boxford, Middleton, and Topsfield
  • $98,200 for regional full-day Pre-K for Manchester-Essex RSD


Formed in January 2015, the Community Compact Cabinet is chaired by Lt. Governor Polito and is composed of the Secretaries of Housing and Economic Development, Education, Transportation, Energy and Environmental Affairs, and Technology Services and Security, along with the Senior Deputy Commissioner of Local Services and the Assistant Secretary of Operational Services.


The Community Compact Cabinet elevates the Administration’s partnerships with cities and towns and allows the Governor’s Office to work more closely with leaders from all municipalities. The Cabinet champions municipal interests across all executive secretariats and agencies, and develops, in consultation with cities and towns, mutual standards and best practices for both the state and municipalities. The creation of Community Compacts creates clear standards, expectations, and accountability for both partners.

麻州府撥款1900萬元 鼓勵民眾出門用餐購物

 Massachusetts Launches the “Let’s Go Out” Campaign to Support Local Restaurants and Encourage In-Person Dining


Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Secretary Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Boston Mayor Kim Janey to highlight the “Let’s Go Out” marketing campaign, an effort to raise public awareness of the importance of supporting local restaurants throughout the Commonwealth.

On May 27th, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the launch of the “Let’s Go Out” campaign, an effort to raise public awareness of the importance of supporting local restaurants across the Commonwealth. The campaign is being led by the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) in conjunction with the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development and industry partners. The launch of the $1.9 million campaign is timed to coincide with the lifting of public health restrictions in Massachusetts and is scheduled to run throughout the summer, through September.
The mission of the campaign is to amplify the importance of restaurants as an integral part of daily life and a key driver of economic activity for the Commonwealth’s downtowns and main streets. “Let’s Go Out” is an extension of the Administration’s “My Local MA” campaign that has been encouraging residents to shop, dine and stay local since last August.
“Our administration recognizes that the challenges created by the pandemic have made the last year tremendously difficult for the entire small business community, and especially for the restaurant industry,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We have been proud to provide more than $688 million in grants to help restaurants and other hard-hit small businesses navigate these challenges, and look forward to building on that support through the 'Let’s Go Out' campaign to ensure a strong recovery for restaurants across the Commonwealth.”
“Throughout the pandemic, restaurants have demonstrated their resilience and creativity to adapt their operations in response to the public health crisis, from increasing delivery and takeout options to embracing outdoor dining,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “As our nation-leading vaccination program allows us to reopen our economy, we are glad to launch this campaign to stimulate recovery throughout Massachusetts by encouraging residents to return to their favorite restaurants and the communities they call home.”
Campaign ads will capture the meaningful moments that play out in restaurants, such as celebrating special occasions, reconnecting with friends, spending time with loved ones, or meeting someone new. Following the economic impact of COVID-19 on restaurants and the transition of many customers to delivery and takeout alone, this summer presents an opportunity for consumers to get out and reengage with friends and family, around the food they love in an atmosphere that invites emotional connections.
“Throughout the pandemic, we’ve been pleased to launch a number of key initiatives among which include the largest-in-the-nation small business relief grant program, which directed about $224 million to the restaurant industry alone, funding to support modifications to public spaces to accommodate more and safer outdoor dining, and the successful ‘My Local MA’ campaign to encourage people to shop, dine, and visit locally,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “With the ‘Let’s Go Out’ campaign, we’re doubling down on our call to the public to buy local by reconnecting with friends and family around the tables of their favorite restaurant, the new tavern down the street, and the café with the live music.” 
“As our restaurants reopen to capacity, it’s an exciting time for them to welcome back customers,” said MOTT Executive Director Keiko Matsudo Orrall. “The aim of the ‘Let’s Go Out’ campaign is to showcase the amazing diversity of restaurants we have across the state and encourage a return to in-person dining to support these businesses that are so critical to our economy. While there may be some changes at the restaurants, like new floor plans or contactless payment systems, the unparalleled experience of in-restaurant dining is essential to connection and community.”
The campaign, which will run through September 2021, will feature statewide coverage including display ads, digital billboards, posters, and radio spots, as well as billboards at Fenway Park. Additional billboards and display ads will be featured on highways and at Logan Airport, in partnership with MassDOT and Massport. A TV spot will also air on broadcast TV, including on NESN during Red Sox games in late summer. The campaign’s landing page, VisitMA.com/LetsGoOut, features campaign information and a growing restaurant directory.

 “As the Senate Chair of Tourism, Arts & Cultural Development, and a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission, I heard first-hand from industry leaders about the challenges facing restaurants before the pandemic hit – and there were many,” said Senator Ed Kennedy, a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission. “Restaurants are the places where we meet up with friends, hold business meetings, and celebrate special occasions. They are an important part of the Commonwealth’s economic vitality and the center of our social lives. The restaurant sector was devastated during the pandemic and those businesses that have survived now need all our support to remain viable. As we lift restrictions and begin to go out again, please remember to eat local and shop local.”

"If my family were still in the restaurant business and had to contend with something like COVID-19, I don’t know how we would have survived,” said Senator Julian Cyr, a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission. “After a painful test of their creativity, hard work, and crisis response, the restaurant workers who make their lives on the Cape and Islands are ready to welcome residents from across the Commonwealth and beyond. I’m optimistic that we will take action soon to see restaurant promotion kick into high gear — just in time for our busy season to begin in full."

“Restaurants play an essential role in the local, regional and statewide economy,” said Representative Paul McMurtry, a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission. “Not only in employing thousands of people, they are the center of community, socialization, and quality of life. Increased customer patronage and the continued support of the Legislature will strengthen the industry and assure a brighter future as we emerge from the pandemic.”
The “Let’s Go Out” campaign was developed in close collaboration with key industry stakeholders that offered their expertise and support, including the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, Mass Restaurants United, and members of the Restaurant Promotion Commission.
"Over the last year, restaurant owners and their staffs have shown great resilience and creativity as they invented new ways to engage with customers while dealing with important but difficult safety restrictions. The fact is, however, that in-person dining is critical to the health of the restaurant industry. With the ‘Let's Go Out’ campaign, Massachusetts is making it clear that they support restaurants, and are taking the issue seriously. The Massachusetts Restaurant Association is proud to be a part of this statewide effort," said Massachusetts Restaurant Association President and CEO Bob Luz.
For information, go to VisitMA.com/LetsGoOut.
The “Let’s Go Out” campaign will supplement My Local MA, the state’s marketing initiative to encourage residents of the Commonwealth to support their local economies by shopping at Massachusetts businesses and attractions. Launched in August 2020, the campaign was developed in response to the economic impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on small businesses and communities. The marketing outreach includes print, broadcast, billboard and digital ads, along with social media. The website LoveMyLocalMA.com features resources for businesses and consumers on how to get involved.
Last October, the Baker-Polito Administration released Partnerships for Recovery, the Commonwealth’s plan to help stabilize and grow the Massachusetts economy. The plan focuses on getting people back to work, supporting small businesses, fostering innovation, revitalizing downtowns, and ensuring housing stability. Through Partnerships for Recovery, the Administration awarded more than $688 million to support small businesses, with one-third of the total program funding benefiting the restaurant and bar industry, and has opened new grant programs to revitalize downtowns, support cultural institutions, enhance tourist destinations, and fund regional economic development projects.

星期四, 6月 03, 2021

耆英遇襲、餐館遭搶 華埠治安亮紅燈? 華埠居民會要求州市馳援

               (Boston Orange)波士頓華埠居民會62日晚在月例會中提醒亞裔耆英,出門小心,將聯絡社區組織,攜手要求州市政府提供援助,考慮安排交通工具,接送出門採購或辦事的亞裔耆英。


               波士頓華埠居民62日晚的月例會仍然在網上舉行,包括波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali,幕僚長張家燁,波士頓市人權辦公室代表等,共有50多人參加。

Annie 述說祖母在回家路上遇襲,要求州市政府設法保護人民安全。

經華人前進會邀請,Annie Chi當晚到會說明,她祖母住在南端/後灣區,523日傍晚六、七點出門,到附近的Walgreen購物,回程路上突然被人襲擊,並伸手搶她的錢包,由於錢包中有她祖父的醫療證件,她祖母擔心失去證件,影響巨大,因而緊拽錢包,不肯放手,襲擊者於是不斷毆打她祖母,都把她祖母打倒在地了,還繼續拳打腳踢,終於搶走了錢包,還好此時有路人經過,撥打了911電話,叫來救護車,把她祖母送進醫院。當晚十點多,他們接到醫院通知,才知道發生了這種事,全家人都為此深感不安與憤怒。她祖母來美已三十多年,還是第一次遇到這種情況,驚嚇不已的不明白為什麼會發生這種事。

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn(下),華埠居民會共同主席黃國威(右上),
華埠圖書館之友代表Heang Rubin(左上)報告永久館址預定在R1地段。
Annie Chi表示,雖然他們沒有證據能顯示這宗案件和仇恨亞裔有關,但鑒於最近在美國各地發生的一連串類似的亞裔耆英無故遇襲事件,他們家決定把此事經過上傳社交媒體,希望提醒亞裔民眾注意安全。

Annie Chi表示,他們和華人前進會合作,希望藉此事件,呼籲社區攜手向州市政府提出三點援助要求,一為製作並分發傳單,教導耆英如何保護自身安全;二為要求政府提供交通工具,接送耆英出門,到超市採購或就醫等;三為在街道,耆英住宅大樓安裝更多監視攝影機鏡頭,以期捕捉住事件發生經過,盡快抓捕犯案者。


華人前進會名譽主席李素影表示,Annie Chi祖母的遭遇,提醒人要告訴亞裔耆英們,出門別帶太多現金,重要文件也別放在錢包內,一旦遇到有人行搶,自己的人身安全最重要,別和搶匪爭奪,平日出門最好選在白天,並且約伴同型。

波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali出席說明,該辦公室願意竭力協助華埠民眾。
波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali當晚特地出席,為Annie Chi祖母的遭遇表示抱歉之後,強調該辦公室竭力協助居民因應各種狀況。他的辦公室裏有好幾名亞裔員工,如遭遇狀況,但不願意向警察局報案,可以和她們聯絡,該辦公室也願意協助籌辦同伴計畫,期以保護耆英們的安全。

               波士頓市移民進步辦公室幕僚長張家燁表示,她能說廣東話,上海話,以及一點點國語,有需要的民眾,可以和她連絡。她認為Annie Chi提出的舉辦旁觀者或受害者工作坊,幫助民眾在遭遇狀況時做適當反映,是很好的意見。她也把她自己的電話,電郵,在網路會議的聊天室中,留給了出席民眾。


             波士頓市人權辦公室代表當晚也出席了會議。他透露,市府內的亞裔員工最近和波士頓市代市長Kim Janey開了一個多小時的會,討論了如何為亞裔提供援助資源。



               華埠圖書館之友代表Heang Rubin到會說明,和波士頓市府協商結果,華埠圖書館的永久館址,目前看來會在R1地段,待有進一步消息時,會再和華埠商量。


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