
星期五, 9月 13, 2019

羅德島州龍舟賽暨台灣日慶20週年 波士頓台灣龍舟隊首次參賽奪亞軍


(Boston Orange)羅德島州龍舟賽暨台灣日97日慶祝20週年,盛況空前,不僅新添 6艘新龍舟,共31隊參賽,照例有中華民俗藝術工作坊表演,還有調升至5000元的冠軍獎,華航、長榮加碼贊助,各提供兩張的美國、台北來回機票等令人興奮期待的獎勵。
這由駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局,羅德島華人協會合作,在羅德島州普塔吉市(Pawtucket)普塔吉河畔(Pawtucket River)舉辦的羅德島州龍舟賽,今年除了波士頓台灣龍舟隊(BTBC)是首度組隊參加之外,還再次出現羅州政府隊,由羅德島州副州長麥基親自率領,隊員包括州務卿、參議員、市長等人,為比賽增加不少名人效應,許多看點,笑點。
當天一早,羅德島州政要包括副州長麥基 (Daniel Mckee)、州務卿郭比亞(Nellie Gorbea)、羅州州參議員穆蕾 (Melissa Murray)、普塔吉市長蓋比思(Donald Grebien)、克蘭斯敦市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)、中央瀑布市市長狄歐沙(James Diossa)、前任羅州檢察長柯馬丁(Peter Kilmartin),以及羅州藝術節主席Anthony Ambrosino,紐約台灣商會江明信會長等贊助單位及廠商都趕到會場,出席新龍舟點睛儀式,以及龍舟賽開幕式。
                    羅德島華人協會主席葉超,會長吳子平和羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局主任畢靈頓(Bob Billington)這三位"羅德島龍舟賽暨台灣日"的創始人眼見這活動跨過20週年的門檻,十分欣慰的表示,這是"眾志成城"的結果,既宣揚多元文化,促進地方繁榮,也推廣了國際交流,意義深遠。



(Boston Orange)中華表演藝術基金會將於928(週六)8點,假紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),為紐約時報譽為技巧輝煌洞察敏銳潛力無限的鋼琴家徐洪舉辦鋼琴獨奏會
目前武漢音樂學院擔任鋼琴系主任,同時也是武漢 BIG HOUSE當代藝術館音樂總監徐洪自幼酷愛音樂12以專業總分第一名考入武漢音樂學院附中,接著進美國伊斯曼音樂學院,茱莉亞音樂學院就讀,師從著名鋼琴大師羅文泰爾攻讀鋼琴碩士2008年榮獲朱麗亞音樂學院鋼琴最高獎亞瑟魯賓斯坦大獎,並考取難度極高的朱麗亞音樂學院藝術家文憑。
徐洪曾在多項重大國際鋼琴比賽中獲得大獎,包括2006加拿大赫尼茲(Honens)2001年美國吉娜巴考兒(Gina Bachauer)2004年希爾頓海德(Hilton Head)等。英國泰晤士報稱他為值得強烈推薦的鋼琴家BBC音樂雜誌和國際鋼琴雜誌(IPQ)等媒體稱他是一顆正在冉冉升起的明日之星
徐洪曾與多世界一流指揮大師合作演出如阿什肯那齊Vladimir Ashkenazy),普列特涅夫(Mikhail Pletnev),塞金(Yannick Nezet-Seguin),馬克艾爾德爵士Sir Mark Elder等。最近幾年還有倫敦愛樂,曼切斯特哈雷交響樂團,中國國家大劇院管弦樂團邀請他到多個亞洲國家,以及英國巡迴演出。
徐洪還和世界上的許多著名音樂團體,包括英國 BBC管弦樂團,俄羅斯國響樂團,葡萄牙國響樂團,猶他交響樂團,美國羅切斯特愛樂樂團,加拿大卡爾加里愛樂樂團,馬其頓國家愛樂樂團,香港管弦樂團合作過,演奏足跡遍及世界各大音樂廳,包括如倫敦皇家節日大廳,巴比肯中心,威格摩廳,葡萄牙聖卡洛國家大劇院,馬德里卡那爾大劇院,美國肯尼迪中心,卡內基音樂廳,蒙特利爾藝術中心,首爾國家藝術中心,中國國家大劇院,人民大會堂,香港文化中心,台北兩廳院等等。
2010,徐洪回到母校武漢音樂學院工作,迄今的教學成績備受肯定,已有學生在連續兩屆的 CCTV 鋼琴大賽、以及美國伊斯曼國際鋼琴比賽、美國希爾頓海德國際鋼琴比賽等重大比賽中獲獎。
徐洪不但曾在美國奧柏林音樂學院,舊金山音樂學院,紐約大學,波士頓大學,休斯敦大學,倫敦聖三一音樂學院等舉辦鋼琴大師班天時,也應意大利阿爾瑪菲(Amalfi Coast)國際鋼琴音樂節,佩魯賈音樂節,北京國際音樂節(BIMFA)和美國加州北岸國際音樂節等地邀請,前往執教
MOZART: Sonata No. 7 in C Major, K. 309                       
MOZART: Sonata No. 12 in F Major, K. 332         
LISZT: from Années de Pélerinage I: Suisse                                
    Les Cloches de Genève: Nocturne                      
LISZT: from Harmonies poétiques et religieuses                                   
            Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude S173.3   
SCRIABIN: Sonata No. 3 in F-sharp minor, Op. 23  


星期四, 9月 12, 2019

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Announces $1 Million in Grants to Local Nonprofits Working to Enrich Early Childhood Development

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Announces $1 Million in Grants to Local Nonprofits Working to Enrich Early Childhood Development

Investment includes a $500,000 grant to The Boston Basics and $500,000 in grants to programs strengthening options for children and families across Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island

BOSTON, September 10, 2019 - Eastern Bank, America’s oldest and largest mutual bank, today announced it is granting $1 million to local nonprofits focused on enriching early childhood development. Since its founding 25 years ago, the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation has dedicated a portion of its charitable giving to community-based organizations working for progress on issues of importance across Eastern’s New England footprint. Persistent gaps in the quality of and access to early childhood development programs, as well as in parent engagement, are known to cause disparities in opportunities to succeed throughout life. Without engaging, safe, and stable environments during the first three years of life, children are likely to enter school already behind. Students who cannot read at grade level by third grade are four times more likely to drop out of school before high school graduation. And lacking a high school diploma significantly impacts future employment and earnings opportunities.

Eastern is 
awarding grants to organizations focused on strengthening socioemotional and cognitive skills development among children in the communities it serves. Grants are intended to ensure children and their families have more equitable access to the resources needed early in life for healthy development, while funding a sector that receives a staggeringly small proportion of all philanthropy.

“Providing every child with an equal opportunity for a bright future is a basic right,” said Bob Rivers, Chair and CEO of Eastern Bank. “By supporting organizations that assist parents and caregivers and prepare children to be ready to learn and succeed, we are helping to create the foundation children need to thrive. On behalf of everyone at Eastern, we congratulate the grant recipients and thank them for their dedication to the children in our communities.”

As part of its $1 million commitment, Eastern is providing a $500,000 grant to The Boston Basics, which aims to give children from every background a better start in life. The Basics, which began in Boston and is now in more than 30 cities, created a framework of five evidence-based parenting and caregiving principles that help all children grow by maximizing love and managing stress; talking, singing, and pointing; counting and comparing; exploring through movement and play; and reading and discussing stories. Basics staff enlist and equip organizations that parents already know and trust, to build the principles into the work those organizations do with parents. Eastern’s grant will provide The Basics with financial support to expand its reach in communities across Greater Boston.

“Every dollar invested in early childhood can yield up to a $12 return, so Eastern’s commitment will make a significant impact through each of the organizations receiving a grant,” said Nancy Huntington Stager, President & CEO of the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation. “This donation also gives us an opportunity to recognize the great work of Wendell Knox, former Lead Director at Eastern Bank, who has made significant contributions at Eastern, at The Basics, and throughout our community for many years.” 

Additionally, the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation is awarding $10,000 Grants for Good to 50 organizations leading early childhood development programs across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. These grants are focused on providing support in four critical areas: achieving early learning quality standards, strengthening parent engagement, supporting professional development for educators, and upgrading early learning facilities and supplies.

星期三, 9月 11, 2019

波士頓市華埠聯絡員換人 Lisa Hy 接替徐丹晨

(Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓市長馬丁華殊( Martin J. Walsh)今日(911)宣佈,指派Lisa Hy出任華埠,城中區,皮革區的社區聯絡員,為市長辦公室和市民搭橋樑,並與市府各部門合作,為市民服務。
波士頓市辦公室在宣佈這一任命的新聞稿中表示,波士頓市長馬丁華殊認為Lisa Hy有非牟利機構與社區組織工作經驗,是此一職位的最佳人選。
根據該新聞稿,Lisa Hy去年從薩福克(Suffolk)大學畢業,曾任波士頓市議員林乃肯(Bill Linehan)助理,負責參加社區會議,為選民及企業商家服務。出任這新職前,在塔芙茨醫療中心社區健康改善部門工作。
Lisa Hy在南波士頓出生,成長,能說流利的廣東話,中級程度的普通話,住在東波士頓,常在藍丘(Blue Hill)徒步,喜歡出外旅行。
                           過去這20多年來,波士頓市的華埠聯絡員,從雷夫連市長時期的李健遠,萬寧路及馬丁華殊時期的翁耀漢(Denny Ching),在翁耀漢轉任費雪學院(馬丁華殊( Martin J. Walsh)今日(9月11日)宣佈,指派Lisa Hy出任華埠,城中區,皮革區的社區聯絡員,為市長辦公室和市民搭橋樑,並與市府各部門合作,為市民服務。

                            波士頓市辦公室在宣佈這一任命的新聞稿中表示,波士頓市長馬丁華殊認為Lisa Hy有非牟利機構與社區組織工作經驗,是此一職位的最佳人選。

                             根據該新聞稿,Lisa Hy去年從薩福克(Suffolk)大學畢業,曾任波士頓市議員林乃肯(Bill Linehan)助理,負責參加社區會議,為選民及企業商家服務。出任這新職前,在塔芙茨醫療中心社區健康改善部門工作。

                             Lisa Hy在南波士頓出生,成長,能說流利的廣東話,中級程度的普通話,住在東波士頓,常在藍丘(Blue Hill)徒步,喜歡出外旅行。


                           過去這20多年來,波士頓市的華埠聯絡員,從雷夫連市長時期的李健遠,萬寧路及馬丁華殊時期的翁耀漢(Denny Ching),在翁耀漢轉任費雪學院(Fisher College)校長特別助理後,2018年5月14日,由在中國大陸長大,高中畢業後來美唸大學的徐丹晨接任。現在2019年9月11日,波士頓市長馬丁華殊宣佈華埠聯絡員換人。 波士頓市府並未說明原任該職的聯絡員徐丹晨去向。


BOSTON - Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Lisa Hy as the neighborhood liaison for Chinatown, Downtown and the Leather District. In this role, Lisa will serve as the primary contact for constituents and businesses looking to connect with the Mayor's Office, and will facilitate the delivery of services in collaboration with City departments.

“Lisa is a proud product of the City of Boston and her experience working with nonprofits and community organizations makes her the perfect person for this position,” said Mayor Walsh. “Her love of community will fit well with the activism of the Downtown, Chinatown, and Leather District neighborhoods, and I’m excited to welcome her into this role.” 

The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) encourages, facilitates and maximizes citizen input and participation through service requests, neighborhood meetings, mailings, and emergency responses. To report non-emergency issues to the City, residents are encouraged to connect with BOS:311 by dialing 3-1-1 or by downloading the free BOS:311 app on iOS or Android platforms. 

“I am very excited and honored to be appointed to this position,” said Lisa Hy. “Since Mayor Walsh took office in 2014, I’ve seen firsthand the Administration’s commitment to work with the Downtown, Chinatown, and Leather District neighborhoods on a variety of important issues, especially constituent issues.” (updated version)

Lisa, who is fluent in Cantonese and intermediate in Mandarin, was born and raised in South Boston. She received a bachelor's degree from Suffolk University last year. Prior to this appointment, Lisa worked at Tufts Medical Center in the Community Health Improvement Department. Lisa previously worked for former Councilor Bill Linehan where she was tasked with attending community meetings and providing assistance to constituents and business owners. 

A current resident of East Boston, Lisa can be found hiking in the Blue Hills or planning her next foreign trip. 

星期六, 9月 07, 2019

The Greenway Conservancy Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary with Greenway Week

The Greenway Conservancy Celebrates 
10-Year Anniversary with Greenway Week
Join us this October 4-10 for a week of celebration and reflection! 

September 5, 2019 - Boston, MA - The Greenway Conservancy today announced a spotlight of our year-long celebration of the 10-Year Anniversary of The Greenway. Greenway Week, a week of highlighted events and activities, will take place from Friday, October 4 to Thursday, October 10 on The Greenway! 

After 10 years of care and management, the Conservancy has transformed The Greenway into a neighborhood amenity, an economic driver for the city and state, and a world-class destination. During Greenway Week, the Conservancy will highlight the incredible partners and supporters, the many volunteers, and the extensive programming and public art of The Greenway. Throughout the week, the Conservancy will reflect on innovations in public art, contemporary and accessible programming, local food and drink, and the commitment to being a dynamic public space, free and open to all. 

A centerpiece of the week will be three free dance performances at the Rings Fountain. The Conservancy has commissioned celebrated choreographer Peter DiMuro and his company Public Displays of Motion to create a site-specific dance work, free and open to the public. Waterway/Lightway/Greenway will be performed by DiMuro's ensemble with additional guest community dancers in and around the Rings Fountain on Saturday, October 5 at 1p and 3p and Thursday, October 10 at 6:15p. The piece is inspired by the history of The Greenway and will include a procession through the green space and dance in and around the Rings Fountain. "We are thrilled with the opportunity to harken back at what was over and underground on this land we now call The Greenway and honor that history, but also the joy of the present moment and future moments, through play so apparent when the Rings Fountain dances its recurring water and light display." said Peter DiMuro.

Additional highlights of Greenway Week include the lighting of neighboring buildings green, the Conservancy’s largest hosted food truck festival on Saturday, October 5, and a day of free rides at the Greenway Carousel at The Tiffany & Co. Foundation Grove on Thursday, October 10! Further details and events will be released over the next month.

Throughout 2019, the Conservancy has celebrated the 10-Year Anniversary with signature improvements and bold new features. Earlier this year, the Conservancy received the Boston Society of Architects Commonwealth Award, recognized for “outstanding work on the dynamic transformation and activation of a portion of downtown Boston that was once lost to the Central Artery.” This spring, visitors could  unwind among 10,000 new bulbs blooming in the Carolyn Lynch Garden, and to explore the park’s new beehives and wildflower meadow. The summer kicked off with the signature Rings Fountain receiving an incredible upgrade with the addition of colored lights, synchronized to the fountain water shows. The 2019 Public Art exhibit, The Auto Show (including The Greenway’s first augmented reality installation), pinstriping demo, and car themed summer film series carried the transportation theme throughout the season. Along with these exciting additions to The Greenway, the Conservancy was thrilled this season to bring back a full and fun events calendar including fitness classes, major festivals, family play, live music, movies, markets, and more. Park Rangers, volunteers, and new branding welcomed visitors to The Greenway as a place to gather, unwind, play, and explore. 

Stay tuned across Conservancy social media channels and join the weekly newsletter to learn more!